• Published 17th May 2016
  • 2,065 Views, 108 Comments

Alien: Twilights Final Chapter - TwiRaptor

"You showed me to love, you showed me to trust, and you showed me to fight my fear. Most of all you have taught me how to kill you and thats what I am going to do!"

  • ...

Wey-U Station

Author's Note:

Our first flashback everypony! These flashbacks will help reveal some of the biggest questions that have been asked sense the first story. This first one is just a build up too an answer of one of my favorite mysteries of the series. What happened between Sunset and Twilight that made them have to mend there fences at Valuntas? The reason Twilight went to space to begin with.

Flashbacks will be color coded so you know when we are talking about the past, I will use the following colors that go with the characters who are remembering the flashback

Twilight Sparkle

Sunset Shimmer

White Lightning

Every Other OC

Twilight stood there looking around as ponies passed. The tears were filling her eyes as Sunset was nowhere to be found, she said she was going to be here. That they would meet here and yet she was nowhere to be found. Twilight frantically started to run looking for her, her wings were beginning to droop low to the dirt on the ground as the sadness began to build inside her.

"S-Sunset!! Sunset Shimmer....W-where are....where are you?" Twilight fell on her flank and lowered her head as she slowly began to cry. The thought of her not being there. Did she really leave for that meeting instead of coming here to be here with her. Twilight shook her head trying not to let that be the answer even if it was clear now. "Why...a-am I not a good friend? What did I do wrong" Twilight cried and nopony who passed seemed to notice and those who glanced just walked on by without stopping. Twilight's body began to shake as she slowly laid her body out on the dirt. The love that was in her heart was now breaking and the tears only seemed to grow bigger as Twilight was still there alone. "Sunset...I thought we were friends...I thought we were going to spend this together." Twilight curled up in a ball as she was finally broken, she was finally and officially alone and Sunset was to blame. She chose it...over her

Twilight sighed as she looked out the window of the speeding Tram, this ship was big enough to have rail transport just like Valuntas did. She didn't like riding the speeding tons of metal but she had no choice but to get on with Cadence. Even if things seemed normal enough here on the Wey-U Station, Twilight just didn't feel right. There was a feeling in her chest like she could feel that there was something very wrong here. She almost felt in pain at points as if she was being zapped with an electric rod, this station had to be hiding something because sense when was anything about Weyland Yutani normal. Twilight placed her hoof on the window and watched as all the lights zoomed by, her imagination then placed the faces of her friends waving to her in the glass. She really wanted to see White and Sunset, ever sense she woke up alive she wanted to see them but instead she was sitting here with Cadence. Other Weyland workers were on this tram and they all seemed to be writing things down and some of them were looking at Twilight from afar. Cadence would look over from time to time but that was to show a smile because it had been forever sense she had to spend any time with her but even that could be blocked by Weyland because instead of hugs or a dinner......it was this place. Twilight didn't like this.

"Twilight? I know what your thinking and I understand your frustration but I want you too trust me. Even if I am working for the ones you hate" Cadence leaned in and smiled moving her clipboard aside to give the smaller alicorn a hug. "I am sure that once we get to the lab and you see it. You will change your mind about us...about them" Twilight raised a brow and took that moment to think about this. How could she be convinced to like Weyland Yutani? Twilight only became more worried hearing they were going to a lab.

"Lab? You said we were going to sign me in to the crafts system database....Cadence what is really going on here?" Twilight turned her body a bit to face her sister in law. "Cadence.... I can't trust them, not after everything that has happened to me~!" Cadence frowned and placed a hoof under Twilight's chin. "Cadence...Weyland tried to kill me" Twilight pulled away and closed her eyes as one tear rolled down her cheek. From Valuntas to Fortwaid it had been nothing but hell for her. She had seen death at its finest and made friends only to loose them. She grew attached to a monster to have it die for her. "I don't like it here and I never will, something is wrong and I can feel it!" The tram had finally come to a stop and the robotic conductor voice spoke welcoming them to the lab. Cadence stood up and adjusted her posture to look professional.

