• Published 15th Mar 2016
  • 5,596 Views, 261 Comments

As a Family - Dashzilla93

Scootaloo is no longer an orphan and is peacefully back in the caring watch of her mother, Fluttershy. However, Scootaloo ultimately asks her a complicated question: who's her father?

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The Trial of Spoiled Milk (Part 1)

Filthy and his family managed to escape that horrid fight with their lives intact but that didn't save them from what the aftermath had in store for them. Filthy opened the doors to his mansion and stormed in before his family did. The doors behind them slammed closed once the girls came inside and a dead silence made its presence known.

Butlers and maids who worked for the Rich family arrived to greet them and offer to get them a beverage or snack, but all of them halted when they saw Filthy's cold, anger-fueled eyes leer hard at his wife and one of his daughters. That glare alone was enough to tell them that any warm greetings and their services will have to wait and questions would be for later.

Yet, Filthy never said a word to his Spoiled and Diamond. He already said his piece to them and now he had nothing left. They were in trouble. He knew it; Diamond knew it; Silver knew it; Spoiled knew it most of all. They were safe and away for the time being but Filthy had a sixth sense that told him Twilight was gonna send someone after them, to answer for what has happened; He just couldn't figure out who. The pressure of thinking that was near agonizing to him, but the pressure felt more intense when four eyes of intense disappointment peered directly on Diamond and Spoiled.

Filthy and Silver Spoon were not done with Spoiled and Diamond. Well, Filthy was. Silver had her piece to say next.

Both mares were petrified. They watched and waited for Filthy and Silver Spoon to shout at them for what they did. They knew what they did was monstrous and there was no coming back from it. They were in for an endless rollercoaster of punishments, and a rollercoaster of pain in return for the pain that they caused.

Two butlers and three maids stood a good distance away, standing at the edge of the entrance of the east hallway watching their master and his daughter eye down the mistress and their firstborn with interest.

"W-What's going on?" a mocha-colored unicorn maid with cream-colored hair whispered to the others near her, confused yet concerned.

Another maid next to her shrugged. "I don't know," a greyish blue, wolf-like diamond dog maid said to her just as confused. "But I hope it's nothing bad." She glanced over to the Rich family, worried that something bad actually did happen.

A large dirty white, falcon-headed, griffon butler with three dark red stripes across his face spoke up, bluntly yet seriously, "I know what's going on." He said in a sharp, calm tone that got the others' attention as they turned their heads toward his direction. "Our mistress and little lady Diamond Tiara had caused something that might've damaged the entire family."

"And how do you know this?" An earth pony butler said to him.

Then a curvy turquoise dragoness with a slender build and whip-like tail spoke up as she stood next to the griffon butler, "Silver told him. And she told me, as well. She told us everything. I had a feeling the mistress was too prideful for her own good and she wanted young Diamond to be just as prideful as her…" Her tone was of pure disappointment and disbelief toward her mistress and young Diamond Tiara. "…I just can't believe they'd go through with it."

The earth pony butler was still confused. Silver told them but not anyone else? And what did Mistress Spoiled Milk and little Diamond do?

"Okay, so, care to tell me what happened, Ryker and Glitter?" he asked his 'boss' and the dragoness maid.

"Mistress Spoiled got into Master Filthy's things without his permission and got some kind of item to give to Diamond," Ryker explained. "I don't know what the item was but Glitter and I went with Silver Spoon to report it to Master Filthy."

"But, we were too late," Glitter said. "Spoiled and Diamond had left as we told Master Filthy."

Diamond Tiara felt a jolt of guilt run across her body once Silver Spoon glared daggers at her. She messed up; she knew that. But, what stabbed her hard was the look Silver had in her. She wasn't just hurt by what had happened in Ponyville but the way she was treated also played a part in it, too. Diamond should've listened; Silver Spoon was right all along but her stubbornness and arrogance got the better of her.

Not only that, but she should've put two and two together when she realized the irony that was placed before her. She widened her eyes after she realized and placed a hoof over her head. She waited for her to talk and scold her for her stupidity but no words came out of her sister. She never spoke. Her eyes did all the talking and Diamond picked that up crystal clear.

"S-Silver Spoon, I...I…" Diamond tried to talk to her but Silver shook her head at her.

"Don't…" Silver cut her off from saying anything, not wanting to her so-called sister's excuses. "Just… just don't."

Spoiled noticed that and with the cloud of entitlement, and everything else that she was negatively associated with, all cleared up she couldn't really blame Silver for acting like this. She acted like a demon to her and Silver never should've deserved that. She was somber over the fact that she not only verbally abused her for a long while but she neglected and chose her own daughter instead of choosing both. The whole time, Filthy had more influence over Silver than she did and she was not aware -- she would be furious but she wasn't. She was not only thankful for her husband to give their adopted child the time to teach her right from wrong but grateful for Silver for choosing to be by Filthy's side instead of hers; if only she knew right from wrong years ago but it was too late now. For once, she was proud of Silver.

