• Published 15th Mar 2016
  • 5,595 Views, 261 Comments

As a Family - Dashzilla93

Scootaloo is no longer an orphan and is peacefully back in the caring watch of her mother, Fluttershy. However, Scootaloo ultimately asks her a complicated question: who's her father?

  • ...

A Healing Future, A Damaged Past

Their kiss separated. Their eyes locked with one another. The thoughts of those who believed pain, anguish, and hate would arise failed to stop this reunion from happening. And the thoughts of those who believed that aggression and force would be the right answer were wrong. Nature took its course and did what those who tried to do couldn't. Expectations were exceeded while others were crushed. Yet, some were not expecting the outcome before them.

Everyone inside Sugarcube Corners sure didn't expect to see a something like this. Well, except for Vinyl and Pinkie – they were enjoying the sight before them and knew the outcome as they and everyone around them watched as Fluttershy and Drift shared a moment with one another, regaining the love they once lost.

Drift's teary, puffy, red eyes were glued to Fluttershy. For once in his life, he felt at ease. His mind calming down from all those anxiety attacks. The fear of being disowned by the one mare he treated as a 'trophy mare' slowly descended. He looked into her beautiful eyes and had feelings he never thought he'd feel, again: love. He was falling in love with Fluttershy all over again, and this time, it was for real. Drift didn't see her as a trophy mare to show off; he saw her as a lovely angel he would vow to protect with his very life.

Fluttershy never looked away from Drift. She didn't care if others were watching. She finally got to see the stallion she fell in love with back in high-school. Though, previously, she had thoughts of wanting to hurt Drift for the actions he did: leaving her to carry his child and having to put said child in an orphanage because she was too young. She would've raged like no tomorrow if she ever saw him, again… but, she didn't. Right here, right now, she found him. But her rage never flourished, it was all null and void. She briefly had the thought of shouting at him for what he did, but after hearing what he had to say to her and saw how much the grief was tearing him apart because he was not there with her to help raise Scootaloo made her think differently. The truth has come out, they had both changed from what had happened, and the stallion she had been so peeved at, was at this point almost as emotional as she was when having a breakdown. This was all she needed to see to know that the former Drift was gone, and now this current Drift needed her… just as much as she needed him.

The rage she once had shifted into something calm, caring and sweet. It was her element, after all. Fluttershy missed Drift so much and all she wanted was to have him back by her side.

Drift tried to regain his composure, but all his emotion was all out and everyone saw, but he didn't care. He had Fluttershy in his embrace – both winged and normal. "Fluttershy, I--"

Fluttershy gave him a soft, sweet smile and cutely rubbed her muzzle against his, making him stop, "Don't. You've already hurt yourself, enough." Which she can't deny, either. But they needed to get to the eye of this emotional storm, soon. "Seeing you like this makes me feel worse," she said before chuckling, "I thought I was supposed to cry, not you." Clearly, she was wrong. But she needed to joke around to balance the mood. Pretty sure Pinkie would appreciate that.

Drift occasionally giggled through his stuttering breaths, "W-We're both crying. It's not just me, Fluttershy," Drift said as he smiled at her, really needing that chuckle. Even if she was a shy pony, he was still happy to know Fluttershy still had her silly moments.

Everyone else kept quiet as they watched. This was a very touching moment and they didn't want to ruin it – not one bit.

Smolder smiled tearfully at this while Spike kept an arm around her in case she was about to cry. Spike knew his sister was tough, but she had a soft heart and seeing moments like this always got to her – which goes to show that while dragons like to be tough, they can show they have soft sides sometimes. ‘This is so beautiful…'

Spike smiled, as well. He was happy for Fluttershy. He had to tell Twilight what happened later; she was gonna be in for a shock when she hears this. They didn't who this stallion was, but they guessed this must be Fluttershy's ex-coltfriend.

Gallus watched with a more steady demeanor. He didn't know the stallion hugging professor Fluttershy, either. But he gave him props for throwing all his feeling to her and his teacher took it with kindness and forgiveness. Gallus smiled at Fluttershy, commending her for acting the way she did. If this was the power of kindness, he was learning quite well from it. And he loved to use these lessons sometime. Gallus had more respect for Fluttershy.

Vinyl leaned back on the counter and watched her step-brother amend to Fluttershy. She felt proud of him for doing this.

"That went rather well, doncha think?" Pinkie Pie asked, leaning forward on the countertop, talking to Vinyl, resting her head on her hooves.

"Heh, I guess so. I expected him to be sappy, but not like that," Vinyl said as she gave Drift a proud smile. But she was also proud of Fluttershy, as well, "I'm just glad Fluttershy forgave him so easily. I know she's the element of kindness and all, but I was sort of thinking she was gonna flip out, too." Vinyl knew Fluttershy back then and was aware she was a shy pony with a timid nature, but she guessed she didn't know Fluttershy that well...

…Unlike Pinkie Pie who knew Shy much longer.

"Silly Vinyl," she said with a giggle-snort, "Fluttershy does get angry, but only if it's for a good reason. Like, really good reason."

"Really? How do you know this?" A physiological wave of realization hit like a freight train when she asked that question, making her feel like she's answered her own question to Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie nonchalantly gazed at Vinyl with a sassy, teasing grin, "Because I've known her longer than you have."

Yup, she definitely answered her own question, but Pinkie Pie had answered it anyway. She playing rolled her eyes and chuckled. As much as she wanted to counter that, Pinkie Pie had a legit point. While Vinyl technically knew Fluttershy back in High-School, she didn't exactly get to know her more than she already did. She knew Fluttershy was a sweet and shy mare and that's it. She never knew anything else outside of that. So, to her, Vinyl saw herself as more an acquaintance. And with how much her job kept her from hanging out with other friends made things difficult.

Pinkie Pie, however, knew Fluttershy way more than what she could ever learn. How she keeps tabs on her is beyond her. Then again, how she keeps info about everypony else is on a whole different level. Also, the fact that Pinkie Pie helped Fluttershy and the other four save the world on multiple occasions probably gave her more time to get to know her. And she worked in a bakery where she has free roam to talk to anypony she wishes. Funny how jobs work like that. But because that, and everything else, Pinkie Pie knew more about Fluttershy than she ever will and it was actually pretty scary.

How this mare hasn't gotten a lead role in a horror movie is astounding.

Vinyl let out a defeated sigh and admittedly said, "You make a good point, Pinkie Pie. Now turn your bragging into a cake and eat it."

Pinkie Pie let out a small giggle, taking that idea into consideration, but she had other sweets to make, "I'll save that idea for later. Right now, I still have something in the oven. Shouldn't take long, but when they cool, I think I'll have the reunited couple have the first bite," she then turned her attention to Scootaloo, briefly, "Or better yet, the whole--" but Scootaloo disappeared while Vinyl and Pinkie Pie were talking "--family?"

Vinyl looked at the same spot Scootaloo used to be before both mares looked straight ahead to see Scootaloo slowly walk towards Drift.

"What's with Scootaloo?" Vinyl asked.

"Didn't you figure it out yet, Vinyl?"

"Figure what out?" Pinkie Pie gave her a raised brow, and for once not saying anything so Vinyl can figure it out. Vinyl gave Pinkie Pie a confused shrug before she looked back at Scootaloo.

