• Published 15th Mar 2016
  • 5,595 Views, 261 Comments

As a Family - Dashzilla93

Scootaloo is no longer an orphan and is peacefully back in the caring watch of her mother, Fluttershy. However, Scootaloo ultimately asks her a complicated question: who's her father?

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Chapter 14.5: The Aftermath

"It's… It's over?" Scootaloo slowly registered, never taking her eyes of Marabunda. If she even moved, or simply blinked, her anxiety and fear would alarm her that he'd get up and attack, again. But with a confirmed nod from Fluttershy, that was immediately destroyed and Scootaloo grinned once it clicked. She hugged her mother happily as tears of relief rolled down her cheeks.

"It's finally over!"

Scootaloo announced as everyone around them took a rewarding sigh of relief and could finally relax after that whole nightmarish ordeal.

A massive weight lifted off her shoulders when she heard that. Twilight couldn't handle any more fighting after using up a lot of her magic energy. A cataclysmic thunderstorm she had no recollection of casting, yet she was told she did; guess they don't call it 'blind rage' for nothing. Then again, she remembered what Ember told her -- and after that, she was drawing blanks. She sat down and relaxed, "That was the most difficult beast we've ever faced; sure gives that bugbear we faced a run for its bits." She looked to Fluttershy, recalling the creature they fought off almost all afternoon on the wedding day of Cranky and Matilda.

Fluttershy would vouch for that. Nodding in agreement, she hugged her daughter close to her chest as she remembered the creatures they've faced before. The Hydra. Cockatrice. Even the manticore before when they first started their journey was way more docile in comparison. "I agree." She looked at the dead manticore lying on the bridge and lowered her ears a bit, not even smiling over their victory. It didn't feel right. Even though he chose to go rogue for unknown reasons, she felt bad for him. Why did he choose to live like that if it brought him nothing but so much pain? Even in death, Marabunda was still mysterious. Letting go of her daughter for a moment, she breathed slowly and quietly so she wouldn't make herself feel nervous as she walked to the beast's body with Harry watching her carefully while her friends watched on nervously; he may finally be dead, but caution was still up in the wind.

So not to make her friends worry, Fluttershy remained cautious around Marabunda. She carefully flew over him like a gentle hummingbird to a flower and landed next to his head and took a look at his face. She winced from the horrid, sad sight. Not only was his entire body bruised, burned, and mammocked but his eyes were ghost-white; dimmed and void of any life. His muzzle opened in a permanent snarl of pain and rejection after gurgling out his last breath; almost as if he dared death to try and claim him; Death complied and did just that. Fluttershy was horrified and amazed by how powerful his ferocity was, but she felt sad and mournful over the positive morals he sacrificed. She gazed back at his heavily scarred, burned body, seeing not only his current injuries, but years' worth of past battle scars that coalesced with them; his wings from base to the tip were even shredded to resemble torched tree branches. It was too much for her. Just seeing how much Marabunda had fought over the years and how much he tried to keep going, brought tears to the poor kind mare's eyes as her heart ached badly for the fallen beast. "Oh, Marabunda… You were in so much pain… yet you pushed yourself to keep going. Why didn't you stop before it got worse?" She ran a gentle front hoof through what remains of his mane, feeling its rough and ragged yet warm, fluffy touch against her hoof. She whimpered lightly to herself as her tears slowly leaked down her cheeks. Against better judgment, she leaned in and gently wrapped her forelegs around his neck, nuzzling the top of his head and giving him the only hug he'd ever gotten in his entire roguish life.

"I'm so sorry it had to be this way," Fluttershy said sympathetically for what happened to him and guilty for what they had to do. Everyone looked at Fluttershy confused by what she was doing. It was weird of her to do such a thing after what Marabunda did, but oddly, and understandably, nobody tried to stop her. Even with all the carnage they went through to bring the crazy manticore down, they knew she still had a caring heart for every creature big and small – and seeing Marabunda this way must've allowed her to finally show pity for the creature. It was still strange of her to hug his corpse and they'll need time to process she actually did that, but they knew she was no fool and her reasons. As much as she cared about all living creatures, Marabunda had to be taken out once and for all.

With a closing sigh and her kindhearted, mournful hug done, she carefully closed his mouth and then ran her hoof down his face, closing his lifeless eyes for him for good, giving him the appearance of going into a peaceful sleep. "Goodnight, Marabunda. All the pain you suffered, it cannot hurt you anymore." She walked away, heading back to her friends only to be approached by Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

Twilight was stunned. She never expected Fluttershy to do something like that, "Why did you do that, Fluttershy?" Twilight asked, wondering what was the point in hugging a corpse.

Rainbow Dash was just as confused. Of all the times she's known Fluttershy, she had not once seen her do something that bizarre, "Yeah. That was weird. You've never done that before." Rainbow Dash said slightly judging that moment. With what Marabunda tried to do with all of them, she would've left the corpse to be eaten by scavengers or something. What gives?

Fluttershy shook her head. Kindness and her love of animals took over her heart, "I couldn't bear knowing the life Marabunda chose would turn him into a monster." It wasn't in her to just leave. She felt like his spirit needed closure if he just had one hug. Something to remind him of what love and kindness felt like before descending and she hoped he got the message. "I know he can't feel it now, but I wanted to give him a sense of something before he went to the afterlife."

Twilight and Rainbow Dash didn't know what to make of that, but they just smiled in unison and accepted it. Marabunda was gone and that's all that mattered to them.

Even though it was odd of her mother to do that, Scootaloo understood why her mother felt this way and she couldn't blame her; even though he hurt a lot of creatures today, and though he was a roguish monster, he was still a living breathing creature just as they were. After all, with what they've gone through, deep down, with her mother bidding him one final goodnight, she hoped that after all this time, this nightmarish manticore finally found peace.

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by a familiar snout rubbing against her with a soft hiss-like purr; she smiled tearfully up at her pet and hugged him around his neck close, "You did it, buddy. You kicked Marabunda's butt."

Varan felt truly proud of himself as the chains of his past finally broke. He knew he avenged all his loved ones, protected his family, and finally rid himself of the monster that had ruined his life so long ago. He lightly made a hiss-like honk and licked her cheek, making a toothy smile as best a lizard knew how -- much to those who caught that freaked them out, just a bit.

