• Published 6th Jul 2016
  • 7,853 Views, 151 Comments

Daughter of the Crimson King - The-Black-Knight

When Twilight was born, her parents weren't who she thought they were. After an incident involving a malevolent entity, that wanted her for dark plots, they agreed to disguise her and send her away... Twenty Years Later, the past repeats itself.

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Chapter One

Chapter One

The halls of Canterlot Castle suddenly started to echo with the sounds of a foal’s cries. The Royal Guard, who dutifully stood at their posts, broke their discipline and smiled, looking in the direction of the cries. “She’s here! I can’t believe it, Princess Celestia’s heir has been born.” One guard said, barely able to withhold his excitement.

“Agreed! I bet she has her beauty.” Another guard said, looking at his counterpart. “She might even have the King’s power in the magical arts.”

“If she does, Heavy Hoof, we’ll be in trouble.” The guard said, sharing a laugh with his friend.

“Sometimes, such things are alright with me, Star Shine.” Heavy Hoof said, chuckling a bit, before a shadow flew past them. “What was that!?”

“I don’t know!” Star Shine replied, looking in the direction that the shadow went. “But it is heading straight for the Princess, quickly!” The two Royal Guards rushed after it, not wanting harm to befall their beloved Princess, or her foal.

-Castle Medical Wing-

“Congratulations, Princess! It’s a beautiful filly!” The nurse pony said, before handing the bundled up foal over to Celestia.

Princess Celestia smiled at the lavender alicorn foal, unable to hold back her joy. “She’s so beautiful.” She managed to say, in her weakened state.

“What will her name be, Princess?” The nurse asked, using her magic to summon a royal parchment. “We must add her name to the Royal Records.”

“I really wish Crimson King was here to help me decide, I never was good at making such decision.” Celestia admitted, with a giggle, as she looked out the window and saw the twilight sky of midnight… The stars were sparkling more than usual, tonight. “I think I may have one, though.” She said, noticing how these two things were appearing together, at the same time, as the mare prepared to write down the name. “Twilight Sparkle…” Celestia leaned over, and lovingly nuzzled her foal.

“A fine name for her- OH MY GOSH!” The nurse screamed, just as the shadow blew the door down, and quickly slammed her against the wall.

Celestia, too weak from giving birth, could only cover her foal protectively. “Don’t you dare come any closer, you foul creature!” She demanded, glaring at the shadow.

But the shadow ignored the order, and started to approach. It was only stopped, when two Royal Guards rushed in, and started to blast at it with their magic. “Get away from the Princess!” They both yelled, not stopping their assault.

Though, the shadow saw them more as annoyances, rather than threats. With a quick motion, both Royal Guards were whipped into the wall! It soon returned its attention back to Celestia, and her foal, letting out a dark laugh. “Finally, I’ll be able to accomplish what I’ve started, so long ago.” The shadow said, taking the form of some snake-like creature with wings.

Celestia held her foal closely, not wanting to give her up so easily. “I am warning you, stay back or I will unleash my full fury upon you!” She claimed, trying not to show how weak she was.

“Oh, dear, sweet, Celestia…. I already know that threat is a hallow one. I’ve done my research, for this very moment.” The shadow snake said, giving a hiss-like laugh. “Alicorns lose all of their power for three hours, after giving birth. I did not wish to risk a naturally born alicorn surprising me, so I choose to strike right after the birthing.” Celestia could see the dark intentions within his reptilian-like eyes, it made her skin crawl. “I am not afraid of you.”

“It isn’t her you should be afraid of.” A powerful, yet serene, voice blurted out. Before the snake could see who had spoken, he was sent flying into the wall by a massive burst of magic.

When the snake recovered, he got a good look at who just attacked him…. And really wished he hadn’t. “Y-You? B-But how! You weren’t due back for another two Equestrian Days!” the snake exclaimed, in his panic.

In the doorway, stood a crimson alicorn stallion, with a deep shade crimsion mane and tail. He was much taller than Celestia, his body was a god-like shape to most ponies. His cutie mark was a white circle, with four serpentine lines pushing out to the four directions of North, South, East, and West. But his most identifying feature, was that the alicorn only had one eye, which shifted to different colors.

“Did you really believe I would miss my daughter’s birth, for conquering wayward worlds?” The alicorn stallion asked, a magical aura starting to build up around his body. “I hope you’re ready, because I will not forgive your transgressions either.”

“No matter! I will end you myself!” The snake yelled, suddenly flying towards the alicorn.

“Typical… Overestimating your ability. Begone!” With that, the alicorn unleashed the magic he was building up. It didn’t shoot out of his horn, the blast actually came from his entire body! When it struck the snake, he squirmed in agony before suddenly disappearing in a flash of light. With a confident smirk, the alicorn made his way over to Celestia and the foal. “Are you two alright, my love?” He asked, nuzzling the Sun Princess.

“Yes, beloved… But, meet our daughter, Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia said, nuzzling the alicorn stallion back, then showed him their foal.

The alicorn smiled at Twilight, lowering his muzzle to her. “Hello, little one. It warms my heart to meet you.” He said, seeing Twilight’s violet eyes. “She has your beautiful eyes, my love.” He looked at the blushing Celestia.

“I can already sense that she has your power with magic, too.” She said, smiling at him, before what had occurred moments ago came back. “Crimson… What was that thing? I’ve never seen anything like it, in Equestria.”

