• Published 17th May 2016
  • 2,068 Views, 108 Comments

Alien: Twilights Final Chapter - TwiRaptor

"You showed me to love, you showed me to trust, and you showed me to fight my fear. Most of all you have taught me how to kill you and thats what I am going to do!"

  • ...

New Mission

Author's Note:

Flashbacks will be color coded so you know when we are talking about the past, I will use the following colors that go with the characters who are remembering the flashback
Twilight Sparkle
Sunset Shimmer
White Lightning
Every Other OC

Coco slammed the stallion up against the wall narrowing her robotic eyes as she stared into the pony's eyes. She grinned pushing him up and beginning to crush his bones. The android began to giggle as her nature was much different than the nicer version of herself that was located on Fortwaid. The stallion began to kick and choke as his rip gage snapped and began to puncture his lungs. Letting him go now Coco giggled more and leaned down to speak in the dieing ponies ear in a soft robotic voice.

"Next time...don't bump into me. If you get a next time, sir" Coco stuck out her tongue and in a sadistic manner slowly she slide the rough robotic surface of it against the stallions ear. "With a little bit of time maybe you can crawl for help before they get you, I assure you that they will not be leaving you alone. Prime mission is too keep specimens on board" Coco batted her eyelashes and began to walk away leaving the dieing stallion behind. "I don't have time to deal with the pathlessness of your nature." The android rolled her red eyes and pressed her hoof on a hoof scanner opening a lab door. Stepping inside her eyes ignited with light to light her way in the very dark room, "Keep them all on board the station...." her hoof drifted across a panel in the room and she began to grin as she stopped hover over on of the buttons. "Hope you can see in the dark.....Twilight~" pressing her hoof down the station halls began to go dark and every light going black. The power to every door going down causing all the exits and entrances too burst open except for the ones leading out of the Quarantine. Sunset stopped and soon followed Iron Will as he raised his hand and placed the other against Twilight's chest to bring her too a stop. The minotaur grunted and his ear twitched as he began to listen to the surroundings as the ship went dark.

"She is trying to make this harder on us! Lets not stay here and wait to see what comes in the dark, the walls have been talking enough with the lights on. You know with aliens coming out and killing everypony, I don't want too see what happens when the lights are off" Iron Will looked around and then too Twilight. She was beginning to wobble in her steps looking sleepy. "Twilight? Twilight are you alright?" Twilight looked over too Sunset and then too Iron will before shaking her head side to side slowly. She gave way and fell too the floor. Sunset's eyes widened and she looked around knowing that with somepony down they were all at risk of death. Captain Will slid to her on his knees and placed his hand under the alicorn chin. "I think she is dehydrated! Knocked her out...." Iron Will turned around and saw Sunset Shimmer was gone. "Sunset?" He got up and looked around for the unicorn. "SUNSET!!??" Iron Will looked over and Twilight was already pushing herself up off the ground with a hoof on her chest. The alicorn wasn't looking so good.

"I knew she would go. Let her go...." Twilight grunted standing up, she used her magic to pick up her weapon. "I always told everypony it was because of work, heh, it wasn't the truth. It was because of me she left me there." Iron Will was unsure what was going on at this point but he helped her stay stable on her hooves. "I came all the way up here into space to fix that day...." Twilight closed her eyes and the tears began to roll down her cheeks as they moved down the hallway. "I will never forget that day"

Twilight beamed a bright smile over too Sunset as they finally arrived at the fair. Everything seemed perfect for her and the unicorn, Twilight giggled after her display of happiness as she now moved over too stand with Sunset. The unicorn gave a faint smile back and they both moved deeper into the crowed. The theme of the fair was mostly based off of Starswirl the Bearded and Twilight seemed to not stop talking about him. Sunset rolled her eyes as she really didn't care a whole lot about the famous unicorn but she knew Twilight liked him. He was her idol and too Sunset it was just annoying.