Harry and Varan can't take all the credit, though. Pinkie Pie smiled happily as she hopped over to Gallus, wanting to congratulate him for his act of bravery, "That was a great aim, Gallus." Pinkie complimented. "That was really brave! I never saw it coming!" It made her wonder who actually got the win in this fight. But, other than that, she had a party to whip up later once Sugarcube Corner was rebuild.

Smolder smiled lightly as she limply approached her friend, patting his shoulder and giving him a solid fistbump after, "Gotta admit, man, that was really cool." She softly praised him for delivering the last blow. Here she thought she could take out Marabunda easily; that sure bit her on her scaly butt. She was blown away that her griffon friend was able to pull off such an unexpected feat. It made her feel a little jealous in some way; kind of like aiming for a trophy only to be taken by someone else. Eh, it didn't matter anyway. This was no competition and Smolder was just glad someone else took out the monster.

The young griffon blushed a bit, feeling shyer than Professor Fluttershy ever could -- if that was possible. He was unsure of how to take this praise from others; it was still fairly new to him, but the attention from familiar faces was more comforting to him than an overwhelming crowd. Still, just like everyone else, he was glad it was finally over. "Uh… no problem, I guess." He smiled tenderly at Smolder and Pinkie Pie, but he couldn't shake the feeling that this bittersweet victory was... well... just like that.

Friends alike smiled in relief as they calmed down at last and chattered softly to each other and among themselves. They agreed that what they've gone through was something that they don't want to go through again so soon, but it was also something they won't soon forget.

It wasn't until a pained, exhausted whimper from Harry that friends and family alike looked on with wide, shocked eyes at this unexpected predicament. Yet, it shouldn't be unexpected, either.

Mother-mode was on high alert as Fluttershy winced from Harry's whimper and she hurried to her bear friend, seeing him gripping his arm and wincing sharply in pain. "Harry!" She looked very worried as she came to his side. She almost forgot. She was kind enough to give Marabunda a little respect to his spirit, but she almost forgot what Marabunda did to Harry and Varan after they defeated him. She checked Harry's injuries and didn't like what she found.

Harry huffed a wheezing whimper to her; his head wobbly from dizziness. The adrenaline that was pumping through his body began to slowly dwindle and the pain inflicted on him began to crawl all over like an unkillable bug. His eyes slightly dilated. So many blows to the face and head from Marabunda's unnatural brawling style resulted in him seeing blurs; his right eyelid was swollen and his snout was bruised and near-broken. Fluttershy noticed patches of fur around his body were wet with fresh blood.

Harry looked like a bloody mess and it broke her heart that she brought him here. She regretted her choice, but it was a choice she had to make or else others would get hurt. Despite the bittersweet choice, Harry grunted and gazed at her in noticeable pain and sadness. He had a feeling this was gonna scare her, but it was worth it in the end. He trusted his best friend to look over his injuries, but it pained him to know what her reaction might be. Still, he had to show her. Hesitantly, he uncovered his right arm and showed her a thrawn, painful sight of four slash marks he received from Marabunda's swipe across his arm. They were bleeding pretty badly and dripped down his arm to the ground.

Fluttershy gasped and covered her muzzle in horror, her eyes widened and quivered as tears pricked them while their friends gasp in shock upon noticing Harry's injuries. He needed to go to a vet. Now!

But, Harry wasn't the only one suffering. A woozy, pained groan was heard and Fluttershy immediately looked over to find a wobbly, exhausted komodo dragon next to a very worried, frightened Scootaloo.

Varan felt a little lightheaded, too. Once the battle had finally been won, his adrenaline ultimately died down and his body began to ache and tire. Everything hurt, really bad; he groaned as he tried to hold himself up to not worry Scootaloo and everyone else, but his body was too banged up to keep going and he collapsed on his belly, causing his young owner to gasp in horror.

"Varan!" Scootaloo caught his head quickly and gazed at him worriedly.
Whimpering up at her as he gave her sad eyes, Varan looked to his own wounds that Marabunda had inflicted on him during the fight. His own clawed injuries and bitten tail were leaking small trails of blood.

Scootaloo winced in panic and looked to her horrified mother, "Mom! Varan's hurt!" That was obvious, but that's all she could say. She had no idea what to do to save her friend. Varan was bleeding in front of her and she was panicking. It didn't make things any better when she saw Harry's injuries as well and winced at how bad he looked.

It quickly came rushing back to everyone that while they won the battle, they did not come out completely unscathed. Most of them needed tending to and others needed to go to the hospital.

"We can't stay here any longer," Fluttershy said trying to keep a calm demeanor as she looked to Twilight in hopes she'd help her. With Marabunda dead, now was a good time as any to get those who were wounded to a hospital, stat. "We need to get everyone who's wounded to the hospital!"

Twilight nodded firmly, making no hesitation to help her friend and knew that this called for immediate action. "Right!" Looking to Rainbow Dash and Gilda, she pointed to them. "Rainbow Dash, Gilda – get Big Mac and Applejack, we need some extra muscle to carry those who got wounded to the Ponyville Hospital." Then it dawned on her that Ember was still missing. No doubt still out cold in that grill shop. "I'll get Ember. See if she's alright."

As the two nod their affirmative, she looked to the two wounded animals and softened her firm glance, looking worried for Fluttershy and Scootaloo who both looked near tears upon seeing their animal companions in pain. "Fluttershy, see if you can get Discord to help get Varan and Harry to the vet. Hopefully, Doctor Fauna is there to help them."

Fluttershy nodded once, understanding immediately as everyone got moving to go do their objectives. "Right." She looked to Harry who was still conscious. Unlike Varan, Harry was still strong enough to lift himself back on his paws, but his injuries were challenging him as much as that fight. He felt like he was running on reserves, but he didn't have to worry when it involved friends with powerful abilities. He had a feeling he was gonna be fine, but he was not gonna push it.

Varan hissed softly as he felt his eyes drooping, everything starting to sound fuzzy in his ears. He could make out his Young Master as she leaned in worriedly towards him, calling for him while tearing up. "Varan… please… hold on…" As it all slowly went black, the last thing he heard from his Young Master was her words of plead.

"Hold on…"


It was quiet. Very quiet. Not a sound except the gentle kiss of the wind blowing across a calm grassy field, and the gentle rumble of thunder as little raindrops fell from the sky.

Varan couldn't see anything, and his whole body was in a new level of pain. The lizard groaned lightly as he laid motionless on the ground. His body twitched and spasmed occasionally -- even his eyes were not cooperating as they were shut tight. He wasn't dead, but he sure felt like he was about to be. Yet, he still tried to power through the overwhelming soreness in his body.

