• Published 15th Mar 2016
  • 5,595 Views, 261 Comments

As a Family - Dashzilla93

Scootaloo is no longer an orphan and is peacefully back in the caring watch of her mother, Fluttershy. However, Scootaloo ultimately asks her a complicated question: who's her father?

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Chapter 17.5 Crossing The Broken Road Together

*The Same Morning close to Bon Bon's home*

The morning sun rose over Ponyville to start a new day. The birds sang their routine tweets as some flew over Ponyville while others were perched on foundations of homes, shops, and other structures in the small town. Carefree and peaceful, they enjoyed the day that was given to them.

However, what would normally be a shimmering, positive, feel-good day in Ponyville didn't seem to be like that, at all, for the residents in Ponyville. Every day would've been a pleasant morning for them and they'd share that positivity with others within their small town. It was nearly every day that felt like a schedule to them.

But now...

Today felt different. What was normally supposed to be a bright, sunny morning became nothing more than a mellow, quiet, day; barely any pony who lived in Ponyville came out of their homes. Almost everyone stayed inside and for good reason. After what happened yesterday, paranoia and anxiety were at an all-time high. Parents wouldn't let their children out of their sights, and families kept themselves locked in, keeping an eye out for any sign of an attack coming their way. After that demonic rouge came along, they were justifiably jumpy, worried that somehow, someway, that crazy manticore was going to lunge out somewhere. Even in spirit, what he put them through was horrifying, if not traumatizing, and it will take some time for them to recuperate from his terrifying, blood-lusting, psychotic rampage.

Despite some ponies daring to roam outside in Ponyville to take a look at the damage from the brutal fight, Ponyville felt like a ghost-town.

*Bon Bon's home*

Gallus barely cracked his eyelids open with a light moan. He knew it was morning but he had no hint of caring whatsoever. He groaned lightly before he sat up and let out a yawn, his head feathers messed up like a sort of bedhead. Despite what happened yesterday, he had surprisingly good sleep -- he'll gladly take it for what it's worth. He felt a little groggy but he was up and ready to start the day, sort of.

He wanted to go back to sleep because the couch he slept on was remarkably comfortable and the blanket he had around him was so cozy that it felt like someone was hugging him while he slept.

Wait… he was sleeping on a couch?

Gallus shot his eyes open and quickly sat back up. He looked around frantically to see where he was only to find he was in a rather pleasant-looking living room with a few small tables, a few chairs, and a tv across from him and the couch. Gallus looked at the furniture that the tv was planted in and noticed a picture right above that showed Bon Bon with Lyra next to her.

Gallus let out a sigh of relief and laid back down, now remembering where he was at. He was still in Bon Bon's home. All that hell last night really depleted him of his energy, so much that he had almost forgotten where he was. He chuckled to himself, feeling a bit stupid for that little panicking moment of his, but then he realized something: where was Bon Bon?

"Bon Bon?" Gallus called out.

"In here," Bon Bon responded, calling from her kitchen.

Gallus got up off the couch and, as he was about to walk, he caught a scent of something good. He took a whiff and smiled a bit. It smelled sweet and delicious and it urged him to investigate what that sweet smell was.

As he walked to the kitchen close to the living room, he found Bon Bon sitting on the right side of her kitchen table in front of a wall with a window planted in it just above the table.

Gallus was happy to see Bon Bon up but then noticed she still had that somber look on her face. He expected that, he really did, especially after what she had gone through.

He noticed the food on the table as he walked and sat on the opposite side, "I see you made waffles. They look so good," Gallus said somewhat eagerly, trying to start a small conversation while also trying to lift Bon Bon's spirit a little.

Bon Bon appreciated the compliment but her smile never came. She looked away a little and said, in a deadpan tone, "Thanks. Enjoy." Even though she had breakfast made for herself, she just didn't feel like eating. Her thoughts were solely on Lyra. All the times she and her had shared, all their plans that they had for their lives together, for their future – all snatched away from her, mere hours ago – with Lyra being ripped away from her, by a dangerous, psychotic, ruthless beast. Breakfast just wasn't the same without her beloved, those sweet yet goofy compliments of hers towards her cooking, just her being her own endearing self. But now, she's being forced to deal with the fact that she'll never see her special somepony again.

Gallus nodded and gladly ate his breakfast, but the way Bon Bon looked made him feel bad. He didn't want to think too much of it, but he made an oath to care for Bon Bon until she was back on her hooves, again. And Day 1 started now.

There was just one problem: how was he gonna cut this awkward silence? He had no idea what Lyra and Bon Bon's routines were so he was left with nothing. So, what was he gonna do? What's a good way to start this healing process?

"Um, Bon Bon, if you don't mind me asking," -- Bon Bon looked at him with pained, agitated eyes, letting him know that he should likely word this right and very carefully -- "Uh, what would you like to do today?"

Gallus winced for a split second when he said that last bit, he even gave himself a small facepalm for that. That was not the right question to ask her, especially when she's going through a tragic time. It seemed plain and simple what Bon Bon wanted to do and her face pretty much gave him the answer. He had a feeling Bon Bon was gonna lash out right now and he prepared for the worse.

