• Published 17th May 2016
  • 2,063 Views, 108 Comments

Alien: Twilights Final Chapter - TwiRaptor

"You showed me to love, you showed me to trust, and you showed me to fight my fear. Most of all you have taught me how to kill you and thats what I am going to do!"

  • ...

Meeting Weyland

Author's Note:

I have decided to keep the color code for you from now on in an note, just in case so that will help you out a bit :D
This chapter was shorter than I wanted it to be but it needed to be so the next chapter could be longer. The authors notes are important and my next will be maybe the most important and the next chapter? Well lets just say it will chest opening (eye opening)
Flashback color code
Twilight Sparkle
Sunset Shimmer
White Lightning
Every Other OC

After you read, there is more too know and more to be revealed. In death or in fight it will be revealed in the coming chapter, Twilight's Final Chapter!

Twilight slowly pushed herself up to be face to face with the stallion she didn't know how or why but she was holding back tears because of it. The Alicorn backed away from Weyland and spit a bit of blood on the floor turning to her friend Iron Will helping him off the ground with her magic. She spoke to Weyland now as she made sure Will was okay.

"I cried for you, I trusted you, you made me believe in you" Twilight wiped some smoke powder off of Iron Wills face before turning to Weyland and frowning. "How did you survive, why did you lie too me! Why would you do all this! How did you hide all of!" Twilight was silenced as the white hoof pressed against her lips to shut her up. A small tear fell from her eye and she sniffled disappointed in her self for believing the doors would stay open when she passed through them. "Why White...Why?" White Lightning set down his weapon and smiled, a small cut across his cheek and a Weyland Yutani outfit on his body.

"Twilight most things you thought you knew was and always will be a lie. I played my cards right and now you are here, did I expect you too get impregnated with a Queen? No that was not my plan and was not something I expected but now that you have her abilities we can truly build a better wor.."

"Shut up!! Your a liar!"

"Twilight, no I am not completely...listen to me maybe? Twilight your alive and so is your friend miraculously" White tapped his hoof against the floor and smiled. "How are you by the way Will? Feeling alright? I would hope so because comfort is number one priority here on Wey U Station. Until the Aliens came...Xenomorphs, non tamable, well until now" White walked up and caressed Twilight's cheek before stepping back. "Allot of what you know about me was too keep myself hidden. After all most of my workers don't know who I am! Feel lucky your one of the few to see my face~"

"Your marefriend Silverstar. You allowed her to die!" Twilight kept her eyes on her now old friend. She didn't trust any of this because he had lied to her for so long now. "You kept me alive and taught me how to fight and now I will use those skills to kill you, maybe not now but in time I will kill you"

"I will explain it too you and it is unlikely you will be the death of me, Twilight" White wiped a hoof across his chest and smiled as he walked over to the alicorn. "Lets begin shall we, when I met you, Twilie~" Twilight closed her eyes and sniffled as the story began, again.

White placed his hoof on Silverstar's cheek and smiled and she smiled back but it was quiet all around them. The Alien was not around them and they could focus on keeping White safe.

"Sister...it will be fine I promise you. I know allot about them and it is only one! I can radio a drop ship here to get me but it will be awhile and when they arrive we will be able to capture it" White spoke but was soon interrupted too the sound of a mare scream. Aiming the flame thrower he took off and she followed behind her brother. White saw a shadow of an alicorn backing away from the beast slowly approaching and he and Silverstar arrived stomping into the room.

"It's here!! it's here!!! Shoot it!!" a mare shouted as she ducked behind a the stallion allowing him to get a good attack point. The white coated stallion raised a flamethrowing from off his back, Pulling the trigger the flames launched directly at the creature and the flames went right over its back. The bright light from the flame shined all over the body of the animal. Throwing Twilight down into the boxes she was hiding behind the creature ran to the vent and jumped up inside roaring as it ran through the vent to get away from the fire. Twilight felt helpless as she lay on the ground, she was about to die and she could do nothing about it. She felt weak knowing that she needed to be saved, however, she was thankful the ponies saved her life. The two ponies run over and help Twilight to her hooves, once on her hooves one of them grabs Scootaloo. They quickly move them down the hall to a wall vent, tapping on it hard the vent opens. Pushing Twi inside and Scootaloo as well. Climbing in themselves the close and seal the vent.