Varan groaned again, "Oh, my aching head." He hissed in agony but he slowly managed to pry his eyes open just a little when calm rain suddenly came down and gently pelted his body. He didn't know what to think of this, but it didn't faze him, much. He wasn't much of a rain reptile, but like he had a choice in moving away anyway. And he made the right call; the rain, surprisingly, felt nice. Soothing, even. But things quickly got strange when the pain began to slowly subside; kind of like he was regenerating in some weird way. "W-What…?" he was able to move parts of his body, but he wasn't gonna jump the gun and think he was fine to go; baby steps were a thing for a reason. That being said, he couldn't help but wonder if this was how his Anole brethren felt when they had their tails chopped off by predators and slowly grew them back. He couldn't imagine the pain they must've gone through. Speaking of his own pain, once his aching head eased up and the muscles in his neck finally relaxed, he slowly looked around his surroundings, wondering what this alien environment was.

The air felt nice, cool, and thin, perfectly matching the soft rain dancing about. Then he felt an unusual but familiar softness under him. He looked down and found himself on top of a patch of pink-while flowers. Confusion rang out and he quickly noticed that the flowers spread out for miles on end like a very large blanket. And that was it. He couldn't make out anything else other than the sky itself being a mixture of orange and white like the carrot cakes. He knew a certain little rabbit would enjoy this sight. Still, he had no idea where he was, but it was quite peaceful. Not a speck of harshness or a touch of violence anywhere. He must be the first to step claw on this sanctuary. Not one soul around other than him. Wait? No one around? It now dawned on him and that peace didn't last for very long. This place was peaceful, but something was missing from this picture.

"Y-Young Master… Friends?" He called out softly, but only heard his echo. He whimpered to himself when he couldn't spot his young master or any of his friends. "Young Master! S-S-Scootaloo! Where are you?!" He called out a little louder, using her actual name for once. But the more he called out for his beloved young master, the more he heard his calling echoes. His body still needed recovering, but he desperately got back to his feet. He wanted to hear her voice again and feel her embrace. He didn't want to make her worry.

Yet, he was worried out of his mind! Where was she? Where was Old Master and everycreature else? Where was Harry?

Then he remembered Harry, "Harry!" He called for him, hoping to hear a response, a bear roar, something! However, his response was answered when the powering crackles of thunder rumbled and the lightning gently flashed.

A cold feeling started to envelop him. There really was nobody here with him. He was all alone. His body ached, again, and dread filled his mind. Though the rain eased his pain, it didn't help his broken heart. He closed his eyes in regret and deep agony when nobody answered his call. There was no sign of anyone here, no sign of Scootaloo, his friends… not even the monster, Marabunda. The light around the environment began to dim a darkish blue, but he ignored it. Bringing them all up had to be one thing...

Was all of his efforts to protect everyone wasted?

Was it all for nothing?

Did he…fail?

That had to be it. He must have perished in battle and all he loved have fallen with him. The quietness of the area and the rumble of the thunder made the pain in his chest even worse. The pain that was his heart, breaking at the grief of failing to protect his loved ones from the beast. As tears formed in his closed eyes, he whimpered as he curled his body into a ball, the achiness from the fight didn't hurt as much as the pain of his broken heart. He hardly reacted to the rain gently pelting him now; only one thought filled his mind.

"I… have failed."

Covering his eyes, he started to cry for the loss of his fallen friends and his beloved owner; depression, guilt, and blame bombarded him. "S-Scootaloo… I'm so sorry... I couldn't save you. I never… got to tell her…" He whimpered softly as he cried harder at the pain of losing his beloved little master, "I love you…" whimpering, he tried to get his tears to stop but they just kept coming as he thought of the rest of his master's friends, Old Master and those who tried to help him in battle, "I'm sorry everyone. I c-couldn't protect any of you…" He choked on his words and looked up to the rainy skies as he spoke out one more apology.

"I'm sorry, Harry…" He had accused the poor bear wrongly of false identity, and now he'll never get the chance to tell him he was sorry. He was a fool for being so blind by his rage. He sniffled and looked down, weeping as his tears leaked from his eyes, his voice giving in to the sorrow he felt. "I'm so sorry…" this world, this purgatory, it didn't mean anything to him. The peace here didn't feel earned, to him. He failed, why would he earn such peace?

It wasn't until he finally heard something through the sprinkling rainfall as the dark blue sky returned to its orange-white color. A voice chimed into his ears, but he dared not to look; he was too distraught by his loss to care.

"Oh, Varan, you don't have to be sorry," A feminine voice spoke to him and broke him from his sorrow state. She sounded soft, loving, and hopeful. It surprised him, but the voice seemed oddly familiar to him. Like he heard it somewhere before, but where?

A male voice spoke next. He sounded strong, encouraging, and proud. He seemed like he wanted to get him to buck up and not quit. "It'll be okay. C'mon, wipe away those tears and face us like a true komodo… my son."

His eyes widen in sheer shock to the size of pinpricks upon hearing those last words. He swung his head up and perked his neck high as if it moved on its own. He quickly got up and watched as two very familiar figures manifested through thin air and approached him calmly without making so much as a sound. His breath nearly caught in his throat. Was he seeing things? Two older-looking komodo dragons stood before him; one of them was slightly smaller than the other but both were just inches above Varan's height. His eyes had to be playing tricks. His mind had to be hallucinating. There was no way it could be them. They were killed by Marabunda, how could they be here? Yet, something in the back of his mind told him 'no' they were the real deal. And they looked exactly like how he remembered them since he was a hatchling.

"Mom… Dad?"

His parents smiled as warm as two adult Komodo dragons can in their own lizard way, coming toward him before nuzzling their necks against his from both sides, allowing him to feel their touch, again – and allowing him to realize that they weren't visions made by sorrow to mock him.

Now knowing these weren't illusions, the dams fully broke. Varan's sobbing intensified as he immediately nuzzled into his parents' embrace. "Mama… Papa…"

His mother Nara, her gentle tan scales rubbing against his, lightly puffed a soft, melodic hiss to comfort her hatchling-all-grown-up as they nuzzled close. "Shh… there, there… it's going to be alright now… you'll see."

Her mate, Smoothclaw, wrapped his green gentle arms and claws around his son's shoulders as his wife comforted their son. "We're here, son." He lightly hissed his own words of comfort after his wife's comforting coos toward their now grown hatchling.