That's when something new started to click. The whole time she and her step-brother were here, they were trying to find Fluttershy and figure out who his kid was. And judging by who all was here in the bakery, Scootaloo was the only filly here. The timer was clicking. Vinyl's glasses slid down the edge of her muzzle, revealing shocked eyes, "Wait, Scootaloo was with those three right?" Vinyl asked as she pointed to the dragons and griffon.

Gallus overheard that and peered back at Vinyl, shrugging a shoulder as he confessed to the DJ mare, "Eh…Not really. She was with Professor Fluttershy when we met up." He put his attention back to Scootaloo walking up to the distracted couple.

The timer for the oven in the kitchen went off, "Cookies are done!" Pinkie Pie beamed back into the kitchen to get them out as Vinyl sat their wide-eyed and slack-jawed.

'She's Drift's kid?,' she shockingly pointed a shaky hoof at Scootaloo, ‘She's my niece?!'

Then it dawned on Drift, with Fluttershy being here, their kid should be here, too, right? "Hey, Fluttershy, do you know where our child is?" he asked curiously and with a hint of nervousness too as he even looked around the floor around their legs for a moment as if to try and spot a shy foal to peek out from behind Fluttershy.

Fluttershy caught that little nervous bit and giggled softly. She knew Scootaloo would eventually be brought up, "She's here in the bakery with us, Drift."

Scootaloo walked up to the pegasus couple, slowly. Her eyes glued onto them as her brain tried rebooting to fully grasp what just happened. "Mom?..." She almost quietly spoke out, yet her mother was able to hear her among the emotional trance she was in.

Fluttershy looked over to her daughter, seeing the bewildered but stunned look on her face. She smiled lightly, knowing it was a lot for her to take in, 'And speaking of our daughter,' she had a feeling Scootaloo would behave like this. Though, another dramatic thought told her that Scootaloo might react the same way she did when she found out she was her real mother – hopefully, that doesn't come back.

"Mom... d-did he just say..." She wanted to double check, it was just almost completely unreal.

Despite that though, Fluttershy didn't want it to ruin this moment. Her daughter was there and wanted to know, "Yes, Scootaloo..." Fluttershy nodded with a soft, but tender smile as Drift looked at Scootaloo in equal shock yet realization. She noticed the look on his face and tried so hard not to giggle. His behavior was so much like Scootaloo's, it was adorably funny. But the moment was here and Fluttershy motioned with her head to Drift and proudly said, "Meet your daddy."

Drift looked at Fluttershy with that same shocked face before he looked back at Scootaloo.

"And Drift?"

Drift looked back at Fluttershy, again, as she gave him a smile so true, it would make Applejack proud, "Meet your daughter, Scootaloo"

"S-Scootaloo," Drift repeated, learning his own daughter's name while looking back feeling nervous, now. Ironic that he had learned her name when they met the other day, but it never occurred to him that they were closer than they ever thought.

The filly and the stallion couldn't believe it. This entire time, they had been father and daughter and had just been face-to-face with one other the other day at Rocky's workshop.

They both had unintentionally found each other and they didn't even know it!

It was quiet between the two as their brains finally restarted and they took in this new information, with new thoughts flowing in.

Scootaloo was stunned, the stallion she had met at Rocky's stall, filling in for him while he was sick – the one who knew her personally by her reputation from seeing her and her two besties on their crusades through town – was actually her father.

Drift was no better – actually, he was in disbelief; the little orange filly he had met the other day with Tree Hugger, was his daughter. Now that he was getting a good look at her, he would've laughed because earlier he and V-Sis were joking about who his kid would look like more -- and ironically, while ending up with a daughter, this little daredevil of a filly resembled the filly version of that bull-headed pegasus that tried to force him to make his decision quick. Hopefully, that mare hasn't done anything to his daughter that warranted her of taking anything from her instead of actually taking things from her real mother.

'Why am I not surprised by the resemblance?' He inwardly chuckled to himself about the uncanny resemblance between Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash.

However, he looked a bit concerned when he noticed her wings. They seemed rather small for a filly her age – underdeveloped, even. He had another realization hit him: pegasus foals have their parents to teach them how to fly, with the fathers giving the most support while teaching his son or daughter how to fly. He felt another stab of guilt run through his veins.

About this age, Scootaloo would've been flying by now. But after he had noticed her small buzzing wings, he felt he was inadvertently responsible for his daughter's suffering – because he felt that since he wasn't there to support and teach her how to fly, she can't exactly fly like everyone else. "Scootaloo, I..." He tried to speak to Scootaloo, finally breaking the pregnant silence between them. But what could he say to her? This was his first intentional time seeing her as his daughter. But then he heard her speak.

"D-Daddy?" Scootaloo said about to choke up for not figuring this out sooner. Yesterday, she thought he was just a regular stallion living in Ponyville and didn't think much else, other than he was fun to talk to. But now, she's seeing him, again, and learned he was her father the whole time. What could she say? What could she do? Her body was moving on its own and she could think straight. Her real father was right in front of her and that's all she could focus on. Everyone else was just noise.

Drift looked at Scootaloo sympathetically and walked a few inches away from Fluttershy and sat down while she watched them. He was still processing what was going on, but he could think clearly enough to at least know what to say. What he and his step-sister thought would be a long journey only lasted for mere hours and now they did it. Time felt slow to them, but he had to say something to her. And he did with a soft smile and opened his arms for a welcoming hug to his little one, "It's so good to see you, baby girl."

She didn't hold anything back. Tears of happiness, joy, and fulfillment ran down Scootaloo's cheeks and she hiccuped and sobs. Her body ran on auto-pilot and she rushed up to Drift, "Daddy!" She jumped into his arms and hugged him close, Drift's arms closing as father and daughter hugged for the very first time in many years.

Drift shed his own tears as he looked down at Scootaloo sobbing in his arms, nuzzling into his embrace almost feverishly while she cried. It felt so new to him, but he didn't care. He finally got to hold his daughter in his arms. She felt so soft and light, but so strong for a filly. He couldn't be more proud of her. He looked back at Fluttershy with a smile, trying so hard to hold back from sobbing.

Fluttershy just held her hooves against her muzzle and smiled, keeping quiet while shedding tears of joy at this moment. She was proud, happy and full of fulfillment, as well. Their family was reunited and no one could ever ruin it.

With the pressure being too much, Drift looked back at Scootaloo and cried the same tears with her as he returned the nuzzling his daughter was giving, his head right above hers, nestling into her mane. They didn't care if anyone else was watching, they were just so happy to be reunited with each other.

"Daddy, I missed you so much," Scootaloo said through her sobbing.

"I missed you, too, Scootaloo," Drift said as he rubbed Scootaloo's head and down her back. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, but I'm here for you now."

"Please, don't leave mommy and me again," She sniffled through her tears, now that she finally got her father back, she begged for him to stay with her and Fluttershy this time.

This almost threw both parents off-guard, but they both knew it was understandable. Their child deserved having both of them in her life – and since they've finally made up, who were they to reject this for their little one?

"Don't worry, squirt, I won't. That'll never happen, again," He gave Fluttershy another teary, but warm smile as he gazed upon her blushing but gleeful face. "That is, If your mother will let me start over with her," He added with a loving voice towards her direction.

Scootaloo immediately perked up and looked at her mother almost pleadingly, wanting her to accept the offer.

Fluttershy held her heart, her eyes twinkling and the words trying to emerge out of her throat were jamming up in her throat. She was speechless; her now former ex-coltfriend was willing to be there for her and their child this time and wanted to properly start over. "Drift…"

He took her wing in his, looked her in the eye and gingerly asked out of the blue, "Fluttershy, will you make me the luckiest stallion in the world, and our child the happiest foal in Ponyville, and start over with me? We can be a true family, like how you always wanted."

