• Published 6th Jul 2016
  • 7,854 Views, 151 Comments

Daughter of the Crimson King - The-Black-Knight

When Twilight was born, her parents weren't who she thought they were. After an incident involving a malevolent entity, that wanted her for dark plots, they agreed to disguise her and send her away... Twenty Years Later, the past repeats itself.

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Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen

-After the Villain Round Up-

Celestia eyed the gathered heroes, Fury, and even Azhek; and smiled. “I must thank you all, for protecting Twilight… If I understand correctly, you all did your best to ensure her safety, during this whole ordeal.” She said, still holding the smile, and bowed her head. “And for this, I am deeply indebted to you.”

While the group gave their own forms of gratitude, for her own assistance, a voice entered Celestia’s mind. “It is good to see you once more, dearest Princess… You’re still beautiful, as the day you came for a visit to Prospero.

As it is heartwarming to see you again, Azhek… Along with keeping my Twilight safe.” She replied, nodding her head to the silent Astartes.

She is, technically, the baby sister of the Thousand Sons Legion. I would protect her, no matter what.” Azhek said, before continuing. “Which reminds me, will you ever tell her?

Ironically, I plan to inform her when we go to retire.” Celestia said, having a concerned look towards the Astartes. “I’ve waited long enough, and promised myself I would do this.

Then I ask, please wait on telling her about my lord.” Azhek asked, Celestia nodding. “Thank you… It is only fair that he tells her, or I.

“Now then!” Celestia spoke up, looking at the group. “Might there be a place for us to retire? Inter-dimensional travel is most draining, along with battling right after.”

“You’re welcomed at Stark Tower… Both Twilight and Azhek already reside there.” Tony said, Celestia nodding.

“That would be wonderful, thank you.” She said, being lead to one of the Helicarrier’s transports.

-Later that Night-

Twilight, despite only suffering a few minor cuts and bruises, felt soreness all over her body. She went to her room, and quickly laid down on the comfortable bed… Not caring that her costume sat on the edge. After today’s events, Twilight really need to lay down.

“So… Found out about Peter’s ex-girlfriend, and met the murderer of said ex-girlfriend.” She said, placing a pillow over her face. “Talk about an informative day!” When a knock came at the door, Twilight shot up from her bed. “C-Come in!” She shouted, holding pillow over her lap.

The door slowly opened and Celestia, wearing a pure white robe in place of her armor, stepped in. “Resting, are we, Twilight?” She asked, smiling before closing the door. “How are you feeling?”

“Sore, but nothing serious, Princess.” Twilight ensured, the elder princess moving over to her bed. “Was there something you needed from me, Princess?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, but there is something you need from me…” She said, carefully sitting on the bedside, placing both hands on to her lap. “I… Haven’t been truthful about everything, with you.”

“What do you mean, Princess? I can’t imagine what you could have lied about? Unless, it is about telling me to use that spell, then I should be the one apologizing for misreading your letter!” Twilight said, moving next to Celestia, looking up at her.

“That is not it, Twilight.” Celestia said, taking a deep breath, trying to prepare herself for what comes next. “Twilight, what I’m about to say, is a closely guarded secret. Can I trust you to keep it?”

Twilight nodded, but then remembered something. “Of course, Princess, but one moment. Jarvis?” She called out, looking towards the door.

When Celestia was about to ask who Twilight was talking to, a voice suddenly spoke up. “Yes, Ms. Sparkle? How can I be of assistance?” The elder princess turned towards the door, and saw a panel, lit up, next to it.

“Would you mind giving Princess Celestia and me some privacy?” She asked, smiling.

Of course, Ms. Sparkle. I will inform the others to not disturb the two of you, as well.” Jarvis replied, the door suddenly locking and his panel shutting off.

“There, Jarvis will make sure we aren’t bothered.” Twilight said, with a nod, looking up at her mentor.

Celestia, assuming this ‘Jarvis’ was some kind of assistant, nodded to Twilight. “Alright… Twilight, I will start off by saying that… One cannot become an alicorn, they must be born that way.” She said, earning a confused look from the younger princess.

“How can that be? I was just a regular unicorn, before I became one.” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No, Twilight, you weren’t.” Celestia noted, earning an even more confused look. “Night Light and Twilight Velvet aren’t your real parents. After an incident, with a malevolent entity, you were put into hiding, and disguised as a regular unicorn.”

“W-What?” Twilight said, her eyes wide, as she tried to put that one together. “B-But… If that is true, and I believe it, w-who are my real parents?” She asked, trying not to believe it but Celestia has never given her any reason to doubt, or question, what the elder princess said. Her heart began to race even faster, on edge, and having a hard time to accept it… But this was Princess Celestia telling her!