And, just like her daughter, she was plagued with guilt for what she did and had Diamond do. She didn't expect all this to happen -- she expected some random regular creature to show up and scare Scootaloo and her family, not summon a bloodthirsty monster - a rouge at that - that was going to kill them all. It made her wonder how he got the whistle in the first place. He mentioned it before but she could not remember if her life depended on it. It was a bad time to not pay attention on that specific day.

"Um, Silver..." Spoiled said, hoping to get her to talk since Filthy had nothing to say, "If you wouldn't mind --"
Her gaze sharply aimed at Spoiled and that got the snooty mare to flinch in shock.

"Oh, I do mind, Spoiled Milk," Silver Spoon said with sheer venom in her tone, refusing to acknowledge Spoiled as her own mother, causing her mother to look shocked when she called her by name. "I mind so much that half of it still can't believe you two did this! Why?! Why would you two do this to us?! To me?!"

"To you?" Both mother and daughter said, confused and hurt.

Tears began to well up and her bottom lip visibly quivered as she points at herself, "Yes, me!" She shouted angrily as Filthy just watched her have her piece, having a look of pride for Silver and disappointment for his wife and daughter. He then looked over to his maids and butlers to find them watching them but said nothing to them; they had the right to listen to this, as well.

"I thought I was living a good life," Silver Spoon said, shaking from the pain given by the negative treatment from them. "When I..." She sniffled repeatedly as she spoke to them, "When I was adopted... I thought my life... w-was gonna change." Her eyes slowly fill with tears as she finally spoke her feelings, "I felt like… I finally had a family," She looked up at Spoiled with a look of betrayal, "…a family who would love me and take care of me... I never dreamt of being in a rich family and, yet, here I am living that life." And she thought she was gonna love it, at first. Being under wealth was great but she secretly didn't like how it made ponies act.

She previously acted like that to get Diamond and Spoiled's attention because she wanted to be a further part of the family. She almost fell into that hole after she realized what she's been doing in school. Bullying? Really? She hated it! That orphanage was torture enough, especially when she too was bullied there, but she felt like she was shoving her hatred onto others. After that fight with Scootaloo and the scolding she got from her father, that day was the moment she had finally woke up.

She wanted to be a part of the family so she could fit in. But after seeing a different side of her family, she chose to stay on Filthy's side. And being on that side had more perks than being on her so-called mother's and sister's side. She wanted to be a part of the family, just not the wrong part.

They took her words in without hesitation but Silver's tone was not of happiness and gratitude, it was of pain, misery, and grief.

"But, I never expected to be in a family where it brought me here," Silver Spoon pointed to Filthy with a shaky hoof and a whimpering sniffle. "The only ones who ever gave me comfort and love... was him..." -- She then pointed to the butlers and maids who watched them -- "... and them!" She glared at the mare and filly who dared call themselves her mother and sister, "But, you two. What did I get from you two? A fat load of lessons on how to be a dislikable high-horse, and a bully who is just as worse as that, if not worser – treating everyone like dirt!"

One of those perks, a great one at that, was the fact that she was introduced to such kind creatures who worked for her father. The maids and butlers here helped raise her equally to how Filthy raised her. When she fell into Spoiled's manipulation at first, she began to treat them like garbage similar to how Diamond did to Randolph before the poor old stallion had passed away from an incurable illness. She recalled her father being torn about his passing, but Spoiled and Diamond seemed indifferent about it -- she took it just as hard as Filthy, but she digressed. Looking back on this part now, she felt truly terrible, Randolph had been a kind, patient, and devoted butler to the Riches – actually, to Filthy, he was more than that; He was family, and when he passed away before she could ever say sorry to him for any grief she gave him before – it was a gloomy day for her and her father. She remembered that but she neglected to remember what she did to the other maids and butlers until her father snapped her out of it and brought her back to reality. She felt guilty for what she did that day and she knew she had to make it up to them, somehow. They were like family to her, even if they were from different races and locations. She was grateful that they accepted her apology that day.

Spoiled and Diamond continued to say nothing as Silver continued to vent, keeping their eyes on her. Silver paced before them as she admitted what she truly wanted from them, as part of this family. "I wanted to have a mother who would give me the same love and comfort like dad… a mother who was proud of me, no matter what I do." Silver looked down sadly before glaring at her mother, "I got that from Glitter, not you, Spoiled." She turned her attention to her big sister, the firstborn of the family. Her ears lowered as she spoke to her sister, "And I wanted a sister who would always have my back if I got into trouble or be there for me, to comfort me if I felt sad, angry, or whatever -- guess what, I didn't get that from you, Diamond Tiara, I got that from Sonia!" She motioned to the dragoness and the diamond dog, "I got that from two other creatures who were meant to be my maids! And, instead, what did I get out of you two? I get treated like a rat for no reason instead of being treated like a daughter and I get labeled like some kind of henchman from some stupid tv show instead of being labeled as a little sister."

Ryker furrowed a confused brow then looked over to Glitter and Sonia, curiously if what Silver Spoon said was true or not.

"Is this true?" Ryker asked.