"Our son…" Nara purred as she used her cheek to catch a few of his tears, smiling proudly as she and Smoothclaw backed up to get a good look at their child – whom they haven't seen since Marabunda's attack. Nara looked her son over and was impressed with how much he's grown. "Our gorgeous boy. Oh, look at you! You've grown so big." She smiled lovingly at him, proud of him for what's become. Although she was sad that she didn't get to see him grow up, she was ecstatic to hold her child again. "And so handsome~"

Smoothclaw looked at his son proudly and nodded approvingly, thrilled to see his son grew up powerful and bold, but like his made, he wasn't keen on being a ghost. He wished he was alive to raise his son, but it turned out fine in the end for him, "Handsome? Like me, but he has your claws and swift wit." he complimented his son, proud regardless.

"Mom… dad…" Varan whimpered while his cheeks became rosy-red. He couldn't help it, he was in shock, "I can't believe it's you!" He couldn't believe it; his parents were here and he could feel their touch, smell their scent and he recognized them not only by sight or scent or even touch, but by their love.
Heck, they were talking to him so casually, it's as if what happened never happened. How?

Smoothclaw cocked his head a bit and chuckled amusingly, "Course it's us, son. Who else would we be?" Smoothclaw teased to lighten the mood and hoped to make his son feel better.

It did, for a bit, but he winced as he made eye contact with his parents. He was able to see his parents after so many years, but he nearly caved-in to his heartbreak and struggled to keep his mind from racing, he tried to explain, apologize as best he could, "Mom, Dad…" He cried a bit in hisses, "I'm so sorry!" His parents wince and immediately came back to him and held him close in the biggest komodo hug they could give him, "I couldn't beat Marabunda… I-I couldn't avenge you… I couldn't protect any of my friends or my new family…" He coughed a bit from the pressure in his chest and hiccupped as his breathing was hitched during his sobbing. "I really tried; I tried to save everyone… I did the best I could…"

"Varan, Varan, sweetheart, calm down…" Nara held his shoulders, holding him still as her voice managed to get him to pause his blubbering, yet it didn't stop his lips from quivering and his eyes from shedding tears.

That was not gonna stand and Smoothclaw was gonna let his son know, "Son, don't you dare ever put yourself down like that in front of me!" Smoothclaw firmly growled but kept his mind calm as he and his mate comforted their grown hatchling.

"And you don't have to apologize for anything, honeyscales--" His mother smiled soothingly, "--because you didn't fail." That right there - that caused her son's sobbing to pause and his tears to momentarily stop their leaking.

Varan sniffled and huffed air out of his nostrils, his shaky voice betraying him yet holding an ounce of surprise within it when his loving mother told him this. "I… I didn't?"

Nara shook her head, confirming what she said to be true, "Of course not!" she smiled fondly down at him as they take a seat on the grass while she explained. "You fought that brute valiantly, just like a true komodo we had always hoped you would grow into."

His father nodded proudly, but seeing his son attack himself like that was not gonna fly. He earned this victory and he was gonna stand tall, "Don't you ever doubt yourself like that, young lizard. You may be a grown komodo now, but so help me…" He pouted as he pointed at his son, "…if I ever hear you putting yourself down like this again, I will tan your tail silly."
Smoothclaw didn't care if he was dead. Even in the afterlife, he was still Varan's tough-love father. It also felt good to let out his fatherly motives to Varan, too.

Varan blushed faintly in embarrassment, but he still looked at them confused. If he wasn't dead, where was he? He heard Nara chuckled lovingly and told him reassuringly, "Sweetie, you didn't fail. Because of your efforts to help out your friends, that monster is gone for good." She hissed out in pride as her serrated teeth turned into a big toothy smile that a komodo like her could make. "You won, my darling!"

"But, granted, you did pass out after the battle," Smoothclaw said with no hint of lying as if to tease him just to have a bit of fun. He earned a pout from his son, but he was equally proud as his wife was. A gratified, serrated-filled toothy smile curved far enough for Varan to notice -- a smile he was relieved to see. "But that's to be expected. That manticore was a literal demon of Tartarus – even by rogue standards. And you took quite a beating there, son."

Wait, how did they know about rogues? Varan had so many questions to ask them. But Varan slowly widened his eyes as he realized something; He won the battle? And Marabunda was finally dead? And he had passed out? But if that's the case, then this puzzle lead to one simple answer, "Wait. So I'm dreaming?" He looked up at his parents who both nodded to him, confirming his theory. "Then, how do you know all of this without being there?"

Smoothclaw answered that casually like it was no big deal, "We all watch you above the clouds. We keep an eye on you almost everyday and see how life's treating you."

Okay, as casual as that sounded, Varan couldn't help but think that was a tad creepy, too. He understood they were gone and that they were watching him, but did his father really have to make it sound like that? That just raised further questions!

Even his mother thought that was unnecessary, but she secretly rolled her eyes and readjusted what Smoothclaw meant, "What your father meant was that we're always with you; in your heart and memories," That was a lot better and Varan felt good hearing that.

She smiled again and gladly informed him, "Your friends are taking you and your bear friend to get treated." Having sustained those injuries really took a lot out of them and Nara felt so bad for her son and friend, but relieved that they had other friends to help them recover.

His father nodded once, and said, "While it seems like the rest of your friends who took a shot at that murderer are getting their own treatment, too." Using his tail, he pats him on the back while letting out a firm laugh. "So, calm your frazzled nerves, Varan. Everyone is perfectly safe and can rest easy. Marabunda ain't gonna be bothering anyone anytime soon." And that was a straight-up fact. The nightmare was over. Lives have been avenged. And peace was finally earned.

Hearing this news was more than what Varan could handle and the wave of relief hit him like a tsunami. He breathed heavily in relief as he visibly slouched, "Oh… Oh, thank goodness… I-I… I thought I…" He looked up at his parents, almost a bit scared but slowly calming down from his panic attack. "I thought that I was…"

"Killed?" Smoothclaw finished, raising a brow ridge at his son while keeping a calm, yet knowing smile. His son slowly nodded, "I'm not surprised. But you shouldn't worry anymore, son. Your mother and I can rest easy now, knowing that you are safe and still alive."

Nara nodded, holding her chest. "I was so worried about you and it hurt me to no end to have left you all those years ago." But she did it to protect him to the very end, like how a true mother would for her child. "But seeing you here now, brings me joy and relief." She nuzzled her child, again, which he gleefully returned. "You and everyone took out Marabunda, Varan. And now, we can all finally rest in peace."

