• Published 6th Jul 2016
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Daughter of the Crimson King - The-Black-Knight

When Twilight was born, her parents weren't who she thought they were. After an incident involving a malevolent entity, that wanted her for dark plots, they agreed to disguise her and send her away... Twenty Years Later, the past repeats itself.

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Chapter Two

Chapter Two

-Castle of Friendship-

Twenty Equestrian years had passed, since the shadow snake’s attack and Crimson King’s disappearance. Twilight has grown up to be a fine young mare. She had even become an alicorn, and Princess of Friendship. All of her friends had gathered at the table map of Equestria. There wasn’t a friendship problem, though Twilight still had a concerned look on her face.

“So, Twi, why did ya call fer this here meetin’?” Applejack asked, looking at the map and noticing that nothing was wrong. “The map ain’t showin’ anythin’ wrong.”

“Ya! This is cutting into my training time, for the Wonderbolts!” Rainbow Dash blurted out, receiving glares from the other four… “What? It is!”

Twilight ignored the cyan pegasus’ complaint, using her magic to have a red book float in front of the alicorn. “I called you girls here, because of this.” She said, the group eyeing the book. It looked really old, well over a hundred years old. “Princess Celestia sent this book to me a few weeks ago… Ever since then, I felt like something has been watching me.”

“You brought us here for some old book?” Once again, the four glared at the cyan pegasus. “What? It’s not like she doesn’t have a thousand old books!”

“But this one is different.” Twilight spoke up, eyeing the book’s cover. “It’s not enchanted, but I can feel a powerful magical presence from it… Plus, look at the cover.” She moved it so that her friends were able to see.

The cover was a crimson red, with golden trimmings all around it. At the center, was a white circle with four serpentine lines coming out of it. Underneath the circle, was a single name written in the same gold trimming. “Crimson King”.

“I say, this Crimson King fellow has quite the taste. I mean, the gold melds perfectly with the crimson color! And that symbol, not even I could use white with such powerful colors, yet it fits perfectly.” Rarity said, thoroughly examining the book.

“Oh, yes. They must be quite the lover of art.” Fluttershy said, noticing the same things Rarity pointed out.

Applejack couldn’t help but raise a brow. “But why would the Princess send ya some pony’s journal? Isn’t that invadin’ their privacy?” She asked.

“I thought that too… But Princess Celestia said he would have wanted me to have it.” Twilight said, opening the journal. “Something about helping increase my abilities with magic.”

“But… You’re already powerful with magic? What can this Crimson King guy tell you?” Rainbow Dash asked, somewhat confused.

“Ooooooh maybe this book is filled with super, secret, magic that no pony is supposed to know! Only this Crimson King had the power to unlock!” Pinkie Pie chanted, making the other five raise their eyebrows at her. “Or, maybe not…” She giggled.

“Anyways, the only things I have been able to pick up on, have been his talk about interdimential travel. He even put a few spells that help with such things.” Twilight said, looking through the book. “Strange part about it, though, were his take on the four types of ponies within Equestria, like he wasn’t one and…” Twilight blushed quite a bit. “Him talking about how beautiful Princess Celestia is.”

The five son found that their mouths had dropped, hearing the last pat. “Ya mean, this Crimson King pony had a crush on the Princess?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah… Their relationship seemed to have started out as professional, like visiting old ruins together and researching different forms of magic in vast libraries…” Twilight answered, trying to calm her blushing face. “But the more they did it, the more they began to create feelings for one another.”

“How romantic…” Rarity said, slowly daydreaming about how it would be.

“Bleck…” Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack blurted out, not ones for such ‘girly’ things.

“But there isn’t anything that explains this ‘I’m being watched’ feeling. To be honest, it’s starting to creep me out.” Twilight said, looking back at the book.

“When did this feeling start, darling?” Rarity asked, concerned for her friend’s health.

“The moment I touched the book, and ever since.” Twilight answered, looking at her friends.

“Ya don’t think it is that there Crimson King fella, do ya?” Applejack asked, looking around them.

“At first, I did… But then Princess Celestia told me he has been gone for a very long time.” Twilight answered, looking back down at the book. “When she wrote that, her writing became a little uneasy, like she had trouble writing it.”

The group looked at one another, now worried about the older Princess.” Y-You don’t suppose this Crimson King died, do you?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don’t know; the book doesn’t explain very much. He was talking about how his father would love to hear about his discoveries, then it just ends.” Twilight said, passing through some of the pages. “Though, some of these spells are ones I would love to try.”