Sonia looked briefly at Ryker before she quickly looked away and tried to whistle like nothing happened. But she couldn't deny the truth from Ryker. Sonia wanted to be a better sister figure for Silver and that was just about it. She rightfully got called out for it but the diamond dog did not want to be on the worse end of Spoiled when that bombshell was dropped.

Glitter, however, was not afraid to admit it. She knew what she did was right and held no regrets about it. Even if she'd worked with the Rich family for a couple years now, she knew Spoiled Rich was not gonna be a nice soul. That was made clear one day when she spotted Spoiled talking down to Silver for absolutely no reason. She left the poor filly crying with no hint of care. It made her sick to her stomach to see a mare treat a filly so coldly and she had a vendetta against that witch ever since. So, without any hesitation, under Spoiled's muzzle, she secretly gave Silver the love and care she should've gotten since day one. Now the cat's out of the bag, she didn't care. The dragoness knew she was gonna fine, regardless.

She glanced down at Ryker with a confident look, "I'm not apologizing, you know."

But Ryker was indifferent about it, "Don't be," he said bluntly to his friend but agreed to that statement. "You did what you had to do – you did what you thought was right. And you're rewarded for it." He looked back at the Rich family to hear more of Silver's understandable tantrum.

Silver Spoon's shaking became more obvious. Spoiled and Diamond backed up a bit, letting her go on – knowing that she had to let it all out, all of it. This was painful for them, especially when they forgot that crucial last bit Silver said. She was right. Silver used to be an orphan for a long while until Filthy and Spoiled adopted her into the family.

How could he forget that day? Filthy remembered the bright, joyful, heartwarming smile when Spoiled and he chose her to be a part of the family. Filthy recalled wanting more than one foal to continue the legacy of the Rich family but Spoiled only wanted one, for some odd reason. He never understood why, nor did he think to question her, but he just rolled with it. And now that he thought about it, he started to remember how Spoiled acted when he chose Silver Spoon...

She did not care, in the slightest. Spoiled remembered that day exactly. The crumby orphanage, the screaming foals, the rude staff, all of it was just revolting and she never understood why that place still stood to this day. But, her husband wanted to go there and she couldn't change his mind, not that she would since they had so many bits. How else would they spend all that cash? Really, though, she only wanted one foal and that's it. The whole pregnancy process was too much for her to handle, to go through it again was not gonna happen; the constantly changing mood swings, the cravings, the sickness, all of which she had to deal with for months, and she just hated how fat she got; not only that but her attitude was twice as bad as how it was before. Lots of maids and butlers quit because of her including either before or during her pregnancy and she held no care for them at all. Life was hell until Diamond Tiara was finally born. When that was said and done, she was happy, for once, that she managed to have a child to continue the family tree. A little diamond was all she was to her; hence why she named her firstborn Diamond. It still held a good spot in her heart. And that was the only good spot.

But, Filthy wanted another and she refused on a whim. Once they got inside, the look inside the orphanage wasn't all that to write home about, but it was stable enough to house a hoofful of load fillies and colts. And it annoyed her to no end. Yet, Spoiled had to put on a fake smile so Filthy wouldn't get suspicious -- not that he would since he was so love-struck over her.

Then there was the big room with all those children. So many of them scouring about making too much of a racket to even let her hear her own thoughts. She couldn't recall how Filthy reacted to them but she noticed him with awe in his eyes. She was confused but she looked over at where he was looking to find a gray filly sitting on a chair next to some orange filly with purple hair, just talking like innocent little children rather than make a fracas like the others were doing.

The grey filly was more shy and recluse while the orange filly had some energy to her that she did not like whatsoever. She didn't like energetic kids and there was a room chockfull of them right now. Yet, Filthy talked to one of the staff members and she brought over the little grey filly.

Spoiled recalled how tattered Silver looked. Dirt covering that grey fur of hers and her mane and tail were knotted up and tangled; she looked like a total mess and the squinting she did when she came to meet them also told them she was partially blind, nearsighted at best.

She was smaller and weaker than the other kids in that orphanage and it was obvious she wouldn't make it further in life. Heck, if she wanted to choose, she could've chosen that orange filly with the purple mane and tail; at least she had some gusto to her. The other orphans to her were just nothing to her and she never cared about them, at all. Once the paperwork was signed, Filthy was over Luna's moon.

Filthy was ecstatic to finally have another kid to carry on the Rich name. And while Filthy thought this was great, Spoiled did not. Spoiled didn't want anything to do with Silver Spoon for plenty of reasons. One, in particular, was the fact that a filly from some other family tree she knew next to nothing about was gonna be a part of her family tree. She didn't like that; she outright hated it. Why should she help her husband raise this child? They had butlers and maids for that and it was a weight off her shoulders since she had her own child to tend to – the child she worked so hard to bring into the world. But, she had to swallow her pride and live with it.

But, now, it felt different. Right now made her feel different. She stood there in her home and listened to this adopted filly burst into tears and yell at her for how she treated her. She held it all in for so long and she never knew it until today. Looking down at Silver Spoon, seeing her in so much pain was not a pleasant sight and she now saw that. She looked over to Filthy who still had that disappointed look on his face since he blew up on her earlier. Whatever Silver told him, she was right. And she didn't know if she would be able to fix it.

