• Published 17th May 2016
  • 2,068 Views, 108 Comments

Alien: Twilights Final Chapter - TwiRaptor

"You showed me to love, you showed me to trust, and you showed me to fight my fear. Most of all you have taught me how to kill you and thats what I am going to do!"

  • ...

Quarantine Shutdown

Author's Note:

Flashback color code
Twilight Sparkle
Sunset Shimmer
White Lightning
Every Other OC

Twilight stared into the light as she lay back in the seat, the flashlight was bright and Gallants had no respect for how close he was keeping the light to her eye as he examined them. The Griffon didn't look to well, he was alive but he clearly took some blows during this whole break out. Blood stained the right side of his body and his cheek had one one cut that lead up to his beak. The scientist was surprised initially when Twilight showed up but he was very happy as well to see the mare was still alive. Twilight squinted as the light was finally pulled away and Gallants clicked it off.

"Your eyes are still dilating as if you were still hosting but we removed her I assure you. I don't understand why your body still acts like your a carrier but I don't have the equipment to further study your issue, Twilight" Gallants tossed the little light to the ground and helped the alicorn up out of her seat. He was being very gentle and nice to her. "However we can fix that it will just be hard with the quarantine still in progress and of course the Xenomorphs...they are the biggest issue we are having besides getting out of here." Twilight rubbed her eyes and looked to him and Moon Dusts. Gallants was leaning on the side of the table tapping his talon on the metal as he appeared to be thinking and Moon Dust was shuffling through desks and other op enable furniture for drinks or maybe it was something else she was looking for. "I think if we had a bigger team we could shut this quarantine down and get to safety" Twilight looked on the table to see three guns, this caused her to gulp as she remembered what Gallants had said before this disaster.

"Well thats brilliant, Gallants, lets just stare in the cameras and look for others who might want to help us" Moon rolled her eyes at the idea as she made her statement about it. "All we have seen in those cameras are those alien creatures and death. I don't see the point in trying! We can do this on our own" Twilight looked over at the mentioned camera system and slowly walked over to it looking over the lcd screens that were on the wall. Moon slammed a cabinet closed and looked to her griffon friend. "I'm telling you that if you want something done you have to do it yourself. We can shut this down together, just me and you" Twilight looked at the situation through the camera system, the stations quarantined area looked the same in most areas. Blood on the floor, flickering lights everywhere, and little signs of life except the occasional appearance of a survivor but they didn't stay in view long enough before leaving the sight of the camera. Twilight groaned to herself and Gallants was quiet still after Moon confronted him on her feelings about having a team on this. "Are you ignoring me, Gallants? You are seriously ignoring me right now!?" Gallants shook his head and he placed one of his eagle claws on the unicorns shoulder with a smile.

"Your strong Moon but you are not strong enough to do this alone. We need a team or we will receive death, we are dealing if a level 4 Xenomorph infestation by now and we wouldn't stand a chance just me and you" Twilight looked at the screens more now and Moon quickly hugged the griffon and they both stood there with eyes closed as the alicorn looked for help and it didn't take long to find what she was looking for. Sunset could be seen walking the hallway and she wasn't alone. White Lightning was now there with her/

"I know who we need. My friends!" Twilight flared her wings and turned to look at Gallants and Moon. "Me and my friends have gone through thick and thin. I have been through this before, twice, if you need this to shut down. I will help you as long as it means me and my friends get a free ticket off this rust bucket!" Twilight pulled back the hammer of the pistol and narrowed her eyes as her horn began to glow brightly. Gallants separated the hug he was in and stared at the gun and he gulped. "You want help? I want off this station!" Twilight slowly pointed the gun at the griffon scientist and she narrowed her eyes to stare at him.

"Twilight...what are you doing? I am your friend, we don't need to be this way to get what we want" Gallants stared at the barrel of the pistol and Twilight showed no signs of moving until she heard she would get what she wanted. "You aren't like this are you? You have kindness in your heart and thats saying allot. Not many ponies do, Twilight, don't be like this" Twilight growled and pointed more with the barrel.

"I...want...offf!! Me, my friends, off of this ship. Do we have a deal Gallants? Or are you going to shoot me in the head if I decide to flee?" Twilight pushed the hammer forward and lowered her weapon, she looked back at the camera system quickly before looking back at the Griffon. "How do I get to them? How do we let them know to come looking for us? What can we do to get my friends here?" Gallants slowly walks forward keeping his eyes on the gun Twilight was levitating. He gulped and pointed to the camera console.

"I can speak to them through there, each camera is equipped with a speaker that you can speak through. I can guide them here...I promise you Twilight. I will get you off of here, free, you and your friends. Put the gun down please" Twilight looked at the gun and then too Gallants she was unsure if he was being truthful. He worked for Weyalnd Yutani after all so how could she know for sure. "Twilight come on. I wouldn't hurt you so why would you hurt me" She pointed the gun at him again and he froze immediately from the sight of it.

"Never hurt me? You don't know but I heard you back at the lab before all this! You said you would shoot me yourself if anything were to happen. How can I trust you after that, Gallants!?" The griffon backed up and shook his head in denial of what was just said. "Don't shake your head at me! You said it yourself, you would kill me if you had the chance" Twilight pulled the lever back on the gun again and she began to take deep breaths.