Bon Bon looked away again and thought about that. She had no plans to do anything, not after what she went through and what she lost. She sighed and shook her head, "Right now, I don't want to do much. I just have a few things in mind but I don't know if anyone would help me out."

Gallus relaxed when he got that answer, it wasn't a painful lashout, so that's a good thing. Guess his exaggeration got the better of him but he still kept his guard up, anyway. Still, he was making progress. But that last bit probably had it covered and she might not know it just yet.

"I'm sure Headmare Twilight has something cooked up. There's no telling what she has planned for Spoiled."

Bon Bon snarled and gripped her kitchen knife tight, "I know what I want to do when I see her." She was fuming with rage. Spoiled and her little brat had taken something from her and she hoped something would be taken from them. No one deserved any of this -- not a soul.

"I want Spoiled brought to justice. I want to see her suffer. I want her to feel how all of us feel the minute she unleashed that unholy monstrous bastard here. I want -- " a talon reached out and grabbed her hoof that held the knife.

Bon Bon stopped and looked over to see Gallus looking at her with wide, troubled eyes. She looked confused before she looked over to see what she was holding in her hoof. She gasped in shock and dropped the knife on the table with an audible clang.

"Oh no, Gallus. I'm so sorry," Bon Bon said apologetically, having no intention to scare him like that. She was just so angry that she almost lost control. Lyra probably didn't want her to do that and likely wanted her to keep her head on straight.

But Gallus held no ill will toward it. He knew she didn't mean anything by it, "It's alright, really. Just take some deep breaths and relax. As far as any of us know, Spoiled is definitely gonna get her flanks chewed out soon. I don't know how, but I'm sure they'll think of a very suitable punishment for her."

And he had a few ideas on what Twilight might do with that rotten mare but he wasn't gonna say them out loud. Though, he'd love to be a fly on the wall just to hear her own husband give her an earful of what happened. Oh-ho-ho, he could almost see how hard Filthy will cut into her and it almost made him smirk in an excited matter. He really wanted to see her get what's coming to her after what happened to Smolder and Spike.

Even if Gallus had a point, Bon Bon still wasn't sure how long it'll take or what Twilight and her friends had planned; she knew Lyra had a childhood friendship with Twilight years ago and they do stay in touch every now and then. But, not once did she ever take advantage of that status. Lyra was more fixated on her relationship with her than anything else. She was grateful but Bon Bon wouldn't mind Lyra going to see Twilight and her other childhood friends. But, guess that can't happen now due to this tragedy. She sadly looked down, knowing that either she or Twilight will have to deliver that bad news to Lyra's and Twilight's childhood friends.

Bon Bon sighed softly and openly brought up a piece about Lyra, "You know, I believe you. Lyra and Twilight used to be childhood friends growing up before Twilight moved here to Ponyville. Lyra never talked about it all that much, but she remembered it fondly."

That was something he never knew about Headmare Twilight. Then again, she was the Princess of Friendship, after all, so he should've expected it.

Then a thought occurred to him and he asked her curiously, "So, what was Lyra like? How did you two meet?" He wasn't sure if asking these questions was a good idea but it was a start.

Bon Bon looked at Gallus oddly at his questions and pondered why he'd ask her them. She was a little hesitant to answer him right away for plenty of reasons; she didn't know how he would react to what relationship she was into and what his judgments were. She just wasn't ready, yet.

In fact, why was Gallus still here? Didn't he have something else to do or somewhere to be? Why still keep her company? She was highly grateful for what he did but he didn't have to stick around and chit-chat with her all day. So, what was his deal?

"Wait, wait, Gallus," Bon Bon said a little firmly, as she held a hoof up to stop him from going any further. "I know you mean well, I really do and I'm grateful for what you did. I'm glad you wanted to stay the night and keep me company, but, aren't you supposed to be back at that school, or back at Griffonstone? Why are you still here?"

It didn't make any sense to her and it was really jarring to her mind, "Aren't your parents worried sick that you might be missing?" The last thing she needed was to have angry griffon parents storming up to Ponyville and accusing her of kidnapping their child.

There was a long pause and the awkward silence quickly crept its way back to them. Bon Bon waited for Gallus to answer her but she then noticed something was a little off with him once he looked down at the table. He seemed restrained, almost refusing to answer her as he looked away with an almost unreadable face. Well, he didn't really refuse as much as trying to find an excuse to give her. Did she stump him? Her irritation actually dwindled and her concern took over when she noticed him acting all hesitant toward her. Was he hiding something? Then she started to attempt to read him to get some clues on what was going on in his mind -- though, it was a bit challenging since he was hiding his eyes from her.

"Gallus?" Bon Bon said softly concerned, knowing what she said might've gone too far and she couldn't shake the feeling she might've hurt his feelings, too. He just wanted to help was all, but even so, he was still a little kid, after all.

Even though she was near broken herself, that didn't stop her from wanting to be analytical about the situation in front of her -- plus, this could also be a good distraction for her to keep her mind off what happened, just a little. It was wrong to do that to him, and she knew that, but whatever Gallus was thinking had her curious and worried.