"All?" Varan tilted his head confusedly before looking around. Not any sooner did he found what his parents were talking about, he let out a gasping hiss as other fellow komodos, his friends, all appeared and gathered around him and his parents. And they were singing his praises and overjoyed to know he took down their murderer.

"Let's hear it for Varan!" His oldest friend, a slightly smaller dirt-brown komodo, Scales cheered among his grown komodo comrades, celebrating his victory over his mortal enemy. "The bravest of us all!"

The komodos hissed and cheered in happiness, they bellowed in praise for their friend's bravery. It was a time to celebrate and they were gonna let him know it. Varan was rendered shocked beyond comprehension. As he stuttered and tried to speak, he looked to his mother and father who smiled proudly at him.

"They all wanted a chance to see you one last time," Nara smiled sweetly as she motioned to his cheering friends. "And they are all just as proud of you as we are."

Quivering his lips as he gazed at his parents, for once since this painful conga-line, his muzzle broke into a tearful, overjoyed grin as he hugged his parents tight which they wholeheartedly returned. He exchanged nuzzles with various members of the bank, shedding tears of joy. For once in his life, he felt truly at bliss. "I missed you… all of you…"

"We missed you too, my baby," Nara shed tears as she and her son nuzzle deeply against one another. "We missed you so much."

The bank of komodos stayed like that for quite some time, just embracing each other and exchanging nose rubs, scales pressing against each other, tails clapping each other; they all embraced Varan with open claws. It kept like that until the field slowly shook just a bit.

"Looks like you're due to regain consciousness shortly, my boy," Smoothclaws smiled calmly as he looked to his son.

Varan pouted lightly, feeling like the hatchling he once was, amusing his parents and his friends. "Yeah, but it feels too soon." He sadly looked up at his family and friends, "I really wish I didn't have to say goodbye."

"Varan, you don't have to say goodbye to any of us," His mother smiled gingerly, "Because we will never be apart from you." She gently poked his chest, "As long as you keep us within your heart and your mind…" She booped her snout against his in a loving way, causing him to hissily giggle a little. "You will always find us here, in your dreams."

"Listen to the old bag of scales, Vars." His bulky friend Kamo with a scar on his face leading down to his muzzle had jabbed at him as he lightly slugged him in the shoulder. "Seeing how you went through literal Tartarus, you at the very least deserve to see us more than just once." He winked his scarred eye.

His father breathed out a sigh of relaxation and acceptance, feeling at peace now with every lizard here. "We love you. And we'll always be here for you." He looked to his son lovingly. "But, right now, your new family and friends still need you in their lives."

"And you still have someone to apologize to," His mother nodded, causing her son to wince – knowing she was right, he nodded.

"I promise this won't be the last time we ever see one another," Varan smiled lightly; glad to have gotten this chance to finally reunite with not only his parents but his friends as well. "I'll always remember you. All of you!" And he made sure of.

Nodding proudly, the komodos slowly vanished one by one as the area slowly shook a bit more, feeling stronger.

Looking at his beloved, proud parents, he could only smile at them as they waved their claws at him with loving eyes, "I love you."

The area brightened as bright as the sun with the clouds clearing up, bathing the lizard in warmth as real sound slowly returned to him.


Groaning softly, he slowly and groggily cracked his eyes a little, waking up from his deep sleep. His body still ached, but not nearly as much as it was before. How long had he been sleeping, he didn't know. He didn't even know what happened when he was out. All he knew now was that he was in someplace new and even if he was half asleep, he still felt everything around him; the cool air, warm lights, a cold feeling sliding across his chest. Wait, that last one didn't seem right. Was someone next to him? And why was their touch so cold? The light over him sure wasn't helping his case wondering who or what was with him in the room. But he had to try and attempt to get them to back off. He hissed lowly and weakly in slight annoyance get whoever was on him to stop and get some kind of response, but they kept going. Was he was being ignored? Oh, this will not stand! He blinked a few times and managed to push himself to fully wake up.

Still tired but growing impatient, he lifted and turned his head just a bit to meet the stranger next to him. He attempted to make another low, threatening hiss as his vision started to clear. But upon seeing who was there, he was greeted by an earth pony in a doctor's wear.
His hissing stopped and he was then highly confused by her, looking at her like a confused puppy. He attempted a light hiss at her to get a reaction; scare her, even. He got her attention. But, like before, she didn't budge an inch. For Fluttershy and Scootaloo, his hisses would get plenty of reactions out of them; this pony was a completely different story. She looked up at him with a light smile and calm eyes, relieved he was awake. He attempted to snap at her as another option, but her scent caught his snout and he barely picked up Fluttershy's scent on this earth pony. Was she a friend of hers? Interesting.

"Oh, good. You're awake!" Doctor Fauna spoke professionally and kindly but was relieved to see Varan come to as she placed her stethoscope away after listening in on his heartbeat and breathing. "Good morning, sunshine. You took quite a beating and with the injuries you sustained in that fight, I would've assumed you'd be knocked out for an entire week." He only looked at her in a bit of curiosity, allowing her to run a hoof down his neck to pet him, oddly trusting her with how positive she handled him. He was not getting any bad vibes from her and it was quite refreshing. This pony knew what she was doing.

The doctor mare smiled sweetly up at him, "My name is Doctor Fauna, and you're lucky Fluttershy and Scootaloo got you and your friend here before I hit closing hours." She noticed him perking up and looking around for Scootaloo and Fluttershy, almost startled and worried. With what Scootaloo and Fluttershy told her, she had a feeling Varan was gonna be freak out once she told him. A gentle hoof to his snout got him to stop and she reassured him with a few calming words, "Don't worry, Varan. They're both fine –" but her tone kind of shifted, suddenly, when she was reminded of why they were here, to begin with "-- Fluttershy had to go make a personal arrangement meeting. So, you'll be here for a bit."

She sounded serious. Where ever Fluttershy was, she had a feeling she'd take care of it. Despite not speaking her language, Varan still nodded to her and gave her a sign that he understood. Old Master – er, Fluttershy, did have other ponies to tend to and made sure they weren't too badly wounded, after all. While he hoped to see Scootaloo soon; he knew she must be dreadfully worried about him.

