• Published 6th Jul 2016
  • 7,851 Views, 151 Comments

Daughter of the Crimson King - The-Black-Knight

When Twilight was born, her parents weren't who she thought they were. After an incident involving a malevolent entity, that wanted her for dark plots, they agreed to disguise her and send her away... Twenty Years Later, the past repeats itself.

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Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen

-Four weeks later-

Twilight was home again, her friends were overjoyed to have her back. When Celestia arrived, in a flash of light, the young princess broke down crying, and her mother comforted Twilight the best she could… Pinkie Pie went so far, as to throw her a ‘Welcome Home!’ party. It helped her, some, but the pain remained.

Despite having royal obligations to attend to, Twilight mostly remained in her room. The pain of losing her father and Peter, will take a long time to mend. For now, she just laid on her bed, wings tucked against her frame. “It’s not fair.” She whispered, fighting back the tears. When her door opened, and the sounds of hooves clopping followed, Twilight didn’t look up. “No, mother, I do not think I’m ready yet.”

The pony didn’t respond, they simply climbed on to her bed and laid next to Twilight. Once settled, the young princess felt a large wing wrap around her body. The comforting embrace allowed her to cry into the pony’s scarlet coat.

Wait, scarlet?” She thought, noticing the wing was somewhat bigger than Celestia’s. Her teary eyes slowly looked up, and into that one golden eye. “F-Father?” Twilight whispered.

He slowly gave a nod, holding a loving smile. “Hello, my dearest Twilight. How have you been holding up?” Crimson King asked, before he soon found Twilight’s hooves around his broad neck.

“Father!” She squealed, like a filly nuzzling into his neck. “H-How did you get here? I thought that the link between our worlds was broken, according to mother.” Twilight asked, still nuzzling into Crimson King.

He nuzzled her back, holding his loving smile. “Your grandfather apparently knew about you, and what I did to protect you.” He started, the young princess looking up at him. “Ever since, he was creating another way for us to see one another again, safely alongside his webway project.”

"I’ll have to thank him, when I see him again!” Twilight said, watching her father stand up.

“Agreed…. Though, you do have visitors.” Manus said, Twilight rushing up to him. “Each has been eagerly waiting to see you again.” Twilight nodded, following the alicorn stallion.

-Friendship Castle, Main Hall-

“I must say, Lady Rarity, your sense of fashion is simply divine, and you’re so cultured.” A purple alicorn stallion, with a silver mane and tail, stated.

Rarity blushed, putting a hoof over her muzzle. “Oh, your majesty, you are most kind.” She said, Applejack rolling her eyes and Pinkie Pie just giggled.

All the while, Rainbow Dash seemed to be having an argument with another alicorn stallion, this one with a gray coat with an orange mane and tail. “I bet I can sooooo beat you in a race and drinking competition!” She said, butting heads with the stallion.

“I’ve only lost to one other, pup. Whenever we get a chance, I’ll show you the difference between us!” He growled, with a rough voice.

“Oh, my… I do hope they won’t hurt each other…” Fluttershy said, standing next to a red colored stallion, his mane and tail being a golden blonde.

“Do not fret, Lady Fluttershy. He may be brash, and straight forward, but my brother will not harm her.” He said, giving a comforting smile to the shy pegasus.

When Crimson King and Twilight came down, the young princess instantly recognized the purple sallion. “Uncle Fulgrim!” She shouted, running up to him, and hugging the alicorn.

Fulgrim placed a kiss on the top of her head. “I must say, dearest niece… You still look breath taking! I will have to do many paintings, which requires many visits!” He said, earning a blush from Twilight.

This is one of your uncles?” Rarity asked, blushing more. “My, no wonder you are so cultured, Prince Fulgrim.”

Fulgrim chuckled, and nodded. “Yes, I am. But, please, call me Fulgrim. Magnus has told us much about the ‘Elements of Harmony’ within the past four weeks.”

“Agreed, and it is so pleasant to finally speak with you, Twilight.” The red stallion said, walking up with Fluttershy. “I am Sanguinus, another one of your uncles. While the one challenging your rainbow haired friend, is your uncle Leman Russ.” He added, chuckling some. “Do not let his current actions fool you… Leman has been anxious to meet you, Twilight… To the point he pestered dear Magnus every day until we left for Equestria.”

