• Published 17th May 2016
  • 2,068 Views, 108 Comments

Alien: Twilights Final Chapter - TwiRaptor

"You showed me to love, you showed me to trust, and you showed me to fight my fear. Most of all you have taught me how to kill you and thats what I am going to do!"

  • ...

Wake Me Up

Author's Note:

It took me a long time to write this, not because it was hard too, its because its hard to find time when you have a broken computer. I will still be able to write this story and the rest of my others , just not as quick as I had hoped...but I will still try and make a chapter a day but its not written in stone


Twilight backed up and shook her head, to her this was getting old. Vents creaking, ponies dyeing, fear spread over an unimaginable scale. Twilight pulled out the pistol and threw it on the ground and quickly hit her chest with a hoof. She let out a long scream and pressed up against the wall, she was pissed that this kept happening to her. Xenomorphs were on the top of her shit list, because of these creatures she had nothing left, nothing to live for, because of them she lost the will to trust, love, and care about herself.

"COME ON!! What are you waiting for!" Twilight stomped a hoof and growled hearing the creatures move around, she narrowed her eyes and began to walk forward. "Huh! What else is there you need to destroy! What else do you need to kill before you finally kill ME!!" Twilight kicked the gun she had thrown down farther away and yelled again to the point everypony could probably hear her, if there was anypony left. "COME GET ME YOU PARASITIC BASTURDS!!" Twilight waited and that's when she heard the noise she had been waiting for. It sounded like a whole hive as the entire area was now filled with echoing hisses and growls. Twilight stood still as she saw one alien tail slowly lower from the ceiling just inches from her face. She wasn't entirely scared anymore than she was pissed at the sight of the creatures. This one was a warrior, she had seen them all practically at this point and could name them off like a preschooler names off zoo animals. The Ridged Warrior dropped to the floor in front of her and let out a loud hiss as its tail began to wag back and forth and it was soon joined by two more aliens. Twilight took a couple steps back and growled back at them, "Come on...lets go do this...hmmm, you wanna eat don't ya! Well lets go eat! Come on now" Twilight began to speak with them as she backed up and they slowly followed and they looked just as ready to pounce on her and take a bite as she made her way to the locked doors. The creatures, primitive and killing machines were still precise and sometimes waited to strike, sometimes when you feel your safe, your not. The speaker came on and it was the bearded Liar's voice again.

"You don't have too do this, Twilight, we can work together and end this as a team. You want a better worlds just as much as I do and together I see it more than a theory but instead I see it as a possibility" Twilight shook her head as he continued to talk to her, she didn't want to listen to him anymore, he was wrong.

"No! I won't believe that! You lied to me...you made me believe in you! You took my faith and threw it away like the rest of them" Twilight actually teared up and reached for the door switch. "I can't do this again"

"Twilight, listen, you know as well as I do that I am the reason your alive! Without me...where would you be, you would have that Empress still inside your chest and you would be dead! DEAD!!" The voice was now screaming, "DON"T PRES THAT BUTTON~!!" Twilight closed her eyes as the aliens were hissing loudly, it was a large mixture of death now and she shook her head again.


Chapter One

Sunset placed her hooves on the glass and frowned looking at the sleeping alicorn, it had been several days now sense they left Fortwaid Station, it felt like years to White and Sunset however, space travel always seemed to take forever and they weren't getting anywhere close to Equestria, they didn't have the power of the fuel to land or enter the atmosphere of the planet they circled. So they used the fuel every now and again in search of another station. Twilight was laying motionless in the tube, the blood from when the queen tried to burst out of the alicorn, Twilights nose was red and she remained unchanged from when they put her inside. Motionless and thoughtless, at least she wasn't dieing.

"White...I want her to wake up...to wake up and be in my arms" Sunset smiled with a large blush forming on her muzzle, a changed mare Sunset Shimmer wanted to take Twilight and lover her. "Now that I know her feeling for me...I want to receive that from her...I want to love her back" Sunset then looked over her shoulder as White poked his head around the door that lead to the pilots chair.

"She can't wake up...you know what will happen when she wakes up" White stood up and levitated a mug by his side, he was so tired his bags had bags and his eyes were bloodshot. "Can I go to sleep now, you get too sleep all the time...I mean the ship can't run into anything too much while I nap" The stallion hadn't slept sense they left, he was the only one who had any flight experience "I mean its space, there is nothing here" Sunset frowned and looked to the door that White came from and shook her head, it was probably best if he stay at the wheel for a bit longer.

"Can you manage a couple more hours? You never know when a station might pop up...if one were to come into view I would never be able to steer us into the right direction" Sunset said softly and then placed a hoof on the stallions shoulder, "Just a little bit longer okay?"