Thankfully, his answer came when Fauna told him, but not in an enthused tone as he saw the frustration in her eyes, "While Scootaloo... Poor Scootaloo practically begged both her father's doctor and I to save both you and Drift Velocity," She said disappointedly from what Fluttershy told her. She was sick at heart by how another mother and her own daughter would go out of their way just to hurt others to feed their egos. What a bunch of sick ponies. But, thankfully, they never got the satisfaction -- except for one casualty. She fluffed the pillow under Varan's head and pulled his blanket back to show the wrapped bandages on his tail and where he had been scratched about. But, if it wasn't for this lizard -- well, if it wasn't for those who risked their lives fighting the beast mentioned before -- they could've lost more. But right now, "The poor dear is worried sick about the both of you."

That didn't make Varan feel any better. He wept a light, exhausted hiss, feeling hangdog at the sound of his owner being so terrified for him. He would've objected her to stop, but he noticed she smiled fondly up at him and quickly reassured him, trying her best to cheer him up. "No, No. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry. Please, let me explain --" if Varan could understand her, that was "--despite the overexerted exhaustion and the treatment I gave you to tend to your injuries," She chuckled lightly once he noticed the bandages around his body, "With plenty of rest and with me keeping an eye on you; you're expected to make a full recovery within a week's time."

Now that right there, that was good news. And rest was something he can definitely handle after all he went through. Hearing her say all this gave him a grasp of relief and he looked at her calmly and gave her a soft hiss of thanks. An understanding nod made sure she got that message.

However, the good news was for him, the bad news, "Your friend on the other hoof..." Fauna winced reluctantly, her smile turning into a sad, heartbroken frown as she looked to his neighbor.

Varan curiously looked with her and was almost horrified by what he saw…


The mountain of fur that was Fluttershy's grizzly bear was lying on his left side, out-cold. His right arm was all bandaged up to look nearly mummified. He had a hot-water bottle wrapped around his head that seemed to treat any soreness, as well as do something for a slight concussion from so many blows to the head. A little ice-pack was neatly pressed against his muzzle before Doctor Fauna carefully took off as the ice was melting inside the sack; that was to reduce the swelling in his mouth, but that didn't do much to make the swelling go down; a noticeable fat lip and a few canines missing made the komodo wince in related pain. Harry had his muzzle banged up pretty hard. His right eye had a wet rag compressed to it which she lifted to check the swelling. He noticed some extra bandages were snug around his torso and neck; few dried-up bloodstains, but nothing too serious. But, unfortunately, unlike Varan, he didn't seem to be showing signs of waking up. Varan grew worried.

Fauna sighed tiredly, yet worriedly as she looked at her bandaged-up patient. She managed to sedate Harry and prevented him from feeling anything, his injuries were a lot to handle when she applied them; reapplying them would be challenging since Harry was the biggest patient she ever dealt with. Varan was easy because of his size, Harry proved otherwise. But, changing his bandages she had to do since they were getting dirty. With how patched up they are, Varan had a feeling they've been here for quite some time; sunlight leaked through the window curtain.

Once she removed Harry's compressions, she saw the swellings barely gone down, but was good to know her treatments were working. She gazed over at Varan apologetically. "Poor thing took quite a beating," She gently stroked the bear's back as she explained while keeping her eyes on Harry, "Black eye, mild concussion, a bite bad enough to break at least a layer of skin, four clean cuts on his arm, and at least three fangs got knocked out--" it broke her heart to see these two in bad conditions, but she was still grateful Varan woke up first "--It's a miracle you two were brought here on time."

Although for Varan, the guilt hit him hard. While he'll be alright in a week's time, Harry had suffered more than he thought. He whimpered to her, asking her if he was going to be okay. He didn't know if she understood, but he had to try. The vet looked at him sympathetically and nodded; not because she understood him, but because she had that gut feeling that's what he was wondering.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine. He'll need rest is all," Fauna informed. With the sedation taken effect, that should be no problem, at all. "That, and a bit of supervision just in case of any nausea or worsening symptoms from the mild concussion. Within a month, he should be fine." She lightly smiled at the komodo. She gazed at the poor grizzly, "Although… maybe to be on the safe side, I should get some animal-safe medicine in case anything happens." She gazed at Varan worriedly, "You think you can keep an eye on him while I make a little check and stock in inventory?" Receiving a nod from him, she trotted out of her workroom to go double-check her inventory, leaving the komodo and grizzly bear alone.


Once Fauna left, Varan gazed over to Harry who still never moved. Though the sound of his sleeping breaths told him he was alive; that was good. It didn't take a few movements for his body to ache, but it took some effort and Varan managed to get up and crawl out of the animal bed Fauna set him in so he could rest, groaning a little and dragging his tail out last. His walking reduced to limping and every step felt like he was walking on pin-needles, but he was able to move and he managed to approach the fallen bear. He examined this friend; despair in his eyes. His injuries were rough, but not critical. Still, what he sustained in battle alongside him was brutal and he couldn't imagine what would've happened if it got worse.

"Harry…" He growled lightly and sadly as he called out near him. The bear never responded, still unconscious. The lizard looked down – worrying that his injuries might have been more severe than Doctor Fauna believed. She never saw the fight. She never knew what they went through, but that was not important. He was racked with guilt, "Oh, this is all my fault…" He blamed himself for not getting up sooner to help him in the fight, if he had, he wouldn't have gotten so banged-up. "If only I got there quicker…" He groaned softly in frustration toward himself. Despite his parents from his dream stating that everyone was alright, he worried that the fight may have been too much for Harry.

"Please, wake up…" He begged him as he talked to him in a pained, pleading tone, coming to his left side and curling up next to him, praying he could hear him. "We won, Harry… we beat Marabunda. He's dead!" He was hoping that reminder would snap him out of it. They both won. They should both be up to celebrate with their friends and family. "A-And Fluttershy… And Scootaloo… they're all safe and sound!" Sniffling, he came up and placed his head on Harry's good arm, near tears as he nuzzled into his fur. "Just… please…don't die on me."

But before he could think to grieve thinking he wasn't gonna make it, the bear's body began to quiver a bit and a rumbling was heard, it sounded distinctly like… chuckling?

"Me? Die here?"

Varan quickly removed his head from his shoulder and looked at him in shock and hidden relief as the goliath bear gingerly rose up to not irritate his injuries and sat down with a heavy plop, looking down at the komodo like he was being silly and dramatic for thinking he was on his last leg.

