• Published 17th May 2016
  • 2,068 Views, 108 Comments

Alien: Twilights Final Chapter - TwiRaptor

"You showed me to love, you showed me to trust, and you showed me to fight my fear. Most of all you have taught me how to kill you and thats what I am going to do!"

  • ...

The Surprises

Author's Note:

Flashbacks will be color coded so you know when we are talking about the past, I will use the following colors that go with the characters who are remembering the flashback
Twilight Sparkle
Sunset Shimmer
White Lightning
Every Other OC

He stood their wielding a large pipe in his hands and Coco looked at him stomping one hoof in the metal floor leaving a dent. Red lights now flashed in the room and Coco motioned with her hoof to have the other droids assist her. Sunset slowly opened her eyes to see what was really going on. She had heard somebody holler at the androids but was unsure if it was in her head. Twilight looked up from the ground and her eyes widened seeing who it appeared to be. Iron Will stood their chuckling to himself shaking his head at the droids. Coco grinned as the lights flashed all around them. Iron Will looked directly at the droid and motioned her to make a move using the pipe.

"Well are you going to stand there or are you going to come and get some?" Twilight couldn't believe what she was seeing right now, there is no way it could be true. "Or am I going to have to pilot your flank out of here, Coco? Lets dance!!!" Iron Will rushed up Swinging the pipe knocking two of the androids tot he ground as he made is way to Coco Pommel. Sunset was on the ground having been cornered earlier her legs were tired from pressing against the wall in fear that she had fallen to the ground. Swinging down with a mighty scream Will was now right in front of Coco Pommel. The pipe was brought to a stop as the android raised one hoof to block, Will pushed down clenching his jaw trying with his might to break through. Coco giggled and slowly moved the pipe away like nothing.

"Did you think I would be that easy. Or have you already forgotten the last time we tangled? I would love a dance but I have bigger things to do...bigger than you" Coco gave one more smirk before forcing the pipe to the ground. Iron Will grunted and grabbed his arm, pain shot up it from the android ripping the pipe from his grip. "The more you protect them...the more you will suffer when I kill you. Right now...hmmm...I have to keep the precious cargo on board" Twilight slowly got up on her hooves and Coco looked over with her red eyes a grin still on her face. "Goodbye, for now" Iron Will smiled and picked his pipe back up as if ready to fight again. "This is sad...really it is" Twilight watched as the female android left the room and then she looked to Iron Will who looked as if he himself was about to leave.

"What the HELL is going on!!!" Twilight took out her gun and motioned Sunset to start her work on shutting down the synthetics. "Answer me! Answer me or I'll" Twilight stopped as the familiar face turned to look at her. A soft smile on his face, the same he would have given her back at Valuntas Station.

"Are you going to shoot me, Twilight Sparkle? Is that what you are going too do?" tossing the pipe to the ground he raised his hands and chuckled. "The more we work here the farther she gets from being dealt with and if you shoot you know very well those creatures will hear you" Twilight shook as her magic dimming causing the gun to lower back into her holster. "There you go..."

"How the hell are you here! The station exploded and killed everything that was on it!" Twilight watched Iron Will walk over to Sunset and move her hooves from the synthetic control console and he began to type on it. Sunset grunted and stomped a hoof feeling undermined as the large minotaur began to work at shutting down the androids. "Everything died on that station! Answer me!"

"Everything died? Is that why you were terrorized twice by Gash? On two separate stations? How I am here is not important to you..what is important is this" He pressed enter on the console and smiled. "You won't have to deal with the regulars anymore" Twilight looked around and her ear twitch confused.

"The regulars? What do you mean?" Twilight was looking in rough shape. Her mane was frizzed up along with her tail. She looked tired and weak but yet she was still moving as if full of energy. "What are you talking about Iron Will?"

"The regular androids, they are controlled here while androids like Coco function on their own console. Their synthetic brains and I am guessing you didn't know that until now. Perhaps your on the wrong mission once again, Twilight" Sunset stepped in and lightly pushed Iron Will on the side of his body.