Both Fluttershy, their friends and family gasped softly, realizing what Drift was doing now.

He didn't want to be cheesy or anything, and having the feeling that Fluttershy wouldn't want a big scene happening and put her right on the spot, either. He remembered how much of a shy girl she was at school, usually hiding in the halls. So, he decided to make it simple, yet warm with honesty and love, with just a little drop of syrupy sweetness just for her.

Fluttershy was almost speechless by the proposal. Her heart was racing a bit, he had won her over of course with his apology and she took him back with open arms, but now he's proposing to her? Granted, she was grateful that it wasn't over-the-top, but sweet and simple, it was almost breathtaking and nearly felt unreal like a dream.

She was a bit conflicted with her inner thoughts – should she accept his proposal or should they take it slow? But when she saw how honest, gentle and ready Drift was being and how happy Scootaloo was looking despite her tears running down her face, she looked inside her own heart and found the answer: She wanted to be a whole family, just as much as Scootaloo and Drift did.

"Oh, Drift, of course, I will," Her wing tenderly squeezed his as her tears ran down her smiling face. She collapsed on her knees and joined the hug with her daughter and her stallion, which both happily yet tearfully took.

"Aww…" Sugarcube Corner filled with happiness for the three as the patrons, including friends and family, were touched by what they were witnessing – touched to even the point of starting to get teary-eyed.

"That did it," Smolder gave in to her pressuring emotions and sobbed a bit from the scene before her, covering her eyes as she cried. Spike held her close to comfort her.

"Breathe, sis… breathe…" He stroked her back as she sobbed in his chest. Though he looked a bit intrigued when he heard a sniff on his left. He looked to see Gallus wiping a lone tear away from his eye; he looked a bit stunned at the steady-headed griffon's actions. While he couldn't deny he expected his own sister to be emotional about this due to her soft heart, but it was surprising to see Gallus shed a tear to this. "Whoa, dude, are you crying?"

Flinching, the young griffon tries to play it cool. But something about Drift's little proposal to make his little family whole again tugged his own heartstrings. Griffons were supposed to be tough, prideful creatures, not emotional fledglings. "No-no, I'm not! It's just the mushiness is starting to hurt my eyes and—" He noticed the unimpressed look Spike was giving him and slouched his shoulders, his wings touching the ground. "Alright, so I'm not as heartless as the other griffons from Griffonstone."

Even Mrs.Cake couldn't resist shedding a tear to this happy family scene before her and Mr.Cake, a loving smile on her face, "This kind of reminds me of when you first proposed to me, my carrot-muffin." This made him blush brightly but he smiled lovingly at her and wrapped an arm around his wife.

Vinyl was still standing in shock from her realization, little Scootaloo was her niece, and she too didn't know that this filly with such a powerful set of lungs for that squealing was the kid that she had been hoping to meet. But it did warm her heart to make her happy with her autograph before learning the truth – and witnessing her step-brother's little proposal towards Fluttershy just made her heart lift and play a loving beat.


She snapped out of her dazed state when her brother called her, she looked over to see him smiling in her direction and he motioned for her to come over.

Ironically, a bit of anxiousness almost came over her as she took a second to look around and points at herself when looking back at him.

Drift rolled his eyes in an amused way before remarking to her, "Oh, for the love of all the great wonderbolts in the sky, V-Sis. Get your flanks over here and meet your niece." He chuckled a little. ‘And here I thought I was the one who was a bit reluctant to meet with Fluttershy and my kid.' He thought to himself as his sister came over.

Scootaloo blinked a few times and wiped the tears from her eyes as she tried to process what her father just said, "N-Niece?" Scootaloo's eyes slowly widened when she quickly registered what her father had said. Was he saying what she thought that he was saying?

He chuckled lightly and nods at his daughter, finding her fangirl moments kind of adorable now. "That's right, squirt. Care to give your Auntie Vinyl a big hug?"

Vinyl pouted at Drift for that little nickname but had almost no time to react when she heard the squeal and she yelped as Scootaloo practically tackle-hugged her down to the floor and was hanging on tight, squealing out in excitement and wings buzzing fast that would rival a hummingbird's wings.

"DJ Pon3 is my aunt! DJ Pon3 is my aunt! This is the greatest day of my life!" First, she found her mother, then she gets an awesome pet and now she found not only her father but realized one of the idols she looked up to and was a big fan of was none other than her flipping aunt. If this was a dream, Scootaloo wished she'd never wake up.

Vinyl blushed highly but smiled as she hugged her little niece close, rubbing her back as the filly fangasmed hard in her arms. Seeing how she's practically a big fan of hers and she stated she loved her music, looks like teaching Scootaloo her latest beats was going to be a cinch.

Spike snickered a bit and leaned towards Drift, whispering to him as he referred to Scootaloo's fangirl moment, "You just made her century."

Drift chuckled lightly and shook his head, "I'm probably never going to hear the end of this squealing, am I?"

Fluttershy giggled at his comment and nuzzled up to him, smiling at her daughter having the time of her life, "Nope. Not by a long shot." She pecked his cheek, causing him to blush bright and make his wings buzz just like Scootaloo's would.

Vinyl chuckled lightly and teased him after noticing the similarity of how Scootaloo's wings sound compared to Drift's, "Yep, Little Scoots is your daughter, alright."

And Scootaloo could only squeal and giggle in glee.

***a few hours later***

"So, you live in a cottage close by to the Everfree Forest and you're surrounded in an abundance of forest animals?" Drift asked his daughter and marefriend as he sat with his step-sister. After their emotional moment, and finally getting Scootaloo to stop her squeal-fest, things slowly returned to normal in Sugarcube Corner. Now, they were sitting at a table outside Sugarcube Corner for some air and a bit of privacy to themselves.

And since he and Fluttershy finally reconciled, he made sure to use this time to properly get to know her properly this time, both her and their daughter. But he became surprised when he heard that after high school, after her pregnancy, she had placed Scootaloo into an orphanage because she was too young to care for a foal, and had recently brought her back into her life a few months ago. But he also didn't expect them to be living close by to that spooky forest, surrounded by wild animals.

Fluttershy smiled and nodded with a cheery "Mhm" that would make Pinkie's baby sister Marble Pie proud.

"So, whatever happened to that orphanage?" Drift asked, curiously.

Fluttershy shrugged and didn't seem to care about what happened to it, "As far as I know, that orphanage is still around. After I got my daughter's stuff out of that dreadful place, I didn't think much of it anymore." With having her daughter back in her life, there was no point in thinking of it, anymore. "But, the ponies who worked there tried suing me to get Scootaloo back," the fact the Greedy Bags tried to actually do something astounded her, but the outcome was not in her and her boss's favor.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and shook her head at the mention of that cesspool of an orphanage, "I hated that place. Nearly every colt and filly was either bullies, thieves or just caused havoc for fun." She's just grateful her mother and friends kicked Greedy Bags and whoever that boss was to the curb.

Vinyl cringed and couldn't imagine what that must've been like. She's had a clean plate for years and would love to keep it that way. Going to court is a real drag. But she had to ask, "What did you do to get them off your back?"

Fluttershy smiled proudly and made like Trixie, sort of, and boasted, "With the help of Celestia and Twilight and tons of evidence, I got a restraining order on them and I haven't seen them since."