"Who decided that?" Harry asked as he let out a soft groaning chuckle. "I decide if I kick the bucket or not. And it sure isn't gonna be here." He spoke so proudly. He knew they won that fight and he knew how injured he was, but he was far from gone. He just wanted that well-earned rest before Varan came over and acted like a wuss in front of him. But, it was understandable, because looking at himself, he must've definitely looked dead to the lizard – so he will let it slide, especially when it's funny to see him become red in the face. Still...

It baffled him, "But, of all critters crying over me, I never expected it to be you," Harry smiled the one half that wasn't swollen as his deep but gentle voice spoke out to the lizard, his eyes pinned to the komodo dragon seemingly crying over him. It was quite a sight; appreciative, understandable, and very hilarious. But confusing since this lizard seemed more on the tough side than sharing a soft side. Something changed.

Yet, that tough side took a back seat as Varan looked up at him in joy before happily nuzzling into his chest – further surprising him; glad he was up, "You're alive!" Varan gleefully exclaimed before he could stop himself, but he couldn't hide it even if he tried. "I thought those injuries were too much for you… even by that vet's understanding." Despite thinking he was gonna pass, Fauna said she gave him sedatives to numb him from the pain.

Harry felt a little smug, but he said casually, "Course I'm alive. Takes more than a fight to knock me out." Though, he did admit that fight was brutal, he was just grateful to come out of there with everything still intact. "That vet did sedate me, but she didn't use a whole lot. Was asleep for... I don't know how long, honestly." Harry smirked at himself, believing she may have used more; he didn't really know. He was being silly, too, but that changed when he groaned and winced in pain as he rubbed his head. "Yeah, I'll definitely feel that in the morning." Sedated or not, Harry felt pain he didn't know existed. For a manticore, Marabunda gave him a wallop he'll never forget.

"How're you feeling?" Varan instinctively asked, even though it was a foolish question.

Harry raised a brow. Even he knew that was a foolish question as he gave Varan a look that said, 'I get throttled around by a crazed manticore after tearing off his stinger and nearly got my big fat furry butt handed to me, how do ya think I'm feeling?'.

"Right, that was a dumb question," Varan muttered in embarrassment.

"You think?" The bear pouted at him, but brushed it off. "Eh, but it wasn't my first tussle in life." he pointed a claw at Varan and told him, "I've fought other animals like a tiger, wolf, a fellow bear -- " he looked at Varan curious and wondered if he was aware " -- even one of your kind that's been roaming around here. Probably as big as you if it didn't stand on two legs, hissed kind of like you, but it had this weird neck-fold thing that made a noise like those rattlesnake guys." Saying that made him wonder if Varan knew anything about that.

Sadly, Varan only blinked confusedly. Not in his entire life had he ever encountered a lizard like that before. A frilled lizard came to mind, but Harry sounded like it seemed bigger. "I have no idea who you're talking about," Varan said, but with Harry bringing that up. "Before I met Scootaloo and Fluttershy, in my travels I did come across one weird-looking lizard with a round head that stood on two legs near a bunch of trees munching on a bush." Varan had no idea what to make of it, but he never stood around to say hi. The last thing he needed was for it to headbutt him.

Okay, so he wasn't the only one. That was good to know. A little disappointing he didn't have any info regarding his own encounter, but he wasn't gonna complain. Equestria was full of mysteries. Harry gave a nod to Varan before he noticed Varan had his head down, just a little.


The bear looked to him, head tilted, "What's up?" What had him bummed out? They won the fight.

He felt awkward. His first encounter with Harry ended up in a fight. How was he gonna approach this? "About attacking you before… I can explain that…"

The grizzly perked immediately. He had almost forgotten about that moment. He completely forgot about being attacked by Varan when they first met. His good mood diminished and he looked at Varan a little coldly as a firm frown took place on his muzzle, "I'm sure you can…" The grizzly grumbled. Despite their team-up and what they went through, now that Varan brought it up he wondered why he attacked him. He better have a good explanation.

"It's sort of a long story…" Varan shyly admitted, letting him know he's going to thoroughly give every detail and was warning him to get comfortable.

But Harry wasn't going anywhere, he carefully crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at the reptile as he prepared to listen to him explain his behavior. "This better be good."


Varan took the time to explain to Harry what had happened to him in his childhood long ago. How Marabunda came and ruined everything, "And when Marabunda came along all those years ago, I was the only survivor of his attack, as far as I knew." He sighed softly as he kept himself from panicking. He wondered if any other little komodos managed to escape, but he regrettably doubted it. As he listened, Harry slowly stopped glaring and looked a bit shocked; especially when Varan told that he was the sole survivor of such a dangerous encounter. "But being a little one, I mistook him for a bear. Claws, teeth, evil glare, huge and furry," He left out the scorpion tail because it didn't register with him. But that didn't stop him from feeling ashamed of himself, "When he disappeared, I thought I would never see him again and because of my mistake, I grew to hate your kind for something they didn't even do…" Wincing sharply, he admitted to his actions when they first met. "A-and when I first saw you, I kinda… sorta… y-you know…"

Harry lifted his good paw and Varan stopped. That was enough for him to understand why he did what he did. He didn't blame him; not one bit, "You thought I was that blood-hungry manticore, didn't you?" Harry said, figuring out where Varan was going with that story. The komodo looked up in surprise, just in time to see that Harry was looking at him with calm, understanding eyes. His cold glare long melted and he felt bad for Varan. There were quite a few hints of pity in them too, especially when he learned the whole story. "Yikes… all of that, and all on your birthday, too." He shook his head with a light wince, immediately catching on that alone would definitely ruin anyone's day. He's seen and heard about some pretty bad days in his lifetime, but the truth behind Varan's actions sure takes the figurative cake! Shocked, he shortly summed it all up, confessing just how screwed up Varan's horrific and traumatizing event was. "Man, that's just messed up. Like really messed up; like 'someone just pissed in the watering hole while I was drinking!' messed up!"

Varan sighed and nodded regretfully, "I know, I know, and I'm an idiot… I was just so angry. I got so caught up in wanting to avenge my family and friends, that I didn't stop to think that maybe I got the wrong guy." He sadly looked up at the bear, pain, anger, and guilt in full display for the bear to see. "And lo and behold, I got just that and made a complete Dodo of myself." That earned a slight chuckle out of the bear, but Varan continued on with what he was saying, so to make sure he could get those two certain words spoken out to the bear. "I tried to kill you for something you didn't do." He hissed a raspberry lightly, beating the tar out of himself for stupidly doing all of that to him and if he succeeded in biting him to end his life, that would've ended astronomically bad and put him in a horrifying light. "H-Harry… what I'm trying to say is, I…I'm…" A bear paw came up from under his jaw and planted it shut; shutting him up before he hurt himself. Varan looked confused as he looked down at Harry's paw and back to Harry a couple of times.

