• Published 15th Mar 2016
  • 5,584 Views, 261 Comments

As a Family - Dashzilla93

Scootaloo is no longer an orphan and is peacefully back in the caring watch of her mother, Fluttershy. However, Scootaloo ultimately asks her a complicated question: who's her father?

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Inner Conflicting Choices

“Decision?!” Drift said, “Rainbow Dash, I've been busy with my job and other things in life.” He had no clue what to say to her. He had no clue how she found him. And he wished she hadn't; for the past few weeks, she's been antagonizing him to go find Fluttershy and apologize. He had no clue why. He thought that his absence from her life was apologetic enough.

“I don't care, Drift,” Rainbow barked. “You've caused so much damage to Fluttershy after what you did.” she aggressively poked his chest that caused him to flinch but not enough take his eyes off her as he looked at her annoyed and agitated.

He shoved Rainbow's hoof away, and retorted, “That was in the freaking past. Yes, I know what I did was wrong, but it's done and over with. Now leave me alone!”

Her eyes slowly widen and her brows contorted to a hard V. Rainbow Dash snarled and gave Drift a threatening glare, “Have you forgotten what you did? I'm not going to blow this over like it's some kind of breeze! Do I have to remind you what you did?”

Drift rolled his eyes and shrugged, “Might as well. I can't stop you anyway.” Whatever Rainbow Dash had to say, he would not care in the slightest.

Rainbow noticed that eye roll and immediately got the hint he didn't care. She looked at him, annoyed “Alright, smart-aleck. How about getting Fluttershy pregnant.”

Or maybe he should've stopped her. He gazed at Rainbow Dash, shocked and his whole body felt cold. Now he remembered what happened, but he could not say what he wanted to say. His words were caught in the back of his throat. He couldn't speak for a few minutes until he finally got some words in, sort of, “I... I...” he stuttered until he spoke a coherent sentence, "I don't know what you're talking about.” And he just made an idiot out of himself. Why is Rainbow Dash doing this? He didn't want to deal with this and he especially didn't want to deal with her.

He had to find a way out so he can get on with his life. He had to think of something fast. Anything! The annoyed expression on Rainbow's face sure wasn't helping. He slightly panicked and shook his head, “I don't remember getting Fluttershy pregnant.” He wanted to slap himself for saying that. This just got from bad to worse, but he still saw that annoyed look on her face. He thought she was going to lash out or something. What was her deal?

Rainbow Dash knew he was lying through his teeth and it was aggravating her to no end. Three urges swam through her mind that she wouldn't hesitate to do: the urge to punch, the urge to mentally break him until he admits, or just tell Fluttershy herself; though the urge to punch him had never been so strong. She had to hold that off and be mature for her own sake. She knew she was hot-tempered and wouldn't hesitate to jump into action, but in a situation like this, it was a different ballgame.

Causing a scene could invoke issues to other ponies around them, and she saw some were getting suspicious of what they were talking about. She slightly snarled at them but hooked her gaze back onto Drift. They shouldn't stick their muzzles in other pony's business, but she'll admit that was her own fault. She just wasn't going to let Drift know it.

She needed to calm down and remain level-headed. If Drift was lying, then she needed a different method.

She took a deep breath and softly exhaled before speaking in a stern but calm tone as she glared at him with serious eyes, “I know you're lying Drift. You know as well as I that you got Fluttershy pregnant. I know you remember, so stop your bullshit.”

His mind was at a painful halt. His heart raced. Drift wanted out of this, but Rainbow went on.

“So, what's your choice?” she asked. “Go to Fluttershy or have me tell her myself. And I know she'll find you.” That last statement wasn't true. Her best friend was not a hunter, but she can picture Fluttershy being upset no matter who told her. Hopefully, this lie will get under his skin.

Drift soaked in what Rainbow Dash just said, but paused when he heard that last statement. He immediately calmed and collected himself. He raised a suspicious brow. He knew Fluttershy, too. Not a whole lot like Rainbow Dash, but he knew she would not likely do that. Something was off here.