Drift and Vinyl were floored by that. To have two princesses back her up must've been overkill for the orphanage.

"Two princesses backing you up… with Celestia, of all princesses, being one of them… might've been a teensy bit overkill for them, don't-cha think?" Vinyl honestly asked since it was on her mind. That only got a shrug out of them, which she soon followed. It was over and done with, no need to worry now.

"Well, I'm glad you won so easily to keep our daughter safe," Drift nuzzled close to Fluttershy, feeling so proud and happy Fluttershy stood up for Scootaloo. "I'd like her to be with us instead of some crummy orphanage."

Fluttershy blushed rosy-red and shyly hid behind her mane, bringing out a nostalgic giggle from Drift. Even as a full adult, Fluttershy still does that; Drift loved it and missed seeing it. But then it dawned on him, "And those animals?"

Scootaloo grinned as she ecstatically told her father and aunt about their animal friends, "The animals there are totally awesome, dad, auntie! There's spiders, lions, snakes, weasels—"

Drift looked a bit astounded as he listens to her list off the types of animals there while Vinyl seemed a bit concerned, "All these dangerous animals live around you?" Drift asked as he looked to Fluttershy, slightly concerned while she had a sheepish blush on her cheeks. "And none of them scare you?"

His beloved angel of Equestria giggled lightly and shook her head at his question; her animal friends could never scare her unless they hurt themselves. "Of course not, Drift," She showed them her cutie mark of the three pink butterflies, "I just have a special way of understanding them. They would never hurt me or our daughter after treating them with such kindness."

"Makes sense to me," Vinyl shrugged a bit.

‘So that's what her cutie mark meant,' He thought to himself, now it made sense. When he saw her cutie mark at school, he simply thought it meant something butterfly related, like she was a social butterfly or she was meant to be a butterfly keeper. ‘Man, I was way off.'

"We even have our own pets among them," She smiled sweetly and giggled softly to them.

But, like he always did, he couldn't help but want to crack a joke, "Are you sure all those creatures that our daughter is listing aren't your pets? Because, the way she makes it sound, you basically have all of these creatures wrapped around your hoof."

She chuckled in amusement and shook her head, "They're just very close to us. That's all. Most of them even started to view Scootaloo as their own little one." Fluttershy brought her daughter in a one-armed hug, much to her dismay as she blushed and grumbled a bit.

"Let's hope I don't make them feel like I'm taking away their little foal, then." He laughed a bit, but also nervously knowing how defensive animals can get. "So, if they're not your pets but animal companions, what type of animal do you have as a pet?"

"A bunny named Angel Bunny." The yellow Pegasus smiled wholeheartedly.

"That figures," He teased her with a fond tone of voice that made her heart flutter; he had a feeling out of all these animals that Scootaloo is listing off, his girl would more likely choose something cute as a pet.

Vinyl chuckled and looked to Scootaloo, ruffling her mane. "What about you, squirt?" she made few guesses just to have fun, "Did you get a squirrel, a bird, a mouse, a ferret? Am I close?" Vinyl smiled playfully and being cheeky, but Scootaloo just shook her head and give Vinyl a confident brow raise and proud smile.

"Not even close, auntie," Scootaloo said as she revealed to them in a sort of dramatic way, "My pet is a Komodo Dragon!"

Both her aunt and father looked a bit dumbstruck, shocked and a bit worried in her choice of animal. But Fluttershy only laughed when she saw the looks on their faces.

"Don't worry, I was worried about her choice, too. But Varan is a rather… mellow reptile." ‘Mellow' was the best word she could come up with for Varan from memory of him not minding Scootaloo's presence around him or making up with lots of playtime for her whenever he tried to be lazy some mornings.

Vinyl chuckled lightly, for some reason she could believe Scootaloo would want something cool for a pet instead of something cute like a bunny, "I can strangely believe that."

"Dad, do you have a pet?" She smiled eagerly, wanting to know more about him. If he had a pet, then that means Varan, Angel and the other animals will have a new friend to meet.

While he admired his daughter's eagerness to learn more about him, which he couldn't blame her for one second, and absolutely loved how gutsy she is, especially to train and raise a bloody komodo dragon, he had to be honest with her with that question. He smiled lightly and apologetically at his daughter as he lowered his ears while answering her question, "Not really, sweetheart." He smirked towards his V-sis, directing this next comment to her, "Not unless you count your auntie when she sneaks into my house to escape the paparazzi every once in a while." He laughed as Vinyl smacked him one upside the head while she scowled at him with a dark blush.

This got the girls to laugh a little too, thankfully getting it because they knew a celebrity life must be quite flashy when those camera carrying ponies piranha their way around them.

"Not funny, D-Bro…"

"Yes it is, and you know you love me, V-Sis," He countered with a sly but brotherly smile which she returned in a sisterly fashion, which then turned into a sibling hug and a noogie on her brother's head.

Scootaloo looked on at them as Drift laughed and struggled to get out of his sister's grip, ever since she met him at Rocky's, that scar of his caught her attention, somewhat. While she admitted it looked awesome, like he was some sort of mafia boss or a pirate, she also wondered how he got it in the first place. She knew something must've happened, but she just had to know, "Dad?"

The two siblings pause and look towards the filly as did Fluttershy, who looked to her out of curiosity.

"If you don't mind me asking… How did you get that scar? Where did it come from?"

The amount of silence seemed endless as it breezed through Drift and Vinyl. They pondered for an answer, but were reluctant – Drift especially. From what they've told them, Fluttershy and Scootaloo live in an area where a lot of animals roam and live free. It seemed like a sanctuary there.

"Well..." Drift awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. He didn't know how to put it. He didn't know how these two would react if they knew he used to be a trophy hunter. He felt a little paranoid thinking they'd hate him for what he's done. That, and thinking about what happened still hurt him, "Um, it's a complicated story." Drift chuckled a little and looked to Vinyl for any ideas, but Vinyl just shrugged as if it wasn't her problem. She wasn't there when he was attacked.

"Don't look at me, she asked you that question. I wasn't there that day." That sparked curiosity to Fluttershy and Scootaloo. Now they were very interested in where he got that scar.

Drift rolled his eyes at his step-sister for not being any help and looked back at his family but collected him as best he could, "Okay, to make a long story short, I got this scar from a monster while doing my job."

"A monster?" Scootaloo tilted her head in thought. That's the second time a monster was brought up. First her pet, and now her father. What's going on here?

"You got a scar from a monster?" Fluttershy said, repeating him as if she heard that right. But his job caught her ears and she looked at him suspiciously. Was he hiding something? "What was your job, Drift?" She asked a bit hesitantly. If this 'monster' was some kind of animal, then she'd have a lot to say to Drift. This job seemed like it involved animals in some way and she was split in knowing this.

Drift felt a cold chill down his spine. It's bad enough his own daughter had to ask where he got the scar, but he could've chosen his words right. Now Fluttershy asked him about his job. If he told them he used to be a hunter, could they trust him; would they trust him? He didn't know. Yes, he hunted animals but only the animals that were... "Rogue?" That's it, maybe that can ease him from being so paranoid.

"What?" Fluttershy asked, confused but a bit worried. Drift was acting a little off and she wondered if this was making him fidgety.

"What about a rogue?" Scootaloo asked as well. That word came out of nowhere and she could figure out what he meant by that. What did it mean?

