• Published 17th May 2016
  • 2,065 Views, 108 Comments

Alien: Twilights Final Chapter - TwiRaptor

"You showed me to love, you showed me to trust, and you showed me to fight my fear. Most of all you have taught me how to kill you and thats what I am going to do!"

  • ...

Queen' Twilight Sparkle

Sunset held the shotgun close to her own body as the troops were walking throughout the room aiming their pulse rifles around the room, the beams of their lights would flash over the desk she was hiding under as they searched for her. They were so professional, keeping quiet as they searched. They knew that too big of a commotion and the xenomorphs would be on top of them in seconds. Sunset didn't know if it would be a good idea to make noise and attempt to escape the flood that would follow or to wait and see if they leave. Death was in the air from this, they could all die or she could die alone. One of the troops stopped and motioned a hoof up into the air to signal a stop.

"Alright, we know she couldn't have gone far. She doesn't seem to be right here though. We should broaden our search if we are too catch her before she escapes" The stallion spoke to his squad with great pride and strength to rally his crew. "Keep your eyes on your trackers because we are never alone. Only ready yourself if the dot is on top of you, we don't wanna shoot unless we are sure" the troops headed their separate ways looking more widespread for Sunset Shimmer now. Their radios were buzzing now as they spoke to each other through that, volume on low, Sunset slowly slipped out from her hiding place keeping low. She moved closer to the door to see if she could get there without being seen. "Sunset we know your here, captain, we don't want to hurt you. We just need you back in the force too win this~" She shook her head not believing a word that came out of the stallions muzzle knowing it was all lies.

"Yeah...you also want to kill my friends...I will never join that movement~" She said this quietly too herself so her position would not be compromised. "I should just kill you...I should fight..." Sunset started to come to a stop slowly coming to a standing position so she could be seen. The troops all pointed their lights at her as soon as she did this. "You want me.....I am here...." She turned around and grinned levitating her shotgun at her side ready to do what she needed too do if things got hairy. "You should leave"

"This is Squadron 57Xeno, Sunset Shimmer has been found on second level near the laboratory. Back up is needed area is hot~ I repeat area is hot!" One of the troops send out a call with his radio and then returned to aiming his weapon at her. "Sunset, I do not want to shoot you. You are needed back on front like I said. I know you fucking heard me say it already" Sunset looked over the group and around the room with only her eyes. She smiled a it more hearing the area was hot. "Sunset I know you, we fought together. I was in your squad before you went rogue but none of that matters now because we need you" The troops turned their weapons off safety as the unicorn raised her weapon to aim at the ceiling.

"Your words are all lies, I did work where you work now. Everything you know is nothing more than a string that is being pulled by him. As long as Weyland is alive I will never trust the troops that work under his hooves. I don't know what he looks like or who he is but I will find out and I will kill him" Sunset narrowed her eyes and cocked the pump of the shotgun with a grin. "The area is hot...leave before I make it hotter!" most of the squad flinched at that but not the leader, he stood strong not giving up. "Go now!!!"

"No! I came all the way down here in this quarantine to get you. The mission is too take you back and that is what I am going to do..drop the weapon Sunset or I will complete this mission by bringing you back in a body bag" The room was still and water was on the floor and the trickle of it was all that could be heard. Sunset shook her head and closed her eyes ready too pull the trigger of the weapon. Then a sliding door burst open and the sound of a rifle smashing against the metal of the other was all that could be heard. "What! No what are you doing! Stand down!" A loud clash and then a thud of a body, followed by the sound of hooves running out of the room. Sunset opened one eye to see the familiar mare, her red eyes glowing as she kicked a weapon away from a troop before stomping down on his head creating a loud crack. It was Coco Pommel, the android looked to Sunset and grinned. Sunset turned the barrel of her shotgun to face the approaching android bringing her to a stop.