"I'm not your daughter, I'm not your friend, I'm not your sister… then what am I to you two?!" Silver Spoon cried out before she started to pant heavily, nearly winded and near dizzy from all her yelling, but she was far from done. She was brought into this family for a reason and one reason was great from Filthy, but her so-called sister and mother?

"Am I even a part of this family?!" Silver yelled out before collapsing on her flanks as she hyperventilated, she was about to cry in front of them as her tears were flowing like overfilled dams.

Diamond Tiara almost broke down in front of her father and Silver. Silver… she was right. What was she to her? That was a good question. She wanted to answer the right way but the right way still felt so wrong. When Silver first came into her life, Diamond didn't think much of her until her father told her that she was her new little sister and that she was going to be Silver Spoon's big sister. The idea of having a sister was actually nice and she accepted it rather quickly – almost in an excited and childish way too at first, but over time she didn't view Silver Spoon as a sister, at all. She had seen her as an underling; a henchman to a crime boss. Silver Spoon looked like she didn't mind that -- it didn't seem to bother her, at first. But, this whole time, she never even bothered to ask how she felt about all this.

And now? Now she knew that her own sister was actually bottling all her emotions in. She was going along with the constant bullying she had been doing towards other kids and joining in because she thought she'd fit in with her. She wanted to act like her, so she could get her mother's approval.

But, why didn't she say anything? Why didn't she stop her sooner before she…

Oh. Oh, now… now she got it. She wasn't just a bully to others, she was a monster to Silver. If only she'd listened.

"Y-Y-You're my sister, m-my baby sister…" Diamond said, choking on her words a little and all she could muster was that.

But that wasn't enough to convince her. Silver Spoon widened her eyes at that response before she glared at Diamond once more, "Really? Well, it sure doesn't feel like it, Diamond."

Spoiled tried to chime in and nearly pleaded her for forgiveness, "S-Silver Spoon, I didn't mean-- "

But, Silver Spoon didn't want to hear another peep out of Spoiled, "Lies!" Silver interrupted her. "You never cared about me! You never cared about anyone! You only cared about Diamond and yourself, nothing more." She gave her mother an anguished and genuinely crushed face, showing her how badly she had hurt her. "I tried, for so long, to be like Diamond to get your approval, I tried to follow in her hoofprints to make you proud… but it was never enough! Dad and the maids and butlers felt more like a family because they actually cared about me."

"I didn't know you felt this way. Honest." Spoiled softly spoke to her in regret.

Silver Spoon rolled her eyes in disgust, "Course you didn't. You never bothered to ask me. The only thing I got out of you was that you only cared about Dad's wealth and riches." She glared at them with just as much disgust as she felt towards her words, "Do you two even care about your family, at all?"

That question rang hard in both Spoiled and Diamond's ears. Filthy wondered the same thing and he never expected something like this to come out of Silver Spoon's mouth; she was so smart for such a little filly and he couldn't be any more prouder. Even the maids and butlers were impressed by Silver's courageous tongue against their mistress.

"Woof, Silver's not pulling any punches," Ash said, surprised by the stance Silver Spoon had against her own sister and mother.

"Can you blame her?" Sonia said, having Silver's back and feeling so proud of her for being strong as stone against the mistress and her rotten apple seed. "Those two have been demons for years now. 'Bout time they were brought down a notch or two."

Diamond couldn't take any more of Silver's rage. She broke down in front of her and her father to the point her pink fur was strawberry-red. She bawled out, "Yes, yes! I care about Daddy. I really do!" She whimpered almost pathetically but sobbed as she looked at her sister in regret, "I'm sorry. I really am! I'm sorry for how I treated you. I didn't mean to make you feel like this. I didn't mean for any of this to happen." She sniffled, her nose stuffed with phlegm as she cried her heart out, "I love you and Dad so much. I really do."

Diamond was being genuine; truly genuine, this time. She really did care and she wanted Silver to no that. The tears under her eyes were pure, not crocodile tears. She didn't want them to be mad at her anymore, the pressure was too much -- but the damage was already done. She messed up and she desperately wanted a way to fix it. She really did. But, she just didn't know what to do and that hurt her just as much as what she did to Silver Spoon and her father.

"I… I just didn't know how to say that for the longest time." Diamond Tiara looked down in shame.

"Oh, man… I…" Silver looked at her sister, her glaring eyes holding only grief and betrayal as they melt into a look of sadness. "I trusted you, Diamond Tiara."

"I… I know…" Diamond whimpered softly, "I'm really sorry…" She spoke in regret once more.

Spoiled, however, remained on her hooves. But, she was silent in thought when Silver asked her that deep-cut question, she frowned sadly and looked over to her husband who waited for a response. She saw the pain in his eyes and she knew she was not gonna weasel her way out of this -- nor did she want to. She looked down in shame as she fully realized the severity of this pain.

Filthy loved her so much and she knew it like the back of her head. So in love that he'd do anything to warrant her happiness and she saw it as a way to manipulate it to her benefit. It worked like a charm for years and she pretended to love him back in return.

There was that keyword: pretend.

