• Published 6th Jul 2016
  • 7,856 Views, 151 Comments

Daughter of the Crimson King - The-Black-Knight

When Twilight was born, her parents weren't who she thought they were. After an incident involving a malevolent entity, that wanted her for dark plots, they agreed to disguise her and send her away... Twenty Years Later, the past repeats itself.

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Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen

-Helicarrier Observation Deck-

Peter and Twilight were sitting together, watching the sunset. The two of them were alone, enjoying the moment together. Twilight let out a contempt sigh, resting her head against Peter’s chest, with his arm around her. “Something on your mind, Twilight?” He asked, smiling at her.

“Just thinking is all…” She said, turning her attention to the center of Peter’s chest. “Like how I want this to last, but I don’t know what will happen when this is all over.” She finally looked up at him, Peter had removed his mask, as she did. “I mean, what if we won’t be able to see each other again? It’s not like you could go to Equestria whenever you wanted, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to return here.”

Peter looked down at her, seeing the concern in her eyes. Truth be told, he did not have an answer for her. Though, something did come to mind and that something pushed the wall flower hero to actually do it. Peter suddenly leaned down, and placed a kiss on to Twilight’s lips. After a slight, muffled, ‘eep’, she returned Peter’s affection. Their emotions suddenly ran rampant, Twilight soon finding her arms around Peter’s neck, his hands around her waist. Time felt like as if it had slowed down, the moment could last eternity for the two of them.

When they needed oxygen, the couple reluctantly pulled away, and smiled at each other. “To be honest, I don’t really know how to answer your question.” Peter said, keeping his hazel eyes locked on Twilight’s violet ones. “But, also, something in me also doesn’t care about that. When I’m with you, it feels like I can honestly put troubles behind me… It’s almost like they all melt away.”

Twilight was speechless, to what she was hearing. She wanted to say something, but she just couldn’t.

“Right now, if we do have limited time, I feel like we should just spend that time with each other. Doing what we can to make that time special.” Peter continued, Twilight nodding to his statement. “So, what would you like to do? Pester Fury, talk science with Dr. Reed and Dr. Banner, or possibly play a few tricks with Deadpool?” He suggested, earning a giggle from Twilight.

“If it is all the same to you, I would like to just enjoy this moment, a bit longer.” Twilight asked, leaning her head against his chest.

Peter kissed the top of her head. “Done.” He whispered.

Unknown to the two, one of the Helicarrier’s security cameras had its lenses locked on them. Watching them, however, wasn’t one of the agents but Azhek. His helmet was off, and a soft smile formed on his face. “I’m happy for her… The boy seems like quite the young warrior.”

“More than you know, Captain Ahriman.” The Astartes turned around, and noticed Steve walking up to him. “He’s a fine soldier, with a great heart too.”

“Sounds like he would fit in with the Salamanders Legion.” Azhek said, facing the legendary hero. “Their Primarch is a powerful warrior, actually taller than the others, but he could never bear the loss of an innocent life. His entire Legion picked up on his view, and do their best to ensure there is no needless loss of life.”

“Sounds like a leader I would follow.” Steve said, earning a nod from Azhek. “But, Parker had far too many tragedies in his life. I just hope nothing befalls those two.”

“Me either. I will ensure what they have remains, even if it requires my life to do so.” Azhek added, confidently, giving a slight chuckle. “And something tells me, if I can’t? My lord will step in, somehow.”

“If he does, I’ll be forever in his debt.” Steve joined in Azhek’s confidence, the two Captains starting up a conversation about their about their old war stories.

-Prospero, Magnus’ Chambers-

The Primarch rubbed his chin, eyeing the image of Twilight and Peter. Magnus held a smile on his face, happy she found someone to love, his fatherly overprotectiveness slowly started to kick in. “Peter Parker, also known as the hero ‘Spider-Man’, huh?” He, calmly, said. “I should take a look at what he’s accomplished in his life.” He had another mirror float over, and moved a hand over it.

Soon, images of Peter’s past started to appear. While they were too fast for a mortal, the Primarch was able to keep up with it. Every bit of Peter’s life was being shown to Magnus, even his secrets. It won’t be long, before the Primarch will know everything about Peter Parker, and Spider-Man.

“I see…” He muttered, his one eye going from yellow to blue. “For a mortal, his life was harsh.” One hand slowly gripped the arm of his throne. “This ‘Peter’ has earned my respect, this-… What is this?”

His train of thought ended, when an image of some elderly man appeared. “With great power, comes great responsibility.” The voice echoed throughout the chamber, Magus suddenly having a feel of nostalgia. However, he was soon filled with far more sorrow, at the next image.

