• Published 17th May 2016
  • 2,068 Views, 108 Comments

Alien: Twilights Final Chapter - TwiRaptor

"You showed me to love, you showed me to trust, and you showed me to fight my fear. Most of all you have taught me how to kill you and thats what I am going to do!"

  • ...

The Mothering Queen

Cadence was slowly opening her eyes as sparks fell from above her, the area was very dark, wet, and she couldn't move but something was tugging on something near her she could feel it now. She looked around and she was plastered against the wall with wide eyes she knew where she was now. Eggs were resting on the floor all around her and the pony who was tugging to get her out, Moon Dusts. Cadence let out a loud squeal as she saw all the closed eggs. Closed means they could open so the large alicorn moved her head the best she could but slowly to speak to Moon Dusts. Moon was having a very hard time getting a grip on the substance that had Cadence stuck up on the wall for harvest.

"Moonie Dear, I would actually really be happy if you would stop moving so much" Cadence moved to look with her eyes to see that the eggs were still at a closed state. "Your going to wake one up and when one opens they all seem to open. These things can sense motion from some tests we did, so stop moving and lets think" Moon stopped and cleared her throat and for the first time ever of her and Cadence knowing each other. Moon Dusts was sober and you could tell by her expression of being very irritated on her face.

"Wait! You actually participated in tests while we were suppose to be spying on everything going on here? We want evidence that can put Weyland out of business not help him do what ever it was they were doing here" Moon stepped back and turned away too look at all the eggs, they were sitting in water too stay cool at their bases as too not overheat. Cadence lowered her head slowly, everything she was doing she was doing very slowly as to make sure she would not set off one of the trap eggs.

"I think THIS will do more than put him out of business, Moon, this will be worth death. We are trying to make a difference and we are going to finish what we came here to do when we arrived. First we need to get me out of this stuff" Moon nodded and she thought for a moment as too how though. If she had too keep movement to a very small amount how would she help Cadence get down? It took Moon a bit but she had an idea that would start slow and end fast, if they were lucky this move would not set off any eggs or draw any adult alien attention too their area. Moon reached out to the slime that held Cadence and griped the toughest point and then slowly leaned back with all her weigh. She placed her back hooves tight on the wall and pulled. A large cracking sound came from the wall as the slime began to separate, the strands were coming loose and it appeared all was well. Moon pulled more and Cadence stayed perfectly still as to not make this harder and as the final segment was coming loose a louder crack and the slime ripped from the wall. Moon slammed against the floor and Cadence fell from the wall as she was set free. They both got up quickly and looked, the eggs were still motionless and closed.

"It worked! Ha I actually thought of something and it worked. Perhaps I should drink less so I can think more straight?" Moon was happy too see she was able to get Cadence down and she expressed that with a smile. Cadence unzipped her Weyland outfit and used her magic too pull her mane back as she pulled the suit off revealing her true outfit. The outfit had words across the chest and back that said, Seegson Security.

"Yes Moon, it worked, I am very grateful but now we have too go before our good luck quickly fades" Cadence's magic faded and her mane flopped down back onto her neck and back. She smiled and then the sound of something moving, the sound of many things moving. They both looked back too the eggs and one opened with a little alien screech coming from it. After one came another and then another, Cadence stepped back and looked around quickly for an exit and it was on the other end of the room. "Perhaps I spoke too soon! Run!!" The eggs were open and the both took off through the small nesting area too get too the door. Facehugger limbs were wiggling their way out of the eggs violently as the could sense the ponies near them and they all wanted some. Cadence reached to door and ran inside ready too seal it, five huggers jumped up and out towards them and Moon made it inside the door. Cadence quickly sealed the door and the sound of the little creatures could be heard as they slammed and wiggled up against the door wanting inside.

Sunset was turned away now as they had come across Rarity and Applejack, Rainbow Dash was talking to them right now and she knew that she would have not choice but to tell them soon. They had too know its their sisters! Sunset didn't know what to say or how they would react, she didn't want to break their strengths, she wanted them too keep fighting to survive and was unsure if telling them right now was a good idea. The unicorn looked at them now and sighed, they needed to know, they needed to know the truth about their sisters and the fates they had met. Sunset couldn't help but smile here though, Rarity, Applejack, they were not alone. In the room was a large group of ponies who had survived so far. They were always talking quietly, they made it clear that this is how they have survived so long. They were a quiet group and those who were loud were usually the ones too die.