"Twilight~ Please come with me. This might make you feel a bit more safe here at Wey-U Station" Twilight slowly stood up, willing to do anything to calm her nerves. At this point she thought she might as well give it a shot and see if this place really could make her feel safe. The guns and troops everywhere didn't make that happen. Twilight closed her eyes and nodded using her magic to send the tears flying off her cheeks. "Follow me" Cadence headed for the door and Twilight followed. Two android greeted them with their plastic glares, their death eyes, and their unbelievably straight postures. Twilight did her best to ignore them as they walked past them but it was hard, as they entered the lab the first thing she noticed is the high security. There was two large auto turrets guarding the doors, several armed ponies standing next to them in a ready position and it seemed they were statues.

"Welcome Dr. Cadenza" One of the troops said as the large alicorn passed, he looked at Twilight and nodded as if he knew she would be here too. "Professor Gallants is waiting for you in the main lab with a specimen, would you like me to bring your presence to his attention, miss?" Cadence stopped and nodded before continuing down the hall. "Right away~!"

"Gallants? Professor? Who is this guy?" Twilight said softly trying not to let anypony hear. She was getting more uneasey as they walked down the hall. She could see ponies doing surgery on animals of all kinds from cats to large ox. "What is this place for, Cadence and how the hell is it suppose to make me feel safe!?"

"Gallants runs this entire place, Twilight. He is the reason you are alive in fact, the reason you didn't die during surgery...Twilight I know it all looks bad right now but once we get to the main lab you will see that everything will be fine" they both stopped in front of a large sealed door. "Trust me, I think you will like him...he is nicer than most of his kind. He sometimes seems under qualified but he is overqualified for this task" a robotic voice then spoke welcoming them to the main lab and after that the door slid open and inside was several ponies walking around. Containers were on the tables filled with water and some had blood. Across the room was a griffon, he was male but seemed a bit smaller than one would imagine a griffon to be. "Gallants, sir!" The griffon turned around and beamed a smile setting large clip board on the table folding his wings closed. He seemed rather happy to see Cadence and his smile only grew when he saw Twilight.

"How wonderful you have come, things are as simple as they have been sense the first week but we are getting somewhere. I can feel it you know what I mean" Gallants stopped and turned to Twilight and prevented Cadence from even responding as he then began to speak to the small purple alicorn. "Hello Twilight, it brings Weyland great hope seeing you alive. I must say your looking great even after all this hell you have been through. Now what we are going to do today is a armor test, now the last one we did went horribly wrong and we suffered one casualty but I am sure the tweaks I have made to the design of breaking the armor will make things allot easier. Now Dr. Cadenza are you ready to go to the lab floor and join me as we watch this unfold?"

"Of course but we should make sure Twilight is ready as well. There is no way she can be on the floor without gear, sir" Gallants glanced over and nodded. "I will get her dressed" Twilight was then pulled with a quick grab from Cadence. "Here put this stuff on and come back here afterwards. I mean it Twilight, you have to come back here when you are done. Okay?" Twilight nodded and started to pull the new suit over the outfit she was already wearing. Twilight felt sick to her stomach as she looked at the Weyland symbol on it. She was wearing the enemy on her body and she had no choice but to do it at this point. She couldn't run, where would she go? After suiting up she slowly walked through the door. The lab was now empty except for Gallants and Cadence now. The place was dark and Gallants was using his talons to type in a pass code on a sealed door. She was about to make herself known by speaking to let them both know she was here but stopped as Gallants began to speak softly to Cadence.

"I don't care what it takes keep her under control~! We can't let her go because if we do everything will be lost and I would rather loose her by a bullet to the head than let her escape. You send that to the control and make sure its signed because I don't want it to seem like some piss pour letter of everyday business. This is serious! Now lets head into the lab...keep this under control" Gallants made a notion with his hand of a throat being slit and she leaned against the wall and hid. Her heart began to race and she moved her eyes left and then right. "I will do what needs to be done if it comes to it" The door then sealed shut and Twilight slowly stood out from hiding.

"No...no no no!! I knew it, I just knew it wasn't safe here" Twilight looked around the lab and moved towards the exit. "Not even my own sister in law can be trusted. I mean she didn't object to it or anything. Why do they need me here? Why does this have to be happening to me again!?" Twilight moved out into the hallway and ponies were all around heading to their stations and continuing work.