"She is on the right mission! You don't know her and what she can do!" Sunset narrowed her eyes and Will simply just smiled at her picking his pipe back up and nodding. Twilight lowered her head closing her eyes tearing up hearing Iron Will say those things to her. She wasn't worth this time? Wasn't good for this mission. "What are you doing!" Iron Will walked up and put his hand on the alicorns shoulder and smiled.

"You should be on a greater mission, Twilight." Twilights eyes shot open and she looked up at him. He looked back down at her and smiled. "You are the one who is going to bring Weyland to his knees....it will be you who will save everypony on this ship. So how about you drop this mission and you come save lives" Iron Will backed up and held out his hand to her. Twilight looked very closely and Sunset watched Twilight's hoof as it now rested in Iron Wills hand. Twilight smiled and stood up nodding her head agreeing with the captain.

"What about Gallants? What about his plans?" Twilight looked around and now noticed something was off in the room. Moon Dusts had disappeared from the room.

"Looks like there is more to his plans than you thought, Twilight" Iron Will chuckled and slowly he walked to the exit typing in the code to unlock it. "Follow me and whatever you do...don't make....a sound"

Gallants fell to the ground a crack in his beak from the blow, the scientist shook his head growling. He was taking this because he knew he had messed up not that he was weak or unable to fight back. As he got up the back of his head was met by a levitating shotgun that then cocked back and then forward sliding a round inside the chamber.

"Please...Mr. Weyland...you have to understand that I tried. Do you not know reason?" The shotgun pressed harder in the back of his head and the griffon flinched growling some more in fear. "Please sir! I didn't know this would happen you have to believe me. If I had known that she would run into him I would not have sent her that way!" The camera monitors in the room where back online and recording. On one of the cams Twilight could be seen leaving the synthetic control room with Iron Will and Sunset Shimmer. The shotgun lowered and was tossed to the ground. "I have always done what you said, sir, please don't make this one mistake be my last" Gallants turned around and faced the one he was talking too and gulped. "I am sorry, I may have forgotten some steps once I found out the alicorn was in love with the unicorn. Have you ever been in love sir?" As soon as Gallants said this the shotgun raised back up and aimed at the bird creature. "Wait!! I'm sorry I'm sorry! I know you know what love is that was my mistake again. We all know what its like...what its like too loose love and I am sorry she is not hear to see what you have done. What you have created" Gallants smiled and looked over at his desk, on it was a picture of a female griffon. The creature in the photo had a white feather body and she would be all snow white if not for the blue feathers on her head and tips of her wings. "I lost a crush, she was in the military back in the battle of Pie River. Before Ponies reached space....she died"

"What a shame, its just too bad that I don't seem to give a shit!" The stallion known right now as Mr. Weyland kept the gun close to him with his magical aura. "That was then before we knew what we were dealing with and as long as we keep this under control. They will never come back, do you understand now what you have done?" Gallants nodded and looked at the camera system. "I have a station flooded with Xenomorph readings! Readings that are off the charts and the problem with that is....THIS IS MY STATION!" Weyland raised his weapon again and aimed at Gallants. "Tell Sapphire I say hi~"

"WAIT!!!" The shotgun made a loud bang and papers flew all over the room, Gallants opened his eyes surprised to see he had not been killed. "Wait....please.....I can still help you. They still don't know who I am or what my true mission is" Weyland smiled and flicked back a red strand of his mane that now hanged in his sight.

"Mess up one more time, Gallants, one more time and you will be sleeping with Sapphire. I will make sure you never breath another breath, never eat another sandwich, never finish another experiment! Maybe you should have never left that little army you were apart of so many years ago you brainless little bird"

"Are we finally going to stop sending scouts out, Sapph?" Gallants closed his wings as his concern began to grow for Sapphire. She was too pretty to be a part of war, he had feelings for her but didn't know how to express them. Sapphire rubbed a talon on his shoulder briefly before finally moving it away.

