• Published 6th Jul 2016
  • 7,856 Views, 151 Comments

Daughter of the Crimson King - The-Black-Knight

When Twilight was born, her parents weren't who she thought they were. After an incident involving a malevolent entity, that wanted her for dark plots, they agreed to disguise her and send her away... Twenty Years Later, the past repeats itself.

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Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

-Just outside of Stark Tower-

Both Twilight and Peter were sitting at a café, talking about their current classes. “Who would have thought such a single act, could shape a whole future.” Twilight said, sipping her coffee while staring at an image of three hundred warriors, fending off another army, ten times their own size.

“Yeah, their sacrifice and bravery earned them a place in history, along with help shape our world today.” Peter agreed, eyeing his camera. “What is on today’s agenda?”

“You’re supposed to be at work in an hour, best leave some time soon, in case something happens between now and then. We finished our assignments for class, and we don’t have anything else until next Monday, told you we could get it all done by Thursday and open up our weekend.” She noted, earning a playful eye roll from Peter. “I’m supposed to meet up with Azhek, for training, in a few minutes.” Twilight thought about it, while Peter gave her an inquisitive look. “I asked if he could teach me the Thousand Sons’ magic. It seemed rather interesting.”

“And powerful… Are you sure you’ll be ok? Dr. Strange told me that one should be careful, when dealing with such things.” Peter asked, taking a sip of his own coffee.

“Don’t worry, I plan on studying the implications thoroughly before attempting the spells. Plus, Azhek will be there, in case something were to go wrong.” Twilight said, smiling while she gathered her things. “I better get going, I don’t want to be late.” Peter gave a nod, gathering his own things and paying the bill. “I’ll see you later, Peter!”

Peter waved goodbye. “Sure thing, Twilight!” He called back, heading towards the Daily Bugle.

Twilight smiled, while making her way to Stark Tower’s front doors. Something about having coffee with Peter brought a smile to her face, causing the princess to hold her things tightly. “Maybe I do have a crush on Peter?” She thought, a blush finding its way to her cheeks. “B-But, I don’t want to live in this world, and need to get home… How could that ever even work?” She gave a mental sigh, and looked up.

Her eyes caught something flying around the tower, before making its way into the penthouse. “Huh… I wonder if Mr. Stark was expecting a visitor.” Twilight said, out loud, and headed in.

Luckily, she didn’t hear any explosions, so that meant what she saw wasn’t hostile. Once in the elevator, Twilight pressed the button for the penthouse. When the elevator got close, she suddenly felt a large discharge of magic energy come from the penthouse’s level. It wasn’t Azhek’s power, though it was almost as disciplined…. But the magic was more like hers, only stronger.

The moment the elevator doors opened, Twilight saw Tony standing between an armored Azhek and a middle aged man. He was wearing a red and gold cloak, with a blue tunic underneath. She could feel the ancient magical power around his body, whoever he was… This man may be on the same level as Princess Celestia or Luna.

“Doctor Strange, there is no reason for you to become defensive about all this.” Tony said, facing the man. “Azhek said, once Twilight gets home, he will leave right after.”

“Mr. Stark, I know you speak the truth. However, the fact of him being here, using a form of magic that is so unpredictable is dangerous for our world. After all, it could call forth dangerous entities from his own world, tracking his magic… His display last week was proof enough that his emotions can influence his power, which could be a beacon to them.” Doctor Strange said, eyeing the Astartes.

“My lord has already thought about such things, Doctor Strange.” Azhek said, looking down at him. “He has already prepared for such outcomes, and is watching this world without resting. So long as Twilight and I are here, your world is safe under the Thousand Sons’ watch.” He said, eyeing the mortal carefully, before shrugging him off. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some business to attend to.” He turned around, and walked over to Twilight, the other two surprised to see her. “Are you ready for our training session?”

Twilight gave a nod. “Y-Yeah.” She said, looking at the other two.

“Now, wait a moment. If you intend on teaching the young woman your magic, then you should at least have me-!” Doctor Strange was cut off, after feeling Azhek unleash his psykic aura… Which dwarfed his own.

“I am more than capable of handling anything that occurs. While her concentration will be on the spells I teach her, mine will be on protecting her.” Azhek said, smiling at Twilight. “Now then, let us go to my room. I have everything set up.” Twilight nodded, following the Astartes to his room.

-Minutes Later-

In Azhek’s room, the Astartes had Twilight meditating, trying to connect with the dimension’s Great Ocean, and searching for its currents. “Remember, Twilight, you must feel the Great Ocean’s current. Allow its waters to wash on to you.” He instructed, the princess following his instructions.