Vinyl shook her head and stopped this awkward silence by explaining what he meant to them for Drift, "Okay, Drift used to be a trophy hunter back in the day," This caught Scootaloo and Fluttershy by surprise and they looked at Drift in shock, but Vinyl continued while Drift felt his heart race and had thoughts of wanting to smack Vinyl for this but also thank her for stepping in, "He worked for a company that hunted animals for a living. Made a lot of bits out of it, too."

And then the thought of punching Vinyl came to mind. She could've worded that differently, but the angered snap of Fluttershy woke him up from his mental trance.

"You what?!" Fluttershy stood up and looked at Drift angrily. "Drift, are you a poacher?!" That was the one thing she hated most of all in Equestria. To think that ponies poach animals as a means to get bits is just cruel and undeserving. And for Drift to be a part of that was making her see different lights, again. First abandoning her and now shooting animals for money? This was uncalled for.

Drift flinched in panic and frantically waved his arms, "No, No, No, Fluttershy. It's not the kind that you think!" He just got her back. He didn't want to lose her again, especially over something like this. "It's not like that. I swear. Please, let me explain," He pleaded to Fluttershy to calm down. He didn't want her to be angry at him after seeing her for the first time in years. He wanted to make things right, not worse.

Vinyl leaned her head back in shock and thought to herself that she really should've worded what she said better, "He's right, Fluttershy. Just let him explain before you have a chance to kill him this time," she backed him up on this and tried to put humor into it but Drift saw no ounce of this being funny. The last thing they wanted was for Fluttershy and Scootaloo to be angry at Drift. Speaking of Scootaloo, Vinyl glanced at Scootaloo who was actually distracted by her own thoughts. Did she even hear any of this?

Fluttershy snorted and sat back down with her arms crossed. She gave him a slight death glare and latched her attention to him, "Then explain, Drift," Fluttershy barked sternly, "You have no idea how seriously I care for my animals." She even went so far to grab him by the fur and snarl that vicious slight death glare, to give him a warning, "And if you hurt my animal friends in any way… so help me…" She narrowed her eyes at him as he gulped lightly.

Drift could only imagine what she would do. He never knew how serious Fluttershy got, especially if it concerned their daughter's wellbeing or, as he now learned, her animals' safety. She's changed so much and he felt so bad he missed all of it. She does deserve an explanation. Hopefully, he can calm her down with it, "Okay, so, I don't poach animals, Fluttershy. Back when I was a bit younger, I used to be a part of a group of trophy hunters for hire. It's like mercenary work, but instead of hunting ponies in contracts, we hunt down animals who've gone rogue and give them to the pony who gave us the contract. We've earned a living doing that job."

That was actually more than enough to get all that loaded anger off her back and help calm her down. Fluttershy looked stunned. She didn't think of trophy hunting, at all. It was always poaching this and poaching that. Trophy hunting was never brought up on any scrolls, articles or newspapers she's read. It blew her mind and she tilted her head as she said in a surprised tone, "Really? You trophy hunted animals who've gone --" she gasped when he told her that last bit "-- no wonder the forests have been at ease for so many years." Like Drift, she too has heard of rogues. Rogue animals are no doubt considered bad news – they're not only dangerous, but they listened to no one, and would not hesitate to pick a fight.

But lately, the forests have been at ease. She had no idea that it was because of her coltfriend and his friends taking care of the rogues.

Drift perked his ears and smiled a little, not only happy he got through to Fluttershy but also happy to know she seems to understand. This was a big relief to him, "So, you get what I'm talking about."

"Yes, actually. I know about rogues and what they're capable of," Fluttershy said before she let out a disappointed sigh and revealed a dark truth that caught Scootaloo's attention, "I came across one four years ago. It didn't see me, thank Celestia. But I hid from it when I was helping a family of snakes find a new home," Fluttershy explained with a wince to her body, "It was a jaguar. Its fur was all messy and its eyes were red. I think it had foam in its mouth, too. But it left before I could sneak away. I don't know if it passed away or not, but I never want to see it, again." Fluttershy rested her arms on the table while talking to Drift and Vinyl. Although she loved animals, that was one terrifying experience that she didn't want to find herself in again.

"Yikes, first Drift and now you?" Vinyl said as she compared, "Between you two, I think Drift had it worse. One of the members of his group got killed by a rogue manticore."

"What?!" Fluttershy and Scootaloo looked at Vinyl and Drift in pure shock.

"Yeah, it was pretty ugly. I'm glad I wasn't there to see it, but poor D-Bro had the bad end of it." Vinyl motioned to Drift with her arm, while she was glad she wasn't there to witness the brutal fight, she was still sorry that he got himself hurt in the midst of it.

Drift shook his head at that remark. If anyone had the bad end of anything, it was the pony who died in the jaws of Marabunda, "I'm just someone who's lucky to be alive. When I try and think back on it, just hurts a lot." Even to this day, he still remembers the monster's face and what he did to him and his crew. He sadly felt his scar as he turned his head, allowing his mare and daughter to see the scar that beast left him during their scuffle, "Ever since our little ‘tango' with that crazy manticore… I quit the business," He didn't want to go through another mix of danger and loss like that again. "I never wanted to go through a dangerous mix of loss and life-threatening danger like that ever again."

Fluttershy and Scootaloo just look at him with grief and sorrow. They felt so bad that he had to go through that, but they could only imagine what it'd be like in his hooves. Then again, Fluttershy wouldn't and she sure wasn't gonna let Scootaloo anywhere near rogue animals. But as much as they felt bad to hear one of his comrades died, they were just happy and relieved Drift was alive and with them.

"Don't worry, dad, at least you're still around and with us," Scootaloo smiled sweetly at Drift and if there were any butterflies flying around his heart, he'd feel them for sure.

"Aw, thanks, baby girl. That means a lot," Drift said as he smiled at his girls. "I'm happy I finally got to see you--" he gazed at Fluttershy and gave her a little wink "-- and you, too." Fluttershy blushed brightly and unintentionally hid her face behind her mane, feeling bashful and awkward. She giggled like a school filly, again.

Both Vinyl and Scootaloo looked at the lover ponies and just dry gagged at that. But Vinyl did wonder something when she noticed Scootaloo's behavior earlier.

"So, what was with the zoning, little niece?" Vinyl asked, curious to know what Scootaloo was thing. She'd expected her to react the same way Fluttershy acted when he said he was a trophy hunter, but Scootaloo just brushed it off like it was nothing of interest. "Did you hear the trophy hunting part?"

Scootaloo looked at Vinyl confused for a second but nodded nonchalantly, "Yeah, I heard. I think it's pretty cool. Seeing dad hold a weapon and hunting down bad animals, I think it's like being a hero, in a way."

Vinyl blinked a few times and had an astonished look on her face, "Huh, I didn't even think of that." Normally, it would be common for everyone to just think trophy hunting would be similar to a mercenary's job or be labeled bad and compared to poaching. Scootaloo's point of view is not quite what she was expecting. This kid had a unique imagination.

Scootaloo nodded an explained a little, "Yeah, it's like a balance thing. If a rogue is an animal that causes damage to other animals and a certain area, a trophy hunter, or trophy hunters, would go out and take care of the problem and the problem solves itself after that. They still get paid, but the forests and animals will be safe from harm."