Gallus was a little tongue-tied right now. He didn't expect Bon Bon to ask him that so suddenly. But, she did have a point about him being here; if anything, he felt that was bound to come up, "W-Well... uh... th-the thing is... I... uh..."

Bon Bon crossed her arms but refrained herself from giving him any form of glare. She was filled to the brim with rage and hate, but she couldn't help but feel worried now. She'd be damned if she took all her anger out on Gallus – the poor little guy didn't even do anything wrong! He saved her and he tried to save Lyra, he wasn't who she was mad at, at all. She had to keep it together. He did so much for her that she'd feel even worse if she bit him for no good reason. She felt broken but something told her that Gallus must've felt the same -- but, for some reason, it didn't seem like it was towards Lyra's death. Something was very off and she had to pry it out of him.

"Gallus, look at me," Bon Bon asked a little firmly, wanting his attention. "It's okay. Please, don't stress yourself. Take it slow and tell me piece by piece." He didn't have to hide anything from her; it was not like she was gonna use anything to manipulate him. That wasn't her.

But, if he really was trying to hide his folks from her? Why? Were they treating him that badly? She had no idea. This was her first time meeting a griffon, so she knew next to nothing about their culture.

Gallus paused, again. She was right. He had to take it slow or else he'll fumble over himself. He took a few deep breaths and explained as best he could to her as he looked at her with semi-blank eyes, "I would go back to Griffonstone. But, I don't want to."

That got a raised eyebrow out of her. Now her curiosity was really piqued, "You... don't want to go back to Griffonstone, why?" Was it really that bad up there?

Gallus nodded and casually said, "Yeah, I don't want to go back. There... really isn't anything for me up there." He crossed his arms while gazing away with a slightly bitter look in his eyes.

Okay, now he wasn't speaking any sense. Something didn't add up and that's when she noticed the look in his slightly bitter eyes - they barely had any life to them. Bon Bon secretly gasped, Gallus was in pain and he was hiding it. No, this was not gonna happen around here – not in her house! As much as she wanted to pour her pain out, Gallus had to do the same. He was gonna spill whether he liked it or not.

Bon Bon got a little serious, "Nothing up there for you? That can't be true. I'm sure there's plenty of something in Griffonstone that draws to you? I'm sure your parents can help you find what you're looking for."

But Gallus shook his head, "They would if they tried, or even wanted to if they were around. You should know that Griffons these days aren't all about being overly affectionate towards each other." He would know, he seen for himself how grumpy or bitter some of the other griffons are at Griffonstone. If he had a bit for every time he saw a scowl or a face that simply spelled out 'I don't care about you or your shit', he'd be quite a rich young griffon. It doesn't help that it's also their damn pride that makes his fellow griffons act like jerks.

"'Weren't around'? What's that supposed to mean?" Bon Bon said. "Are they too busy? Are they neglectful? Gallus, what are you getting at?"

Gallus shrugged with a little snappy tone, trying to avoid the prying eye contact, his talons started gripping his arms, "They're just never around. That's just about it." He was trying to keep it in, but Bon Bon was really pushing his buttons on this tender subject, and it was getting harder to hold the truth in.

Yeah, no. Bon Bon wasn't buying it. She got within his line of vision and gave Gallus a stern look that caught him a little off-guard, "Okay, no. Gallus, tell me what's going on!" Bon Bon demanded, he flinched but gazed away with a frown. "I'm not getting any of this. Why don't you want to go back to Griffonstone?" She motioned outside while he secretly scowled and started to shake, "Why are you acting like this?! They're probably out there, looking for you! They're probably worried sick!" She returned her gaze back at him, appalled that he would think his parents wouldn't care about him not being home, "You seriously believe that your parents don't even care about-- "

"I don't want to go back to Griffonstone because I don't have a family there, okay?!" Gallus suddenly blurted out as he sharply turned to her with a glare. When her questions stopped, he looked away as his body suddenly began to shake and his beak started to quiver. "Just drop it, okay…" He begged as he got out of his seat, looking down in grief as he walked away from the table.

Bon Bon looked quite shocked by what she had just heard. He didn't have a family? "You… you don't…?" She looked over at the griffon who was now sulking in the center of her kitchen, his shoulders slouched and that look on his face spoke grief of his own. She approached him but knew she had to tread carefully because she obviously had touched a tender subject with him. "Gallus… what do you mean you don't have a family in Griffonstone??" She looked at him, concern lacing her voice.

With a sad sigh, Gallus came clean and confessed to her, his voice filled with pain. "I'm an orphan."

And then her whole world came to a sudden halt when he told her that. To say she was shocked was now an understatement. Did she really hear that right? She couldn't believe what she just heard and she couldn't fathom the thought.

"Y-You're... what?" Bon Bon said in utter bewilderment.