The scream was loud and the long tail smashed into the glass cracking it, the xenomorph began to claw at the glass that separated it from Gallants and Cadence. This one was smaller than a drone and its dome head was covered in a ridged design. Its tail was not slender with a spike but it was long, ridged, and had a scythe like end to it. Cadence tried her best not flinch or show fear as the creature pushed its slender black body away from the glass. "Ridged Warrior, born at 0700 hours and it is currently 7:30 AM" Gallants began to write down the statistics of what they were looking at. The alien hissed and stood up on its two hind legs with the aggressive smile. Its head was turned to the right as the spit began to drip faster. "Aggressive and no sign of giving up...as suspected it has been trying to break free ever sense it bursted" Cadence nodded and wrote her own notes as well.

"It is amazing how it knows we are here...even with the lack of eyes it manages to know where it is, where the food is, and how far away it is" Cadence looked around for a moment wondering where Twilight was. She told her to come back as soon as possible and now she was missing this.

"That would be the amazing sent these creatures possess. They smell so well that they can pretty much see what ever is around them" Gallants stepped aside and set his papers down. The alien was now walking on the floor back and fourth. It showed now sign of being motionless unless it was tied up somehow. "There is noway we are getting in there when its like that, there must be something we can do to get in there" Gallants smiled in excitement and he pointed as the Xenomorph placed its hands on the wall and pulled itself up and began to slowly crawl up to the ceiling. "Look Cadence, these things can walk on any surface~! Remarkable isn't it?" Cadence looked quickly, she was new to this operation. She was amazed to see the creature truly could walk anywhere it wanted with no effort it seemed. "I will contact the team to see what we can do with this one. Also...where is that alicorn? Twilight? Could you please go get her so we can show her that this place is under control? That is why i opened this floor you know?" Cadence nodded and set her things down and soon was out the door. Gallants smiled and looked back to the creature and got close to the glass. "You hear her...don't you? How do you know? How do you work the way you do?" Gallants stepped back and shook his head before coughing. He was confident as he spoke. "It doesn't matter now...we will know everything very, very, very soon" The Xenomorph jumped down from the ceiling and at the glass smacking into it causing it to bounce off and hit the floor hissing. The creature got back up and swung its sharp tail against the glass with no results. "We will know"

"Gash!" Twilight screamed and White looked around for where it came from. The Xenomorph growled getting back up and another bullet slammed into the chest of the alien and Gash screamed up looking up to the ceiling and the escape he could make but was unable to reach. Gash fell to the ground as another bullet slammed into him,Twilight reached out and Gash started to crawl across the floor slowly as the acid blood started to badly pour from the body. Twilight teared up feeling sad seeing the creature in pain. Gash reached out to the group of ponies as if asking for their help , another round went off

"Sunset!" White was pulling on the unicorns shoulder, he had just got done talking to Rarity who was now sitting across the room thinking about the enlightening words that was now shared to her. Sunset didn't know how to tell Rarity what had happened and that's when White stepped in and took it over and told Rarity what happened. "Sunset are you alright?Rarity may have an apology to share with you soon. Once i told her what has happened...well she is in disbelief about most of it of course" Sunset smiled and looked over to the tooth of Gash as it sit in her lap. "Come on, lets get out of this stupid waiting room"

"Can Rarity come with, I don't think we should leave her alone knowing what she does.....especially if she comes to believing what you told her" Sunset looked at the white coated unicorn. She was still wearing her nurse outfit and she seemed to be lost in deep thought about everything. "What all did you tell her, White?"

"I didn't speak of aliens, that would have thrown everything I said to her out the window" White looked back and smiled at the Unicorn before looking back at Sunset. "She is real pretty. I think she should come with us...I sure don't have an issue with that" Sunset nodded and was happy he agreed. However it seemed he agreed for different reasons. "I mean as long as their are no aliens, she shouldn't need to know about them. So when we meet Twilight again, which we will, we must make sure Xenomorphs are not in the subject"