The moment his name was mentioned, the gray stallion had broken away from his argument and appeared in front of Twilight. “So, you’re Magnus’ pup, huh?” He asked, as she nodded, and leaned in. “Let me get a gooood, long, look at you.” His examining gaze made Twilight feel like she was prey within a hunter’s sight. Before her fight or flight instinct kicked in, she was suddenly within a bone crushing embrace, the Wolf King letting out a hearty laugh. “While she isn’t built like a warrior, yet, the pup has some unbelievable potential!” Leman looked towards Magnus. “I should have expected no less from you, brother!”

“Well, I thank you, Leman… But, if you don’t mind, let go of dear Twilight?” Magnus asked, pointing a hoof to the blue Twilight. “She can’t breathe.”

Leman nodded, letting her go with a laugh. “Forgive me, I forget my own strength sometimes!” He said, backing up some as Twilight took a deep breath.

“It is great to see you all, but where is the others?” Twilight asked, looking around. “Did something happen in your dimension?”

“No, dear. It is just that, the Imperium continues on whether we like it or not.” Magnus said, moving next to her. “They will make visits whenever possible for them.” A sly grin appeared on his face. “Although, there is another here to see you.”

“Really? Who?” She asked, her friends giving a confused look at the stallion, who began to quietly laugh.

“You may come in now, boy. How about saying hello, like you’ve been dying to.” Magnus called out, the front doors opening up.

A young unicorn stallion, nervously, walked into the main hall. He glanced around, his tan coat shaking some while his chocolate colored mane a complete mess. When he stopped, Twilight recognized those unmistakable hazel eyes. “H-Hey, Twilight… You are really gorgeous t-today.” He stuttered, waving at her while Twilight’s eyes teared up. “I’ve missed you.”

The young princess did not wait, nor notice the confused looks on the faces of her friends. Twilight sprinted to the stallion, and took him to the ground! “Peter!” She yelled, nuzzling into his neck. Twilight, after allowing him to recover, looked up to Peter’s face. “I-I thought you couldn’t come, and mother said that dimension jumping too quickly is dangerous.”

“I don’t know. Your dad appeared on the Helicarrier two weeks ago and asked if I wanted to see you again.” Peter started to blush, before shivering. “But… Your uncles wanted to test me first, the Emperor and your father simply overseeing it.”

“And I must say, he impressed us greatly.” Fulgrim said, walking over. “His combat grace is quite the show.”

“His compassion and zeal astounded your uncle Vulkan and I.” Sanguinus added, smiling at the memory of his test.

Leman Russ chuckled a bit. “Thought he was going to explode, with our eating contest. The drinking portion? Well, I know who I’m having at my next feast.”

Twilight smiled, and looked back at Peter. “Which one was the hardest, to you, Peter?” She asked.

Peter scratched the back of his head, thinking on the question. “They were all pretty hard. But, if I have to choose.” He shivered, remembering the trial. “Night Haunter’s trial, hands down.”

“Again, we do apologize, for dear Konrad.” Fulgrim said, having a concerned look on his face. “We understand he can be most difficult to deal with, let alone be around. I often try my best to help him become more… Approachable and friendly.”

“W-What did he do?” Twilight asked, wondering what the Primarch could have done to Peter.

“H-He just stared at me!” Peter answered, his eyes going wide, entire body shaking. “Those black eyes, mixed in with the pale skin, long black hair, and the fangs? I seriously thought he was going to drink my blood! And him cutting his tongue on those teeth, making blood come out of his mouth, didn’t help at all!”

“Konrad is difficult, but he means well, young Peter.” Sanguinus added, smiling. “Now, we must hurry. Magnus, we’ll take the girls with us… But handle your business on Peter’s world quickly.” The stallion sighed, shaking his head, pointing a hoof at Leman. “You know how your brother hates waiting.”

Magnus nodded. “I understand.” He moved over to Twilight and Peter. “Let’s be off… I wish to handle something before my surprise, for Twilight.” The two nodded, before all three vanished in a flash of red light.