“Then why not try some? Long as you tell the Princess, I’m sure she won’t mind.” Rainbow Dash suggested, smiling at the opportunity.

“To be honest, I was going to try them, but wanted to know what you girls thought.” Twilight said, her friends smiling.

“Ah think ah’m speakin’ fer all of us, when ah say ya should do it. Princess Celestia sent ya that there book fer a reason.” Applejack said, the others giving a confirming nod. “Just make sure the Princess knows when yer gonna do it.”

Twilight gave a nod, smiling at her friends. “Thanks girls… I’ll be sure to.”

-On the Desert world of Prospero-

Unknown to Twilight, and the others, she was being watched. From the day he left, until now, Magnus has used a Window Spell to allow him the chance to watch his daughter grow up. While it has only been twenty years for them, it has been like centuries to the Primarch. He had watched her every chance given to him, seeing all of her adventures.

He saw her life changing moment, when Twilight confronted Nightmare Moon. Her battles against Chrysalis and King Sombra. Her triumph over Discord, both times. He was most proud, when she had been crowned a princess and when she defeated the centaur, Tirek. Every moment, Magnus wished he could help her… But could only watch, as the alicorn mare handle the problem herself, or with the help of her dearest friends.

The current situation, however, has the Primarch somewhat concerned. Seeing Twilight with his book, made him think of all the things that could go wrong. “Celestia, my love, what are you planning?” He muttered, rubbing his chin in thought. When a knock came at his chamber’s door, he gave a light sigh. “Enter.”

Like that day, all those years ago, Azhek made his way over to the Primarch. “How is she, my lord?” He asked, looking at the window.

“Blossoming beyond my expectation, Azhek.” Magnus said, smiling at the sight of Twilight and her friends. “Though, I do worry about the things she chooses to do.”

Azhek laughed at the comment. “It is only natural for a father to worry about their children, god or not.” He said, nodding to the Primarch. “Do not think your worried look, every time a Fellowship leaves for battle, goes unnoticed, my lord.”

Magnus gave a sigh. “There is a difference there, Azhek. I am able to assist all of you, during your times of great peril.” He looked at the window. “I cannot do so with my Twilight.”

Azhek looked at his Primarch. “If any of us could, my lord, we would throw down our lives to buy you a mere second with her.” The Captain said, trying to answer his lord. “Right now, we must handle the cards that have been dealt to us.”

Magnus gave a nod, his gaze locked on the window. “I know… I just hope fate will be more kind to us.” He said, the Captain giving an agreeing nod.

-In a separate dimension, deep within the bowels of a metal fortress-

A man, incased in metal armor and a green cloak, sat upon a throne of clockwork. “So, when she arrives, you wish for me to capture her, alive? Once you have her, you will give me the means to become a god, am I assume this is the deal?” Dr. Doom asked, seeming rather bored at the moment.

“Exactly my proposal, dear Victor. I am unable to enter her world, and can barely act within yours because of that Watcher.” A voice said, before an all too familiar shadow snake appeared next to him. “As a sign of good faith, I could even give you a portion of that power now.”

“Do you think I am so weak, as to not be able to capture some child?” Dr. Doom asked, irritated that the creature may have suggested such a thing.

“Do not underestimate her, Victor. She is the daughter of a Sorcerer King, with the power of a god. No doubt she will be strong by now, and once her father figures out our plan… I expect he’ll send a few Astartes to protect her.” The snake said, trying to calm the mutate.

“A god, huh? Then our battle will be most interesting.” Dr. Doom said, pondering for moment. “To gauge her power, I will send a few of my associates to capture her. If they fail, I will consider doing it myself.”

The snake gave a nod, giving a wide grin. “My offer will remain on the table, if you ever need it.”

“I highly doubt I will. Now, begone, Tzeentch.” Dr. Doom waved his hand, dismissively.

“I’ll ensure that she ends up on this dimension. Just have your associates ready at the spot I’ve picked out.” The snake said, before finally disappearing.

Abomination slowly walked out, after he was sure that the snake was gone. “Are you really going to trust this Tzeentch character, Doom?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Of course not, Abomination. He appeared as a snake, which makes him no more trustworthy than Loki.” Dr. Doom stated, rolling his eyes. “Though, I won’t pass up this chance, in case he does keep his word.”

“So, who are we going to send after her?” Abomination asked.