"Oh I wish Twilight was here...she would be able to break this news better than me. I have to do it! They need to know, I just hope Twilight is okay..." Sunset lowered her head as she was ready to speak to AJ and Rarity now. As this was all going on Gallants, Twilight, and Iron Will were heading deeper into the hive. Gallants was reaching out too Twilight pleading her too turn around so they could leave.

"Twilight please! I think I found a functioning escape pod! Huh! come on doesn't that sound better than what you are doing!?" Twilight ignored this knowing very well there was no pod, she kept pushing deeper into the hive. Her chest was throbbing in pain as she pushed deeper. "Twilight come on! Where you even listening to yourself back there? This is fucking crazy!!" Gallants quickly flew up too stop her as he landed in front of her bringing her to a halt. Twilight groaned and flared her wings quickly stomping a hoof at the Griffon. "Twilight!"

"Gallants!!" Twilight said quickly after her name was shouted, she shook her head and he shook his pushing her back with one claw.

"Twilight I cannot let you do this! This is suicide!"

"I said you didn't have too come! I am doing this with or without you, Gallants!"

"Come on! Listen to yourself! Following your heart right now is not the right thing, especially, when its leading you too the Queen! A Xenomorph has never seen its host alive before, Twilight!" Twilight walked past Gallants as he was speaking and he just continued to ramble on about what he knew about these creatures. "They might rip you apart! She might rip you apart! She is not as simple minded or one mind set based. She can think and she will surely start thinking when she sees you!" Gallants was stopped as he felt the firm hand of Iron Will touch his shoulder. He looked back to see him slowly shaking his head then he walked off to follow Twilight. Gallant's jaw dropped and he stomped a foot. "Iron Will! Your going to follow her!?"

"I am not going to stop a mare on a mission, Gallants, if she thinks this will end Weyland...hell I am up for anything buddy" Iron Will looked back briefly too say this. Gallants agreed it would be nice too see the company fall for its horrible crimes against Equestria but he didn't want to see more death and blood spill. He believed this is what would happen if they went too the Queens Chamber. Gallants jumped as a loud hiss echoed from behind him. He quickly scooted closer to Twilight catching up too her so that if that was an alien she could keep him safe. "Whats the matter Gallants? Xenomorph making you all girly? Do you need Twilight to hug you?" Gallants shook his head and sucked up his pride and quickly he used his feathers to give Iron Will the finger.

"Fuck you Iron Will.....you bitch..." Gallants sucked his pride up again as he realized he sounded like the bitch with that remark. Twilight stopped as they were reaching a turn into the main part of the lab, she placed her hoof over her chest and groaned loudly with pain. She nodded and looked to the turn.

"There...we are....here..." Iron Will and Gallants were right behind her now as she took the turn, the room was large, sounds of movement everywhere as they entered. The walls were pitch black and a thick fog was drifting across the floor and Twilight was greeted by the sounds of hissing Xenomorphs and Gallants wanted too run once he saw the hundreds of them crawling around the area. "Oh my Celestia....I have never seen so many of them" Twilight looked around with tears in her eyes knowing that these things busted from somepony and that thought made her very sad. As they walked deeper into the room they were halted as a large sharp black object rose up from the mist and the tip pressed up against Twilight's chin, it was the end of a tail, a very big tail. Twilight gulped and she felt warm inside as she saw what was on the other end. A very large head leaned towards Twilight , the carapace was huge and designed and stood out like a crown. The Queen removed the sharp end away from Twilight's throat and with a deep growl two large Xenomorphs fell down from the ceiling. They had heads much like the queen did but they were much smaller.

"Pretorians....Twilight I think we should go..." Gallants slowly pulled his shotgun off his back and Iron Will readied his lead pipe. "Twilight she doesn't seem happy..." The alicorn just stared as the guard like aliens slowly approached opening their jaws as the Queen let out a loud hiss the large alien looked uncomfortable and the rest of the xenomorphs began to screech loudly as she did. "TWILIGHT!!"