Those blank eyes of his gained life back and the pain he tried to hold back was crawling to the surface. Gallus collapsed on all fours and planted his forehead on his arms and hid his face from Bon Bon. But he explained from the bottom of his heart, "I've always been one. When I hatched, my parents weren't around. They just straight-up abandoned me when I was an egg, and I don't even know why. Heck, from how quick they've done it, it's very clear that they didn't want me at all!" His eyes filled with tears as he finally unleashed his pain, "My parents obviously didn't want me; I'm just a burden to them – something they can just throw away! And the minute they got the chance, they just leave me there in their nest to die – they just took off and never looked back, they didn't even care if I survived or not! They just straight up left me before I could hatch because I'm obviously just a mistake!"

As she heard Gallus cry heavily in his arms, Bon Bon was floored and truly heartbroken to hear what he had been going through, though she was also horrified when he started calling himself a burden and a mistake. And she thought she had it bad right now. If what he said was true, then how could he manage to care for himself up until he was like this? It was astounding yet very tragic to hear this.

"Oh, Gallus, I'm so sorry to hear that," Bon Bon said apologetically as she came to him, kneeling down as she rubbed his back. She felt so sorry for him. "How did you survive the way you did?"

That was the tricky part. He was lucky being a scavenger had its advantages, but he wasn't gonna say it like that. With a sniffle, he gazed his slightly red, teary eyes up at her and admitted "I just... got lucky. That's it. I never had a moment where I thought maybe one day I could live with a family that would take me in. If my own parents didn't want me, then what's the point of bothering to hope that there's someone else out there who would care?"

In a way, being here kinda changed that. He didn't mind it, at all, and it felt cozy -- kind of like a newly made nest. Bon Bon had it made here and he saw that clear as day.

"If anything… Ponyville had been a bit more of home than what I was going through with Griffonstone… especially ever since I started coming to school here," He sighed. "Because at least other ponies here - and slowly but surely, other creatures too - have enough decency to show that they care – unlike the prideful bunch that is my kind." He held his cheek while looking emotionally drained.

Bon Bon stopped before she could even take a step. Now that right there broke her heart to pieces. It nearly made her physically ill to hear him say this. His voice sounded genuine and his body looked like it ached in pain and misery. This poor griffon grew up parentless and yet here he was with a good attitude and a kind heart. No one with that kind of life should have that attitude unless something in his life changed that.

"But… what about that griffon that brought you to the school in the first place?" Bon Bon worriedly asked him, almost regretting to ask because it was clear her little guest was deeply hurting. A piece of her hoped that there was at least one griffon in Griffonstone who cared about him, but seeing him so upset was starting to break that little hopeful piece of her.

Poor Gallus continued to pour his soul out to her, confessing to her the truth of everything.

"Grandpa Gruff is just Griffonstone's crazy old buzzard of a griffon… he may have brought me to Ponyville to represent Griffonstone, but even he doesn't like to publicly show that he cares – doubt he even does for that matter." He sighed lightly yet depressingly – having had the feeling even his somewhat guardian doesn't care much about him either, and he added to clear up confusion, "And before you ask, no – he's not my grandpa, that's just his name. He doesn't really have any actual grandkids of his own whatsoever. He's just somegriffon who keeps an eye on me every now and then when he feels like it." He honestly didn't care if he looked like a mess at this point, he really didn't. He thought he had his emotions under control now and that he'd be able to get through life without any form of trouble. He was sure he could forget about his parents abandoning him and move on without a care in the world. He was wrong.

The whole time he went through life repressing his real emotions. Bottling them in so much that one day they would eventually explode. Seeing griffons together, ponies together, any species at all for that matter – each one that had a family with one another, he would see every pair, every day and it hurt him, yet he wouldn't throw it in their faces. There was no point.

True, he did have Grandpa Gruff keeping an eye on him at Griffonstone – which he at least appreciated from the old griffon, but like he told Bon Bon that was just a name; he wasn't his actual granddad – he wasn't someone who would tell him he loved him or was proud of him; the young griffon even struggled to grasp why he would even care about making him proud when the grump himself acts crotchety all the time. In short - Gallus had no family, he had no one. Yes, he had his new friends and his pen pal, but that wasn't enough to fill in the gaping hole in his heart. All he wanted was to have a family, someone to adopt him. But, no one came, and ever since then, he quit trying and just accept it.

Being here in this home, even if it was a day, felt so cozy and nice that he suddenly didn't want to let that go. He knew he shouldn't but he couldn't budge.

Bon Bon was in tears, she was brokenhearted to hear such a sweet little child like Gallus talk through so much pain, even his mindset worried her. "Gallus…" She tried to speak, but her eyes widen as he cut her off with one more thing to say, motioning towards the ponies he could see out her window nervously but slightly casually walking their own trails outside.

"Everywhere I go, I see others together and enjoying their lives – they get to have the happiness and love of having a family to come home to, while I'm just all by myself with no family to be with. It's not fair!" He pounds a fist on the tiled floor in agonized frustration. He let out a caw of frustration and agony, facepalming himself with his free talon as he let out his despair, "Dammit! Why can't I have just a little ray of sunshine in my life?!"

"Gallus, sweetie," Bon Bon reached for him and forced him to look her in the eyes. Her worried eyes met with his extremely pained eyes and it got him to momentarily pause, confused at what she wanted now. "Gallus, please, calm down. Sit up for a minute…"

Gallus didn't know what else to do. Like a droid, he obeyed Bon Bon and weakly sat up, barely able to even try to stand up with how hurt he was, his legs were like jello while on pins and needles. Bon Bon still held his cheeks in her hooves and, once he was off the floor, her firm face shifted into a caring one. Gallus looked confused at her sudden face change.

