• Published 15th Mar 2016
  • 5,596 Views, 261 Comments

As a Family - Dashzilla93

Scootaloo is no longer an orphan and is peacefully back in the caring watch of her mother, Fluttershy. However, Scootaloo ultimately asks her a complicated question: who's her father?

  • ...

Heart To Heart

All of her assumptions could never have been so true in her life. Fluttershy tried her best to wrap her head around what Glinda just said. It’s as if the shock was putting pressure in her chest. It hurts, but it was still quite a surprise meeting the younger sister of Gilda. Fluttershy hoped she could give a good impression to the little gryphon. She had to say something to break the silence unless it’ll get awkward for her.

“Gilda is your sister?” Fluttershy said while keeping a smile on her face, trying not to act like she’s panicking and hiding something. To her luck, Glinda didn’t notice a thing; which was kind of a relief.

Glinda nodded, and said, “Yeah. I’m Gilda’s younger sister; many months younger. I just can’t remember exactly what,” She twiddled her claws and looked at the ground in thought. She didn’t move from her spot because she didn’t want to be rude; especially when she’s in the home of one of the elements of harmony.

Fluttershy calmed herself down as she looked at the little gryphon sitting there with a shy demeanor, almost like hers. The only difference was that Glinda was talking and not shying away. Fluttershy was building more confidence, but she remembered the time she first met Twilight; she could barely say a word to her until Spike showed up. After that, their friendship started. Maybe she can get Scootaloo to make friends with Glinda. She’ll have to try when she and Tree Hugger get back. In the meantime, she’ll have to care for Glinda until her parents, or Gilda, get back.

That is if it comes at a smooth start. The last time she and Gilda met, she received a rude, unwelcomed roar to her face. It wasn’t a very friendly hello. But Fluttershy figured that since times changed, hopefully, Gilda has cleaned up her act. Hopefully.

She looked at the adorable, little gryphon, and said, “I made you some tea.” She smiled kindly at Glinda as Glinda looked at the fancy teacup and softly picked it up.

“Thank you, Fluttershy,” she said as she took a sip of the warm tea. She smiled happily before looking up at her with a sudden gleam of excitement in her eyes; it nearly caught Fluttershy off guard.

“I’m so happy I finally get to see you. I have so many questions,” Glinda said with a bit of chirp to her voice. “I met Rainbow Dash a few times and actually got to talk to her once, but that was it. I’ve never met any of the other elements.”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile at Glinda’s excitement. She must be a fan of her and her friends. A thought suddenly emerged and made Fluttershy wonder what Glinda’s reaction would be if she met them, besides Rainbow Dash. She could just imagine the adorable excitement from this shy, little gryphon, “Well, you’re meeting another one right now. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.”

That just ignited Glinda’s enthusiasm and fangirlism. The little gryphon’s smile widened with excitement as she asked, “Do you control animals?”

Fluttershy shook her head and chuckled, “Oh, no, no, no. I don’t control animals. I never have,” She said as Angel hops on the coffee table. “It’s more about respect, kinship and knowing when they need help,” She looked at Angel while Angel looked at Glinda. He was secretly thinking of a way to prank their guest. She raised a suspicious brow at him, knowing all too well what he was thinking; even if he was pulling off a cute act. “And most of the time, I keep a few animals in line when they act up. Right, Angel?”