For Celestia, she was starting to panic. For the first time in the immortal’s life, she felt like running away. However, something told her Azhek was right outside, to make sure she kept her promise. Unfortunately, he was. “W-Well… I can’t really tell you about your father but… Your mother on the other hand?” Twilight leaned in, on edge, to hear who her real mother is. Celestia only smiled at her.

Twilight’s eyes couldn’t go any wider. “R-Really?” She asked.

“They say both a mother and their foal share a bond… That, and there is a reason why our eyes are the same color.” Celestia said, suddenly hugging Twilight tightly. “Twilight… I have waited so long t say this… I love you, my beautiful daughter.”

Tears started to swell up in Twilight’s eyes, before she returned the hug. “I-I can’t believe this… I-It’s a dream, surely. I-I mean-…”

Her words were cut off, when Celestia kissed the top of her head. “Maybe that will help you realize this is not a dream… And this!” With that, Ceelstia playfully pinched Twilight’s leg!

Twilight jumped, and giggled, before hugging Celestia once more. “I still have a hard time believing this, though…” She admitted, the two separating.

“I know. Honestly, I thought you were going to yell at me, and kick me out of the room.” Celestia said, also giggling at the thought. “Though, I have one question and statement.” Twilight nodded, Celestia pulling her costume over and held it up. “This outfit is adorable! And… Tell me about this Peter boy?” Ok, Twilight regretted that decision now.

-Dr. Doom’s Fortress-

“So, seems like the odds have been stacked against me.” Dr. Doom said, rubbing his eyes. “There are four new problems to deal with, and they’ll be coming very soon.”

“Yes, so… Don’t you think we should prepare for them?” Green Goblin asked, eyeing the mutate. “We shouldn’t wait.”

“Who said we’ve waited? I’ve already prepared my Doombots, plus a few things I’ve acquired recently.” Dr. Doom answered, leaning into his throne. “Now, leave. I must finish the next part, in secret.” Green Goblin nodded, and left… Dr. Doom had no choice now, all his minions were either captured, or not enough. “Tzeentch!”

The shadowed snake slowly appeared, letting out a hissing laugh. “Yes, Victor?” He asked, a wicked grin on his face.

“Is your deal still on the table?” Doom asked, eyeing the snake.

“Long as I get my prize, yes.” Tzeentch said, nodding.

“Then I will accept your offer, and you’ll have your prize.” Doom agreed, a blue mist starting to surround his body, only Tzeentch’s laugh could be heard.

-Stark’s Tower, the morning after-

“This is your mother!?” Peter asked, looking at the angelic woman, with the three knights.

“A-Apparently?” Twilight said, unsure about the information herself. “And since she is pretty much the Goddess of the Sun, does that make me…?”

“Goddess of Friendship, that is correct, Twilight.” Celesta said, smiling at the younger princess.

Peter facepalmed, eyes wide. “Holy cow… My crush is a Goddess…” He blurted out, making Twilight blush, and soon found a sword at his throat.

“What was that, kid?” Shining Armor asked, glaring daggers at him.

Peter gulped, not liking the look he was getting from the purple knight. “I-I admitted t-to having a crush on Twilight, due to my surprise?” He said, holding both hands up in defense.

“She may not be my little sister, by blood, but that doesn’t change anything! She’s still my baby sister, and you will do well to remember this!” Shining Armor said, obviously gone into over protective brother mode.

“Shining! Leave him alone!” Twilight said, grabbing hold of the knight’s arm. “Peter is a sweet, and caring, guy! If anything, you should be happy there’s a guy like him, who I also like…”

Before Shining Armor could protest, Celestia suddenly spoke up. “Stay your blade, Prince Armor.” Shining Armor, reluctantly, followed her order. “Twilight has told me about young Peter, and so has those here… And I approve of him.” The prince nodded, and stepped back.

“Aright, if we’re done here… Then on to more important business.” Fury said, the group nodded. “Thanks to Doctor Octavious, we’ve discovered who has contracted the villains, and Green Goblins by the looks of it.” The group eyed Fury, Azhek’s hands tightening around his vambrace. “SHIELD has spent the past few days looking for his location, and recently discovered it sometime before Green Goblin’s attack.”

“Then why don’t we attack? If you’ve located him, and we have the element of surprise, we could defeat him and get Twilight home.” Shining Armor asked, wondering why they haven’t left yet.

“Because we don’t. This ‘Green Goblin’ escaped, and probably warned this person.” Azhek spoke up, stepping forward. “Which means that they are preparing for us to attack. Right now, the best option would be to gather our own forces and strike.”

“Captain Ahriman is correct… Which is why I am gathering any, and all, heroes. Every agent will also be part of the operation.” Fury said, looking around. “Something tells me, we need to end this now.”

“Then we should get to the Helicarrier. If the others are taking part, then we need to brief them on the situation.” Captain America said, looking at Fury “Who is our enemy?”