“Wait a minute...” Drift grew suspicious and slightly glared at Rainbow Dash, but a panicked, yet familiar voice, called out to Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow Dash perked her ears as she and Drift looked back to see a brown, eagle-lion female griffin quickly soar down near them and rush up to Rainbow Dash.

“Gilda?” Rainbow Dash turned and approached her griffon friend, but the look in her eyes told her something was wrong.

“You okay?”

“Dash, I'm in trouble. Big trouble,” Gilda panicked, exhaustively panting through her voice as if she just flew fifty laps with twelve dragons chasing her. The beats of sweat around her body threw in a few clues as Rainbow Dash held her hooves up to Gilda's tufted fur to try and get her to calm down and snap out of it.

“Gilda, calm down. You're acting like you've just seen a hydra for the first time.” Rainbow said, “What's the matter with you?”

Even Drift was curious to know what was going on. This griffon seemed like she was in turmoil. Yet through that, he looked at this griffon as a surge of familiarity course through his mind. When he heard the name 'Gilda' is when that surge to effect as he remembered flashbacks of his highschool years when a young griffon with the same features Gilda approached him and his friends with Rainbow Dash. He remembered the wailing she gave to his friends and the hits Rainbow Dash gave on him. He managed to get away from them with his friends, but he was surprised and flabbergasted in himself for digging back into that. It was a bad day for him that day and he assumed the reasons for Rainbow's actions, but not Gilda. It was a mystery, but not one he wanted to be solved. He stayed out of sight as he listened to the two ramble about whatever they had to talk about.

And since Rainbow Dash was distracted, this would be a perfect opportunity to sneak away on with his life. Drift smiled to himself as he quietly backed away and turned around.

“My little sister. Glinda; she's gone,” Gilda cried out as she grabbed Rainbow Dash's arms.

Rainbow Dash widened her eyes in shock. She's met Gilda's little sister a few times back at Griffonstone and got a chance to talk and play with her for a bit before she and Gilda got to hang out.

“Little Glinda is missing?” Rainbow Dash asked when Gilda responded with a worried nod.

“I don't know where she is, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash removed Gilda's claws away from her arms, “Okay, when was the last time you saw her?” she asked.

Gilda collected some of her composure before answering her as calmly as possible, “Last time I saw her, I dropped her off at that small schoolhouse.”

Rainbow Dash took thought into what Gilda just said. She almost forgot Gilda and her little sister moved into Ponyville the other day and today was Glinda's first day of school. Some ideas came into mind as she placed a hoof under her chin. An instant smile formed on her face as her first guess came to fruition. She looked back at Gilda and nodded reassuringly.

“I think I might know where she is, but it's only a guess; I'm not always right on this kind of situation,” she chuckled at that little tease to herself.

Gilda puffed a sigh of relief as she calmed down and trusted Rainbow's word; at least she can take what she can get; it's better than nothing. She then took notice of the stallion a few feet away behind her friend, “Who's this guy?” she asked as she watched him flinch awkwardly as his fur stood up.

Rainbow Dash threw her head around and saw he was about to leave. She glared at Drift for attempting to leave before responding and reminding her griffon friend, “I'm surprised you don't remember Drift, Gilda.” she said in hopes of scaring Drift as punishment for even thinking they were done; he was so wrong on so many levels.

Gilda raised a brow and looked at Rainbow Dash confusingly. That name rang a little bell, but she had a hard time figuring out why. She gazed back at the stallion as he turned to face her showing a few hints of fear on his face. She picked up on this as she got a good look at his face. She tilted her head and pondered the moment she saw his eyes. The fear brought some satisfaction to her and she wanted to enjoy it, but it made her ask 'why?'. She still had that intimidation to this day and she was proud of that, but she wasn't really trying to scare either. This stallion really needed to lighten up, otherwise, he'd make the ground under him soggy.

“Drift?” Gilda said as she stood beside Rainbow Dash while she was just watched.

A look of fear and anxiety was brought upon Drift as he looked at Gilda. She looked almost exactly the same as she did back in highschool. The only difference he saw was her attitude and slightly muscular frame. She didn't sound as fierce as she did, but he needed to stay cautious around her. He then looked at Rainbow Dash as she sat there with a serious face. What hell was she trying to bring to him? He could feel his heart racing again, but he tried to remain calm as best he could. If this was another way for her to try and break him, she would need to do a lot more.

“Y-Yes, Gilda?” He responded as kindly, but with a bit of hesitation under his breath.

Gilda let out a brief sigh as she waved a reassuring talon, “Relax, scaredy-cat. I'm not going to slaughter you or anything. I just have a few questions.”

“Um, okay, and what's that?” Drift asked as kept his eyes on Gilda, trying hard not to shake.

Gilda rubbed the back her head, and asked, “Look, I know you're scared of me and I don't blame you, but I want to know why. Why are you scared of me?”

Drift now understood why Rainbow did what she did. He wanted to scold her back for putting him in this position. Someday, when the time comes, he will get her back for lifting Gilda's curiosity.

But he had no other choice left. He took a calm breath, cleared his throat and spoke to the griffon, “B-Because, I never forgot what you did to me and my friends back at Cloudsdale Highschool. You really did a number on us.” Drift said as he revealed to Gilda what she did back then.

Gilda reeled her head back and widen her eyes in confusion and shock. What was this guy talking about? It's been so long since she remembered her days back at that pony highschool. She hardly remembered her lunches let alone interactions with the other ponies. She was a loose cannon and cared less about what the other ponies thought of her; other than Rainbow Dash.

“What are you talking about, dude? My time at that Highschool wasn't all that great. The only fun I had was hangin' with Rainbow Dash, and--” she paused for a moment and thought about what Drift just said. She suddenly remembered one moment where Rainbow Dash asked her to join her in pummeling some stallions for some reason, but she never did care to know, or ask, what that the reason was. All she wanted was to have a little fun and she got a lot of it. That day was fun for her, but now she's changed. She pointed at Drift, and said in a surprising tone, “Wait, are you... no, it can't be.”

Drift slowly nodded to Gilda and ignored the smile Rainbow Dash had on her face, “Long time no see, Gilda.”

If there were any bells above her head, she'd hear the immense noises every gong. Everything was coming back to her.

Gilda threw her head forward as her irises shrank in realization, and said in a tone so shocked and so surprised, she thought she was seeing things, “Drift? Drift Velocity?!”

Drift nodded again, “The one and only.” he slightly cracked a smile and giggled a bit awkwardly.

Rainbow Dash kept her smile up as she spoke to them, much to Drift's dismay, “Yup, this guy is that Drift Velocity, Gilda. Been awhile, huh?” she gave her old friend a playful nudge on the shoulder.

She straightened her form, but her face remained the same. Gilda could not believe she didn't recognize Drift before; a look back wouldn't hurt now and then. She had to make a mental note of that.

“Yeah, I can hardly believe it's you. You look so different.”

Drift smiled a little wider, knowing Gilda was surprised and not wanting another round. She actually seemed excited; which was surprising. Maybe his anxiety got the better of him or something. But he still needed to keep his guard up just to make sure.

“And you look like you've hardly changed.”

“I'll say. You were the only one that actually put up a fight. The scar on your face is pretty badass, too,” she complimented him, but then gave him an apologetic frown. “Sorry for what I did back then. I wasn't quite thinking straight and joined Rainbow Dash for the heck of it.”

The smile on Rainbow's face instantly retracted and became a mistaking frown.

Drift blinked from hearing that last part and looked over to Rainbow Dash then back at Gilda. His suspicion was back up when he asked, “Apology accepted, but you didn't ask why she wanted you to come with her?”

“No. I didn't even think of asking. I just jumped in to have some fun,” she looked at Rainbow Dash with a curious glance. She knew it was a long time ago, but ever since she's gotten older she's been thinking rationally and asking questions before jumping into action; it was more of the right thing than what she previously did. With her curiosity peaked, she had known what went through Rainbow Dash's mind, “Dash, why did you ask me to go with you?”

Rainbow Dash looked at Gilda and tried to come up with ways to get out of this. She slightly panicked but kept her cool, or at least try to. If she were to tell Gilda her reason, she would...

...would she care?

Both Fluttershy and Gilda are her best friends, but they've met only a few times back in highschool and that one time where they bumped into each other in Ponyville. Gilda didn't care about anyone, except for her.

What changed?

Aside from knowing this and that Glinda was with her, she felt bad for neglecting to know her own griffin friend had a change in attitude. It was great to know that Gilda moved into Ponyville; it meant she would spend more time with her instead of traveling back and forth from Griffinstone to Ponyville; she could really use the time.

“Well?” Gilda said, getting a little impatient with Rainbow's quiet behavior.

“I... uh...” she sighed and gathered some of her thoughts. “I...”

“Say, Gilda,” Drift said, getting Gilda's attention. “Isn't there someone you two should be looking for?”

Gilda widens her eyes and gasped, “Oh crap, Glinda!” she turned her attention back to Rainbow Dash. “We still have to find her.”

“Oh, right. We almost forgot.”

“But we're not done talking about this. Once we find her, you are going to tell me your reason.”

Rainbow Dash nodded to Gilda; she'll owe her that for what she tried to do. The look on her face when she'll realize what her reason was, or meet the reason if Glinda is there.

As Gilda turned, a smile formed on Rainbow's face at the thought. She didn't have to tell Gilda, she'll just show her. But she then looked at Drift shaking Gilda's claw as they said 'goodbye' to one another. Her smile became a suspicious frown.

What was Drift planning?

Gilda dispersed her eagle wings and took off. Drift watched with a calm smile before a neon hoof aggressively poked him in the chest.

“Why did you butt in like that?” Rainbow asked sternly.

Drift rolled his eyes and quietly, but firmly, told Rainbow, “Gilda has no business knowing what you're trying to do right now; she has her own problems to deal with. If she finds out, that's fine. I don't really care.”

“Oh, like how you don't care about Fluttershy?”

“That's not what I-- ...” Drift paused his sentence and glared at Rainbow Dash. Anger swelled inside and he felt his urge to argue with Rainbow increased. He didn't want to talk about this any further, but he knew this persistent mare wouldn't stop until he cracked. He bit his lip and groaned, stopping himself from causing a scene, “Just go with Gilda and leave me alone. My shift is over thanks to you.”

Rainbow Dash glared at Drift with an annoyed snarl. She hated the fact that he was right, and her pride wouldn't let her admit it. She will get him to crack and she will make him see his wrongs because what he did to her best friend will not slide. She will bring him to her, maybe question Tree Hugger along the way.

This wrong will be right and she'll not rest until it's fixed.

Gilda calls out to Rainbow Dash as Rainbow Dash gazed up at her friend, “Coming,” she said to Gilda before looking back at Drift. “This isn't over, Drift.”

“I think it is,” Drift glared at Rainbow as she walked around him. He kept his glare on her as she took to the air and flew with Gilda.

Drift Velocity shook his head and sighed in relief. He walked up and entered back to his post until he looked up at the clock tower and groaned disappointingly.

“Dammit. Evening,” he cursed himself before closing up shop. He couldn't believe Rainbow Dash took all his time away from work and almost embarrassed him in front of Gilda and other ponies that unexpectedly, or unintentionally, happened to hear them. At least he got that crazy mare away from him, that's one good thing. Well, then again, that one talk with Scootaloo was nice. He chuckled to himself and remembered how she and her friends always came through and talked about Celestia knows what.

Scootaloo was as energetic as he was when he was younger. It was quite a surprise. Drift sighed again as he packed up the for the day and placed the closed sign on the stand. He reached under the stand and pulled out a decent sized pouch with his hard earned bits. He almost forgot about that third best thing. He was happy his boss didn't forget. Rocky did have a tendency to forget now and then.

He slipped on his bag and placed his pouch of bits inside until he heard something drop with a small thud He turned around and saw a small, half-broken heart stone with a picture attached to the back.

He picked it up and looked at the stone before he gazed at the picture. A small, apologetic, frightened frown formed as he kept his gaze on the picture.

“I'm so sorry,” he said to himself as he placed the stone and picture back in his bag. “I know you'll be angry, but I'm not ready to face you yet.” He zipped the tent shut and walked away.

“I hope you'll forgive me when I see you again.”