"Some way to say thank you too the android who saved your life. It was all fine until they thought killing you was an option. Drop the weapon Sunset Shimmer....I am not going to kill you because that is not the mission" Sunset raised a brow confused seeing as this android seemed very willing to kill her and Twilight back at the power station. "My mission is not theirs but they failed theirs...clearly" Coco giggled looking down to one of the troops as blood trickled down the side of his face. "What a shame too because now I will be punished for my actions against him. It was worth it though, yes?" Sunset lowered her weapon and allowed Coco too move forward to see what she would do and the android moved forward and smiled not showing any threat. Her red eyes still very uncomfortable at this point but she seemed to be telling the truth.

"What is your mission? Why are you suddenly not trying to kill me? You seemed do want too so bad before...I don't understand...you killed them, most of them but you are not killing me now. What is really going on here with this station Coco!? What is your mission?" Coco tilted her head and raised a bloody hoof into the air grinning.

"My mission is too locate Twilight Sparkle~ She has a gift that has brought great interest to the Weyland Foundation and she might be the cure to ending all this terror that you are witnessing. Might even bring this operation to a halt and save lives....I am here to retrieve her safely" Coco smiled a bit more and looked around. "At first I thought she might be here with you but I have been proven wrong. Have you abandoned her Sunset Shimmer?" Sunset lowered her head and closed her eyes thinking back to the moment when she ran away. "Awwww~ feeling guilt? Feelings are why you are worse off than androids like myself. They get in the way...come with me and I promise not too kill you. You would know better where to find Twilight so help me and I assure you that this will all finally be over"

Rarity ducked as the spit flew at her, she had blood lining the bottoms of her outfit at the hooves from all the death that was occurring on the station. She yelped as a segment of her outfit dripped off like melting plastic from the acidic spit, she looked over and the Spitter Xenomorph hissed as she kept avoiding its long range strikes. Rarity huffed and stared at the creature as they both faced off, the creature growled starting to slowly walk towards her and she looked over with her eyes to what was behind her. She smiled and nodded using her magic to remove what was left of her scarf for her outfit.

"Come on show me what you can do!" She screamed with a confident look in her eyes and the creature lunged. The unicorn tossed her scarf up into the air and kicked back her hind legs onto a button opening a garbage shoot before jumping out of the way slamming herself against a wall in an effort too get out of the way. The alien had a long scarf on its face as it flew through the air, its front hands slamming down into the turned on device being snagged by the shoots spinning blades. With a loud painful scream the xenomorph was being pulled quick enough for its head to start getting torn up from the spinning blades of the shoot. Rarity stepped back and screamed at it as it died quick enough too not escape. The spinning blades stopped cutting as the acid blood melted away, the body was limp hung there with its head ground up in the shoot. "Take that you Ruffian!! Hmpphh!!" She flicked her mane back and closed her eyes for a moment. "My only regret is having to waste such a wonderful piece of work like my scarf!" Applejack stepped out and gulped surprised by how well Rarity took care of the creature. They both looked at each other with a smile before hugging each other.

"Wow...that was amazing Rarity! We will make it out of here and see our sisters again!" Applejack closed her eyes and smiled, they were fighting so hard because as far as they knew. Their little sisters were still alive and counting on them to survive. "We do it for Them! With that we will be alright'" the two mares remained in a hug for some time but not too long knowing now that these things were attracted to noise and they just made allot of it. The stations quarantine area was filling with bodies, nopony knew who was still alive and who would die next. The two didn't know what was going on but they did know that it was not being resolved and ponies all over the station that were locked away in this situation started pointing hooves believing Weyland was too blame for this. Everypony in the station fighting for their lives every single second that passed. The xenomorphs were around even if you didn't see them. Not always attacking and sometimes waiting for a pony to be alone to snatch them and take them away. Many ponies have witnessed the creatures do this and they didn't understand why.