Angel flinched and stiffened his ears up as he looked back at a rather assertive looking Fluttershy. He smiled innocently and nodded to her that he’d behave this time which received an approving smile from Fluttershy. He remembered the last prank he did which involved Scootaloo. He setup a trap inside Scootaloo’s favorite snack: a chocolate chip muffin. When in close quarters to the face, the trap would set off a small explosion and cause the victim quite a scare. Needless to say it went quite well for the white rabbit; a little too well. He expected the trap to work which he got a good laugh out of, but what he didn’t expect was for Scootaloo to get hurt from the prank. The muffin exploded in front of Scootaloo’s face, but the force of the explosion caused her muzzle to bleed and bruise. When Angel noticed the injury, he frowned in disbelief. That’s when a yellow hoof slammed behind him, his ears drooped and his eyes widened in horror. He looked up and saw the rage on Fluttershy’s face. After he saw that face, it went dark and he couldn’t remember anything after that. Angel was kind of scared of Fluttershy now. After she took Scootaloo back into her life, his timid owner became fierce and protective similar to a mother bear. Upside, he admitted he was happy to see Fluttershy have her own flesh and blood back. The downside, she’s changed quite a lot and it lessened the fun out of a few things.

Glinda chuckled and rubbed Angel’s head. He looked back at her then shoved her claw away before hopping off the coffee table and hopping away from the girls, not wanting to interrupt what they were doing. Perhaps a good prank on Varan could lift his spirits.

“He’s adorable,” Glinda said as she watched him hop through a doggy door.

Fluttershy laughed a bit at that, “He is, but he can be a bit reckless at times.” She looked back at Glinda and asked, “Are there any more questions you’d like to ask, Glinda?”

Glinda nodded excitedly and immediately asked, “What are the other elements like?”

Fluttershy smiled warmly as she happily replied, “They are the greatest friends I’ve ever had. They are hard-working mares like me, and are amazing at what they do; especially Pinkie Pie when she throws all sorts of parties with her coltfriend Cheese Sandwich. They’re really fun.”

Glinda chirped happily at hearing that, “That’s so cool.”

Fluttershy nodded, “Yes. Rarity can craft any clothes of any age. Tuxedos, gowns, shirts, anything,” she said to Glinda. “She can even make a cute dress for you, too.”

Glinda widen her eyes and a bright red blush shaded under her fur. She waved her little claws and said, “Oh no, I don’t do dresses. T-shirts are way cooler.” Glinda chuckled nervously at the mere mention of dresses, having an embarrassing moment wearing one.

Fluttershy giggled before continuing, “Applejack is an expert in anything apples and exercise. She’s the strongest out of the six of us; well, physical wise, not magical. That goes to Twilight Sparkle.”

“The Princess?”

Fluttershy nodded and drank a bit of her own tea, “Unlike Rarity, Twilight knows almost all sorts of magic from levitation to time travel. Of the six of us, she’s mentally the strongest. Even mean ponies like Trixie, Starlight, and Sunset have all failed to beat her.”

“Is she powerful enough to fight a dragon or hydra?” Glinda asked, excited to know.

Fluttershy covered her mouth to keep herself from blabbing on even further. Those kinds of feats have never been achieved, none that she’s aware of. Unlike Spike, she and her friends have dealt with dragons and hydras before, but in a more peaceful manner; nothing violent. But Twilight fighting them? Twilight was strong, but not that strong. Fluttershy waved her hooves a bit, assuring Glinda about what she said, “I’m sorry, Glinda. Twilight isn’t that strong. I made a teeny-tiny mistake.”

“Oh,” Glinda said, disappointed from hearing that, but immediately shrugs it off.

Fluttershy giggled softly before speaking again to the little griffon, “May I ask you a few questions?”

“Sure, Fluttershy,” Glinda said as she grabbed her teacup for a drink.

Fluttershy’s smile slowly drained into a concerning frown. Despite what Scootaloo told her, she needed to hear Glinda’s words to see and know if the stories match. She took a quick breath and asked questionably, “Scootaloo told me everything that happened today. Were you trying to attack my daughter?”

She expected Glinda to react to her question. She didn’t expect Glinda to spit up and nearly choke from drinking the tea. She coughed and wheezed, slightly panicked as she grabbed her feathery, furry chest. Fluttershy flinched and cringed, but tried to ease Glinda from further panicking as the little griffon managed to catch her breath before looking at her with shocked, guilty and regretful eyes.