Crimson King gave a concerned sigh, looking at his daughter, who was so full of innocence and potential. “I don’t know who it was, but I could tell it was a dark entity from my dimension.” He explained, looking into Celestia’s eyes. “Which fills me with great concern for our daughter.”

“What will we do, beloved? Our daughter cannot be constantly guarded, and it required you to actually defeat that thing… What if it returns, and we are not there to protect her?” Celestia asked, looking down at their foal.

“The only thing we can do… I don’t know how many could have gotten here, so I must personally close the entrance.” Crimson said, looking down at Twilight. “We must also hide our daughter, so no one would know of her.”

Celestia leaned over, and nuzzled into his neck. “Why must you punish yourself so? I’m sure your father could close the portal… Our daughter will be safe with you here.” She said, a tear forming in her eye.

“Because I cannot abandon my duties back in my own dimension… Plus, our daughter, and you, were almost taken because of my oversight.” Crimson King nuzzled her back, holding a pained expression on his face. “But I have fear for your own wellbeing, because you’ll watch our daughter grow up, unable to tell her who you really are, or comfort her like a mother would.”

Celestia could not hold her tears back any longer. “At least I’ll be able to see her, or even touch her… You won’t.” She said, pulling her head back. “B-But I understand your point. To protect our daughter, we must hide her identity.”

“Then I shall be the one to seal her power away.” Crimson said, his horn building up a red magical aura. “You are still weak from child birth. When she is ready, I am sure our daughter can break the seal, become what she is destined to be… Think of something to help her understand it, and why she has such power.” He lowered his horn, Celestia giving a nod, as the magic flowed into the small filly… Within moments, Twilight’s wings disappeared and left her to look like a normal unicorn foal.

Celestia, whose eyes were filled with tears, nuzzled the filly. “I am so sorry, my sweet, beautiful, filly.” She whispered, noticing a bright light appearing around Crimson King’s whole body, making him look transparent. “C-Crimson?” Celestia said, confused to what’s happening.

“I am returning to my own dimension, where I will break the connection.” He answered, giving his daughter one last, affectionate, nuzzle. “I’ll always love, and miss, you, my lovely daughter… My Twilight Sparkle.” Then, as if the spell was waiting for those final words, Crimson King disappeared into several bright, sparkling, lights.

“Do not worry, beloved.” Celestia looked down at her daughter, her tears finally stopping. “I’ll be sure Twilight’s life is will be as you hoped… And that she’ll have a loving home.”

-On the world known as Prospero, within the scared Pyramid of the Thousand Sons Legion-

The room was torn apart, books everywhere and a large mirror shattered. Sitting upon a large throne, was the red skinned, one-eyed, King of the Scholar’s World. Normally, the room was filled with wonder and unparalleled harmony… Now, it was replaced with a feeling of both gloom and regret.

Magnus leaned on to his left palm, unable to hold back the tears coming from his only eye. When a knock came at his door, the Primarch wiped the tears away, before speaking up. “Enter…” His voice was low, his sorrow grabbing hold of him.

The door opened up, and the Captain of the First Fellowship slowly entered. “My lord, is everything alright? When we heard something shatter, books falling, and a great ripple within the Great Ocean… Everyone became concerned for you.” Azhek asked, walking up to his Primarch.

“No, Azhek. I feel like my heart has been ripped in two.” Magnus said, trying to hide his, now, blue eye.

“What happened, my lord? Is there anything we can do?” Azhek asked, never seeing their father so… Distraught.

“No, Azhek… Because of me, I can never return to her.” Magnus replied.

Her? My lord, do you speak of that dimension you discovered? The one our Legion swore to keep secret?” He asked, the Primarch gave a slow nod. “What happened, my lord? Did some creature invade it!? If so, I will prepare the fellowships for battle!” The First Captain knew how much their father loved that dimension, and its leader. Every Thousand Son was willing to protect it, just to keep their Primarch happy.

“No, Azhek… The connection was broken, and nothing can invade it.” Magnus said, the captain giving him a confused look.

“Then… What has you so upset, father?” He asked.

Magnus actually smiled, hearing that word and imagined Twilight saying it. “Azhek… You, and your Legion Brothers, now have a baby sister. Who we can never hold, watch her play, or even hear her laugh.” He said, the First Captain suddenly feeling his heart drop at the news.

“W-What was she like, father?” Azhek asked, regretting he was not there to see her.

Magnus looked up at him, allowing Azhek to see the tears returning to the one eye of his Gene-Father. “S-She was perfect, Azhek… Absolutely perfect.” He said, the Captain lowering his head in grief. “Now, she’ll live her life not knowing her brothers… Unaware of her mother’s presence… Or what her brothers could teach her… All because I was careless and foolish!”

Azhek allowed his Primarch let it all out, unable to hold it back much longer. The Captain knew what must come next, the Legion must be informed, so that they may grieve with their father.

Due to this… Many changes occurred, which not even the Changer of Ways could have predicted. Instead of half of the Astartes Legions falling, only two fell to Chaos. The Sons of Horus, now the Black Legion, and the Word Bearers Legion, greatly outnumbered by the remaining sixteen legions. They were quickly defeated, and driven into the Warp. Horus was slain by the Emperor, with the help of Magnus’ psykic powers… The Crimson King forever swearing to never be foolish with his powers again.

But this is not the end, oh very much far from it.