"Hey Twilight, how about we try that ride? I mean it could be fun! How about we give it a shot" Sunset spoke in a very happy tone now as she stopped by the ride. The rides is why she was here, not to feel embarrassed all day while around the nerdy alicorn who seemed to not stop boasting about Starswirl. "Come on lets try it!" Twilight stopped and looked up at it and she looked very hesitant.

"I don't know Sunset..." Twilight's ears pinned back and she turned to look the other way, it was a book signing and she really wanted her book signed. Of course it wouldn't be Starswirled himself signing but it would mean allot to her anyways. "Can I get this signed first?" Twilight turned back hoping for a yes. Sunset narrowed her eyes and nodded but she didn't look happy about it. They both headed over to the book signing and the line was long. Sunset groaned now fearful she would be standing her all day. They waited and waited now and the line seemed to grow instead of shrink.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me...I am going to be stuck here all day?" Sunset mumbled to herself so Twilight couldn't hear. The unicorn was self centered at this point and then she felt a hoof touch her trying to get her attention. Turning around it was Soarin trying to get her to come on a ride now with him. Sunset smiled and looked too Twilight and nodded as she was not looking. "She won't even notice....the nerd will be here all day anyways. Lets get the heck out of here..." Sunset smiled and walked off.

"I told everypony that she never showed up to make it seem better" Twilight opened her eyes and she was now sitting in a room with Iron Will. He looked at her and nodded as she continued. "I lied to make it seem like it wasn't because of me and her not clicking anymore. She stopped talking to me after that day. I wasn't a very good friend in the end, I focused on other things instead of her." Twilight sniffled and shook her head as the tears began to flow down her cheek. "She stopped being my friend because of me! I lied and made her look like a bad pony! My friends hate her because of the story I told, the fake story I told!" Twilight coughed and her tears made her cheeks wet. The truth was now revealed. She had to mend a friendship because of a lie, a lie that broke the trust.

"MAKE IT STOP!!!" Rainbow pressed against the door with Verglas by her side. The Warrior Xenomorph on the other end was slamming its head repeatedly against the door trying to break it down. The door was not strong and was starting to creek as if going to give way. "We are dead!! We are fucking dead!" The alien's tail then slide between the two mares having stabbed through the metal door. With a loud screech the creature then backed away. Rainbow backed away slowly as the banging stopped, a hole was now in the door and she couldn't see anything on the other side now. "Is...Is it gone? Did it give up?" Verglas tilted her head unsure, unable too speak she shook her head thinking it would come back. The mares then took off running as a more elongated head smashed through the hole. The alien growled shooting its long tongue out as if trying to bite at them. "RUN!!" The alien then ripped open a hole big enough for it to get through. It crawled through and hissed as more followed, it was a runner. The runner then started to run after Rainbow but she had already made it too the other door and was closing it behind her, the alien leaped in a final hope to catch her but it slammed up into the now closed door.

"Well, well, well....were is it you might be running off too?" Rainbow turned around as a voice spoke to her, the sound of a shotgun also rang in the room. "Turn slower or your dead! Don't test me in these times~" It was a Weyland Troop and her had a large cut on his arm and one on his face. Rainbow huffed and Verglas just kept quiet because it was all she could do. "Who's the mute?"

"None of your business man, I saw what you guys are doing. You tried to hurt my friend Twilight!" Rainbow snarled and the troop chuckled lowering his gun nodding. He knew what he was doing was bad, the stallion coughed and brushed himself off. "Please, lets not make this messy. I just want to get out of here and too my family." Rainbow raised a brow and the stallion almost began to laugh a bit. "Lower your hooves I am not going to arrest or shoot you. I want to help you actually" Verglas's ears pinned back and she looked to RD confused on too what was actually going on.

"What are you...you ..." Rainbow froze and shook her head clearing her head to start over, "What are you talking about? I saw a bunch of your troops getting all crazy about some code, Xen4..6...something!" Rainbow growled and looked over at the stallion and he shook his head and quickly jumped in too correct her.