“We’ll have to locate them on a closer level, so Kraven will be one. The Symbiote will be perfect for trying to capture her. Then there will be Octavious…. I’m sure those three won’t mind.” Dr. Doom gave a dark cackle at the thought. “It’ll also give them a chance to end Spider-Man, since Tzeentch will send her to New York City. Something I know those three will not pass up.” He thought.

-Canterlot Castle, Celestia’s Chambers-

Celestia smiled, receiving a letter from Twilight. When she unrolled it, and read what was written, the Sun Princess couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh, she turned out more like you than we thought.” She said, shaking her head.

The Princess allowed Twilight’s letter to lay on her bed, using her magic to bring a book over to her. The book itself was white and had gold trimmings around it. Celestia’s Cutie Mark on the cover.

When she opened it, bookmarking the center was a picture. The image was of her, pregnant with Twilight, laying in the garden. Crimson King laid next to her, his wing over her body. “Her inquisitive mind and raw power reminds me a lot of you… Magnus.” She said, placing the picture next to herself, and laying down. “I just wish you had the chance to meet her now… How proud you’d be of our daughter.”

-Friendship Castle-

“Are you sure about this, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, watching her friend stand at the center of some large magic circle.

“Sure, as I’ll ever be.” Twilight said, using her magic to place a saddle bag on to her back. “Everything is in the right position, Rarity?” She looked to the fashionista, who was using her own magic to place the last bit perfectly.

“Oh, yes, darling. I followed the book to the letter.” Rarity said, closing the book and placing it in Twilight’s saddle bag. “You just be careful, dear… No telling where you’ll go.”

“Yeah, how are you gonna get back, anyways?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“The book spoke of a recall spell. It will send me back to where I came from, by channeling my magic and saying the dimension’s name.” Twilight answered, letting out a nervous sigh. “Alright, everything is ready.”

“Be careful, sugarcube.” Applejack said.

“Don’t forget us!!!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, bouncing up and down.

“Yeah! Get in over your head, don’t be afraid to come back instantly!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh, don’t forget to keep yourself clean, dear! Got to keep up your image, as a Princess!” Rarity suggested.

“Avoid any scary places… If that’s ok.” Fluttershy, meekly, added.

“Don’t worry, girls. I’ll be fine.” Twilight said, before channeling her magic into the circle. Within seconds, her body began to light up and become transparent.

“Got you!” A sinister voice yelled, Twilight’s concentration breaking. “You’ll be mine, soon, Princess!” Before she could scream, the spell exploded, sending Twilight off to a new dimension.

-Prospero, Magnus’ Chambers-

“What!?” The Primarch yelled, launching out of his throne. “But, how did he enter Equestria!?”

Azhek began to panic, trying to think of something. “He may have been waiting in another dimension, my lord. Waited until she made the jump, and struck!” He said, the Primarch searching for his beloved daughter. “She may be in the same dimension he chose.”

“It is a possibility; I just have to-… THERE! Terra 5-5-9!” Magnus yelled, stopping the window where a flash of purple exploded. “I just have to go there, and-...”

“My lord, no… You can’t leave our dimension right now.” Azhek said, interrupting his lord. “Something requiring your presence may come up.”

“But I cannot just leave her, to fall prey to whatever that foul creature has planned!” Magnus argued, looking down at the Captain.

“You won’t, my lord… I’ll go, the Scarab Occult is at your command, without me around. I’ll also be strong enough to fend off what he sends.” Azhek answered, Magnus looking down at his Captain. “Please, father. I wasn’t there for my sister, when she was born… Let me be there, for her, now.”

Magnus just looked at Azhek, his favored son. It is true that the Legion couldn’t function without its Primarch, but could without one Captain. But the Primarch could feel another reason behind the suggestion. Regret, sorrow, anger, remorse; the Captain suffered Twilight’s loss, as much as he did. Not because he didn’t get to see her, but because he couldn’t protect her like an older brother should.

“Alright…” Magnus placed a hand on to Azhek’s helmet, psykic energy building up around the Captain. “I will get you close, as I possibly can.”

“Thank you, my lord… I will not fail you.” Azhek said, ready for the interdimential jump. His heqa staff tightly in his grasp, bolt pistol mag-locked to his hip.

“I know you won’t, my son.” Magnus said, before Azhek vanished from sight, within a flash of light. The Primarch looked back at the window. “Please, Azhek, keep her safe.”