Twilight screamed as the tail of the xenomorph smashed into Iron Will's side knocking him against the wall and Gallants began to open fire at the creature. The griffon screamed unloading the full clip into its side and it only seemed to make it more angry. Iron Will was not stabbed but he lay on the ground groaning from the hit. Twilight took out her pistol and pulled back the hammer, she shook scared. This whole time they had done so good to avoid them. Gallant's gun clicked as the weapon was out of ammo. The alien looked to him and another one came down from the vent access that the first had came from. Gallants stepped back as the Drone lunged knocking him over to the ground. Twilight dropped her weapon as there was now a third alien coming down to join the drone. Gallants screamed as the alien grabbed his hind leg beginning to drag him away. The two warriors that had joined looked around raising their tails ready to defend and attack. Iron Will was pulling himself up from the floor reaching out too the scientist.

"No! Twilight pick up your weapon! Shoot it!" the minotaur screamed at the alicorn and she stood there shaking. Gallants tried to break free as the xenomorph was dragging him across broken glass that was on the floor. The small pieces began to cut into him causing him too scream in pain. "TWIlIGHT!! He spared us!! Help me help him!" Iron Will was on his feat picking up his large lead pipe. He was about to rush but a warrior was now face to face with him opening its mouth and the dagger tongue flew out but he grabbed it with his hand stopping it from entering his head. Iron will fell too the ground with the warrior hissing as he held its tongue in his hand. The second warrior walked slowly up too Twilight who was unarmed. Gallants being drug into a vent now he reached for something to stop this. Twilight closed her eyes, the loud hiss from the creature echoing in the room and Iron will struggled to get the alien off of him and it seemed it was winning as it slammed its tail into the ground several times trying to stab him in the head with it. Iron will could not continue the fight for much longer, Everything seemed to slow down for her as she opened her eyes. Spit dripping from the mouth all all three aliens, Gallants almost gone, Iron Will fighting to get the alien off of him. Twilight teared up and screamed as loud as she could at the aliens.

" NO!!! STOP!!!" Twilight slammed her hoof down and the drone let go of Gallants, the warrior that was fighting Will retracted its tongue, the alien before her stepped back. Gallants crawled his way out of the vent coughing as the aliens halted what they were doing too the sound of Twilight's voice. "Leave them alone! Stop! They are my friends!" Twilight continued to scream and they seemed to listen. The drone crawled from the vent and beg an to hiss in a way as if talking too Twilight. She looked over too the creature and stomped her hoof. "I said no! NO!" The alien let out a loud hiss now and turned away heading back too the vent it came from. Gallants looked up placing a claw on his face to see the blood collect on his talons. He then looked too Twilight and groaned in pain trying to stand up, Iron Will looked in shock as the creatures began to leave the room as Twilight stared at them no longer screaming but just staring at them. Gallants began to spit out blood filled words as sparks shot out from the broken electrical wires that were hanging from the area the aliens broke in from.

"It is true...he was right...you do have a gift, Twilight. Weyland was right! He was right this whole time..." Iron Will flinched and looked too Gallants raising a suspicious brow.

"You know Weyland..you have seen him?" Gallants looked over too Iron Will and nodded to his question. Twilight's body shook now as the xenomorphs left. Placing a hoof over her own heart she wined falling to the ground. "Catch her!" with in second Will moved over and caught her in his arms. She looked up too him and smiled but in lots of pain from what had just happened.

"I heard them speak...I could hear them speak...." Twilights words were slurry and drowsy and she looked rather pale. "Are you okay, Will?" She smiled and he nodded to her. "What about Gallants is he okay?" She closed her eyes as if ready too fall asleep, "I hope he is okay..." Iron Will tapped her on the cheek to keep her awake.

"Twilight! Your weak and we are fine! What did you do...how did you...what and how!? Twilight!?" He looked too Gallants and the griffon looked at him shaking his head.

"Specimen Shad2032 containment corruption! Corruption!!!" Gallants eyes widened and he shook his head pushing his dropped gun across the floor from the ground and screamed. "RUN!! I will explain later! Right now RUN!!!"