Twilight couldn’t shake how Azhek’s tone felt towards her. Every time he spoke, it felt like it was her older brother, Shining Armor, talking. Not to mention, when he is around, it also felt like Shining was there.

“You’re becoming distracted, Twilight.” Azhek said, snapping Twilight out of her thoughts. “You must clear your mind, block all other things. Allow only the Great Ocean’s waters hold your attention.”

“I’m sorry, Azhek, I will focus harder.” Twilight said, going back to the task at hand.

“It is alright, Twilight. This is probably the more difficult part of the training.” Azhek said, sitting in front of the young princess. “Once you enter the Great Ocean, I will follow suit. Even within its shallow waters, there are dangers.”

Twilight nodded, focusing on trying to feel this Great Ocean’s currents. When all of her senses focused on trying to find it, her body started to give off a lavender glow. The moment it appeared, Azhek’s own body suddenly gave off a golden glow.

-In the Great Ocean-

Twilight couldn’t believe it! She was standing at the magical shores of some vast ocean-like place. She could feel the unbelievable amount of magical power that came from just the shallow end, her curiosity wondering how much was at the deep ends.

What surprised her even more, was that she had become an ethereal version, some anthropomorphic alicorn, of herself! “Sweet Celestia! This is unbelievable!” Twilight squealed, suddenly flying around the shallow waters, in her excitement.

While she was flying around, a flash of gold light caused her to come to a complete halt. It caused her to look away, and waited until it finally dimmed down to see the ethereal version of Azhek! “That was too close…” He said, looking behind himself.

“What was?” Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow.

“That.” Azhek pointed towards some strange shadowed fin, slightly exposed out of the waters. “You almost flew right into that Void Hunter… It is a small one, but you’re still new to the Great Ocean.”

“Uh… What exactly would have happened, if I did run into it?” She asked, the Void Hunter swimming away, due to Azhek’s presence.

“It would have tried to eat you… Everywhere it strikes, causes damage to your real body.” Azhek answered, turning to face Twilight. “And if it did manage to eat you… Then your real body would die.”

Twilight gulped, staying close to Azhek’s ethereal form. “S-So, uh, what did you want to show me again?” She asked, watching out for any more of these ‘Void Hunters’.

“I wanted to show you where an option was, when your normal magic has diminished or isn’t strong enough…” Azhek said, looking around for any more Void Hunters, as well. “But you must be careful. The Great Ocean’s power is limitless, to use too much can be damaging, or fatal.”

Twilight gave a nod, looking back at Azhek. “So, if I do use it, how much do you suggest?” She asked, wanting to know her current limits.

“Since you are new to its presence, only for five spells. Simple ones, the stronger the spell… The more power from the Great Ocean is required.” Azhek said, looking around again. “Let us go, we have been here long enough.”

Twilight gave a nod, cutting her connection from the Great Ocean, followed by Azhek.

-Back in Azhek’s room-

Twilight let out a relieved sigh, opening her eyes to see Azhek’s gold aura disappear. “You did well, for your first time. Only one Void Hunter was attracted to you.’ He said, slowly standing up, stretching.

“How many are normally attracted to someone new, to the Great Ocean?” She asked, standing up herself.

“Five or more. The fact that you somehow suppressed your presence enough to only catch one’s attention? Is an impressive feat.” He answered, nodding to her. “Go get some rest. Traversing the Great Ocean’s waters takes quite a bit of energy for one so new to it.” Twilight nodded, and didn’t argue with him. After all, Azhek was the current expert.

The moment Twilight left, Azhek let out a sigh. “Captain Ahriman?” Jarvis voice spoke up, making Azhek look towards the A.I.’s panel.

“Yes, Jarvis? What can I do for you?” He asked.

There seems to be a problem, Mr. Stark wanted me to inform you of.” Jarvis said, the Astartes giving a nod. “It seems that Doctor Octavious and Kraven are on the warpath to Stark Tower, with a rejuvenated Venom and a villain code named ‘Abomination’ assisting their attack. They are after Ms. Sparkle.

Azhek gave another nod. “I see…” The Astartes slowly placed his helmet on. “Let Mr. Stark know, I will deploy and intercept their approach.”

I will. Captain Rogers and Mr. Parker are already fighting them, Deadpool seems to be on his way to help, closing in fast.” Jarvis said, the Astartes leaving his room.