-Outside Stark Tower-

“This is an outrage! That menace, his little girlfriend, and her oversized robot; caused so much damage… And you all ignore it!” Jameson yelled, a small following agreeing with him. “Justice must be done!”

“I understand why you believe this, Mr. Jameson. However, that was because of Victor Von Doom… Who has paid the price for what he did.” Tony said, with Steve with him. “Spider-Man merely-…

“How do you know those four didn’t plan all that? Losing control over what plot they had!” Jameson argued, not listening to Tony’s reasoning, he following yelling their agreement.

Before Tony could respond, the air suddenly became electrified. The crowd started to step away, as an area suddenly had a build-up of lavender energy. Then, in a bright flash of light, both Spider-Man and Twilight appeared. “Whoa… I am never going to get used to teleporting…” The web-slinger said, holding his head.

“Sorry, I keep forgetting you’re not used to magic.” Twilight said, holding on to Spider-Man’s arm, making sure he doesn’t fall.

“Spider-Man! Princess!” Both Tony and Steve called out, happy to see their friends.

“Hey guys! We’re here to handle something real fast, and-!” Spider-Man managed to say, before a third voice interrupted him.

“Spider-Man!” Jameson yelled, glaring at the hero. “And he’s brought his eye-candy, too!” The crowd started to yell about how Spider-Man was a menace to the city, along with telling him to leave.

“Whoa! Calm down, everyone! Especially you, Jameson. For once, even though you don’t deserve it, I’m here to help you.” Spider-Man said, putting both hands up, defensively.

“Help? Help!? You don’t help anyone, you menace!” Jameson yelled, holding his glare. “And what? Asked some of your criminal friends to attack me, while trying to act innocent?”

“No, this is something you caused. With all your hate talking, you’ve really pissed someone off.” Spider-Man countered. “They are letting me try and defuse this, before-!”

“A likely story!” Jameson interrupted. “And who could it be, huh? Your eye-candy right there? Last I checked, she couldn’t do much, and just stayed latched on to your arm!”

During his rant, Jameson didn’t notice a shadow appearing behind him, nor the surprised gasps of this following. “Oh crap…” Both Spider-Man and Twilight muttered.

“What? Laid in bed with her enough, listening to her cry about how hard things were… Now come and try to make me say sorry, with a threat?” Jameson continued, oblivious to the nine foot tall being behind him. “Don’t make me laugh! I should just-?”

“I have heard enough.” Magnus said, forcing the ex-reporter to turn around, and nearly have a heart attack at the sight of him. “My decision has been made, about this vulgar mortal.”

“W-Who in blue b-blazes are you?” Jameson stuttered, not liking Magnus’ one, red, eye.

“My son, Azhek, you know him as Lord Scarab, has already told you who I am, Jameson. But, in case your aged mind has forgotten?” The Primarch uncrossed his arms, allowing his psykic aura to crack the ground, and nearby buildings. “I am Magnus the Red, King of Prospero and Lord of the Thousand Sons Legion.” He leaned down, to say his final piece to the pale Jameson. “And Princess Twilight Sparkle’s father.”

“Y-Y-You’re…. T-That red giants… F-Father?” Magnus gave a slow nod. “While also being that… G-Girl’s father?” Once again, the Primarch nodded. “U-Um… H-Hello-!”

Do not be so informal with me, mortal whelp!” Magnus roared, forcing the ex-reporter to fall backwards, on to his ass. “I do not take too kindly, when some disrespectful mortal decides to call my, only, daughter a whore! Nor do I appreciate the level of ungrateful actions you have taken against young Spider-Man!” Jameson was about to say something, but was quickly silenced. “I did not give you permission to speak, mortal! You shall be taken to Prospero, and imprisoned, to stand trial!

“I-I’m sorry! Is there-!” Jameson was cut off once more.

You had your chance, at redemption, mortal! And you were warned before, but you chose to ignore it!” Magnus said, his hands glowing red. “Spider-Man pleaded for your soul to be spared. Though, you ignored his words.” With that, the four vanished in a flash of red light.

“That… Just happened….” Steve said, Tony giving a nod.