Everypony began to scream as their safe haven was now being invaded, Weyland troops rushing in firring their weapons out the door as the Xenomorphs were rushing trying to get inside. Sunset was with Rainbow against the wall for the first time hoping the troops could hold the ground from the aliens. The aliens were fast, runners, spitters, warriors, some that were not recognizable at this point. There were so many of them and they all wanted the food that was inside and that was every life in there. The troops were screaming, shooting, some pulled out the door from being too close to never be seen again.

"Fuuuuuuuck!!! FUCK!!" Sunset screamed closing her eyes and the doors were finally closing too keep the aliens out, some of the troops pulled out welders to weld the ventilations off. The aliens growling and some where already climbing up the vent accesses outside the room in attempt to beat the soldiers on the vent situation. The troops were welding when one of the vents opened up and a xeno reached down pulling one soldier up. All the vents at this point were sealed so the remaining soldiers ran over and shot up the ventilation shaft in order to scare the creature of so they could seal this last one up. "Rainbow!! Rarity! Applejack! Are you all alright!?" Sunset looked around and everypony was in a big mix up of fear. She didn't even get the chance to speak to AJ or Rarity because the aliens showed up out of nowhere. So did the troops and everything after that was pretty much pure chaos. Sunset could see out one of the windows just barely as the Warrior Xenomorphs were slamming up against them, she could see drones holding down the ponies that were pulled out keeping them still for facehuggers to climb on up to the face and latch on. The sight was enough to make her jump and close her eyes to prevent from seeing more. As the commotion was coming to a stop one of the soldier radios went off and what was said made Sunsets eyes shoot open.

"The Queen is on the move! She has fled and is moving! She is so fucking fast and is ponding right through everything that we throw in her way, over" The reciever of this call quickly without hesitation responded with stress in his voice.

"W-What! Well stop her from moving! We can't have her....FUCK! We cannot let her move AGAIN! Do not let her get away this time!" Sunset did her best to listen and stay hidden, last Weyland troops tried to take her into the force to fight. She didn't know if that was still a thing on the Weyland schedule or not. The Xenomorphs outside were still trying as hard as they could to get in, hitting the thick glass with their tails and scratching the walls as they growled and screamed for blood. Just then two loud footsteps were heard just outside the door and a long tail smashed right through the middle of it ripping a hole in it. As it pulled out two hand reached in and started to slowly pull to the sides opening the door slowly. "Pretorian!!! Fire! FIRE!! Shoot it now!"


Twilight groaned now as she was shoved with the weapon to move further down the hallway. Iron Will was expressionless on the face and Gallants was the same as the troops escorted them down the hallway. The Queen had fled when the troops showed up and the aliens around her fled with her. Twilight and her group were taken from there by these guys and who knows where they planned on taking her and them. Twilight's pistol was holstered in one of the soldiers belt and she was keeping her eyes on it ready to grab for it. One of the members of the squad was on the radio with somepony talking about Twilight.

"We have her sir! Yes we are bringing her to the exit of the zone and she is safe. We have some friends of hers too but are unsure what to do with them" Twilight mumbled to herself, the mare used to only think kindly. Desire friendship and care about everypony but sense the events of Valuntas Station all the way too this very moment she just didn't care anymore. They were arriving at a sealed door now as she listened. "We are at the exit now, orders?"

"Kill the other two and bring her too me"

"Yes sir!" Gallants and Iron Will both jumped a bit and Twilight shook her head as the troops were readying the weapons, Twilight sniffled not wanting to cry anymore, not wanting to hurt anymore, she did not want to see death. "Sorry fellas, your not important to the operation" Twilight's horn quickly ignited with magic and she pulled her pistol from the stallions holster and shot him in the side of the head. The blood landed on her face and she was ready to shoot the second target but the but of the stallions weapon smashed her in the face and too the ground.

"GAHHH!! Your evil! All of you!" Twilight cursed as she stared at the remaining troop, the stallion laughed and pointed at Iron Will who was kneeling down by a limp Gallants. Twilight froze and she shook her head once again, slowly, "No..No...GALLANTS!!" Twilight got up and the soldier aimed his weapon at her. "You son of a bitch!!" Twilight had a look in her eyes like no other she had ever given before. She sniffled trying her best not to look at the blood that was now pooling under Gallants. "He was one of you! He worked for Wey U and you killed him! You killed one of your own!" Iron Will slowly stood up and clenched his fists he wanted to hurt, he wanted to make the stallion pay. Twilight stood up and tossed her weapon aside. "Come on!!! You think your so tough!!! HUH!!" The alicorns horn began to glow a bright green color and following was a loud evil hiss coming from the vents. "Well lets see how you like it!!"