A soft smile grew on her face. There wasn't much reading from him now that he pretty much told her as much as she needed to know. She didn't need to read anymore; Gallus spoke truthfully to her and she appreciated it. But, having this brought out to the light made her realize something.

"Come here, sweetie," Bon Bon said warmly and openly as she brought Gallus in for a tender, snuggly hug that she was definitely sure he really needed.

Gallus widened his eyes, shocked and confused. What was Bon Bon doing? She didn't need to do this. He never asked for this. He felt so awkward, yet… it also felt good. Why did it feel good? He wanted to know why Bon Bon was hugging him liked and he wondered what possessed her to do that. He lifted his arms to attempt to push her away but his body wouldn't allow it. Why? This wasn't supposed to happen; Bon Bon needed recovery, not him.

His red, puffy eyes gazed over to look at Bon Bon still hugging him. He didn't know what to do; he didn't know what to say; he only felt confused and hurt. Then his arms began to move on their own and they soon found themselves wrapped around Bon Bon's back; he hugged her close. He felt a painful pressure coursing throughout his body before the dam finally burst inside, he closed his eyes again and wept hard in Bon Bon's hold, hiding his face in her chest as he sobbed his pain out. Gallus gave and received plenty of hugs from his friends before, so why did this feel completely different? He didn't get it but right now, he didn't care. It felt so nice and warm that he didn't want to let it go.

Bon Bon let it all happen and she kept her smile going. Gallus was a lost child that really needed guidance. Yes, she could tell he had guidance before but not the kind she had in mind. The realization hadn't hit Gallus yet, but it did with her and it was something she and Lyra wanted for so long but never had the opportunity to get.

Bon Bon had found a way for both of them to recover. And even if Lyra wasn't around to see this, Bon Bon had a feeling she'd take this idea with stride and just go for it. But, for now, Gallus needed to know what it felt like to be in a mother's embrace and Bon Bon's maternal drive to care for Gallus began to bloom.

"Just let it all out and don't worry about anything anymore," Bon Bon said so caring. "You're helping me more than you realize. Now, please, let me help you." She softly and gingerly rubbed his fluffy back while she could hear Gallus choke up and bawl in her hold.

Once everything was cooled down, then she'll go on to explain what Gallus wanted to know.

*(A few hours later)*

After that emotional meltdown, Gallus and Bon Bon finally settled down and finished their breakfast, courtesy of Bon Bon, they sat on the couch in the living room and had a good chat, conversing with one another about many different stories that involved them.

One in particular Bon Bon promised to tell Gallus.

"Wait, so, that's how you two met?" Gallus said after he stopped his chuckling after her explanation.

Bon Bon nodded, "Oh yes, and her goofiness won me over."

"Huh," Gallus wondered. "So, she was obsessed with hands for a couple years and no one ever questioned her why?"

Bon Bon shrugged, "Even I'm still confused by it. She mentioned something about having a dream where she was a creature called a 'hoo-man' but I never really got into what she was talking about. So, I just listened to her rambles."

She giggled sweetly at the thought of that day. She still didn't know what a hoo-man was, or why Lyra even had that dream, but some cases are better left unsolved.

It still flabbergasted Gallus so much that he considered asking Twilight about it to see if she knew anything about something like this – about what these "hoo-mans" are. Equestria was full of bizarre creatures that he wouldn't be surprised if whatever Lyra dreamt of could be real.

"And you stuck with her ever since? You never thought she was crazy?" Gallus asked curiously, with cat-like curiosity yet the keen attention of a baby bird.

Bon Bon shook her head and wholeheartedly explained, "Oh no, I thought she was crazy for thinking of these kinds of things. But, I never once considered leaving her for it because it was a passion of hers."

Passion, dream, or whatever it was that lured her to it. Bon Bon never thought twice about it and allowed her to continue to have those kinds of dreams. As bizarre as it sounded, even with that obsession, Lyra was never too crazy about it. Sure, it was alien to her but it didn't really harm anything. In fact, she kinda kept it a secret from everyone else; only they knew about it.

"That and she wasn't crazy-crazy about it either," Bon Bon said. "She wanted to wait until an opportunity came to her. If it ever arrived, she'd go for it."

Gallus was astonished. He'd never expected to learn about a pony with that kind of mentality. Not going overboard with it and yet keeping it a secret? It sounded crazy, which it was, but he didn't think it wouldn't hurt to talk to something else they knew. The info came to her and dreams, from what he remembered from Fluttershy's classes, do have meaning. Maybe it was a sign?

"Well, maybe Twilight knows something about what Lyra was fantasizing about?" Gallus hunched. "If we have the time, maybe we could talk to her --"

"I'd rather not," Bon Bon objected with a slight snort. "Once this whole thing blows over, I want to stay away from them for a while."

"What, why?" Gallus asked, a bit surprised by her reaction towards the mention of the headmare of his school.