"Uggghhh, fine I guess I can manage a couple more hours of this shit. Float in space and find nothing just like yesterday, I'm calling it right now" White said rolling his eyes and then taking a sip of his coffee, "I'll be at the wheel if you need me, alright" the stallion then turned around and trotted back into the pilots room and took a seat. In front of the ship was a nice view of Equestria and outer space. White was mostly happy when he got some rest now that he was finally away from xenomorph activity. However Sunset Shimmer and Him would both find themselves looking back to Valuntas Station. Everything started there...the death, pain, and losses. Sunset Shimmer was the one to change the most through the events besides Twilight Sparkle. Working for Weyland is hard thing to turn your back on but she had seemed to change her ways. She was no longer mean or pulling tricks to get out of things. She was kind, wanting to help, and most of all she had began to fall in love with Twilight back at Fortwaid. Even if on that station she was still back to her old ways that she pulled on Valuntas. White smiled now and took the wheel moving the ship slowly in a new direction because the current one was not working. Sunset was in the back of the craft where Twilight was resting. Sunset looked out to space from a window, her eyes sparkling and memories floated in her eyes as she began to reminisce the past. Her and Twilight back on Equestria, the fields, the towns, the ponies.....the love. Now all that was halted, space had taken it away but most of all the Alien had taken that away. The thought of capturing one for the company got in the way of patching a friendship that was breaking. It was back on Equestria, Sunset sniffled as she began to remember how it all ended. They were so close and went everywhere together. Twilight wanted to take Sunset everywhere they went...they had plans and their friendship was blossoming in a bigger, better, more fantastic way than before. Then...then it happened.

"Oh Twilight...when you wake up...I will make it right again! I promise you that I will never leave you like that ever again!" Sunset pulled away from the window and quickly looked to the alicorn. Twilight was still sleeping, frozen, a tear gracefully slides out of Sunsets eye "I will never leave you again.." a small green light flashed on the bottom of the container that held Twilight. Sunset stood there over the container and thought to herself about the past. It was the memory that hurt her more than anything. However it was best for her to not think about it right now, the unicorn backed up and used her magic to tug on a thread and to grab a sharp blade. She sighed to herself and looked at Twilight again before she placed the blade on the thread and cut it in half, her horn was glowing dim and she was relaxed as she began to pull the string through a whole, it was small and made with a drill. With one bright flash from her horn the item was complete. The item brought a smile to the unicorns face and she quickly moved it to her pocket and looked to her sleeping friend and nodded to herself. "When you wake up, things will be different, we will fix everything, we will mend our fences, I will give you this when you wake up...we can make us...happen" Sunset flopped down to the floor to a sitting position and she smiled. A changed mare...she wanted to stay this way.

"Sunset, I think I am going to call it quits...there is nothing but debris and empty space....I would rather sleep than continue to look at whats left of Valuntas float around" White yawned as he seemed to speak to himself, he had no idea that Sunset might not be able to hear through a closed door. He stretched and fluttered his changeling wings. He was the most tired at this point and coffee wouldn't keep him awake forever, the stallion was even starting to grow a beard and his bags under his eyes had bags themselves. It had been the longest days of his life, it seemed like it was a year ago sense Gash ripped through Valuntas Station with a mighty roar and hiss but it had only been maybe a week or more.The debris looked to be at a safe distant to leave the wheel and if he remembered correctly their transmitter was off so Weyland forces could not track them with that. "This is soooo boring and I am starting to think I went in a circle! Can you do that in space or...no wait....there is direction in space! This all looks the same..." White rubbed the sides of his head and yawned again, "I will give this a couple more hours but after that...I AM DONE!" Sunset burst into the cockpit at that point and smiled placing a hoof on Whites shoulder, he pulled away slightly. He was okay with her but he wasn't...'okay' with her completely. She was the reason he had to be alone, single, without Silverstar. Everything was rough for him after that and it still carried on now.

"Thanks White....you have no idea how much this means....not only for me but Twilight. You know she would love what you are doing for her, we will find safety and we will save her" Sunset tried to keep a smile but it was hard. They both knew something, something that was pushing down on them like a two ton weight on their shoulders. " I don't care if Weyland says its impossible....we will get that thing out of her. We have too..." Sunset took a seat in the passenger seat and looked out the window hiding her upset eyes.

"Hey....screw what they all say! We will save her...you have to continue believing that" White looked away and moved his hoof over to her and she moved away slightly but then let him place his hoof on her. "Screw the company...that Queen inside is going to be out of her...it won't be killing all we have left" White looked out the window and growled slightly, they had all lost allot and Twilight was all that was left of the group that brought the most happiness to everypony she was around. "We have to save her...we just have too!"

"But what if they are right!" Sunset quickly looked to face the White coated stallion half changeling.

"They aren't! Stop that!" White looked back and shook his head pushing her back with his hoof lightly, he was sticking with the thought of not loosing another close friend. "Sunset you can't hold onto that feeling"

"Its hard...I love her now! I want her to be okay but what if she dies when we try and remove that thing. Everypony else does when we have tried in the..." White quickly silenced her with his hoof and shook his head once again.


