• Published 17th May 2016
  • 2,068 Views, 108 Comments

Alien: Twilights Final Chapter - TwiRaptor

"You showed me to love, you showed me to trust, and you showed me to fight my fear. Most of all you have taught me how to kill you and thats what I am going to do!"

  • ...

Specimen Shad2032

Author's Note:

Short Chapter I apologies for the wait!

"I don't care if you trust her Shimmer!! I have seen what those things have been doing on this station!" Rainbow Dash stomped her hoof with Verglas at her side. The mute pony nodded agreeing too what was said, Coco simply stared at the two ponies with a emotionless stare. The two groups had met just a moment ago by chance and Coco had acted a bit harsh a moment ago. "She tried to break my arm!" Sunset looked to the rainbow maned pony and then too Coco Pommel with a shake of her head she placed her shotgun on the floor with a smile.

"To be fair you did swing a big pipe at her, Rainbow. I know how it seems but she really seems to want to help! I mean she has not killed me or continued to try to do so with you." The unicorn looked to Coco and gave a nervous smile now as she was still not sure if she was right about her. "Try calming down for just a second, Rainbow" Coco smirked and placed a hoof on her own shoulder wiping it off lady like as too mock Rainbow. The Pegasus grunted and took a deep breath trying to keep her cool now.

"Okay! Fine! I guess your are right about that. She isn't killing us all right now...I still don't trust it though"

"You living, breathing, feeling ponies~ When will you just listen and trust what knows and can do more than you?" Coco smirked in a taunting way to try and set off Rainbow Dash. "I was only being defensive and your lucky. I could have broken your arm right off your body" the robotic mare flicked back her mane and drifted a hoof across her chest in a slow yet somewhat sexual way. "We don't have time now for this...we really should be going if we wanna survive" Verglas glanced at the robot and then too her friend Rainbow Dash. The mute mare looked confused and a bit worried. She at this point had not seen any good on the station. Only death and liars trying to best you too get their way out. "So Rainbow horse? Can we get going or are you going to continue to stand in my way?"

"I wanna! I should! Fine! I will follow you but only because us ponies" Rainbow stepped forward and next to Sunset Shimmer placing her wing over the unicorns back. "Have to stick together~" The Pegasus glared at Coco and the android giggled walking past now heading down the dark hallway. RD leaned over and whispered into Sunset's ear very quietly. "I already didn't trust you but if your right about her consider our thin blood to thicken okay?" They all agreed that together they were better and alone they would surely die. Following the android now Sunset Shimmer looked around now that they had solved that issue. The ship was still very dark and only a few backup lightings were still functioning because most of them appeared to be smashed. Bodies were on the floor flat or leaning up against a wall. Holes, missing limbs or bullet holes. They were dead and more were dyeing in this hell. She wasn't thinking about all that however, her mind was on her alicorn friend that she had abandoned on the ship. She wasn't sure if she did it out of panic or to save herself but she felt really shitty for it.

"I am so sorry, Twilight, I hope your alright...." She bit her lower lip and closed her eyes following everypony by listening as she thought to herself. Her heart began to beat fast as she realized her feeling now. The unicorn knew how Twilight felt back at Valuntas and even before all that. She used that feeling to hurt her while still working for Weyland but now that she had separated from that past and into the light she realized it. "I love you..."

The troop slammed up against the wall as the large hybrid alien impaled the stallion to the wall with its large tail. The creature had just broken free from its prison and it immediately proceeded too kill what was there. Blood began to spill onto the metallic floor as death began to show in the stallions eyes. He looked up too the creature dropping his weapon too the floor. The Xenomorph was like nothing born but it was created. It was large and aggressive as it moved its large head to face the marine. Its dome head was broader than normal but its face was much like a ranger or spitter alien. Opening its maw the creatures dagger like tongue smashed out and into the pony's head before yanking its dagger tongue out it ripped the end of its tail out of the now lifeless body of the stallion. The alien let out a large scream that echoed up into the vents and out an entrance of one not too far away. Iron Will rushed by it and Gallants was flying as fast as he could to catch up.