Bon Bon shook her head again, a firm frown on her face, "Every time something happens, Twilight or one of her friends is usually involved with it. Almost all the time when something happens like a scary creature or a supervillain or some other hogwash moment it usually happens when one or all of them is involved. I can't handle it anymore."

Gallus blinked. In hindsight, she did have a point. Almost every bad occurrence that happened always involved Headmare Twilight and the five other teachers. From what was told to him by others like Scootaloo and a few other fillies and colts, they all remembered random moments of insanity once Twilight and the other five enter the fray. Coincidence, he thought not. But, it still baffled him that it could happen at any given moment.

Still, they always prevailed in the end and saved the day for others to see another day. So, it's not all bad.

"Yeah, okay, I see your point," Gallus said, siding with Bon Bon. "It's like a curse in some way. They obviously mean well, but sometimes it just seems to backfire on them in the most uncool way."

"Right?!" Bon Bon said excitedly. "I'm just glad none of it went our way for the longest time." Until what happened yesterday.

"But, at least they do make up for it to allow most of you to see another day, I guess." He had to point that out, he wasn't choosing their side, he just felt that needed to be said.

She would beg to differ, but taking another deeper thought about it, Gallus too had a point. Despite what Twilight and her friends get into, they do make sure everyone else survives every random ordeal and let them see another day. Now that she thought about it, it's almost like a little routine – though it's a little routine she'd like to take a break from. "Well, you at least got me there." She admitted, until yesterday happened – the six always made sure everypony was safe in the end, including her and Lyra.

But, even with what happened yesterday, Bon Bon was happy Gallus came by and stood by her side to help her recover. It's still gonna be a long road but she was thrilled to know she'd have someone with her to help her. But, with the knowledge of him being an orphan now thrown in the air, that actually gave her an idea and it brought a big smile to her face. A smile Gallus noticed quite quickly, leaning his head back as he felt a bit odded out by it – at least for a moment.

"What's with the face?" Gallus asked, curiously tilting his head a notch like a hatchling learning about basic math, a baby bird peep emitting from him.

Bon Bon snickered. She, for some reason, liked how Gallus looked with his head tilted like that; it looked so adorable and she couldn't resist a few giggles.

"Nothing," Bon Bon said. "Just have an idea is all and I think you might like it."

That got his attention real quick. The young griffon perked his head and hooted a bit when she told him that.

"What's your idea?" Gallus asked.

But before she could tell him, there were a few knocks on the door.

Curiously, Bon Bon got off her couch and approached the door, "Coming," she said as she opened the door. "Yes?"

She wasn't expecting any visitors but, when she saw who it was, she should've expected it. Just so soon was a surprise to her.

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash stood at the entrance of Bon Bon's home; both had concerned and worried looks plastered on their faces.

"Hey, Bon Bon, how are you doing?" Pinkie Pie asked, refraining, for once, from being her energetic self – she even refrained from giving a smile, which alone made this serious. "We wanted to stop by and cheer you up."

"And we also wanted to see how you're holding up," Rainbow Dash chimed in. "All of us felt guilty for what happened and we wanted to ask --"

"I'm pretty sure you already have your answer already, Rainbow Dash," Bon Bon said sternly to her as she pointed to herself. "I just lost the love of my life, to a monster at that - no less than 24 hours ago… does it look like I'm doing okay?"

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie winced. From how she looked, she looked like she just woke up from a five-day sleep and was woken up by the sound of tubas playing; messing mane, baggy eyes, sour attitude, wearing a messy robe Rarity would faint over, and looking to punch a pony in the face? Yeah, all the signs are clear indicators she was not in the best of moods. Which was highly understandable.

"I'm… guessin' that's a 'not good.' " Rainbow Dash correctly deduced.

A deduction that Bon Bon made clear was that she was in no mood for any foolishness today. "I lost someone who I loved very much and was planning a future with, and I was too scared to stop her from getting near that damn well…" She glared at the two, her eyes slightly shiny as a part of her still blamed herself for not being able to stop Lyra from getting too close to that well where that beast took her, "…how do you think I'm feeling?!"

She had a Pinkie sense Bon Bon would be like this and lucky for Pinkie Pie, she came prepared, "Ooo, I have something that might cheer you up."

She reached into her mane and pulled out a case full of high-grade baked chocolate chip cookies that looked freshly made. The scent from the cookies easily wafted into Bon Bon's muzzle and into her home where Gallus could smell it.

Bon Bon looked at the cookies for a moment. She was not in any mood to have cookies right now and this was certainly not gonna fix anything. But, the gesture was nice and no one could resist Pinkie's cookies. She still had that stern look on her face then looked at the two mares -- Bon Bon's left ear twitched as the sound of Gallus cutely sniffing the air caught her attention. Then a thought occurred to her: why waste this opportunity?

Her stern face shifted to a calm and thankful smile, "Thank you, Pinkie Pie. These are perfect," She chuckled softly. "Gallus will love these."

As Bon Bon took the tray, Pinkie Pie was delighted that she accepted them without any hesitation -- even though she and Rainbow Dash saw her death glare seconds ago.