She had loved him for his bits and nothing more; not for his honesty and personality. How Filthy never noticed that was beyond her and yet she never brought it up. Why would she? She took advantage of that obliviousness so hard and she had gotten away with so much. Even in their teens, their parents from both sides of the family tree even wondered how they got together.

For Filthy, it was love at first sight and he'd do so much to make her happy. But, for Spoiled, it was just a means to get away from responsibilities and just buy her way out of trouble.

Simple as that and just dust to sweep under the rug.

But, today, there was no buying out of this one. Answering Silver's question was going to be the hardest thing that she ever had to deal with. And talking her way out of it was dead and gone. When she took a moment to think, she questioned herself thoroughly. Did she really love Filthy? Bits aside and everything, did she love him as a stallion? As her equal? After what she saw earlier and how much he tried to help the others, looking back at how he treated her up till now and the life she actually had, she had it made and her own mentality turned her into a false authoritarian, entitled, stereotypical snooty rich mare that it all narrowed down to her being a --

"I...I..." She bit her lip and gazed down with a conflicted moan as she tried to find the right words, "Mmm…"

Silver looked destroyed, she could piece it from that reaction alone. "I knew it." She looked down in grief herself, she was crushed to learn this by herself. She sighed and gazed up at her mother, "If you're so stuck on this question, Spoiled… why don't I give you an easier question to think about?" When Spoiled looked at her, she greeted her with a cold, yet emotionally drained glare as she spoke one question that plagued her for quite a while after how her mother had treated her. "Did you even want me, when we first met – or did you really just hate me and wished I wasn't your daughter?"

Widening her eyes in horror at such a scathing question – which got the maids and butlers to actually gasp a little with her – she winced and wanted to explain, but once again, she was fumbling on trying to find the right words for this one. "I… I…" She sadly looked to her daughter and attempted to reach for her only for her youngest daughter to back away from her, "S-Silver Spoon, I…"

"Oh, while I do love a good family drama," an eerie voice said that caused everyone in the mansion a cause for alarm and put an end to the argument. "I think it's best that we put this little scene on hold."

Filthy tensed and glanced about the room with a wary eye. He was right. Twilight did send someone to bring them back. He was not too shocked by it but he still kept his guard up. He kept a strong stance while his family ducked down and cowered at the voice. Silver Spoon was out of her pained stupor as she gasped lightly and looked around for the voice, backing up towards his side in a bit of fear and Spoiled and Diamond just cowered beneath the sheer pressure and terror the voice provided.

Just like Filthy, Ryker stood strong and looked around cautiously for the source of their unwanted guest, "Who are you?" the bulky falcon griffon butler called out, being the first to speak up. "Show yourself!" He tried to make their unwanted, uninvited guest come out.

But the voice remained undeterred when the griffon asked that question or demanded to reveal itself, "I'm merely just an escort. I won't be here for too long."

Ryker was worried. He was unfamiliar with this kind of presence and he looked over to his masters and noticed all but Filthy were cowering.

"Master Filthy, what's going on?" Ryker asked.

Filthy didn't answer. He just stood there and basked in the atmosphere his 'guest' had given him and his family. The voice sounded sharp and angry, demanding even. The growl in it sure gave off an icy-cold feel, as well.

Yet, Filthy knew who this was and he anticipated his arrival. For some Twilight knew, it'd be easy for him to converse with since her friends were familiar faces he worked with before -- business-wise. However, Twilight sent him a challenge...

"You've caused quite a stir, Spoiled Milk and Diamond Tiara," the nightmarish voice said, specifically to the mother/daughter duo who shook under the voice's tone – it sure sounded angry with them, and judging by what went on, whoever this voice belonged to – they certainly didn't blame the being. "Summoning a monster just to get back at a filly who was already a victim of your bullying? I must say you two are the pettiest ponies I've ever seen."

Filthy snarled a little. This little scare act was not warranted. Twilight's escort needed a reminder that he shouldn't be using his old ways anymore; Spoiled and Diamond have been through enough and they don't need another face to make things worse.

"That's enough! You can come out now. So quit the horror act, Discord," Filthy barked. "You know this kind of style doesn't suit you."

There was a slight pause of silence. Filthy and his family waited for a response until the voice begrudgingly complied, "Fine. I'll make this brief. Ruin my fun, why don't you?"

"Discord?" Latte said a little scared.

A swirling portal emerged beside the Rich family. A long silhouette came into view until a familiar draconequus casually walked out to meet with the family, but he was not there for a friendly visit. The portal closed behind him and Discord stood before the Rich family with venom in his eyes. The bite he had received from that monster had been closed up, but they could still just barely see the outline of where he had gotten bitten – where he actually gotten hurt, for once. He looked at Spoiled and Diamond like he was an embodiment of death itself, wanting to escort them into the afterlife. A snarl took place on his muzzle as his eyes glowed ominously while a growl escaped his throat.