"Remember that ship? The capture mission? Everything towards the end of your first chapter of this horrible mess!? I called that drop ship in hopes to get my only sister off of the rust bucket!" White looked at Iron Will and grinned seeing him get too close too the door. "Don't be trying anything you big lug" White had a very small tear in his eye but he wiped it away and chuckled "That bitch Sunset Shimmer, one of my best soldiers but she didn't know. Like I said, most of my workers have never seen my face. I never expected her too pull the trigger on my sister. I had too keep her safe by saying she was more than that, that we were not related but engaged, she was none of that but more, my sister" Twilight was taking this all in, aliens were ponding on the door trying too get in now as the three were still there talking. "Lets continue~"

"CAPTURE GASH~!! ARE THEY CRAZY!" Sunset Shimmer slammed her hoof on the ground and stared at Twilight with one eye twitching. The unicorn was not happy to hear this or to be a part of this. "That thing...Xenomorph...Gash...whatever you want to call it has killed over half the ship mostly on its own! They want to capture the thing and you are going to have us help with that!?" Twilight nods and stood up now face to face with her friend.

White looked at Sunset and Twilight slowly pulling out a radio from a shoulder strap as they were busy, he shook his head and began to mumble to himself. "Crazy is the least of our problems, dear~ It is all just part of the plan" He typed in a code that read 43-19. "Your coming back home with us, Gash"

"Xen43-19, you have heard that code before right? Well perhaps you should know its meaning from the one who invented it, me!" White nudged Twilight back until she was against the wall, his nose was now touching hers and he had a very evil glare in his eyes as he stared into her beautiful eyes. "Capture Xenomorph experement, its a code we use for escaped little tests like Gash, like you, like every unimportant hunk of shit I scrape from space" Twilight gasped a bit and slight tears formed in her eyes, she promised herself not too cry but it was hard too take when White had always been so kind to her. A friend too her but now he was nothing but cruel and evil. "Shall we move on, Twilight" White grinned and placed a hoof on the alicorns chest with a rather stranger look in his eyes as he chuckles to himself.

"Your really fucked in the head you know that don't you?" Iron Will stood up and was sent to a surrender position as White used magic to levitate his shotgun back up into the air. "Hey you can't run from the truth forever...." Twilight looked over with her eyes too her friend Will and shook her head. It was not the time for him to spit out his usual cocky or insulting remarks.

"Back on Fortwaid Station.."

"Twilight, I only did what I thought was right. It is my duty to make sure Weyland never falls or that the truth never gets out. Could you imagine what would happen if everypony knew what you do?" Sunset tilted her head and levitated Twilights gun up placing it back in the alicorns holster. "They would never trust Weyland again, there would be constant panic and space travel would more than likely be banned! We need the materials and money that we get from space, we also need the Xenomorph" Sunset snapped the holster shut around the gun and tightened Twilights belt. "You don't know what your doing Twilight, your going to get yourself killed" Sunset narrowed her cyan eyes at Twilight and shook her head lightly. "I get you hate me because of the things I did at Valuntas but you need to listen to me, you need to get off this station right now!" Twilight looked at her gun and stepped forward standing her ground against her old friend.

White was hidden leaning against a wall listening in on the conversation. He had a pleased look on his face too see the unicorn was not dead, he had no intent on killing her on the station and was happy to see she got away from the aliens.
"Perfect with you here things should go easy, I am not done with this yet, we need a Xenomorph. We need that scientific data back that we lost with Gash" White smiled and slowly walked off nodding to himself moving so the two did not know he was there until he decided to play innocent again he decided to stay away.

"Get away from me! Just get away!" Twilight used her magic to move White Lightning away from her so she could breath. Walking in a circle now she shook her head as the puzzle was coming together slowly. "Why did you lie all this time? I still don't understand your motive for wanting one of these creatures alive!" Iron Will stood up again and moved too Twilight's side to comfort her, a radio was buzzing on White's belt and he was just ignoring it right now. "It makes sense now too me....you were on a relaxation station too spend time with your sister, who I thought was your marefriend because of your lies. Sense your troops have not seen your face you were able to spend your quality time together"

"However your transport for Gash failed and by chance he wounded up on the station you were relaxing on" Iron Will stepped in and crossed his arms clenching his fists again. "My station! I am also going to suspect that our old friend Gash was the only Xenomorph you managed not too kill in a matter of minutes from cruel testing? So the creature was valuable and thats why you were always so hesitant on physically hurting it and was always running away or shooting fire to scare it" White nodded happy to hear that the two were starting to understand what was really going on back on Valuntas Station.