“Tell Mr. Stark to keep Twilight safe, and her room locked down… It is an obvious trap.” Azhek said, looking at the panel. “They are possibly trying to draw me out, so she’ll be undefended.”

I will alert Mr. Stark… I shall alert Director Fury for additional support, as well.” Jarvis added.

“Perfect.” With that, the Astartes left for the battle.

-Central Park-

Captain America quickly dodged one of Doc Ock’s arms, before sending his shield straight for his chest! The moment it struck, the eight armed villain was sent straight into a nearby building. “This is bad, we’re badly out numbered.” He said, Deadpool clashing with Kraven while Spider-Man tries to keep Venom and Abomination pinned with his web shooters.

“You’re telling me! Four big time bad guys, against us three?” Spider-Man said, avoiding a manhole cover that Abomination threw at him. “We’re seriously out gunned here.” Venom suddenly snatched Spider-Man with his own web, and brought him to the ground.

The symbiote landed in front of the young hero, laughing a bit. “If you brought us that princess, we would only hurt you a little.” Venom said, before throwing Spider-Man into Captain America.

The Captain quickly caught him, sliding back some.” You alright, son?” He asked, setting Spider-Man down.

“Yeah… Being thrown around like a rag doll isn’t something I like though.” Spider-Man said, trying to keep his humorous side up. Though, the two of them had to quickly move, as Deadpool was sent face first into a wall between them. “Whoa! You alright, Deadpool!?”

The Mercenary held up one finger. “Just… Fine… My skull will heal… In a few… Seconds…” Deadpool said, as he slowly recovered, the four villains surrounding them.

“As our symbiote compatriot said, give up the princess and you will live.” Doc Ock said, the three heroes preparing for another fight.

“Like we would do that, let alone believe it, Doc Ock! You’re a notorious liar!” Spider-Man said, as he prepared to fire some more webs at the four villains.

Doc Ock began to laugh. “Suit yourself, Spider-Ma-!” Loud, and heavy, gun-shots suddenly exploded! Two of Doc Ock’s robotic arms being blown completely off! “W-What!?” The, now, six armed villain yelled before toppling over.

They all looked, to where the gunshots came from, and saw Azhek! He was pointing his bolt pistol towards Doc Ock, the barrel smoking from recent use. “Apologies for being late, I was forced to come on foot.” He said, the heqa staff starting to charge with pyskic energy. “Now then, who wishes to fight me first?”

Venom slowly backed away, remembering what the Astartes did to him before. Kraven also backed away, knowing his weapons couldn’t penetrate his armor. Doc Ock was struggling to right himself, missing two arms, as Abomination stepped forward. “I was told you are strong… How about we test that?” He asked, starting to charge the Astartes.

Azhek raised an eyebrow, watching Abomination charge towards him. “If you think I will fight like those heroes, you are sorely mistaken.” The Astartes said, suddenly pointing his heqa staff at the mutant. “Now, discover why your actions are misguided!”

Just as Abomination closed in on Azhek, psykic energy exploded between them, sending the mutant flying back! Both Venom and Kraven were hit by the flying Abomination, with Azhek not waiting for them to recover and closed in. When Venom got up, he was hit by the heqa staff, causing the symbiote to go crazy.

The moment Kraven reacted, he was hit by Azhek’s left arm and sent into a nearby tree! “Where is our backup!? We were told that they’ll handle this guy!” Doc Ock said, trying to get away, but was suddenly slammed down by Azhek’s boot.

“Really now? So, this was a trap, to draw me out?” Azhek asked, blasting Abomination with a bolt of psykic lightning, the moment he got back up. “It is good to know that you mortals think of me so much.” The Astartes then used his bolt pistol to destroy Doc Ock’s last two rebotic arms.

“I have to agree.” A voice echoed all around them, making Azhek raise his bolt pistol up, and ready it. “Though, in my opinion, mortals should not bother with the affairs of their betters.” A flash of green light caused Azhek to look away, before a man in gold armor and green glothes appeared, holding a strange staff. “Then again, what are you to a God?”

-Stark Tower-

Twilight slowly walked out of her room, stretching a bit. She just took a quick nap, not wanting to waste any time when she could be learning something new. “Azhek? Are you awake?” She asked, knocking on the door.

Captain Ahriman isn’t here, Ms. Sparkle.” Jarvis said, making Twilight look at the panel.

“Where is he? Did he have something to do at the university?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. Last she remembered, Azhek’s only class was a morning one… It is late afternoon.