Fluttershy noticed and was about to say something, but a cry from Glinda stopped her as Gilda’s little sister sprang up and hugged her as she immediately bawled, “I’m so sorry,” she said through her crying. “I didn’t know Diamond was evil. I thought she wanted to play. I didn’t know she wanted to beat up Scootaloo,” She held herself close to Fluttershy while Fluttershy looked down at her with calm eyes and a gentle smile. Happy to hear Glinda didn’t want to participate in Diamond Tiara’s usual shenanigans.

How many times is that filly going to try and hurt Scootaloo? She thought to herself about talking to her father about Diamond’s unusual behavior; perhaps when she has time for it.

“So, you didn’t want to hurt Scootaloo?” she asked kindly.

“No. I just wanted to make new friends. I didn’t want to be a bully,” Glinda placed her forehead on Fluttershy’s chest as she continued to hiccup and sob. She wanted to apologize to Fluttershy over and over. She knew Scootaloo was Fluttershy’s daughter thanks to Silver Spoon, but she never got to say anything about it when she met the orange filly. She wanted to greet her, but couldn’t work up the nerve because she was so shy. When Diamond Tiara told her to beat up Scootaloo, she was stunned to hear her say that. She didn’t want to do it; she wanted friendship, not enemies. She felt like she was tainted with shame, shame that she fell for such an act. Guilt started to weigh in on her until two soft arms coiled around her for a warm, caring embrace.

Glinda chirped before looking up to see the forgiving eyes of Fluttershy look down at her. No hint of anger on her face whatsoever, “Glinda, it’s okay,” Fluttershy said as she softly rubbed the top of her head. “Scootaloo told me you were the only one who didn’t try to attack her. I’m glad you didn’t.”

Glinda sniffed once as she looked up at Fluttershy. A look of confusion and innocence emerged on Glinda’s face before she let out a soft, sobby “Huh?” She wipes a tear away with her talon, “Y-you’re not mad?”

Fluttershy shook her head as she said, “Of course not. You knew what was right and wrong. You knew when to stop and you chose not to get involved.”

“B-But Diamond…”

“Diamond Tiara may have forced you, but your denial still counts. You chose not to attack my daughter, and I thank you for that,” Fluttershy said before looking at her door. “When all of this is over, I’m going to have a word with Filthy and Spoiled.” She immediately thought of how ironic it was that Diamond’s parents are named Spoiled and Filthy when Diamond Tiara herself acts like their namesake; Must’ve run in the family.

Glinda cracked a small smile. She was glad that Fluttershy forgave her and said what she said. The last thing she wanted was to have one of the mane six be angry with her – especially when she just met one of them. Unlike Gilda, she wanted to make a good approach, not a bad one. She was told by Rainbow Dash that Gilda roared in Fluttershy’s face when they first met. When Glinda heard that, she was furious with Gilda for quite a while. No one should roar in Fluttershy’s face. She was the element of kindness. Why be mean to someone who is kind and sweet to everyone around her? She couldn’t understand it. Gilda didn’t mention anything about the story nor had any thought in bringing it up. Glinda just asked a question to Rainbow Dash, and she got her answer.

Glinda chirped at Fluttershy just for the giggles. She got a warm smile from the motherly pegasus as she felt as though her heart melted from the sound; it was too adorable to her ears. Glinda’s smile widened as her spirit grew, feeling comfortable around Fluttershy. Though another question did dwell in the back of her head, “Hey Fluttershy, where’s Scootaloo?”


“Okay. Carrots, whipped cream, eggs, and flour. And… asparagus?! Ugh!” Scootaloo stuck her tongue out in disgust.

Tree Hugger smiled a bit and giggled, “Don’t underestimate asparagus, young Scootaloo. They are good for the senses like sight and hearing.” She looked at Scootaloo as they walked through Ponyville to find what they were looking for.

Scootaloo grazed her eyes at Tree Hugger and raised an unsure brow at her. She tried asparagus before and it ended in a toilet to the face. Never again will she ever let her tongue touch those bumpy, bitter-tasting abominations.