"Twilight no! You heard me wrong! Stop! I don't work for Weyland Yutani! Twilight I am a spy I was talking about the Queen Xenomorph.......not you stop, please" Gallants put his hands up begging not to be shot. Twilight's eyes widened and she looked to Gallants. He looked truthful and he was clearly scared of dying. Moon was backed to the wall with her hooves up surrendering to Twilight. "Me, Moon, and Cadence...we are all spies working to reveal what was happening on this station. We had no idea it was alien activity until a couple days ago when I was finally allowed in the lab along with Cadence....please I am telling the truth, Twilight" Gallants slowly got up and walked over to the alicorn who was frozen in disbelief at what she was doing, she wasn't normally so aggressive and never before would she point a gun at a anypony unless they were going to kill her like at Valuntas Station. "Put the gun down Twilight, we will get your friends here. Just leave that part to me, I should have told you sooner but we were sent here by Princess Celestia. I work for her to be forgiven for the things I did in the past and I shouldn't have continued to pretend to be with them around you, please, I will explain everything"

Sunset and White fell to the ground running into the open door, there had to be like five of them just chasing them as fast as they could go. The door sealed behind them and the warriors began to hiss, growl, and scratch at the closed entrance. Gallants looked down at them and hung up the radio that he had been speaking to them through. The two ponies just stayed on the floor panting, they were exhausted from that near death experience. Twilight held back tears and a blush as she saw both her friends alive and well, she had been with them twice through a similure experience on two different stations. Gallants tapped on of his claws on the metal table next to them and lowered himself to their level.

"Come on! Get up now, what if they could get in here you would be dead as soon as they did. Dust it off and pay attention, somepony is here to see you two." Gallants stepped back and looked too Twilight and nodded giving her permission to go crazy, Twilight got off her seat and rushed to them and as soon as they both raised their heads to get up the both screamed her name at the same time. After that they were all in a group hug with one another. Twilight was laughing and crying at the same time , Sunset was kissing her and hugging her so much and white was laughing and hugging her as tight as he could.

"Why Twilight, why did you run away like that. Your so stupid Twilight, your so stupid!" Sunset began to tear up and she proceeded to kiss the mare on the head and cheeks. "Your so stupid, we were so worried about you!" Gallants sighed and waited for awhile before getting a bit impatient about how long they were taking. Yes he could agree that love is a wonderful thing, that friends are a great thing to have but one thing he didn't agree with was wasting time.

"Yeah, you better be as useful as she claims. If not then getting you out of those halls were a waste of my time!" Gallants said this bluntly to make a point which caused White to get up from the hug and question. "What are you looking at? Hmmm?"

"Who the heck are you? What makes you think that you can just...."White was silenced as Twilight got up quickly and silenced him. "Twilight I was just asking" Twilight stared at him and shook her head, White groaned and nodded looking over to the griffon again.

"This is Gallants, he is going to help us get out of here if we help him. Now I know I know, we have been through allot but we have done this before. He wants us to help him lift the lockdown on the stations quarantined area" Twilight used her magic to grasp the tooth around her neck. She kept it close as she spoke to her friends who were not looking to happy about the idea already. "Yes, we have only dealt with one or two of these things. Yes, we should just be able to leave with no questions asked but I wouldn't be me if I didn't save others before I left. If we lift this lockdown we could save many ponies by giving them a way out. All escape pods are in the Weyland section, which is the part that we are currently locked away from. Twilight smiled and walked up to Sunset Shimmer and White, she hugged each of them once or twice. "Its a long process but Gallants is willing to go over it with you if you wish to help me."

"Help you, this is for him not you, Twilight" White stomped a hoof and growled at the griffon showing him once again that he was not okay with the creature. "He is a griffon, we can't trust a griffon! They lie and cheat ponies everyday!"

"Your doing it for me! I want to do this now as much as he does, your doing it for me, which in long term helps him" Twilight kept her smile and blushed at Sunset and placed a hoof on White Lightning's cheek. "Do this for me, if not its fine, I will be going anyways" Gallants growled dwelling now on what White had said about his species. "We don't have allot of time to decide. So are you with me or not?" Sunset paused and nodded, she was willing to do anything to prove she was good still and not bad. White hesitated and began to pace as he thought about it. He shook his head and backed away with a groan, he was really not comfortable with this. "White....please..."

"F-fine...fine I'll help! What is it we need to do, griffon?"

"Well I am glad you asked, there are three steps to doing this, the first will be to disable the camera's, that is the simplest part because we are already in the camera operations center. We just need to go in the back and unplug a few things to shut the system down, after doing that we will have activated the android security so the halls will contain our android friends. Usually this would be a good thing but records show they tend to have a rather murderous attitude when in catastrophic events and won't be happy we shut down the cameras" gallants walked over to the window looking out into the halls of the station. The xenomorphs that were chasing White and Sunset were still outside looking for a way in but with no success because the room was sealed off. "The xenomorphs might kill the androids if we are lucky but that doesn't mean we won't have a problem, so we will then need to shut down the androids at the synthetic control center. This should be easy as long as none of the pale skinned robots catch you" Sunset rolled her eyes and lowered her head knowing that androids would be involved made her gut turn. She remembered back at Valuntas how much of a hazard they were to everypony. "Finally we will need to deal with the power being sent to the doors. Shutting that down will allow you to open them again by pressing the unseal bottons located in a panel next to each door. I will go over how to shut the power off to them after we shut down the androids...if your in I will turn off the cameras. If your not in then you can show yourself out there with them" Gallants frowned and pointed out the window at one of the aliens, the xenomorph pounced at the window but did not shatter it. It was reacting to Gallants pointing at it. "Shutting off the power will cause one...issue of course....Weyland scientist tried playing god and made something down in the lab. It is still down there as far as I know but will be out when the power is shut down" Twilight looked down at her tooth necklace and smiled seeing the tooth shine in the light, it made her feel strong like Gash was. She nodded and looked to her friends.

"I'm in as long as you explain to me everything you know, after we deal with those androids....deal?" Gallants looked to Moon and Moon looked back at him, they both nodded and he smiled to the alicorn mare.

"You have yourself a deal"