"Code Xen43-19! If your going to say it please know what your talking about and what it is called"

"I don't care what it is called!! Troops like you tried to take my friend because of it!" Rainbow stepped forward and he raised his shotgun again and shook his head. She stepped back and flicked her mane out f her face, it had a bit more red than normal from all the bloodshed she had been through. "Listen, we just wanna get out of here. That and I want to know what the hell is going on! What are those things!" The stallion tossed his weapon aside and smiled. "What?"

"If I tell you..will you trust me? I just wanna get out of here too and get to my family. My daughter~" Rainbow and Verglas both looked at each other. They both wanted to know what was going on and what those things were so they both nodded in agreement.

"Yes~ We will trust you. You have to tell us everything you know"

"Twilight! Its time to let go of those things. There are far greater things at risk right now...lives are on the line, me and you could die, Weyland is winning!" Iron Will stood up and stomped his hoof in anger as the Alicorn continued to start doubting herself. "Twilight please!" Twilight sniffed and stood up once again pressing her head on the wall shaking her head. "The more we sit here the more likely those things are too come. You know what they will do once they find us! They will kill us! Rip our limbs off!" The minotaur grunted and looked at her picking up his lead pipe again. "Or maybe if we are lucky they will come in here and we can all have a tea party until things blow over!"

"Will, please, I am just thinking right now. I don't know what too do because the more we walk the more I can hear them. There are thousands of them by now and its just not safe anywhere! I just don't feel the same anymore...I don't feel normal" Iron Will raised a brow and walked over to her placing his hand on her head.

"Twilight how could anypony feel normal anymore? With all this death and chaos?" Twilight nodded agreeing that his words made sense, how could anypony feel normal. "Twilight we have a mission to do and your the one who will make it happen. We are going to bring down Weyland! The whole damn organization and Weyland himself! You are going to take what they have done too them and show them what happens when you mess with us, what happens when you think you have all the power in the world" Iron Will smiled and backed up to give her space. "Twilight your going to show the world Weyland is responsible for this..." Twilight looked over and smiled.

"How are we going to do it though? I hear nopony has ever actually seen Weyland. Nopony has even heard his voice!" Twilight looked out the window and a Xenomorph was now pacing the hall looking inside the room. "We might bring the corporation down but how do we stop a stallion nopony has ever met?" Twilight flinched as the sound of a speaker inside the room turned on.

"Oh Twilight~ I wouldn't say nopony has ever met him" Gallants stepped out into the open and tossed down his clipboard. He had this look of revenge in his eyes and a gun strapped to his side. "I have met him and you know...I think he is actually worried you might actually succeed in bringing him down" Iron Will raised his lead pipe ready to fight. Twilight gasped as she saw the griffon. He didn't look too good from the last time she spoke too him. His cracked beak was bloody and he had a few cuts along the side of his face. "You know.....I tried so hard to keep my lie hidden but he doesn't want me lying to you anymore. I work for him, the spy thing I told you was a lie!" Gallants grunted and started slowly unstrapping the gun from his side. " I think he wants you alive~ I think it would be more fun too see you die"

"Gallants! Stop wait!" Twilight saw the gun raise and she quickly drew her revolver pointing it at him. The two stood their at a standstill. "Gallants please...why are you doing this now? You don't need to kill anypony" Twilight shook as she was not willing too pull the trigger. Iron Will stood by Twilight's side and looked ready to pound his pipe in the birds head.

"Twilight you don't have the guts too pull that trigger on me~ I know you enough now too see that" Gallants growled and the Xenomorph that was pacing a moment ago was now gone. Twilight sniffled and began to shake more aiming the weapon at the scientist, she was able to see him as a future friend. She trusted him once.

"Gallants please, we don't have too do this. You don't have too do this~"

"Twilight! He wants you alive! I have to do this if he is too loose this battle" Gallants raised his weapon and aimed it at Twilight, "I have too do this!!" Twilight closed her eyes as the weapon was aimed at her. Gallants was fixed too shoot and it was something that seemed unavoidable at this point. "I have to kill you!"