“No thanks. I’ll stick to apples or pears,” Scootaloo said as she placed the grocery list in her bag.

Tree Hugger shrugged and accepted Scootaloo’s decision. She looked around for the first stop on the list until Scootaloo spoke to her and asked, “So, how did you meet my mom?”

Tree Hugger placed her hoof under her chin. She thought about it for a second before responding with a memorable smile, “Well, Scootaloo, I met your mother on, like, a trip to see the Breezies,” She said. “It was a very wondrous and peaceful event.”

Scootaloo slightly chuckled, and said, “That seems about right. My mom always loved animals of any kind from cute like rabbits, mice, and small birds to scary like Manticores, Cockatrice, Platypus, and ferrets; even Breezies.” Her mother may have more experience with animals and how they looked, but she’s still getting used to most of the animals that come near the cottage. She remembered having to feed a cranky crocodile named Gustave. At first, she wanted to see if she could gain a form of friendship with him, but it ended up being a misunderstanding on which was food or not. Scootaloo was happy she ended up with Varan. One animal is all she wanted to be friends with; the rest can befriend Fluttershy.

Tree Hugger nodded in agreement, “You are so right, little shy,” She said as a somewhat nickname joke. “Your mother has an aura so gentle, she is like a dandelion in the wind.”

“Gentle?” Scootaloo said, surprised and disbelieving of Tree Hugger’s words. “My mom is nice, but she hasn’t been gentle ever since she took me back. Especially when the ponies at my old orphanage tried to take me back; she was not happy about that at all.”

“The orphanage?”

“Mom didn’t tell you that story?” Scootaloo asked, receiving a head shake from Tree Hugger. Scootaloo was surprised and thought Fluttershy would’ve told her already.

“She never did. She just, like, kept it secret from me,” Tree Hugger said truly surprised to hear that. “I knew you were her daughter, but, she didn’t say anything about any orphanage. I, like, assumed she kept you in secret.”

Scootaloo chuckled, “Nope. It’s no secret anymore. I know the truth. My friends know the truth. I don’t know if other ponies we know have been told,” She shrugged. “I just wish my mom would calm down; not every pony is out to get me.”

Tree Hugger gave a reassuring smile knowing all too well about that situation, even though she has no kids of her own, “Don’t let that feeling get to you. Her aura has always been gentle. What she’s doing is just protecting you. She cares about you just as much as she cares for her animals, if not more,” She said. “You are her flesh and blood after all. And your auras have grown stronger from it.”

Scootaloo blinked and smiled a bit at Tree Hugger’s words. Perhaps she was right. But the talk about aura was still confusing and Scootaloo couldn’t understand what she meant by that ‘aura stream’. She continued to listen to Tree Hugger as she told her what she remembered when she and Fluttershy were at the place where they were watching the Breezies until they arrived at their first stop.

“Oh good, we’re here,” Scootaloo said as she approached the vegetable stand. She neglected to see Tree Hugger suddenly stop behind and stare at her with worried eyes.

Tree Hugger mentally slapped herself for not realizing where they were. She secretly gazed her eyes at the aura streams connected to Scootaloo. Like Fluttershy’s aura, she can see Scootaloo’s aura and noticed there was a connection; Scootaloo’s aura was, of course, connected to Fluttershy’s aura stream but it was also connected to three others. She figured it would be her grandparents, but the black aura stream came up again. Tree Hugger made a soft gasp and realized Scootaloo was heading to the exact spot where the owner of the black stream is.

Tree Hugger called out, “Scootaloo, wait!” but it was too late. Scootaloo walked up and knocked on the desk of the stand three times. “Oh no,” Tree Hugger whispered to herself as she slowly approached behind Scootaloo. Out the tent walked an average, slightly buff-looking, white stallion with a light green apron over his chest. He had a dull frown on his face as he approached Scootaloo.

“Welcome to Rocky’s vegetable stand. We sell vegetables of any kind,” he said in a slightly deep, mellow tone.