"You're welcome, Bon Bon. I made those first because I --" A record scratch echoed when she just realized what Bon Bon said. She looked highly puzzled before she said to Bon Bon, "wait, what?"

"Yo, Professor Rainbow Dash and Professor Pinkie Pie, how's it going?" Gallus said as he came up to the three while he waved at his teachers behind Bon Bon who had a cheeky grin on her face.

"Gallus?" Both mares said utterly shocked.

"What are you doing here?" Rainbow Dash asked, unaware that one of her students slipped through the cracks and stayed over at Bon Bon's of all places.

"Yeah, aren't you supposed to be back at the Friendship school? Your friends are worried sick! Well, they're worried about Smolder, too, but they're wondering where you are. We were wondering where you are... or were... or..."

Rainbow Dash planted a hoof over Pinkie's mouth and clamped her mouth shut while having a worried look herself before she looked over to Bon Bon, confused.

"Bon Bon, why is Gallus here with you? What's going on?"

Bon Bon motioned them to come inside her home, "Come inside. I'll explain everything."

Once she allowed them access, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie walked in without any hesitation. Of course, they had several questions lingering in their heads but it was also a relief to know one of their students was alright. Still, they had no idea what was going on.

It took a few minutes to fully explain what was going on, but after Bon Bon and Gallus explained to Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash what they did, both mares surprisingly understood the situation. Not one of them object to what Gallus's intentions were. In fact, they felt proud of the young griffon for his actions. But, that wasn't gonna stop them from remarking Gallus as a 'therapy griffon' which Gallus blushed highly from that and felt so embarrassed about it.

"Okay, I gotta admit, that's pretty awesome of you, Gallus," Rainbow Dash complimented, not only sticking around to help Bon Bon but also he was using her lessons on loyalty to do so. He had her respect for that. "Looks like those loyalty lessons I've been teaching you paid off."

"Not only that, but you're managing to help Bon Bon recover and make her smile again!" That made Pinkie Pie smile in return. To hear Gallus used her lesson as well to help Bon Bon made her feel oh so sparkling and joyful on the inside... and outside, too.

And not that, but Pinkie Pie could see the smile on Bon Bon's face was legit genuine. But, something about it felt more than just happiness. Pinkie Pie knew smiles since day one and each smile had a different characteristic feel to them, from a fake smile to a half smile, to a genuine smile. Happy, gloomy, and accepting, Pinkie Pie knew each and every one of them.

And she saw more than just happiness form on that smile. Pinkie pie could tell Bon Bon was eager for something. Eager, but determined. Now, this was something very enticing to her. Whatever Bon Bon had planned, she knew it involved Gallus in some form or fashion. But, what was it? It could be the fact that he was an --

'Oh, I see what you have planned, Bon Bon,' Pinkie thought as she looked over to Gallus childishly munching on her cookies. 'Huh, this oughta be interesting. If she hasn't told him, he's gonna be in for a whole new world.' And she will be there to support it when the paperwork was underway. Well, not just her but the others, too.

Gallus swallowed his cookie down and smiled sheepishly. He felt a little embarrassed like this but he just couldn't help himself, "What can I say? I learned from the best."

That being said, though, Rainbow Dash's proud smile then became a serious look and she looked over at Bon Bon with some news she should hear, "Okay, before I forget, we didn't just come here to see how you're doing, Bon Bon. We came here for another reason, too."

Bon Bon raised a brow. The sudden tension caught her by surprise but she never once flinched from the shift, "And what reason is that, Rainbow Dash?" Bon Bon asked in an equally serious tone that rivaled Rainbow Dash's tone.

"We came here to ask you if you would like to join Pinkie Pie and me to the castle. We are about to bring Spoiled Milk to justice."

The tension just got more severe. The house became quiet and recluse as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie awaited Bon Bon's response.

Gallus sat next to Bon Bon, patiently. So soon? Really? He figured it would've taken them a few days or more. At least give Bon Bon some more time to recover mentally from the trauma she went through.

But, the pregnant silence and tension broke when Bon Bon spoke and asked them, "Before I answer, I just have a few questions: what happened to that monster's body, and what do you girls have planned for Spoiled?"

All sense of peace took a backseat and all Bon Bon wanted was answers. Yes, she needed more time to recover but what was thrown at her was gonna be caught even if lead to a mess; she wanted to know what they had planned and if it will benefit her in any way.

Rainbow Dash complied and spoke to her with honest answers Applejack would've done, "Marabunda was buried; Fluttershy wanted us to give him some kind of burial she thought would bring him peace."

Bon Bon's eyes widened and a light snarl formed on her face. They gave that monster a burial? After all the trouble that thing had put them through, they all decided to go with Fluttershy's idea and bury him like he was some kind of innocent soul? What loud of crap was that? She tightened her teeth and looked down at the floor with a fierce, intense glare as she processed what was told to her.

"I would not bury that monster," Bon Bon said, venomously. "I would watch that monster's corpse burn to ash for taking my Lyra away from me. But, you girls went on ahead and bury it because that animal-loving hippie idiot thought it deserved it?" She looked at Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie with an icy-cold glare that would freeze any gorgon with fear.