There, kneeling next to the man’s body, was Peter. He was crying, holding the man’s hand while repeating ‘I’m so sorry’. The Primarch placed a hand over his chest, feeling a slight pull. “I understand you now, Peter Parker…” His one eyed gazed returned to the young couple. “I understand why you’ve become who you are today…”

-Helicarrier, not far from Dr. Doom’s Fortress-

“Director Fury, all shuttles are ready, awaiting your orders.” An agent called out, his screen showing several green shuttles.

“Enemy forces gathering outside objective, sir. Scans show they are not advancing.” Another agent said, his screen showing red dots all over the top of a radar.

“Understood… Relay to all shuttles and aircraft, they have the green light.” Fury ordered, both hands grabbing the railing. “Commence operation!”

“Yes, sir!” The command room echoed, before it was filled with agents relaying information to their respective locations. While on the outside, every flying aircraft was flying out any launch bay or airstrip. The Helicarrier was soon surrounded by shuttles and fighter aircraft, all moving into attack positions.

“Sir!” The second agent yelled, causing Fury to pull his attention to them. “Doombots are moving into attack formations!”

Fury gave a nod, looking towards the agent in charge of communication. “Inform all aircraft, prepare for attack! They have hostiles inbound!”

“Yes, sir!” The communication agent yelled, pressing a few keys on her terminal. “Attention all aircraft, hostiles are inbound to your location. Shuttles, get to the ground immediately. Fighters, engage any airborne hostiles and cover the shuttles.”

Back outside the Helicarrier, the shuttles began to make a more rapid decent while the fighter aircraft sped ahead, to engage the airborne Doombots.

-With Twilight and the others-

“Alright, everyone, prepare for a bumpy ride!” The pilot called out, pressing a few buttons. “Word from command, we have hostiles inbound to our location.”

“Acknowledge, pilot.” Azhek said, looking down to Twilight. “Hold on, Twilight. We have defenses, but a stray shot could make the transport shake quite a bit.” She nodded, gripping her harness while Azhek made sure his mag-locked boots secured to the floor. “Alright, everyone, this will be the disembark order.” The group turned their attention towards Azhek. “I’ll be the first off, creating a solid barrier. Behind me, will be the Royal Guardsmen, then Shining Armor and Deadpool. After that will be Princess Celestia and Spider-Man, with Twilight right behind them.”

They all nodded, making sure their harnesses were properly strapped. “Hold on! Incoming fire!” The pilot called back, as the transport started to shake, while it was conducting evasive actions.

“Pilot! ETA on landing!” Azhek asked, looking back.

“ETA on landing, one minute! Majority of the main force has already landed, and began their attack.” The pilot answered, having the transport avoid an oncoming missile.

“Acknowledge. Once we’ve fully disembarked, b-line for the Helicarrier.” Azhek ordered, the pilot giving a nod, while he moved to the exit ramp. His grip on the heqa staff, and bolt pistol, tightened as he stared at the door. “Emperor, protect us.” He muttered, as the transport landed. Everyone could hear the energy blast bouncing off the haul, Twilight jumping each time. Once the ramp lowered, and touched the ground, Azhek suddenly yelled. “All is Dust! For the Emperor!” He rushed out, bolt pistol forward.

“For Equestria and the Princesses!” The Royal Guard and Shining Armor yelled, before they disembarked. Deadpool just yelling. “For Albuquerque!”

When it came down to Celestia, Spider-Man, and Twilight; the youngest princess nervously rushed out behind the battle ready Celestia and quick reacting Spider-Man. The sounds of gun-fire and explosions rang in her ears, before the shuttle’s engines briefly drowned them out. Her eyes were wide at the sight, both heroes and agents battling it out with robotic warriors. While it was quite the sight, she couldn’t help but feel terrified for those there.

Her eyes were suddenly pulled away from the battle, as Shining Armor started to put up a barrier. Though, Azhek remained outside of it, using his bolt pistol to gun down any Doombot that got too close. “Why isn’t Azhek joining us, in Shining’s barrier?” She asked, looking up at Celestia.

“Because, for some reason, Shining Armor’s shield disrupts his foresight ability. For him to foresee any potential dangers, he must remain outside of it.” She answered, stabbing the spear into the ground. “Twilight, I want you to observe and learn from this. I hope that you never have to use this knowledge. But, if you ever are forced into war, you will know its horrors.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, before an explosion caught her attention, and saw three SHIELD Agents get thrown away from the area… When one landed, with a terrible crack, Twilight felt sick to her stomach. Their uniforms were burned, torn, and she could see that one’s whole front was… Charred.

She lost it, Twilight forced her mask down, leaned over, and threw up all over the ground. Celestia knelt next to her, placing a comforting hand on to her back, and waited until Twilight was finished, wiping her mouth. “That is the result. Many writers and poets glorify war. However, in reality, it is possibly the less glorious thing.” The elder princess noted, helping Twilight stand back up. “There is nothing glorious about killing another, hence why one must respect those who are willing to fight.”