Latte widened her eyes in shock and horror – seeing that look in his eyes ignited her fear, so she shook her head, refusing to be seen by him. "Nope. Nope. Nope. No-no-no-no-no-no, so much nope." She backed up, shaking her head as she held up her hooves in surrender, "Not dealing with that." She winced and gazed at the others, "Sorry, but you guys are on your own. I'm out of here!" Latte quickly trotted herself away from everyone else to go hide somewhere where her greatest fear wouldn't find her.

Discord towered over the ponies before him and loomed his anger-fueled gaze at them, pointing specifically to Spoiled and Diamond, "Our faithful princess would like to have a word with the two of you," Discord said with horrifying authority as he crossed his arms firmly while glaring down at them.

But Spoiled and Diamond just shook like leaves at the mere presence of Discord, not moving a muscle but fighting the urge to wet themselves.

"You see," Discord said after he gave them a fiendish chuckle after seeing their fear of him, especially his justified anger. "What you two did really didn't sit well with everyone in Ponyville -- Twilight, in particular. She gave me direct orders to come and get you two back to Ponyville. And, I have no clue what she has in store, she left out that part."

"H-How did you find us?" Silver Spoon asked hesitantly, wondering because they were sure no one spotted them leave.

But, Discord merely chuckled softly at that little question, and said in an eerie tone that made everyone thought they were in some nightmare, "Isn't it obvious? I can smell your fear coming from miles away. Finding you was a piece of cake... and I'm not talking about the kind of cakes Pinkie Pie makes either."

On instinct, Ryker spread his wings and flew ahead of Glitter and the others, surprising them. He skidded to a stop and landed between Discord and Filthy in a pounce stance similar to a lion and glared daggers at Discord -- a glare Discord was unfazed by but was surprised to see a hulking griffon show up out of nowhere as he backed only a step from this fellow. Discord did however give him a firm little glare as if to chastise him for interfering with his little discussion.

"Ryker?" Filthy said, caught off-guard by his lead butler's interference.

The griffon stood strong before Discord. He was ready to defend his family at all costs. He didn't care if Discord had unpredictable power within him, he will not yield to a creature such as him. And if he wanted his family, he'll have to go through him first. "You will not lay a talon or paw on the mistresses! Your business should be elsewhere, not here."

Bold as this griffon was, Discord never budged. He crossed his arms and glanced at this newcomer, analytically. Rough around the edges and stern to the bone; this guy was a warrior, plain and simple. And while he admired the courage this griffon had, he came here for a reason and he planned to fulfill it.

"I don't think so," Discord said in calm retaliation. "This became all of our business when that little hussy and her bratty spawn whistled a living death machine over to a small town full of ponies all for the sake of getting back at someone." He leered at Filthy and then at Spoiled and Diamond before he glanced back at Ryker to tell him why this is his business as well.
"And that someone happens to be my best friend and her daughter." He glared back at Filthy, accommodating him for his valiant efforts in battle. "He may have tried to help but there is no escape from what his family tried to do. Ponyville is gonna get its justice, whether you like it or not."

The sound of that got Ryker to tense as he spread his wings to shield the Riches, his talons unsheathed as he deepened his glare at the draconequus.

"But, don't get the wrong idea, whoever you are. I don't intend to kill them. I'm here as an escort, not an executioner -- that isn't my job, anyway," Discord leered down at the battle-torn, warriorlike griffon with no hint of backing down.

Filthy quickly ran next to Ryker's side and placed a hoof on his shoulder, "Ryker, it's okay. Stand down."

"But, sir, he shouldn't be here. This is a family matter between you and Mistress Spoiled."

"I know that," Filthy said calmly, before regrettably sighing, "But, he has a point. What had happened out there had become everyone's business. As much as I hate to say it, he has every right to be here."

"And my time, as well as my patience, is running thin," Discord said as he conjured a ticking coo-coo clock that sprung out towards them, but a little mini discord figure – dressed like a devil – sprung out at them, pointing a mini devil pitchfork at them with a glare before going back into its coo-coo clock.

"Wait, Discord," Filthy called out, wondering something once he gained his attention. "If we do this, and we will do this, does Twilight really need to see my wife and daughter? Does it have to be both?"

Discord paused in thought. He remembered something about what Twilight told him before and what she said to him only mentioned Spoiled, not Diamond. Filthy held a good question and it was a simple one to answer, "Hmm. Actually, no. Not specifically both. In fact, she would be fine with just the gold digger alone." He pointed a talon at Spoiled who flinched lightly.

Filthy smiled, "Then that's good news I'll take. Just, let me do a few things real quick and we will go." An idea came to him once Discord nodded to him to get on with it. He then looked to his best butler and dearest friend, "Ryker, I need you to do me a favor, and this is a big one."

Ryker looked at him confusedly and worriedly. Whatever he had planned better be good, "Filthy, what are you planning to do?"

Filthy glanced over to a near-shaken Glitter then back to Ryker with a confident smile, "I want you and Glitter to take care of my daughters while we are away."

Ryker was shocked by this request; Taking care of his daughters in his absence? Filthy almost made it sound like he's about to walk to his death and he's appointing that Ryker will care for the two little ones like they were his own fledglings. "Are you sure?" he asked, worriedly. "How long are you two gonna be gone?"