Tree Hugger had an uneasy, yet surprised look on her. This stallion was a pegasus with light blue fur that matched the sky above and a dirty white shortcut-style mane and tail; he could blend in with the sky if he wanted to, but the only noticeable part was the purple streaks combined with the white on the edges. But his distinctive feature was a noticeable, almost creepy, and painful-looking scar across his eye down to his muzzle and mouth, yet the eye itself seemed perfectly fine; the magenta pupil did show. It looked as if he had been through one big fight, but who? Tree Hugger would ask, but uneasy and nervous feelings bombarded her. She now knew exactly who the owner of the black aura belonged to, and why it’s connected to Scootaloo as well. This stallion must be Scootaloo’s father, and Scootaloo was completely unaware.

She tried to talk to Scootaloo, but the Scootaloo spoke to the stallion before she could get a word in, “And a hello to you to Mr. Grouchy,” she joked with a mix of dry sarcasm. She wasn’t too fond of the tone this guy was giving. Rocky always had a welcoming approach with customers. What’s this pegasus’s deal?

The stallion rolled his eyes at Scootaloo as he asked, “Can I help you two with anything?” he wasn’t really hiding the fact he was very knackered and bored and really wanting to go home.

Scootaloo ignored the stallion’s tone as she said, “Yeah, I’d like a few carrots and… asparagus, please,” Scootaloo crunched her eyes and cringed, and almost choking on that word she hated it so much. Why Fluttershy wanted her to get them is baffling. She knew how much her daughter hated them. It was so confusing.

A sudden, soft chuckle from the stallion took her mind off of the thought as she looked up at the stallion, “You hate asparagus too, huh?” he asked the confused little filly when he heard her cringing tone. A slight crooked, small smile peeled onto his face before he walked back to get what she needed, “Glad to know I’m not the only one, kid.”

Scootaloo cracked a little smile at his change of behavior before speaking again, and asking, “Are you new here? Where’s Rocky?” She knew him almost as much as Fluttershy did. They came to the vegetable store all the time, mostly her mother, to buy groceries and have a quick chat before leaving. It happened so often that Scootaloo was surprised she hasn’t seen a picture of Fluttershy on his wall for ‘number one customer’.

“Eh, Rocky’s feeling sick. So he left me in charge while he’s away,” He said as he got the vegetables and placed them in the grocery bag before walking back to Scootaloo and Tree Hugger. “And I’ve been working here for a few months; I’m not that new.”

“If you say so, I guess,” she sarcastically said and prompted the stallion to look at her suspiciously before she chuckled and smiled again at him. “I’m just kidding. I’m Scootaloo and this is Tree Hugger.” She motioned to Tree Hugger before hearing a surprised gasp from the stallion.

His ears perked up at that first name, “Wait, Scootaloo?” he said in surprise from hearing that. “The little filly who rides on a scooter with a blue helmet? That Scootaloo?”

Scootaloo blushed a bit and smiled proudly before letting out a small chuckle, “Yup, the one and only. You’ve heard of me?” she asked enthusiastically.

He nodded, “I sure have. I know you don’t know it, but I see you and your friends cross by all the time talking about ways of how to get your cutie marks. You three really love to shout.”

Scootaloo blushed in slight embarrassment at the last part, “Sorry about that. We just love trying to figure out what we’re good at,” She said. “It’s kind our thing at this point.”

The stallion nodded again with his own enthused smile before he noticed Tree Hugger stand beside Scootaloo in complete silence, “You’re awfully quiet. Is something wrong?” he asked in slight concern.

Tree Hugger blinked and snapped back into the real world before shaking her head and gazing at the stallion and a rather confused Scootaloo, “Oh, forgive me; I was in a meditated state. My chakra was feeling dim and… I had to balance it so it wouldn’t cause me issues, you know?” she said only getting a confused look from Scootaloo and the stallion. But they just shrug it off. Tree Hugger took a breath of relief.