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash said, defensively. "Believe me, a lot of us didn't think it was a good idea either; didn't make sense to me either after the hell he put all of us through. Most of us had other ideas for the creature but Twilight insisted we go with Fluttershy's idea because --"

"Oh, here we go," Bon Bon interrupted, blankly. "Of course, Twilight would go for something like that for the sake of a nature-loving idiot like Fluttershy..." She did not care if she insulted any of them. The fact that they went on ahead and buried a bloodthirsty monster for some idiotic 'peaceful' reason just made her sick to her stomach. She rolled her eyes angrily, "After what he did to my Lyra and her son, little Miss Princess is now too pussywhipped to her friend's opinions to even resort to burning that monster alive?!" She growled angrily.

"Hey!" Rainbow glared at that insult toward her friends, but Bon Bon wouldn't let her speak because she still had something to say here.

Pinkie flinched in worry, "Bon-Bon!" Her eyes were wide in panic at seeing the mare get so personal, even though inside, they knew she would not approve of his fate either.

Gallus winced sharply and reached a talon towards Bon Bon, he was worried this anger of hers would end up making her do something she'll regret, justified or not.

"Newsflash: Not every creature is worth giving peace to! That bastard deserves to burn!" She snorted smoke out of her nostrils, declaring "This is hydra-shit!" Bon Bon was not on board with any of this; not one bit. She had hoped that they'd burn that abomination to nothingness, hell – they even had dragons to lend their fire to do that right here, right now! The mere thought of seeing that monster's soul burn for eternity made her want nothing more. He should suffer just as much as she'd been suffering. But, no, Fluttershy took that away from her!

Rainbow Dash flinched a little. This wasn't going as smoothly as she thought. She didn't appreciate her childhood friend being name-called like that, but at the same time, she couldn't blame Bon Bon for being angry, either.

Lucky for her, Pinkie Pie stepped up and spoke to the irate mare, "Whoa, whoa, it's okay, Bon Bon. We haven't gotten to the other part, yet."

"And what part is that?" Bon Bon barked, hoping this had better be good because the first half of this story made her want to slap Fluttershy so hard that it'd leave a permanent bruise on that fragile face of hers. To hell if it got quite a few folks mad at her for doing so.

"The part where we bring Spoiled to justice once and for all," Pinkie Pie said with seriousness in her voice, hoping that would at least ease Bon Bon of any tension she had. There was no need for violence anymore.

Thankfully, Bon Bon complied once she heard that part, "I'm listening." She leaned back on her couch and crossed her arms.

Pinkie cleared her throat and explained, "Okay, Twilight's plan is to have a trial. Everyone who was involved in that whole chaotic fight is to gather around and vent out what had happened. And after that is all said and done, we all take a vote to see what shall happen to Spoiled."

She may have changed what the plan actually could've been but that was actually the gist of what Twilight had planned. There were a lot of folks that wanted to give Spoiled a piece of their mind for what she did but everyone willing to set off this plan knew that Bon Bon would've likely want to take part in it – especially since this stunt of Spoiled's caused the murder of her beloved. The hunch was high and they could see it clear as day.

Bon Bon did not take any time to answer and gave Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash a new smile, one that looked devious – almost even evil or at the very least unhinged. One that had determination, revenge, and malice to it, "Do you even need to ask me twice?" Her tone even shifted, almost pleased to hear that crazy mare was being put on trial and she almost sounded sinister, "Everyone's gonna give a piece of their minds, huh? Oh, just wait until she hears what I have to say…" She smirked wickedly at them with a malice-filled chuckle which started worrying the girls, "Tell me girls: When do we start?"

The evil intention in that smile unnerved Pinkie Pie. It started out so good and then this had to happen. Now she wasn't so sure if inviting Bon Bon was such a good idea.

But, Gallus reach an arm out, again, and grabbed Bon Bon's hoof, successfully gaining her attention, this time. Bon Bon looked over to Gallus who had a worried, pleading look on him that told her to stop and calm down. Bon Bon took that look openly and gasped at herself, stopping herself immediately and shaking her head to rid those bad thoughts away.

'No, no! Bad Bon Bon, bad! Control yourself… bad thoughts always lead to bad actions!' She scolded herself internally. After seeing how worried and almost scared Gallus looked at her, twice now today, she knew she had to keep these malicious thoughts under control – otherwise, she'll end up stooping to Spoiled's level and do something she'll regret later. Something of which Lyra wouldn't want her to do, and something she herself wouldn't want to do.

"Sorry, sorry, I meant to say yes, I'll gladly tag along," Bon Bon said but her tone was calmer and more apologetic. She took a few deep breaths and tried to relax herself; Gallus kept holding her hoof which gradually helped her calm down. The last thing she needed was to go berserk, especially when she had a son to adopt.

She cleared her throat and smiled lightly, repeating in a calmer tone now that Gallus snapped her back to her right state of mind. "When do we start?"

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash smiled calmly and at ease. With Gallus here, Bon Bon could live her life a little easier and they couldn't be more proud of the young griffon. They could only imagine what his reaction will be when he's given the good news.