Fury gave them all a serious look. “Doctor Victor Von Doom, a.k.a. Dr. Doom.” Those that knew this name, suddenly became pale. “Twilight, Peter, suit up. We leave once you’re ready.’ The two nodded, and left to put their costumes on.

-Aboard the Helicarrier-

Not many heroes were able to show up, due to situations of their own, but the amount of agents caused them to use one of the hangers for the briefing. To Spider-Man’s surprise, there was the Fantastic Four, some of the X-Men’s best, Iron-Fist, Deadpool, and even a new group calling themselves ‘Big Hero Six’. The turnout was larger than a task force, but they weren’t an army.

“Alright, with everyone caught up to speed, I will allow Mr. Fantastic explain our strategy. Since he, and his team, faced off with Von Doom before.” Fury said, as Dr. Reed approached the set up virtual table.

“Alright, knowing Victor, his Fortress will be guarded with a vast number of Doombots.” Dr. Reed had red squares appear around one large one. “These droids are considered very dangerous, mostly because of their vast numbers. Not to mention, beneath Doom’s Fortress, there is an assembly line constantly building more of these things.” Four green squares suddenly appeared, with a large one floating above them. “The main force will contain our heavy hitters. The X-Men, the Avengers, ‘Big Hero Six’, and my team. We’ll have Thing, Colossus, Baymax, Thor, and the Hulk; leading the charge.”

The middle two squares moved forward, colliding with a bulk of the red squares. “So, we’ll clash with the enemy first? Glorious, we will all have honorable sagas to tell, when this is over.” Thor said, confidently swinging the hammer over his shoulder.

“Agreed.” Dr. Reed said, before the outside squares closed in on Doom’s Fortress. “The flanking forces, consisting of the others, will strike at Doom’s Fortress. With any luck, we’ll be able to breach it and open the way for the main force.”

“Excuse me?” Twilight spoke up, causing Dr. Reed to look at her. “Where will I be, exactly?”

“You, with the other Equestrians, Lord Scarab, Deadpool, and Spider-Man; will be our reserves.” Dr. Reed answered, a small green square appearing behind the others. “You are their target. I want to make sure that, if Victor wants to go for you, he’ll have to fight our very best first.”

“A sound strategy. He’ll also have to then fend off Lord Scarab, Prince Shining Armor, ‘Deadpool’, my guards, and myself; while young Spider-Man gets her away.” Celestia complimented, noticing the difficulty it would take to fight the six of them… Directly after facing off with their main force.

“Right, now. If Victor takes the battlefield, in a last ditch effort, then no one engage. My team will go after him, we know how his powers work.” Dr. Reed said, having an image of Dr. Doom appear over the table. “His body is metallic in nature now, and contains enough magnetism to actually fire bolts of electric energy at his foes. So, to shorten it, he’s a major threat.” An image of the Green Goblin appeared, on his glider. “Next, is the Green Goblin, and I’m sure everyone knows how dangerous this psychopath is.” The groups nodded, then an image of Kraven appeared. “Kraven was MIA in the last battle, so there is a chance he’ll be there, for the fight. Be careful, he is strangely superhuman with a hunter’s instinct. Kraven will go for a kill shot.”

When the table turned off, Fury stepped back forward. “Alright, you all know your team leaders and they know their stations. Go, get prepped and some rest. This will be a difficult fight, one that could be for the history books.” Everyone suddenly stood up, Fury nodding. “Dismissed.”

While everyone started to leave, Twilight was suddenly stopped by Azhek. “Yes?” She asked, smiling up at the Astartes, through her mask.

“If this ‘Dr. Doom’ is the one keeping you here, there is a chance that you could go straight home right after the battle.” Azhek said, looking at Spider-Man, for a moment, before turning his attention back to Twilight. “Maybe you should spend this time with someone rather special?”

Twilight blushed and looked towards the web-swinging hero, who was talking with Deadpool and Wolverine. ”Y-Yeah…You have a point.” She agreed, looking back at Azhek. “Thank you, Azhek.”

He nodded, and watched Twilight walk over to Spider-Man. Azhek’s smile was hidden by his helmet. “Even though you’ve known her for a short time… You seem to be a better older brother than me.” Azhek turned, to see Shining Armor, who joined in watching Twilight.

“While I couldn’t physically be there for her… I always watched over her, like my lord.” Azhek said, turning his attention back to the younger heroes. “And before you ask… Twilight is old enough to make her own decisions, and I will not tell her who to love. I can only give her my support.”

“Quite the wise words…” Shining Armor said, facing the Astartes and held his arm out to him. “If you truly are considered her real brother… I-I’m glad she has someone so wise.”

Azhek shook the knight’s hand. “Blood doesn’t make you family, Prince Armor, love does. You’re much her brother, as I am.” He said, nodding.

“Sheesh, I feel like I’m getting a lesson life here!” The two began to laugh at the joke.