No, Ms. Sparkle… It seems the villains that tried to attack you started rampaging through Central Park, heading straight for here. Captain Rogers, Mr. Parker, and Deadpool; had clashed with them. Captain Ahriman just arrived on scene and dispatched one.” Jarvis turned the T.V. on, to reveal Azhek’s boot on top of a disarmed Doc Ock, pointing his bolt pistol at some strange man. “However, it seems that Loki, Norse god of mischief and trickery, has arrived for the fight… And intends on combating Captain Ahriman.

“Will he be ok?” She asked, eyeing the man. Granted, his armor was strange, but the fact he was mentioned as a god, made Twilight worry.

With Captain Ahriman’s combat abilities, he stands a chance against Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, who is on our side. However, his brother is not as brazen. Loki will not fight fairly and will strike Azhek where he least expects it, and he is a powerful sorcerer himself, seemingly on the same level as Captain Ahriman. In other words, this is not a good match for him.” Jarvis explained, Twilight becoming concerned.

“Then I have to go help, if he is that strong and unpredictable… Then Azhek will need someone watching his back.” Twilight said, turning around to head towards the door.

I’m afraid we cannot do that, Ms. Sparkle… Captain Ahriman said to keep you here, and lock down the tower, in case they come for you.” Jarvis interrupted, making Twilight look back at him.

“They are after me, Jarvis, and now everyone is in danger.” Twilight slowly started to gain a lavender aura, not noticing the magic build up. “I cannot let my friends fight him, and those other villains, by themselves…. What kind of Princess of Friendship would I be, if I abandoned them? If they try to attack me, or capture me, I am sure the others will help. With me there, we’ll stand an even better chance against this Loki character and those others. Not to mention the fact that they are after me, puts all those people in harm’s way. I cannot let them just rampage around the city, hurting innocent people, because they want to get me.” She said, not noticing a lavender feather falling to the ground.

Um… Ms. Sparkle, I’m detecting a strange abnormality in your body… Possibly turn around, to make sure my scanners do not require fixing?” Jarvis asked, Twilight looking behind herself and noticing…

“My wings!?” Twilight said, wide eyed at the sight.

So, my scanners were correct, you do have wings. Is this normal, Ms. Sparkle?” Jarvis asked, Twilight nodding.

“Y-Yes, this happened in the other human world I went to…. It means my alicorn powers are available for me to use…” An idea came to Twilight, making her smile at the panel. “Which means, I’ve become unpredictable to them. My alicorn powers are much powerful than unicorn powers, which were around what I was using before now.” Twilight said, the Jarvis waiting for her to finish. “Not to mention, with my wings, I become much harder for them to catch. So, what do you say now, Jarvis?” She asked.

Captain Ahriman does not know about the current situation… Which means, my standing instructions have been voided.” Jarvis said, Twilight nodding. “Suit up, Ms. Sparkle.” With that, Twilight’s doors opened up, where her costume laid on the bed. “You have a battle to attend.

-Central Park-

Azhek just stared at person before him, taking the man’s small frame, sensing powerful psykic energy coming from his staff. “And you are?” He asked.

The man laughed, shaking his head. “Your ignorance would, normally, be insulting… But I was told of your situation.” He said, before throwing out both arms. “I am Loki! God of Mischief and Trickery! Rightful ruler of Midgarde!”

Azhek rolled his eyes at the display. “I know gods, you are no god.” He said, making Loki glare at him.

“Oh? And what am I, then?” Loki asked, venom in his voice.

“Dead.” Was all the Astartes said, before suddenly pulling the bolt pistol’s trigger. To his surprise, Loki suddenly dispersed into green energy. “What in the name of the Emperor?”

Azhek began to point the pistol around, trying to find his target. “Something tells me; you’ve never faced illusionary magic… This will be most interesting.” Before Azhek knew it, there were four Lokis around him. “Kneel before me, peasant!” They yelled, hitting the Astartes with a blast from their staves.

Azhek tried to get a shot off, but the moment he had one in his sights… Another hit him with a blast of energy. He wasn’t even able to focus enough to use his heqa staff. The others couldn’t help because Venom, Kraven, and Abomination; were back up. So, right now, the Thousand Sons Captain was fighting on his own.

There has to… Be something… I can do.” He thought, between blasts. They weren’t doing any damage, just pushing him in one direction… Then it hit him. “Stark is going to hate me after this.” Azhek braced himself, his armor able to somewhat lock and keep balance, while he raised his right boot up.