Twilight looked up at Celestia, raising an eyebrow. “Why is that, M-Mother?” She asked, still feeling strange to call her that.

“Because such things will scar one’s soul, haunting them forever.” Celestia said, her heart skipping at the fact Twilight called her mother, again! “If you ever get the chance, I suggest asking your father… He could describe such things far better than I.”

Twilight nodded, looking back at the battle. “I still wonder who he is… And wish I could meet him.” She said, watching one hero blast away a few Doombots with actual lazer beams from his eyes. “By chance, can you describe him to me?”

Celestia nodded, smiling quite a bit. “He was quite the champion, while also being so compassionate.” She said, somewhat daydreaming. “He enjoyed passing down information on to the next generation, making sure both knowledge and history remained truthful, and beneficial.”

Twilight smiled, trying to think of an image of this pony… All she could get, was the image of a great unicorn warrior, who had scrolls within his saddle bags. The image made her giggle. “I hope to meet him, one day.” She said, Celestia giving a nod in agreement.

“Look alive, everyone!” Azhek said, taking a battle stance, his staff suddenly pulsing with psykic energy. “We have company.”

Those within the barrier except, Shining Armor, took some form of battle stance. “Who is it, Azhek?” Twilight asked, her eyes scanning. “Is it that Dr. Doom?”

Azhek shook his head. “No, possibly worse.” He said, the answer to Twilight’s question being the screech of a glider.

The group watched, as Green Goblin was flying straight for them, dropping bombs as he passed. “He’s mine…” Celestia said, glaring at the villain.

“No, stay with Twilight, Princess.” Azhek said, causing Celestia to stop herself. “It would be better for you to clash with Doom, if this was a trap to lure you out.”

“But, Azhek, he has the advantage of flight over you.” Twilight said, watching the Astartes walk out, to meet the Green Goblin in combat.

“Not for very long, Twilight. There is more than one way to bring him down.” He said, his heqa staff glowing with energy and mag-locked the bolt pistol to his hip. “Besides, I need to make him pay, for harming you.” His mind growled.

“I hope he’ll be alright… I mean, Green Goblin proved to be a dangerous foe.” Twilight said, concerned for the Astartes.

“Have faith in him, Twilight. What I remember, from my travels with Crimson King, Astartes are trained and enhanced for situations like this.” Celestia said, her grip tightening around the golden spear. “If anyone is out matched, it is this Green Goblin.” Twilight gave a nod, watching as Azhek stopped, his gaze locked on the approaching Green Goblin.

When Azhek came into his view, Green Goblin quickly had his glider come to a halt. “Well, well, seems like little miss special princess sent big red… Tell me, what makes you so dangerous, to actually face me alone?” He asked, cackling at the situation.

“Words are meaningless, to mortals like you.” Azhek said, his helmeted gaze locked on Green Goblin. “Come, and discover why Astartes are the Emperor’s Angels of Death!” His stance showed he was ready for battle, and wasn’t the least bit concerned with his opponent.

“Your funeral, big red!” The blades on his glider suddenly came out, the machine guns starting to fire. The Green Goblin began to cackle, as his glider charged Azhek. All the Astartes did, was lower his energized staff and cover the armor’s garget with his free arm. The actions made Green Goblin believe Azhek didn’t know he was coming, the sounds of his machine guns preventing the others from telling him to move… He was wrong.

The moment Green Goblin was close enough, Azhek quickly dodged right and turned back to face the passing enemy. He brought the heqa staff back up, the over energized staff actually melting, and cutting, through the glider’s wing!

Once the wing had been cut off, Green Goblin flew out of control! This forced him to detach from the glider, rolling on to the ground while his most dangerous weapon crashed off in the distance. “H-How d-did you!?”

Azhek slowly approached the fallen Green Goblin, his staff no longer pulsing with energy. “Seems like information about me wasn’t passed on, or your hubris allowed you to ignore such crucial information.” He said, actually kicking Green Goblin away. “How fortunate… For us.”

“W-What are you talking about!?” He yelled, feeling that a rib or two had been broken. “Nothing was said about quick reflexes!”

“Foolish mortal.” Azhek grunted, towering over Green Goblin. “Like I told that ‘Loki’ fool, I was gifted with foresight. By sacrificing a few moments, I saw the exact time to dodge and strike!”

To prevent Azhek from kicking him again, Green Goblin quickly used a smoke bomb to blind the Astartes. However, the moment he tried to get away, an armored hand grabbed the back of his neck and lifted the villain completely off the ground. “How did you-!” He was unable to finish the question, Azhek slamming the Green Goblin’s skull into the ground.

“Easy, mortal… I foresaw it.” Azhek simply said, walking away after Green Goblin no longer moved. However, a massive amount of energy coursed through his body, a familiar energy. “I-Impossible!” He yelled, turning to an explosion of blue energy, just as it sent the Fantastic Four and the Avengers flying away.