"I don't know to be honest, Gall. I have a feeling more griffins will die due to my fathers orders staying the same. I have no control over these things" Sapphires father was in charge of this whole movement, this war tactic. That was the biggest reason Gallants feeling remained hidden as they were. "I wish I could do something, I really do....I am afraid your brother will have to go out one day soon despite the deaths" Gallant narrowed his eyes not liking the news that had been pushed out.

Gallants sniffled and nodded to the stallion knowing exactly that when he said something it was the truth. Walking over to the camera monitors looking at the screens very carefully. Typing in a few words to the system Gallants was able to get a lock on Twilight Sparkle. The issue was however he had no way of contacting her without knowing where his assistant was.

"I will find, Cadence and Moon, then I will get to Twilight. Do we have an agreement, Weyland?" Gallants closed his eyes hoping for a yes and not a no. "Please..."

"Proceed, I have to get back out on the other side to prepare for when our alicorn gets out of Quarantine. However if we are lucky she will die before she gets any closer to doing so...correct....Gallants?"

"You left her!! How could you do that Rainbow!!" Pinkie Pie started to lightly tap the rainbow maned mare on the face. "How could you let her go!! You need to calm down and think because we are in some huge shit" Pinkie pie holstered her pistol and put a hoof on her friends shoulder. "Its okay though, we are safe because I work for this station. I am a soldier and we always get out before anypony else...which is horrible and mean. I don't like it! However it will get you a free ticket out of here Dashie" Rainbow was teary eyed and shaking. Blood rested on her side and in her mane like she had been in some rough shit.

"Pinkie Pie...they come from the chest...did you know that? They come from the chest, ahahah!" Rainbow giggled and her ear twitch with every sound of a vent creaking.

"Rainbow what are you talking..."

"They come from the chest!! HA!! After a long snuggle with your heart they break your chest and come out!"

"Okay, so we may need to lay you off of sugar or you may need mental help...Rainbow come on lets get moving. I don't like this place and you need to get out of here" Pinkie turned around and her ears pinned back as she was now face to face with one of the alien creatures. Rainbow giggled and repeated her chest talk. "Rainbow...." The alien screamed and grabbed Pinkie Pie by the head lifting her into the air. "HELP~!!! MEEEEEE!!" The alien's head was long and fanned out at the end. Large pockets of green were patched along the side of the creatures head. "Rainbow Dash!!" The sound of her friend in trouble now rang in the pegasus's ears.

"Pinkie!? Pinkie Pie!!" Rainbow was about to jump in and help her when her head was grabbed from behind. It was a drone and it had a good grip on her mane. Thick spit dripped from the xenomorphs mouth and it quickly began to pull RD away from the scene. "Noo!! You let go of me!" Pinkie Pie was wiggling in the grasp of the strange alien, a green spit began to drip from the mouth and Pinkie screamed as she saw the floor start to steam with each drop of spit that hit the floor. The drone let go of Rainbow for a moment but then rested a foot on her chest as it slammed its head repeatedly against a window trying to get somewhere. Rainbow wiggled and looked in Pinkie Pies Direction. Pinkie was now pinned to the floor and the the alien that had her spit next to her head. The green liquid began to melt away at the floor and then as quickly as it spit once it spit again except right in the mares face. With a loud death filled scream the mares face began to drip. "Pinkie!!! No!!!" The Spitter then began to repeatedly stab Pinkie in the chest with its dagger tongue. The drone had finally broken the window and now started to drag Rainbow away but the the alien was smashed in the head with a fire extinguisher. Falling to the floor the alien was not dead but Rainbow was now being dragged away from the Xenomorph. It was Verglas and the mare was not speaking because well. She was mute. "Verlas!? What are you?" The mare was silenced as she was pulled into a corner and Verg covered the mare's muzzle. The drone hissed and stood up on its hind legs and jumped out the window it had crawled through. Luckily it chose to flee, the aliens lacked intelligence but showed common sense and it chose to flee. "Verglas, Pinkie Pie, she is...shes..." Verglas nodded and frowned knowing Pinkies fate. "What about Flutters?" Verglas shook her head slowly, Fluttershy, was dead.