Drift and Fluttershy overheard what Scootaloo said and they were just as stumped as Vinyl was. They never expected anypony to have a point of view like that – not even Drift thought of that. He was just in it for the bits. Which made him think back to his job and some of the contracts he had –every contract he and his group were assigned to did have an animal that went rogue. He did really know why, nor did he bother to question it; it was just for bits and that's it. But now, to hear his own daughter explain this. Was Scootaloo on to something? This was starting to get intriguingly scary.

"You might be on to something, baby girl." Drift said, surprised by Scootaloo's theory. For a little filly, she was smart when it came to something like this. But she had to be learning this from somewhere and he looked at the very source of where she might've gotten this mindset and looked at her teasingly, "Did she get that from you?"

Fluttershy perked up and looked at Drift as if he was accusing her of something she was unaware of, "Don't look at me. I didn't give that point of view," she blushed faintly then smiled sheepishly, though it makes sense if she did, "All I did was just give her info on what I know about most of the animals. I even let her interact with them. I don't know where she's getting this from?"

Although, now that she brings up the animals, he winced lightly and gazed at her a little pleadingly, "You will put in a good word about me to your animal buddies, right?" The last thing he wanted was for her animal friends to be scared or high on defense when he's around, with the belief that he's a regular hunter instead of a trophy hunter.

Despite the difference between the two as he explained to Fluttershy, he highly doubted her animal friends knew the difference between a regular hunter and a trophy hunter. All it would take was one look at a gun and that would be it, panic rising.

It took her a minute to realize but she smiled and pats his hoof, reassuring him. "Don't worry, I'll make sure they know that it's only bad rogue animals you used to hunt. Not regular animals like them." She understood his fear, but she knew her critters will understand once she explains.

Drift sighed in relief, holding his heart as she reassured him that he'll be safe. "Good, because the last thing I need is to be strangled in my sleep by a snake, clawed to pieces by a lion or, Luna forbid, mauled by a grizzly bear," He shuddered a little, "I'm perfectly okay with having only one scar from Marabunda, thank you."

Fluttershy only giggled in slight amusement from his worrying, even though it was understandable, "I understand."

"Marabunda?" Scootaloo tilted her head at that name, which Vinyl answered in her step-brother's place with a wave of her hoof.

"Oh, that's just a name your father gave that rogue Manticore that gave him his scar."

Once again, Scootaloo found herself looking into her thoughts as she scratched her head. Ever since this manticore has been brought up, it got her to think.

Manticores usually keep to themselves, but the creatures themselves were not afraid to defend themselves, or their territory. She once saw one on stage during a magic show though, heck, her own mother stood up to one the first time Twilight ever came to town – much to her shock, once she learned of this after she brought her back home – and she found that sometimes, these said creatures came in different sizes.

"Um… dad?" Drift looked to his daughter when she called him, finding her in a thinking position. She gazed up at him, asking a bit slowly as if to make sure she didn't miss anything, "How big was Marabunda, anyway?"

Drift blinked, wondering why she would want to know that. Better yet, why in the world of Equestria would his daughter want to know more about that monster, period? "Uh… average-wise, a bit bigger than a normal-sized manticore. But concerning someone small -- like you sweetheart – if you were ever to come face to face with him," He quickly muttered to his mare and step-sister worriedly and desperately, "which I pray to Celestia will never happen," He looked back at his daughter and continued, clearing his throat, "I'd say he was probably about as big as a bear." He raised a brow at her, confused. "Why?"

When he spoke those words, Scootaloo gasped deeply as her eyes widened to the size of beach balls as if she had found the final missing piece of a puzzle she had been forming inside her head.

However, her reaction caught the three adults by surprise and got them to slightly worry due to how sudden she did that.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" Fluttershy looked concerned at her daughter when she gasped like that. She flinched when Scootaloo lunged at her, her little hooves on her chest as she looked up at her with wide eyes.

"That's it, mom!" Scootaloo stated out loud, but it only further confused her mother, her aunt, and her father.

"What's it, squirt?" Vinyl tilted her head while Drift raised a brow at her, "Is there a problem?" He didn't know what to make of his daughter suddenly looking like she was having an epiphany.

"W-What are you talking about, honey?" Fluttershy gently held her daughter's shoulders to steady her and hopefully calm her down, but she was not prepared when her daughter told her what she was talking about, "Mom, I think I figured out what was wrong with Varan!"

Her mother gasped with her eyes wide in amazement; her daughter had found out the source of her pet's problem before she could? "Really, dear?"

Vinyl and Drift blinked and looked at one another, with the unicorn shrugging a bit helplessly. Drift looked to his daughter, a bit concerned "Uh, baby girl, what's going on?" Sliding off his seat, he approached her to figure out what's up. "Is something wrong with your Komodo dragon?"

Scootaloo looked to her family and was about to explain before another young voice rung out, but this one caught her by surprise as it was calling her name.

"Scootaloo! Scootaloo!! Fluttershy!!"

The group of four ponies looked towards the source to find it was Silver Spoon hurrying to them as if Cerberus was chasing her.

"Silver Spoon?" Fluttershy was a bit surprised. She had known that the little gray filly was Diamond's friend, and had also participated in teasing and taunting her little Scootaloo – but what's gotten her so frightened, and running to them of all ponies?

Scootaloo, however, was not as surprised as her mother to see Silver Spoon. She frowned firmly at the earth filly once she got near their table.

The poor filly panted hard, trying to catch her breath, which caused Vinyl to pat her back while Drift got her a little glass of water to help her calm down and steady her breathing at least for a minute. "Scoot…aloo…" She breathed in a bit of wheeze due to having ran out of the mansion shortly after meeting with her father real quick to notify him what Spoiled and Diamond were doing.

When she told him that the two were in his office and searching his desk, he started looking concerned and asked if Spoiled had taken out a specific box, which she agreed she did, which gravely alarmed him. He told her to hurry into town, find a stallion named Drift and get to Scootaloo before Diamond does and that he'll soon meet her there – whatever was in that box, worried her father greatly which was worrisome for her and she knew what she had to do – she had to warn Scootaloo.

"Scootaloo… Fluttershy…." She tried to fix her glasses, but they just kept sliding down the tip of her nose while she attempted to talk while gasping for air from such a run.

"What do you want?" Scootaloo asked sourly, she was clearly not amused to be facing one of her bullies right now. "Come to make fun of me again?" She rolled her eyes; she found it kind of sad if Silver couldn't go a day without teasing her… or so she believed.

"Now, now, little trotter," Vinyl gently scolded her, "Poor filly can hardly talk right this second."

Drift offered her the glass of water, holding it with his wing as he tilts it carefully, helping her drink. "What's wrong with you, little filly? You look like you were being chased by some sort of beast from the Everfree Forest." While it wasn't too often, every once in a while, a creature that resides in the Everfree would try to sneak into town, and no doubt give someone a spook.

Breathing a bit more calmly, Silver Spoon slowly panted before looking up at Scootaloo and her family, worry etched on her face, "I'm so glad I found you!" She was relieved she got to them first, glad that she was able to beat her sister to get to her first. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Scootaloo raised a brow at her, suspicious why she would say that. "You're… glad you found me?" Seeing only Silver here, she then gazed around the area, frowning before looking back at the spectacled filly, "Where's Diamond Tiara? Is she sneaking around to catch me by surprise?"

Silver finally got the air back in her lungs before she shook her head, "No, she's not… I came alone." She looked down at the ground regretfully before looking up at Scootaloo, again, her eyes filled with regret and her ears lowering in sadness. "Scootaloo, I want to… a-apologize."