"Gallants!! What is going on! Tell me you son of a bitch" Iron Will was holding Twilight close as she was too weak too move. Gallants gave one big flap and he was now flying side by side with the large Will. They took a quick turn and as they did all the light shot back on and they quickly turned red and began to flash fast. The red light beating down on them making it a bit hard to see in front of them, Twilight groaned and used a wing to cover her face. Her wings looked as bad as she did. She was all dirty, smoke, dust, and more rested on her body and the right side of her face was a bit scratched up. Her wings had a few split ends and some were gone completely.

"Oh god! OH GOD! This is not good we are going to die!" Gallants was stopped as the hand of Iron Will brought him to a halt pinning him against a wall while still holding Twilight Sparkle in his cradled of his other arm as he held Gallants against the wall. "Iron Will! We are going to die and its all Weyland. Everything is his fault and we are all going to die because of it!" Iron Will stared down into the griffons eyes with a death stare.

"Tell me whats coming...WHAT was going on in that LAB!!" Gallants gulped calming down a bit as he looked at the resting alicorn. He looked back to Iron Will and nodded agreeing to speak about it. Iron Will let him go and stepped back to give him a bit of space to breath after being so close.

"We made our own alien...a xenomorph beyond others. We call it Shadow and that warning that just went off means the creature has escaped and that means we are all going to be killed from it" Looking away the griffon reached into his coat pocket of his lab coat and smiled pulling out a picture of a girl griffon. She was the same one from the picture on a desk, she was as white as snow and had head and wing feathers that were a bright blue. "We locked it up, you may be wondering why but it is very simple. The xeno we made is not like one that is born...in fact it doesn't even know what it is. It is so aggressive and hostile that it kills other Xenomorphs!" Iron Will looked to Twilight and moved a segment of her mane out of her eyes and then looked to Gallants a bit teary eyed.

"Can she stop it? She can stop the other xenomorphs...can she stop this one? Or will it kill her?" Gallants turned back too look at the once great captain of the station Valuntas. "Gallants? Tell me she is going to be okay!" The griffon shook his head and folded up the picture of the female and put it back in his pocket.

"I am afraid not, it wouldn't even listen too the true Queen if met face too face with the great mother. I don't think it would listen too a pony who just holds the abilities of commanding aliens. It will try and kill her like she were just another helpless prey for it too feast on and it doesn't know when too stop killing, I'm sorry but none of us are safe, not in this small quarantined area..." Iron Will lowered his head and looked back down to the alicorn and sighed softly. "We need to get off this station as soon as we can. We need to forget about taking this fight to Weyland himself because it is not going to work. We need to call off this mission, Iron Will..."

"Shut up! I know what is at stake and I will handle it!" Weyland threw the weapon aside as two dead stallion were on the floor with bullets in their heads. "Anypony else wanna question me? Anypony? No I did not think so! I will take care of Twilight Sparkle and her friends and the rest of you will take out Shadow~" Weyland groaned as his troops nodded to the words that he spoke. "Twilight has the abilities just like I knew she would and with those we will finally achieve what we have always wanted." The troops looked around and the doors opened as more troops came into the room readying their weapons for battle. "The perfect weapon! With her we will control every Xenomorph we capture! Now lets go get her"

Throughout the station thick black substances were forming on the wall, the xenomorphs were creating a hive and it was in the depths of that hive that the Queen would be. The Weyland forces would be going there to find the Mothering Queen and Shadow. They all knew that this meant their lives would be on the line! Coco, Sunset, Rainbow, and Verglas were heading the same way unknowing of what was going to happen. Iron Will, Gallants, and Twilight Sparkle were originally heading the other way to break the quarantine but were now at a stand still wondering if it would be best too just escape the station and forget the plan too take down Weyaland. The Xenomorphs were at this time retreating back into the hive areas of the locked down area as food was far too nothing because the quarantine area was so small compared to the rest of the ship. Gallants leaned up against the wall waiting for Iron Will to call off the mission. A tear formed in his eye as Twilight spoke now instead.

"We are going to continue this...if we done Weyland lives. If you wanna go you can Gallants...I will go by myself if the two of you decide not too come with me. I will not stop until Gallants is finally dead because I do not want this madness to continue from this! Lets finish this"