Filthy shrugged, "I don't know. But, what I do know is that I have trust in you and others to take care of my little girls."

Ryker was still unsure of that. He had experience around the mansion, but he had barely interacted with the young mistresses. When it came to that, it wasn't always pleasant. He still had an unsure look on his face. A face Filthy noticed and calmly spoke to him to calm him.

"Ryker, you and I have known each other since our years as Trophy Hunters. You had loyalty to all of us until we separated after our encounter with Marabunda. The fact that you chose to find and work for me as a butler tells me that loyalty is still there, and is as strong as ever. You've been around long enough to know my daughters; Silver Spoon told me before that she looked up to you like an uncle. That made me feel good to hear that."

Ryker was stunned. He didn't know what to think and the mention of his Trophy Hunter days was behind him; he wanted to forget those times. But, Filthy was right. He had been loyal for years to the point his old friends at arms were like a family to him. And now, here he was with one he worked for. To an extent, that loyalty never left and he guessed he needed a new kind of leverage to keep him going.

"You still remember those moments?" Ryker asked Filthy, surprised that he still remembered.

Filthy nodded with a tender smile, "I do, old friend. I haven't forgotten." He lifted a hoof to the large falcon-headed griffon and smiled confidently, again. "Now, do you accept this task not only as a friend and butler but as a brother, too?"

Ryker looked down at Filthy's hoof for a second then looked over to Glitter and the others. It felt like a task worthy of only Glitter and Sonia since they were the ones that tended to Silver Spoon. But, to hear Filthy say she looked up to him like an uncle made him feel a little good inside – it even got a little blush to appear on his cheeks for once… but most importantly, Filthy trusted him. If anything, Ryker owed Filthy his life for taking him in and giving him purpose, again. Those times as a Trophy Hunter were over, but this new path was more than acceptable.

Ryker looked back at Filthy and clasped his claw on his hoof and squeezed light with a strong, single shake, "You have my word, Money Bags."

Filthy smiled widely before he let out a hearty laugh when Ryker called him that, "Really? You too? I thought Drift was the only one that called me that?"

After they let go of each other, Ryker walked away while Filthy walked to his wife to see how she was doing. And from the looks of it when he stood by her, she could be better.

"Hey," he gently bumped her on the shoulder to snap her out of it. "You okay?"

Spoiled Rich had a look of unholy fear in her eyes. Of all the creatures for Twilight to send, she sent her chaos demon to come and get her. If Twilight wanted to see her that badly, then she had a feeling all of Ponyville wanted the same thing. She felt like public enemy number one with Discord in her house acting like death itself ready to escort her into the afterlife. They had every right to think that but she still couldn't believe it. She was definitely not gonna get out of this one and she might as well accept her fate.

"Y-Yeah, I'll live. I think." She shakily answered her husband.

Filthy snorted lightly at her nervousness, "Relax, he's not gonna hurt us." He looked over to Discord with a firm glare. "Right?" Like Ryker, he has shown he too was not going to let Discord scare him, and he'd be damned if he let this slippery noodle do harm to his wife and daughter.

Discord let out a heavy sigh with his eyes rolling – quite literally as they almost rolled right out of his head before catching them and shoving them back into his face, he humored Filthy. He nonchalantly held his talon to his chest and held his paw up, "You have my word. As I stated before, I was sent as an escort, not a destroyer." Not that he could. His magic was made for fun, not harm. "Besides…" He pouts as he gave a little eye-roll, but secretly and unknowingly to them, it was a fond one when he mentions Twilight, "…even if I wanted to send you to my realm or destroy you as punishment, Twilight would never forgive me." Although, if he had it his way, Spoiled and Diamond would be in a world of lunacy when he'd done with them. But, he dreaded going back to his old ways yet that didn't stop him from pulling a good intimidation tactic.

Filthy looked away from Discord and back to his wife. Even if Discord kept his word, Filthy still didn't drop his guard around him.

"It's time we got this over with. You want to redeem yourself, right?" He spoke to his wife.

As much as she wanted to back down and run and hide, it was no use. What could she do, anyway? There was no running or talking her way out of it. She took in a deep inhale and breathed slowly to try and calm herself down.

"I do. I messed up. I really did," Spoiled looked to Filthy with regret in her eyes. "I don't know what I can do to earn your trust back, Filthy. But, I wanna tell you - honestly this time - I'm so sorry for what I did. For what I've done to you and our family. I've been a monster since day one and I never once thought about changing."

Filthy was taken aback by that, sort of. He felt it a little difficult to trust her when she said that to him. He had to keep his guard up not only at Discord but at his own wife, too. He was no longer blind and could see through her manipulative tongue. But, if what she said was truly honest...

"Then say that to Silver Spoon," Filthy said, firmly. "You owe her so much, Spoiled. If you really want my trust back, the first step is to treat our second like she's truly a part of the family. No more of this 'bloodline' crap. You hear me, Spoiled Milk?"

It was loud and clear. That was the first obvious step and she did not hesitate to accept it. Though, she was hesitant herself. Silver Spoon outright hated her for several reasons and she didn't know what to say when she goes to her. But, she had to at least try.