This caught her attention as her look of frustration melted within an instant and a look of surprise took its place. Silver Spoon, Diamond's ‘partner-in-crime', wanted to apologize to her? "You want to apologize?" She raises a brow, a bit cautious, "Okay, who are you and what have you done with Silver Spoon?"

The earth filly sighed lightly, she no longer had any mocking words for her question, especially if said question was to spite her, herself. "Look, Scootaloo, I've been a real big bully to you, lately. I have no excuse. I admit, I enjoyed making you miserable for a little while," This made the parents glare lightly down at the filly, who was gazing down at the ground in guilt, "But now, after the recent events that happened up to the point Diamond getting that black-eye and wanting to get back at you, now I feel like I've got an upset stomach."

It was true; as she thought back on her actions, she started feeling queasy once she realized that she's been really petty about picking on Scootaloo all the time.

Fluttershy looked to her and spoke out to her in a slightly firm but understanding tone, "So you want to apologize to my daughter because you now realize that what you've been doing was wrong and you're feeling the horrible guilt along with that realization?"

Silver could only weakly nod as she whimpered as her glasses start to fog up when she started to hiccup and sniffle, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for it to go this far," She started to cry as she sat down, the weight of guilt was eating her alive.

Scootaloo was needless-to-say stunned. Silver Spoon was breaking down in front of her, which was not a very common sight. And from the looks of it, she clearly wasn't faking it.

"I was only doing what my sister and mother told me to do!" She sobbed, the tears stinging her eyes.

Both mother/daughter duo gave Silver Spoon a shocked glance at this revelation, not expecting that to come out of the grey filly's mouth, "Your mother?" and then followed by, "and your sister?" Scootaloo and Fluttershy looked to one another when they spoke at the same time then back at Silver Spoon who just gave them all a guilty, sorrowful, heartbroken face. It was enough to make even the strongest minotaur drop to one knee and pick her up and give her a comforting hug.

But Drift knelt near her and tried to comfort her, "Who's your sister and mother, Silver?"

Silver hiccupped and sniffled before telling him the truth as he took her glasses off, allowing her to wipe her teary eyes, "D-Diamond Tiara… and Spoiled Rich."

Scootaloo's eyes widen in shock, stunned to learn that Silver wasn't just Diamond's supposed best friend, but her sister as well. She didn't see that coming, at all, "You're Diamond's sister?!"

Silver let out a shuddery breath as she confessed to Scootaloo the truth, "Adopted sister, really. Her parents took me in when no one else did and Spoiled wanted me to be like Diamond, following in her hoofsteps in becoming the most socially popular pony in Equestria." She sniffled as she looked up at Scootaloo desperately, "But Diamond has become so obsessed with wanting to make you pay even after your pet scared the living hay out of us, that it's starting to scare even me," She looked down, lowering her ears in shame. "I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I just want to say how sorry I am for acting the way I did, Scootaloo. For trying to be just like my sister and my mother," She shook her head, no longer wanting to be what the two high-horses have been trying to mold her into, "I don't want to follow their drums anymore!"

Now fully convinced why Silver had been acting the way she did and that she was being really genuine with her here, Scootaloo couldn't help but feel bad for her. She hopped down and approached the crying filly.

"Silver Spoon…"

Looking up with leaky eyes, red from the salty tears, Silver looked to Scootaloo, and for the first time since that encounter with that monstrous komodo dragon she and Diamond witnessed, she felt very nervous. The look of fear visible in her eyes, she flinched when Scootaloo moved in quick as if to attack her, causing her to brace herself only for her eyes to pop wide open when she felt arms wrapped around her.

Scootaloo held onto Silver, hugging her close to not only bring her comfort, but to show her that she forgives her, for everything she had done, "It's alright, Silver," She said, "I forgive you."

If the guilt was enough to make her cry, those three words made Silver Spoon's heart soar sky-high as she hugged her tight, a smile making its way on her muzzle, "Thanks, Scootaloo. You're alright."

"At least now I know this is the real you," Scootaloo lightly joked but was also serious, despite her aiding her sister, Silver hardly did any other damage than a bit of emotional damage. But now that she had come all this way to apologize to her, she could see that Silver was just a lonely filly who was pretending to be someone she didn't want to be.

Drift blinked and looked at Silver once Scootaloo calmed her down enough to fully compose herself and remember what she was doing here; When he heard her mention the last name of her mother, he looked a bit surprised and took a minute to ask the filly, "Y-Young filly, who's your father?"

Silver wiped the last of her tears away and looked up at him, "Filthy Rich…"

Now it was Drift's turn to be surprised, "Ol' Filthy moneybags is your daddy?" He rubbed his chin in wonder, catching his girl, stepsister, and the two children by surprise as he spoke of this. "I haven't seen him in ages."

Silver paused and looked up at him, she uttered in surprise "Wait, you're Ol' Drifter?"

That nickname caused a blush to appear on Drift's face, he hasn't heard that name in so long. ‘Yep… that's Ol' Filthy, alright.'

Vinyl blinked at her stepbrother and pouted at him, "Okay, is there anything else you didn't wanna tell me, D-Bro?"

Fluttershy was surprised; she was familiar with Diamond's father, but unlike said filly, Filthy Rich was more mellow-minded. If anything, despite being the richest pony in Ponyville, he was richer in kindness as he respects both his friends and partners in business, "You know Filthy, honeybunch?"

Drift blushed faintly and chuckled lightly as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "You can say we kinda go way back."

Silver trotted up to him, a look of worry in her eyes as she connected pieces "You're Scootaloo's daddy?" Drift nodded to answer her question, she sighed a bit in relief before continuing to speak, "You have to take her and Fluttershy out of here"

Vinyl raised a brow at this, suspicious, "Why should he do that, specta-squirt?"

Silver whimpered as she explained what was going on; She told them about her argument with Diamond, trying to get her to drop this ‘revenge plan', but then their mother got involved. She added that she herself no longer wants to do this ‘revenge', but she also told that Spoiled is now placing a presumably dangerous weapon in Diamond's possession, and she's making her way to Scootaloo as they speak, "So, I told daddy about what they were doing and he told me to find you and get Scootaloo out of here!"

Needless to say, this greatly concerned the family – Diamond has gone off the deep end, it looks like. And whatever she has now, she was going to use it to hurt Scootaloo.

Fluttershy held her daughter tight as Scootaloo whimpered into her chest, "Oh dear…"

Vinyl could only shake her head, a look of deep concern with this filly's state of mind, "When this is all over, this Diamond is gonna need some serious therapy."

Drift helped his family to their feet and offered a hoof to Silver Spoon, surprising her. "You did the right thing, coming to us. I know you already have a family, little princess," Since this was Filthy's adopted daughter, he gave her a teeny little nickname for the rich filly, "but I have a feeling you'll be safer with us at the moment." He worried what Diamond and Spoiled would do to the little gray filly with this state of mind, so he offered her to come with them.

A bit surprised at this little offer, it only took Silver a minute or two to consider it before taking his hoof, "Thank you," She galloped after the four ponies, but no sooner than a few feet, a voice spoke out and addressed not only them, but Silver herself.

"Well, well, well," Silver froze in terror when she recognized the voice of her adoptive sister, "Look who decided to spoil the entire surprise we had for Scootaloo."

Silver gasped as they looked to the left side of Ponyville to see the furious Diamond Tiara, with a not-too-pleased Spoiled Rich escorting her and a mortified Filthy Rich was seen hurrying after his wife and child. "Silver Spoon… I'm disappointed in you." Spoiled scolded coldly, "I expected you to aid your sister, not educate the blank-flank that must be punished."