"Twilight no!!" Iron Will reached out but it was too late, a large drone Xenomorph thumped down and landed before the soldier placing its hands on the stallions head lifting him up, "Oh no...Twilight....." Twilight's horn was glowing brightly and the alien slowly used its tail shoving it deep into the ponies ribs making it slow before finally putting the pony down with a dagger stab to the face. The alien let go of the stallion before walking off down the hall ignoring Twilight and Iron Will. Then a voice that made Twilight's eyes widen boomed on the speaker near the door and a camera turned to her.

"A wonderful show of control, Twilight, just what I wanted to see...I am Weyland and it is a pleasure to finally introduce myself as such!" Twilight knew the voice. She knew who that was and Twilight backed up and shook her head, to her this was getting old. Vents creaking, ponies dyeing, fear spread over an unimaginable scale. Twilight pulled up the pistol again just too throw it back on the ground and quickly hit her chest with a hoof. She let out a long scream and pressed up against the wall, she was pissed that this kept happening to her. Xenomorphs were on the top of her shit list, because of these creatures she had nothing left, nothing to live for, because of them she lost the will to trust, love, and care about herself. Now she was able to control those monsters and Weyland wanted her.

"COME ON!! What are you waiting for!" Twilight stomped a hoof and growled hearing the creatures move around, she narrowed her eyes and began to walk forward. "Huh! What else is there you need to destroy! What else do you need to kill before you finally kill ME!!" Twilight kicked the gun she had thrown down farther away and yelled again to the point everypony could probably hear her, if there was anypony left. "COME GET ME YOU PARASITIC BASTURDS!!" Twilight waited and that's when she heard the noise she had been waiting for. It sounded like a whole hive as the entire area was now filled with echoing hisses and growls. Twilight stood still as she saw one alien tail slowly lower from the ceiling just inches from her face. She wasn't entirely scared anymore than she was pissed at the sight of the creatures. This one was a warrior, she had seen them all practically at this point and could name them off like a preschooler names off zoo animals. The Ridged Warrior dropped to the floor in front of her and let out a loud hiss as its tail began to wag back and forth and it was soon joined by two more aliens. Twilight took a couple steps back and growled back at them, "Come on...lets go do this...hmmm, you wanna eat don't ya! Well lets go eat! Come on now" Twilight began to speak with them as she backed up and they slowly followed and they looked just as ready to pounce on her and take a bite as she made her way to the locked doors. The creatures, primitive and killing machines were still precise and sometimes waited to strike, sometimes when you feel your safe, your not. The speaker came on and it was Weyland again. Twilight was teasing and trying to anger the aliens and it was working they seemed to be hesitant but maybe it was enough to get them to chase her. Iron Will moved behind her and against the door.

"You don't have too do this, Twilight, we can work together and end this as a team. You want a better worlds just as much as I do and together I see it more than a theory but instead I see it as a possibility" Twilight shook her head as he continued to talk to her, she didn't want to listen to him anymore, he was wrong.

"No! I won't believe that! You lied to me...you made me believe in you! You took my faith and threw it away like the rest of them" Twilight actually teared up and reached for the door switch. "I can't do this again"

"Twilight, listen, you know as well as I do that I am the reason your alive! Without me...where would you be, you would have that Empress still inside your chest and you would be dead! DEAD!!" The voice was now screaming, "DON"T PRES THAT BUTTON~!!" Twilight closed her eyes as the aliens were hissing loudly, it was a large mixture of death now and she shook her head again.

"Goodbye..." Twilight spoke and Iron Will readied himself to enter the door, she hit the button and the door flew open.

"Run Twilight!" Iron Will screamed and the aliens took off after her, she had angered them enough this time to get a reaction that was not loyal to her. However as they left the quarantine area the door shut and a butt of a gun slammed into her face then Iron Wills. She was so close and now she was in safety while others were still in there dyeing! Twilight rubbed her nose as it began to bleed and two white hooves stepped in front of her face and she teared up disappointed that she was right. Weyland chuckled and she began to cry.

"Welcome to safety....Twilight"