Dodged a bullet.

“I’ll just take the groceries,” Tree Hugger said as she grabbed the grocery sack. He seemed unaware he was talking to his own daughter, that should be so. She almost slipped that time; what else could go wrong?

“So, what’s your name, sir?” Scootaloo asked.

The stallion smiled at Scootaloo, and happily replied, “My name is…”

“Drift Velocity!” a tomboyish voice called out and interrupted. A voice Scootaloo knew all too well and was happy and surprised to hear. Tree Hugger, however, was just confused.

Scootaloo and Tree Hugger look back to see Rainbow Dash dive down with a bit of grace and land with the utmost ease before rising to her full height and gloried herself for how awesome she stuck the landing.

“Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo said as she bolted to her idol and gave her a near tight hug. She smiled with joy, happy to see her.

“Hey, squirt,” Rainbow Dash said as she returned the hug. “Been a while. How’ve things been going with you and your mother?”

“It’s been great for the most part. Mom’s been very protective of me and took great care of me. I have a new pet to play with, and made a few new friends.” Scootaloo said with a joyful grin and a look of excitement when she gets back home.

Rainbow Dash smiled proudly. Hearing Scootaloo say this made her feel a lot better. She had doubts at first when she managed to reunite them, but hearing her little fan say this made her doubts dwindle and fade. “I’m glad to hear it. I knew Fluttershy can be protective, but I never thought she’d be VERY protective,” Rainbow Dash snickered before asking, “So, who’s your new friends?”

Scootaloo peered back and pointed at Tree Hugger, “One of my mom’s friends, Tree Hugger.”

Tree Hugger smiled at them and waved sheepishly. She was a tad surprised to see one of Fluttershy’s Ponyville friends appear. She’s been told by Fluttershy that Rainbow can be very approachable, but her aura spoke out to her the most; Rainbow was very approachable.

Rainbow Dash tilted her head in confusion and got a case of familiarity when she looked at Tree Hugger, “Huh, you look familiar,” Rainbow Dash said. “Have we met before?”

Tree Hugger nodded in response before saying, “We have. We met at the Gala when, like, Discord had one of his tantrums.”

A snickered chuckle escaped her Rainbow’s throat, “Pfft, oh yeah, I remember now. You’re Fluttershy’s hippie friend,” Rainbow Dash said before laughing a bit as the memories flew back; Tree Hugger took no offense to her words. She thought that the term was rather innocent and true to her nature.

“I got a great laugh out of that day. Discord nearly flipped. Thanks for saving us from the smooze, by the way.”

“Trend nothing of it, Rainbow flyer,” Tree Hugger said in kind while secretly analyzing Rainbow Dash’s aura stream. It was as bright and rainbow as her hair and cutie mark, yet it was surprising to her as this type of aura was mixed with different emotions. There can only be one color to an aura, yet Rainbow Dash displayed many. Tree Hugger could tell Rainbow Dash was happy physically, but her aura showed she was focused on something, yet showed no sign of impatience; this was new to Tree Hugger. She also noticed three other aura streams connected to her own, but the nature pony was more fixated on Rainbow’s aura. These mixed emotions questioned her. Why is Rainbow Dash here? Was it because of Scootaloo? No! Something’s odd here, and she needed to know why.

“So, why are you here, Rainbow Dash?” Drift Velocity asked calmly yet hesitantly. His voice cuts off Tree Hugger’s thoughts as she looked at Drift Velocity then back at Rainbow Dash only to witness a sharp glare from the athlete pegasus.

“You know why I’m here, Drift. Don’t act like you don’t know.”

Her tone of voice threw Tree Hugger off. She went from joyful to irritated in a matter of seconds. Even her emotions ran as fast as she does fly. Just how fast is Rainbow Dash? Tree Hugger was baffled but not really interested to know as she and Scootaloo noticed the glare on Rainbow’s face.