She nodded to Filthy before she walked over to her daughters with a somber look, only to find Silver Spoon being held in Glitter's arms. She sighed to herself, pained to see one of her maids had taken the role she was meant to have but she understood why Glitter did so, too. But, just as she approached, Glitter noticed her and tightened her hold on Silver, just a little. A defensive glare shot right at her.

Spoiled tensed a little at that. For once, she was outright scared to go even near Glitter with how defensive she got, "Glitter, it's okay. I won't harm Silver Spoon. I swear."

But, Glitter never backed down. Like Filthy, she had a hard time believing anything Spoiled said. For all she knew, Spoiled could be lying right now, "I have a better idea," Glitter said in a venomous tone. "How about you say what you want to say in front of all of us?" She growled lightly. "This involves us too, ya know."

That was one thing Filthy neglected to say, and she would gladly correct that. The dragoness was fed up with Spoiled and she didn't care what her punishment was after this was over. She was not gonna let go of Silver until the witch in front of her said her piece and left. While in her arms, Silver Spoon was a tad bit scared and traumatized by Discord.

Spoiled Milk tensed up again. Even her own top maid was against her. She really did it now and she couldn't blame Glitter for her behavior. Spoiled rubbed the back of her head slowly, before she nodded to the dragoness.

"Yes, you're right, I really do owe you that much…" Spoiled said, with no hint of retaliation in her tone. "I... I am so sorry for how I treated you." She looked to her maids and butlers with remorse, "All of you. What I've done was unwarranted and unkind. I've treated you all like dirt and I didn't regret any of it." She looked down in regret, but instead of wallowing, she spoke with resolve. She will make amends, and she'll start right here. "But, I do now. I went as far as turn my own daughter against you guys and I shouldn't have done that. You're not just workers for my husband and I or for our children… you're family. And for my harsh neglectful behavior of that, I'm so, so sorry for how I treated you."

The butlers and maids looked at each other for a moment before they heard Spoiled speak again.

"And, Silver," The sign of an ear perk was there when her name was mentioned. Man, this one was gonna hurt the most. Spoiled could feel herself split apart from all the pain she inflicted on her littlest one. And she regretted it all, "I know you hate me for what I've done. And you have every right to be. I should've been a mother to you," She sighed sadly, "But instead, I was a monster. You deserve to have a loving mother, not a monster." She gazes up at Glitter, "And… I couldn't be more proud of Glitter to become what you desperately needed, what I couldn't give you before." Glitter's glare softened a bit, blinking at her small praise of pride, almost surprised. Spoiled winced lightly and gazed at her youngest daughter, "I know there isn't anything I can do to fix what I caused to you, but I just want you to know, I am sorry for not being the mother you wanted and I am sorry for turning Diamond into... what I wanted her to be. I can just hope that I can fix the trust I've broken, become the mother you deserve, and I hope that maybe you can forgive me one day."

Once she was done speaking, Silver Spoon never seemed to look back. She never gave an inkling of a hint she listened other than her ears folding down. She stayed bundled up in Glitter's arms, tightening her hug. Spoiled waited for a few minutes to get something out of Silver Spoon but Silver Spoon refused to look at her, her voice finally emerged… but it was resigned and heartbroken.

"Just go away, Spoiled…" She buried her face into Glitter's scales, "I want to be alone…" Shutting her eyes, she refused to look at the mare that called herself her mother.

Spoiled understood the message and turned away without a word; she was hurt by the bitter yet heartbroken words of her daughter, yet it was ultimately deserved. She walked back to Filthy and Discord but turned to look at Diamond, who was curled up next to Ryker, looking confused and scared as to what was going on.

Sighing sadly, she leaned down and gave her flesh and blood an apologetic nuzzle, something of which her daughter desperately nuzzled into her as a form of comfort yet worry for what was going to happen to her mother. Spoiled finally spoke her regretful apology for the one she tried molding into becoming her. "And I'm so sorry for what I tried to do to you, my precious little diamond."

She looked at Filthy and Discord as she approached, she took a deep breath and then nodded to Discord, confirming that she was ready, "I'm ready to go to Ponyville now."

Discord raised a talon claw and snapped a portal open behind him, "Very well. Come with me."

And with that, Discord walked through first. Filthy and Spoiled walked for a second before they both looked at each other for a moment. Before Spoiled could walk, she felt Filthy's hoof grab a hold of hers. She widened her eyes as she looked to find their hooves locked together, and she looked back at Filthy who held a confident smile. She did great with that first step, so, he had her back until this was over.

For once, Spoiled smiled a genuine smile at Filthy. A faint blush formed over her cheeks. She was happy, truly happy that he was still by her side. This was the first step, but there will be more to take and this time, she was ready for it. She just hoped Twilight would go easy on her -- she hoped everybody would go easy on her.

The Rich couple then walked through the portal and followed Discord. Hearing the hoofsteps of her parents growing fainter, Silver Spoon gazed back curiously just in time to see her mother's tail fade into the portal as it closed behind her parents, leaving Ryker, Glitter, and the rest of the butlers and maids to tend to Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara.