• Published 17th May 2016
  • 2,068 Views, 108 Comments

Alien: Twilights Final Chapter - TwiRaptor

"You showed me to love, you showed me to trust, and you showed me to fight my fear. Most of all you have taught me how to kill you and thats what I am going to do!"

  • ...

The Mission Begins

Twilight held the pistol close as they all turned the corner. Things were getting worse as the body count continued to rise and the screams slowly began to become less frequent. She hoped that maybe that meant they were surviving but she knew better that the Xenomorphs were the ones who were bringing the horrible silence. White and Sunset followed behind along with Moon Dusts but Gallants had chosen to stay behind. They all moved slowly keeping an eye on their hoof steps as to not make too much noise. Sunset took a deep breath and White held a large lead pipe sense he was unfortunate on finding a gun. Androids seemed to walk by allot causing them all to freeze or hide, they did not want an army of robotic freaks ruining this for them. The bodies here were so different than what Twilight was used to seeing with Xenomorphs, she was used to the way Gash had killed. These bodies were missing limbs, some were melting at the face, holes in their chests, and blood seemed to be the new paint job for the walls.

"Twilight, um, I hope you know them. I really don't want this to be a mistake~" Sunset pushed herself to catch up and walk side by side with Twilight. The unicorn had a shotgun from a fallen troops. She was starting to feel that maybe she had this not to protect her from robots but maybe to protect herself from Moon Dusts. The unicorn didn't feel safe and still didn't know if they were who they said they were, Spies. Twilight tried her best to keep a straight face as she looked over to Sunset as they began to walk again.

"I trust them...after all any plan to get out of this quarantine is one that I am willing to try" Twilight took a deep breath and nodded assuring herself that this was all going to work out. Even if she didn't know what was going on the other side of the quarantine she was sure it had to be bad because Weyland Yutani was on the other side. "I just hope we can stay away from as many androids as possible. You remember what they did too that group of crazy ponies when we were back at Valuntas, I just don't think I can stand to stare into the eyes of death again...especially if the thing trying to kill me is pony like" Twilight forced a smile and the station began to rumble a bit making some very unsettling sounds. White grunted and shook his head not liking the sounds at all. Then suddenly the stallion flipped and stomped his hoof in what was a random burst of pure rage.

"We should find a new way!" He grunted and tossed his pipe to the ground, the stallion began to shake as he placed a hoof on Twilight causing her too turn around. "This isn't safe anymore and the ship is making noises that makes me feel its all falling apart! We don't know what is going on outside the quarantine!" Twilight gasped and began to try and comfort the stallion. The android might hear him scream or maybe he might attract something worse. The alicorn placed her hoof on the half changeling and he pulled away. "Twilight don't touch me! This is going on long enough and we need to just get off this place"

"White calm down your making too much noise" Twilight trembled a bit as she sensed the stallion was very angry and upset. "You need to calm down. The androids are not far and they will hear you...you also know how a Xenomorph works so please calm down!" Twilight upholstered her weapon to get ready if anything were to come. White stepped back and kicked his lead pipe away knowing it would do nothing good for him. It slid across the room and smacked into the wall and was soon being coated in a thick, sticky, liquid. Twilight looked around listening for hoofsteps of androids.

"Calm down!! You calm down! Don't tell me to calm down you have been a wreak sense the first station!! You want me too calm down!?" White shook his head in anger as he took some more steps back. Moon Dusts began to back away slowly in the other direction which caused Sunset to become a bit suspicious. However the unicorn jumped in to help Twilight calm White down, none of them wanted anything coming down to them. "Ohhh! Sunset Betray Shimmer wants to step in!!" Sunset narrowed her eyes at that because she hadn't even spoken yet. "Ohhhh!!! I fell so much better now!!!! Sunset Shimmer wants to step up to the plate. What? Are you going to kill somepony elses marefriend?" Twilight gasped and stepped forward. Immediate tears were in Sunsets eyes.

"WHITE!!!! What the hell is wrong with you!!" Twilight stopped as she saw the end of a tail slither around the corner, she stepped back in shock and her attitude changed. "White...come on lets go. Please lets just go...." The tail was nolonger visible but from what she saw it looked almost like a double sided blade. Twilight put her gun away and Sunset sniffled grumbling something to herself. White looked over and leaned in as if trying to hear what Sunset said.

"Whats that? Something stuck in your throat? Perhaps..idk....MORE BULLSHIT!"

"White please...lets just go" Twilight gasped and her wings flared open as the hallway behind White now had several small shines coming from the darkness. "NOW!!!" White turned around and several loud hisses rang through out the hall and then talking from another corner in the hall. The androids had now joined in, "LETS GO NOW!!" White nodded and began to shake more as they all began to run. The hisses then grew and White almost tripped up as androids now flooded the area as well. Like an army they all stared with blood red eyes. "White lets go!!"

"Please, let me help you~" Twilight flinched back as a bald pale android pony reached for her with a dead pan face. She knocked it in the forehead with her hoof and the other androids reached out and White managed to get passed. "Don't run, there seems to be a pr--prob-blem" One of the androids started to shake as a sudden Xenomorph tail smashed through the head of the lifeless android.

"I'm coming!!! GO! GO! GOOO!!!" White grabbed his pipe with his magic and immediately he noticed a thick slime drip from it as he ran. He shrugged it off and caught up with Twilight and the others. Several Xenomorphs jumped into the area behind White in the crowd of Androids and the two killers got in a tangle. The androids struggled and were quickly overwhelmed by the warriors. The xenomorphs were tearing out eyes and biting off segments of the bodies. White milk like blood began to gather on the floor. White looked back as he ran from it and thats when two much smaller aliens jumped over the massacre heading towards him and the others. They were running on all fours, almost like a dog and their heads were much like a drones but thinner and much smaller. Twilight stopped at a door and started pounding, Sunset and Moon did the same on the large door. White was still very far behind and he looked to his side at the levitating pipe he had. "Twilight!! Catch!!!" White threw it with all his might towards them and the pipe was then illuminated in the alicorns magic aura as she caught it and slammed it into the crack of the door like a lever she began to pull. White pushed hard to get there as she managed to wedge it open.

"Come on!! Hurry!" Sunset held her arm out to White as he began to get closer, "Come on!!" The two runner aliens were faster and were almost on Whites tail as they drew closer. "WHITE!!!!" White reached the door and pushed Sunset away as the two runners were now in mid jump. Sunset fell back and the pipe fell from Twilights grip. The stallion screamed as one of the small runners landed on his back and the other on his side. Their small tails slamming into his body, the blood sprayed from his mouth on the impact of the tails. Twilight Screamed reaching out seeing the stallion fall to his knees as the door began to slowly close. White was reaching out with blood mixed tears falling from his face. The runners were clawing and biting into his body the more they did the more he fell too the ground. Twilight screamed louder and the tears gathered in her eyes.

"WHIIIIIIIIIIIIITTE!!! No!! NOOOO!" The stallion mouthed a word and blood then poured from his mouth as one of the tails came to his throat and slowly slit it open. The door then sealed closed and Twilight was now being cradled in Sunset's hooves. "White....no....come back!!! WHITE!!!!" The stallion that had broke her fear, had been there for her, saved her life was now dead. "WHAT THE HELL WERE THOSE THINGS!!! WHITE!!!!" Twilight closed her eyes and started to cry. The room was dark and loud thumps of struggle could be heard outside as the aliens were now ripping her friend to pieces outside. "White..you were my friend...I should have. I am so sorry!!!" They all stayed there for awhile in silence and they all thought about him for awhile. What should be a moment to remember turned into the mission again as Sunset began to look around. They were exactly where they needed to be. "White....I am so sorry" Sunset smiled and looked around some more for the power to shut down the android security. She was looking when she felt a hoof touch her.

"Stop it~ I am trying to find the thing just give me a second, Moon, go back and comfort Twilight" Sunset continued to look but the hoof did not move. "Seriously Moon, go and help Twilight calm down!" The hoof still did not move, "MOON!!!" Sunset got up and stared in disbelief as two red eyes stared at her. Sunset stepped back and the android stepped forward. "COCO~!!!" The android giggled in the same voice as Coco Pommel. The mare android looked at the control panel and moved closer backing Sunset into a wall.

"I am sorry about your friend~" Coco giggled more and Sunset looked over too Twilight and Moon, there were two androids there as well holding them still. "You shouldn't be here Sunset Shimmer~ I am also afraid that the normal punishments for trespassing no longer apply. So we will have to resort too the new order" Coco smiled and was now face to face with Sunset shimmer. "Your friendships are no longer required....so I will have to kill you~ Hmmmm, I didn't know jokes were in my programming! When I say friendships...I mean...your services" Sunset closed her eyes and shook her head very slowly. "Goodbye, Sunset Shimmer~" Sunset's ear twitched as the sound of a door opening rang through out the room.

" Hey androids~!!! HAVE AT ME!"