"Well I am glad your small brains are able to take this all in. I thought you were both too stupid to understand~" Twilight growled at the fact that White could even call her stupid in any way. "After Gash's tragic death saving you Twilight I had lost everything. All the data, the creature, everything was gone" Twilight used her magic to hold her necklace close to her, she looked down at it and it shine. Gash's tooth was really black now from all the events of this quarantine but she rubbed it off with her hoof and frowned remembering that moment again. "However with you infected I had a chance! I had a chance to get it all back, Twilight! With you I could get what I needed to create an army"

"But you got more now don't you? With me alive?"

"Correct, with you alive you have her genes and the ability to love ponies. With that you could lead the perfect army, with you we can end war by having the best war machine at our every will and need" White smiled and looked down at his radio, "Do you know why I am the way I am? Or how I am alive now? What is it that you question the most right now, Twilight? Did I clear up allot for you because I can tell more later but right now we should get to testing you" Twilight looked up at White and smiled nodding, she had one question and only one question. The alicorn stood up and walked over too him slowly.

"I only question on if I am going too kill you slow or fast, White!"

"Moving up on the Queen's last signal, over!" The soldiers pushed deep not sure where they were anymore. The ground was flooded and the place smelt like shit. "It is quiet and reading nothing but our own steps and movements" As they pushed deeper and deeper through what appeared to be some kind of tunnel one of the stallion pointed with his flash light.

"Xenomorph! Xenomorph!" The team moved closer now, the creature seemed to be standing very still and motionless. "What the hell is this?" The stallion placed his hoof on the statue of the alien and began to radio too headquarters. "There is allot of this down here, some kind of cocoons here. Where are the aliens?"

"Better question! where the hell is the Queen and where the hell are we!"

"Will you shut up already who knows how far off these things are. You could attract them were you taught nothing?" then there was a beep, then nothing again on the motion tracker. "Hello!?" The beep returned and then stopped, nothing again. "What the hell..." One of the soldiers took out a flare and lit it up. The flare made a loud hiss which caused the beep to return on the motion tracker but it stopped again like before.

"I don't see shit boss! Not a god damn thing is down here besides these stupid fucking!" As soon as he continued to yell the beep returned running straight for them fast. "WHAT THE FUCK!" the flare illuminated it as the alien shook around like it was having some kind of seizer. Large lumps all over its body and parts of its head cracked open oozing pockets of acid. "Shoot it!" the troop raised his weapon and the alien screamed a ear piercing scream causing them all to cover. The xenomorphs body bubbled a bit before exploding into pieces covering five of the stallions in acid melting their bodies. The blood filled screams caused some of the troops to freeze in place.

"Oh shit this is the sewers! They are in the fucking sewers! Quarantine breached! BREACHED!!" Warriors hissed from all over getting closer and closer. "This is squad four, two, one! The Queen breached the sewer system of the station. Quarantine breach over, AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A spitter jumped down from above landing on the stallion slashing its large claws across the stallions chest ripping chunks of flesh from the body.

Twilight giggled and smiled hearing the breach of the sewers ringing on Whites radio. She looked at her old friend and narrowed her eyes. White looked at her and shook his head he believed they had it handled. "She beat you, White, the queen beat you! Your station is going to fall and it is all because of your!" White silenced her knocking her too the ground and kicking her repeatedly in the side, Iron Will quickly shoved him away slamming White into the wall.

"Leave her alone you bustard! Leave her alone!" Bang! Iron Will looked down to see red leaving his body and a barrel of Twilight's pistol being levitated by White against his body. "L-Leave...her alone.."

"Remember this Iron Will, just because you lived the impossible. Which I have to admit is pretty amazing...we all have our final chapter in life and yours is now. Yours is soon, Twilight, I will get you!" the stallion looked around as the vents began to creek and rumble. Twilight lay still on the ground groaning in pain. "Fuck this! I will get you!" White ran off down the hall screaming into the radio. "Prepare the station for evacuation now! NOW!"