"O-Okay....I hope your right, White" Sunset moved her head slowly to look out the window again, the site would be beatiful to her eyes if she wasn't focusing on other things. Like where is the company? What of the Xenomorphs? Is this all over? As they both focused on their own things, the dash boared of the ship was showing something. The green light for Twilight's chamber was no longer green. The light began to flash a light orange, as they continued floating through space the light began to flash faster until it finally stopped and turned read.

"AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!" Sunset jumped up and fell out of her seat, White pulled on the wheel and yelped and they both looked to the closed door. Silence...it was quiet and they both stared for a moment. The ship was making its usual creeks and groans as it floated around in the vacuum. Sunset narrowed her eyes as if trying to focus on what they just heard, then the silence broke. "HELP!! MEEEE~!!!" Sunset and White both got up and at the same time they rushed for the door.

"TWILIGHT~!!!" they both screamed and the door beeped locking, the alicorn on the other side of the door was awake now and they both started to work on breaking it down.

"Crap!! The door...GET IT OPEN WHITE!!" Sunset was moved back as the room in the cockpit was small, the radar then began to bleep as something seemed to materialize out of nowhere on the screen. The two were too focused on the door to notice, the object was going in a very worrying area. It was moving fast towards the center of the radar....that was them. "Twilight we are coming!!"

Twilight's eyes shoot open and she began to gasp for air, the alicorn quickly moved her hoof over her chest and let out a loud scream in pain. Rolling to the right she falls onto her belly and cries as the pain increased, the room was dark and the walls were thumping and the ship appeared to not be moving anymore.

"Help!!! HELP ME!!!" Twilight reaches out to the nothing that lay in front of her...the tears in her eyes roll from her face and to the floor. Twilight let her hoof fall knowing no pony would grab it and pull her out of this. Never before did she feel so alone. "H-Help m-m-me.....please" Twilight slowly lowered her head to the cold metal and the pain in her chest started to ease up. She was awake now so that must mean the queen was too and things appeared to be picking back up where they left off. "I'm sorry...I did wrong...I have made mistakes" Twilights nose pressed against the floor and the tears puddled around it. "I have killed....stolen...and lied" Twilight began to cry as she spoke no longer able to hold back her tear filled please for the wrong she did back at Valuntas, even if it was survival, it was still wrong. "Please! Please don't let me die...not like this....I still have so much to live for" Twilight stopped and quickly sat up as the pain returned, "NO! Please....don't do this..." she fell back as it came back once again, her wings laying flat against the ground and blood starting to leak from her nose Twilight was unable to speak as she stared up at the ceiling. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!! FUCK!" Twilight screamed and reached her hoof up to the ceiling.

"Twilight we are coming!!! TWILIGHT!!!" The muffled voices of her two friends locked in the cockpit were filled with fear as they continued to pound at the door, "TWILIGHT!!!"

"Go!! Move! We are running out of time!" A voice shouted as light now burst into the area, ponies came rushing in and Twilight didn't move, she couldn't. "Take her to isolation, if everything fails the creature will have nowhere to go, move now!" Twilight sniffled blood and tears as she lay still screaming and crying. The pain made all her mussels tighten as she screamed, Twilight felt many ponies place their hooves on her and she was lifted into the air. Twilight cried more and harder as she was moved. "Careful....careful....now!" As the ponies began to work around her, her friends were still pounding at the door and it seemed as if the door was about to fall in.

"Deal with them...we can't have them intervening!!" The voice spoke again and the ponies began to work more with Twilight, how did they find her? They came just in time...how?

"NO! Owww!! AHHHHHH!!!" Twilight screamed again as she was practically tossed into the grip of some ponies magic and she was cradled in like a child she was then walked into the light. She used all her strength to look to see who they were, who was cradling her?
"Bring her to Isolation" the same voice said again and she could feel them quickly take a corner as she was being carried, it had to be a unicorn right, to use magic? Twilight used her strength to look, it was....it wasn't a unicorn at all. "Move!! Now!!" Seeing who it was made Twilight smile, even with all the pain she was experiencing. The pain was practically covered up with joy at who was carrying her, Twilight managed to force something out.

"Thank you....."Twilight said softly before the pain finally caused her to black out. It was Cadence, she was smiling happy to see the small alicorn was still alive, even with a Queen in her chest. The larger alicorn's smile faded into a frown as soon as Twilight's eyes closed and she was out. She knew that there wasn't time left, they all had to move so the large alicorn moved through the now open doors and into the light. The door that held back White Lightning and Sunset was now open and they were grabbed, prevented from going to their friend.

"NO!! Twilight!! TWILIGHT!!! Let go of me, LET GO!!" Sunset wiggled and reached out as Cadence went out of view with Twilight, "TWIILLIGGGHHTT!!!!"