Fluttershy did not take too kindly to that as she glared at the snobby mare, "You leave our daughter alone!" She was not going to let this mare hurt hers and Drift's child.

Drift wrapped a wing around his mare and narrowed his eyes. He was going to attempt to defuse this situation as it started to catch the attention of the citizens and the customers of Sugarcube Corner who looked out the window to see this, "Madam, whatever you and your daughter are planning, it's clearly a bad idea."

"Silver, come over here, right this minute," Spoiled narrowed her eyes at Silver Spoon, who stepped back and was brought into the embrace of Vinyl.

"No, mother, I don't want to help Diamond do this anymore," Silver glared, boldly defying her.

Diamond scowled lightly, "I always knew you were a spineless, backstabbing lowlife."

Scootaloo frowned at those harsh words and glared at the spoiled brat, "You leave Silver alone, Diamond Tiara! She doesn't have to listen to anything you say anymore!"

But instead of arguing, Diamond gave her a smug smirk, "Hello, Scootaloo, where's your pet?" She gazed around sarcastically, seeing no sign of Scootaloo's komodo dragon anywhere, "Did he run away?"

Angered that she was going to taunt her pet, Scootaloo hopped out of her mother's arms. If Diamond thinks she's going to get away with talking crap about her pet, she's got another thing coming!

"Don't you dare bring Varan into this, Diamond Tiara!" She glared at her in fury.

Spoiled simply smirked proudly at her daughter for getting under the little pegasus filly's skin and for ruffling up those feathers. She held the box as she watched her daughter taunt Fluttershy's daughter.

"I can if I want to," Diamond smirked at Scootaloo wickedly, which got her to look a bit worried as her ears fold down a little, "actually, I don't think you've met my pet, Scootaloo."

Scootaloo gulped lightly but swallowed down any intimidated feelings, because she knew that was just what Diamond wanted, "Y-Your… Your pet?"

What was this tiara-wearing nut talking about now?

"Mom?" Diamond held out her hoof as her mother opened the box.

"Diamond Tiara! Spoiled! Don't touch what's in that box!" Filthy caught up with them and tried to get the box back, but his wife held him back as their daughter reached inside and took out a silver whistle with golden lining and small red diamonds on the sides shaped like glaring eyes.

Diamond ignored her father as she smugly gazed at Scootaloo, "You're not the only one who's got an awesome pet, Scootaloo," She chuckled lightly as Scootaloo stared at the whistle oddly, "Mine is more amazing than your silly lizard could ever be." She taps her chin as she pretended to take thought on this. "Hmm," She brightened up with a grin, "Oh, I know!" Her grin then turned dark as she leaned in toward Scootaloo, their noses touching, "How about I call my pet here so you can say hello?"

Filthy was terrified. First his wife abused the trust he put into her about bringing his children in his office, then aided Diamond into getting into his private work and lastly, they outright stole from him. But as he saw his little Diamond Tiara hold up the whistle, his heart nearly stopped as he raced forward to stop her.

"DIAMOND, DON'T BLOW THAT WHISTLE!!!" He called out desperately as he lunged at his daughter to snatch the whistle away from her.

But it was too late as Diamond blew the whistle as hard as she could until her cheeks turned violet; the whistle's sound was so clear and loud, its sound rang out throughout the town.


Once it stopped, Diamond grinned victoriously as she grasped the whistle, looking at it as if she had received the key to Canterlot's royal palace. Although her victory was short-lived as her furious father grabbed her arm and tugged her hard, their muzzles smacking together; He glared at her with utmost anger which got her to look nervous – despite being a rich little filly, the one thing she was scared of was seeing her father this angry at her.

"Diamond Tiara, do you and your mother have any idea what you've done?!" He scolded her, his voice filled with rage.

"B-But Daddy, I…"

"I would expect this type of behavior from troublemaking hoodlums with no common sense, but this is the most foalish thing I have ever seen you do!" He barked in fury, "What were you thinking?!"

"I… I just wanted Scootaloo to…"

He scowled down at her, "Is this because of that black eye incident?" It took a sheepish glance away from making eye contact with him to give him the answer. He face-hoofed and groaned loudly, "Oh, for buck's sake and by Tirek's biceps," He motioned to her, "Diamond, Scootaloo was defending herself and her friends," He frowned firmly at her shaking figure, "because lately, you've been doing a lot of bullying, from what I've been hearing. I've received complaint after complaint about your behavior – and now I see that you're trying to harm Scootaloo in an act of foolish, petty revenge?! What the buck!?"

Diamond only whimpered.

Spoiled was about to speak to her husband before he turned on her too, her eyes widened as he points at her, "And as for you!" He berated his own wife, knowing she was involved, "You're encouraging our own daughter into doing these hurtful, foalish actions?!"

She tried to defend herself, "She was a thorn in our daughter's side for far too long, Filthy."

But he would not have it, he glared and jabbed a hoof at her chest, "The only thorn in anyone's side, is you and your despicable behavior, Spoiled Rotten Milk," The citizens gasp as Filthy back-sassed his own wife, "And now, because of you, we're all in danger!!"

Before Spoiled could ask what he meant by that, a loud roar was heard and it sounded really close.

Smolder looked up into the sky in time to see some sort of bulky creature flying through the sky before taking a dive as it roared once more…

…and it was coming right in their direction!

Smolder widened her eyes in shock and quickly called out, "Whoa, incoming!" She yelled out in warning as the citizens spotted the creature too and ran in separate directions so not to get flattened by the source – just in time too because the source crash-landed right near Sugarcube Corner, narrowly missing the Rich Family and the Shy Family.

"What was that?!" Vinyl flinched as the force of the crash had knocked them off their hooves.

They looked to see a cloud of dust flying up from the crash, but nopony felt brave enough to approach, "W-What is that thing?" Roseluck asked and whimpered as she peeked from her gardens.

They soon got their answer as wings spread out from the cloud of dust and dirt; a red tail with a pointy stinger followed, slithering out in a slow, eerie fashion– a scorpion tail. A growl emitted as a pair of eyes opened up from the dust cloud as it slowly cleared up.

The townsfolk gasped as they witnessed the creature reveal itself. It was four-legged, but its appearance was nightmarish beyond belief. Dirty grey fur with a haunting black mane and devil horns protruding out from the sides of its head. A body near covered in scars from years of fighting. The wing membranes had numerous holes and ripped edges and scars – no doubt they've been used as weapons. The wingtips had one spike protruding out – sharp just like the unsheathed claws and dagger-like teeth. The sheer size of the creature was stunning to the foals but worrisome for the adults as the beast reared up on its haunches and roared, showing off the scorpion tail, sharp claws, and scarred wings. The beast – now revealed to be a manticore – glared those vicious glowing red eyes, filled with nothing but uncontrollable rage, hate, blood-lust, and pure evil as he now had his sights on the surrounding townsfolk.

Drift watched in horror as the nightmare he never wanted to see again return. His body shook on its own, his soul felt cold. Filthy was right to call out his wife and daughter for their nonsense, because now they'll be from snobby bullies to idiotic murderers, "Marabunda…" Drift uttered under his breath in horror and fear.

Author's Note:

Man, finally. Another chapter done. Took long enough but me and my friend/editor have finally finished it. Hope ya'll enjoy and let me what ya'll think. :)