As much as he found it hilarious that Varan threw his tough side away just to get him to forgive him, Harry was still quite tired and today was a day of rest after all the Tartarus he went through; although, he really appreciated the fact that Varan was trying to apologize to him. "Kid, that psycho manticore had you fartin' out your own teeth. Best not to make things worse for yourself and just hunker down." Being the peacekeeper here, Harry looked at Varan with a light smile before retracting his good claw away, "It was just an honest mistake. Could happen to anyone." Varan felt a bit embarrassed for letting his emotions get to him, but he was more shocked than anything. How quickly and easily Harry forgave him like that was unexpected. How can he be so laid-back after what he tried to do? "I mean, I'd hate whoever killed my family too if I'd been in your claws." He chuckled lightly, looking at himself and back to Varan, "Although… concerning what happened to us, we almost came close to that, didn't we?"

"Y-Yeah…" Varan slowly nodded in agreement, but he was still confused. Harry wasn't angry and he treated it as if it was just yesterday's problem. He quickly questioned him, wanting to know, "J-Just like that? I attacked you for no reason other than mistaken identity, and you're basically saying 'it's all good.'? You're not mad?" His surprise was greeted with an amused yet warm chuckle from the grizzly.

"Kid, if you knew me as long as the others have back at Fluttershy's little cottage, you would know that I'm not one to hold a grudge." Harry smiled lightly at the Komodo Dragon. From cub to adult, Harry had never been one to hold grudges against anyone. Sure, if someone openly picked a fight or messed with his loved ones, which would be a very different story. But other than that, "It's not in me to hold something we all know won't go anywhere in the end. Besides, I guess I kind of provoked you at first too while I was visiting mama. So, half of that first encounter was on me."

He had a good point. 'Kind of' was a good way of putting it, but he wasn't gonna say anything like that out loud to the bear. That, and the sedatives used on Harry might be helping him relax more than what he's been implying. Either way, he was happy the bear wasn't gonna go all rage-tank on him and this got the two to actually laugh a bit, finally loosening the tension between them.

But then it dawned on Varan real quick when Harry mentioned that last part to him, "Mama?" Varan snickered a little but curiously asked when he heard Harry call Fluttershy 'mama'.

Harry, despite his slightly tender face, blushed and smiled fondly as he reminisced. The cat was out of the bag and he wasn't gonna put it back in, "Yeah, she found me when I was a cub. Presumably, quite sometime after she dropped off Scootaloo at that orphanage." He sighed lightly as he revealed something surprising to the lizard, his eyes showing a bit of sadness, "My parents were shot down by poachers a long time ago when I was very young." He rubbed his bandaged arm, "It was a bit tricky having to get used to being on my own, even as small as I was." his eyes glistened with happiness, "That is until the sweetest pony I ever met found me, half-starved. I don't know if it happened in an instant, but she took me in a heartbeat and nursed me back to health. She took care of me and every second was bliss." He smiled lightly at the memories of Fluttershy's care when he needed it, "I love that mare."

One fond memory came up of him as a cub sitting on a couch being spoon-fed a jar of honey-flavored ice cream by the beautiful, kind pegasus. It was quite delicious too. But one snout poke with the spoon and he had a little bit of ice cream on his little snout by accident. Confused at first, but a lap of his tongue got it off and he looked at Fluttershy with a face so innocent, the mare could not help but hug him like the teddy bear he was.

Harry had more memories, but that one stuck to him the most. And from then on, that's when he referred to Fluttershy as his 'mama'.

Varan looked quite surprised as he listened to the tale, "But… if she's like your mama, why did you come out of the forest when we first met? Wouldn't it make sense to stay with your mama?"

Now that was a fair point, too. Harry nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I was gettin' to that." As disappointing as it was, time had to be a spoiled sport and make him age, "As I grew bigger, Fluttershy knew I shouldn't become too dependent on her – I had to survive on my own, find a cave and live my own life in the wilderness – independent and free, but she told me that if I ever felt homesick, I was always welcomed back to stay at the cottage for as long as I needed… and I admit, it's become home to me." He chuckled lightly, and with guidance from Fluttershy and how big he got, he made it quite well in the wild. "So, it didn't surprise me that I found a cave not way too far from the cottage. I was lucky and I knew just where to go when I could always visit." He blushes a bit, as if embarrassed while admitting something else to Varan, while he seems fine being alone, he ironically felt lonesome and homesick without company "…or if I ever get lonely." He smiled as he looked to the Komodo, "Then I met Scootaloo; quite a spunky little filly, she is – kind of like a little sister or even a little cub I never had." It still surprised him how Fluttershy even had a filly of her own when she was still young herself. So bizarre.

He then winked his good eye at Varan who smiled at the mention of Scootaloo. "I guess I should've predicted she'd like someone like you." After Fluttershy had called him off and told him that she and Scootaloo would handle it, he took some thought into why Scootaloo would be involved with the lizard, only to conclude that not only is he new here, but he was also Scootaloo's pet. "And since you've been adopted by Scootaloo…" He chuckled and admitted, shrugging his wrapped arm gently so not to strain it. "…You're practically family. There was no way I was about to let my whole family become Manticore chow." Even though he was told before by another grizzly he befriended months ago about a rivalry between manticores and bears, he was not one of those bears to openly go with it. There was one manticore that hung around Fluttershy's cottage and Harry had no problems with him; So, that rivalry was nonsense to him.

The lizard was astounded; the bear had not only forgiven him but also considered him part of the family, as well. "You… fought to the near-death… to protect not only your family… but also to protect me?" He held his chest, feeling a bit tearful and overwhelmed by how easily he earned the bear's forgiveness and trust. "Even after I had been such a jerk?"

The bear simply smiled and wrapped his bandaged arm around the Komodo Dragon, bringing him into one of his specialty bear hugs. That alone gave him the answer.

Shocked by the hug, but finding it a warm feeling, Varan slowly wrapped his arm around Harry and returned the hug as much as he could. A smile slowly appeared on his muzzle as they hugged.

From that moment on, they both knew. The two had not only found common ground with each other and reached an understanding that they wanted to protect the same creatures they considered family – but they had also finally become friends.