“Do you to, like, know each other?” Tree Hugger asked. That was the only question she had to ask before she heard Scootaloo talk.

“Yeah, are you two friends?”

Drift Velocity held in his words as he looked at Rainbow Dash with aggravated eyes. He wanted to answer Scootaloo’s question, but coming up with something to say was difficult, because he did not want to step on thin eggshells, and Rainbow Dash showing up made things even harder than they needed to be.

Rainbow Dash, thankfully, answered Scootaloo’s question, and said, “No, just acquaintances.”

“Yeah, just acquaintances.”

Tree Hugger scanned their auras and saw that Rainbow Dash had a bright red-orange color; the rainbow aura stopped when that happened. But Drift’s aura remained as black as it always had. Rainbow Dash was annoyed and angry and Drift was stressed out, but why? Tree Hugger grew even more confused by their actions toward one another. That’s when a thought occurred to her; Drift Velocity is Scootaloo’s father and Rainbow Dash knew Scootaloo, Fluttershy, and Drift. So, they might have a past with one another. But why was she here? Could she be trying to tell Drift the truth?

Tree Hugger gasped to herself. She couldn’t, could she?

“I see you’ve met Drift already, Scootaloo,” Rainbow Dash looked back at Scootaloo to see her nod.

“Yeah, I have.”

“That’s cool,” she said nonchalantly before smiling a bit. “Do I have some news to tell you.”

Tree Hugger froze in place.

She could.

Tree Hugger widened her eyes and felt her heart race before looking around to find any form of distraction. A bird call? No! A nearby mouse? Not one in sight. She looked around until she almost became exasperated. She did hook her eyes to the clock tower and saw the time. She smiled and gasped a bit before she quickly said, “Hey, Scootaloo, look at the time. We’re running a little late, aren’t we?”

Scootaloo gasped and looked at the clock tower, “Oh crap, you’re right, and we still haven’t gotten all the groceries. Mom’s going to be peeved if I’m late.”

“And isn’t there someone waiting for you at home to meet and play with?” Tree Hugger asked, prompting Scootaloo to flinch at the thought.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow, “I’m sure she can wait a little longer,” she said, eager to tell Scootaloo something.

“Sorry, Rainbow Dash, but I can’t stay. I need to get these groceries done, and fast. I also have a friend waiting for me,” Scootaloo paced before gazing at Tree Hugger. “Come on, Tree Hugger. Bye, Rainbow Dash. We can talk later,” Scootaloo quickly rushed to the nearest store and away from Rainbow Dash and Drift Velocity.

“Wait, Scootaloo,” Rainbow Dash tried to call back Scootaloo but she galloped away before the words could get to her. She looked at Tree Hugger with a somewhat annoyed and irritated glare.

“Why’d you do that?”

Tree Hugger shrugged and smiled a bit, “I had to let her know time, like, wasn’t waiting? We were in a hurry.” Tree hugger said before giving a slight glare to Rainbow Dash. When Drift was looking in another direction, Tree Hugger looked back at Rainbow Dash and said, “She must never know,” she quickly rushed to catch up to Scootaloo while thinking that was a close one.

“Wait, what do you mean by that?” Rainbow Dash asked but Tree Hugger already left. Rainbow Dash cocked a confused and irritated brow as she frowned. The opportunity to tell Scootaloo was completely ruined. Many questions stirred around in her head, but one erupted from her throat rather quickly.

“What just happened?” She said as she threw her arms up. Tree Hugger acted very strangely. She wanted to stop the hippie pony and force her to tell her what she meant by what she said, but let out an annoyed sigh instead; she had other objectives in mind and figured plan B was in order.

“What happened?” Drift asked as he walked beside Rainbow Dash and sat next to her only to have a glare thrown at him.

Drift noticed and reeled his head back as he confusingly said, “What?”

“You still have to do that thing we talked about,” Rainbow Dash reminded him before getting back up to scowl him. “You had plenty of time to think. Now what’s your decision?”