• Published 6th Jul 2016
  • 7,856 Views, 151 Comments

Daughter of the Crimson King - The-Black-Knight

When Twilight was born, her parents weren't who she thought they were. After an incident involving a malevolent entity, that wanted her for dark plots, they agreed to disguise her and send her away... Twenty Years Later, the past repeats itself.

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Chapter Four

Chapter Four

-Stark Tower-

“Here we are!” Deadpool said, running up to the glass door. “Just gotta walk in and-!” He cut himself off, noticing that the door wouldn’t open. “Oh crap, it’s locked! Stark never locks his door!”

Spider-Man let out a pain filled groan, causing Twilight to look up at Azhek. “Mr. Ahirman, we have to do something quick!” She pleaded.

Azhek looked at the door, to Spider-Man, then to the Mercenary. “Whatcha gonna do, big guy?” Deadpool asked, catching pondering movements from the Astartes.

“Take the boy.” He simply said, handing Spider-Man over to Deadpool, who carefully took him. “Cover your ears, Princess.” Azhek drew his bolt pistol, from his hip, and aimed it at the glass door. He waited until Twilight did what he told her to do, then…
Crack! Crack! Crack!
With only three bolter rounds, the glass door shattered to nothing! Both Azhek and Deadpool rushed in, right as the tower’s defensive blast doors started to close. “Situation resolved… Now, where is this Iron Man?” Azhek asked, looking down at Deadpool, the Captain still cradling Twilight in his arm.

“With the alarm you just tripped? Any minute now.” Deadpool said, still holding Spider-Man over his shoulder.

“Try any second.” A voice said, making the group turn to see a man incased in red and yellow armor, pointing his palms at them. “Deadpool, you and your friends have five seconds to explain why you destroyed my front door.” Iron Man demanded.

“Stark!-Spidey-is-in-bad-shape,-man!-Venom-beat-the-snot-out-of-him,-throwing-the-kid-right-into-a-building!” Deadpool said, rather quickly, while showing the unconscious Spider-Man.

“Peter!” Iron Man yelled, flying over to them, pressing something on his helmet. “Jarvis, prep the medical bay. Patient: Peter Park, aka Spider-Man.” He quickly took the hero from Deadpool. “You three stay here, I have a few questions for you, but I’m going to see to him first.”

The group nodded, while Iron Man rushed off to a nearby elevator. When the door shut, Twilight looked up at Azhek. “Um… I guess now would be a good time to say thank you, for saving us.” She said, smiling at the Astartes.

Azhek looked down at her, and nodded. “It was my duty, and privilege, to come to your aid, Princess.” He said, taking the heqa staff from his side, and used it like a cane.

Twilight raised an eyebrow, catching something for the first time. “Not to sound rude, or ungrateful, but how exactly did you know I was a Princess? I’ve never seen the likes of you in Equestria before… Except the symbol on your left shoulder.” She asked, a confused Deadpool looking at them both.

“I cannot tell you much, except that you are more well-known, than you think.” Azhek answered, not lying but being cryptic. “As for the symbol, it is the Legion Insignia of the Thousand Sons Astartes Legion. The mark of our Lord, Primarch, and Gene-Father; Magnus the Red. However, the book in your bag, allowed you to know of him by a different name.”

Twilight looked at her shoulders, to see that her saddle bag had turned into a backpack and strangely held on, despite the danger she was in. Twilight looked back up at Azhek, the names connecting to one another allowing a face of disbelief. “Crimson King…” She mumbled.

“In your world, yes. But in ours, it is a title.” Azhek confirmed, with a nod. “My lord is also the strongest known Sorcerer, his psykic power second only to the Emperor of Mankind himself… Which puts him on the level of a god.”

Twilight’s, and Deadpool’s, jaw just dropped. This meant that they were standing in the presence of a Demi-God of sorts! “Wait… If he is that powerful, then why would he want me to have his journal? Before I became a Princess, or an Element of Harmony for that matter, I was just a regular unicorn mare… The only reason I even got that far, was because of my friends.” Twilight asked, snapping out of her trance.

Her inquisitive mind would have made her a perfect member of the Thousand Sons.” Azhek thought, smiling behind his helmet. “I cannot tell you everything, Princess, but I will pass this on.” He knelt down, in front of her, and placed his large hand on to her shoulder. “To receive a manuscript of Lord Magnus, is not a small thing. Such an honor is extremely rare… It means there is something very special about you, and he can see it.”

Twilight looked up at him, listening to every word. “W-Would you mind… Giving me an example of how rare?” She asked, wondering the rarity of said book, along with the importance.

Azhek stood back up, nodding. “Out of the entire Legion, I am his favored son, Captain of his First Fellowship, Cult leader of the Corvidae Cult, and leader of his most elite Astartes… Yet, I have never received one of his manuscripts. I don’t think even his father, the Emperor of Mankind, has one.” He answered, Twilight’s eyes going wide.

“You… Might want to invest in a hardcore, impossible to crack, safe there, Princess.” Deadpool suggested, Twilight giving a slow nod.

“By the way…” She managed to say, looking at the two of them. “You can call me Twilight. Not that I hate my position, as a Princess, or anything, just that I want to keep some normality in my life.” Twilight asked, the two giving a nod of understanding.

-Dr. Doom’s Fortress-

“You three are some of the strongest villains, in Manhatten. You both out number and outmatch him, even with that annoying Mercenary to help… So tell me.” Dr. Doom gripped the arms of his throne, denting the metal. “Why have you returned empty handed!?” His voice actually shook the chamber, causing the three to flinch.

“Mr. Von Doom, please, hear us out! Something unexpected occurred! Something we weren’t prepared for.” Doc Ock said, Dr. Doom waving for him to continue. “We about had her, Spider-Man far too hurt to lift a finger, Deadpool distracted by Kraven, Venom going for the capture… Textbook job, but…” He looked back at the heavily breathing Venom, obviously barely recovering, and then back to Dr. Doom. “Some eight foot giant, wearing red and gold Egyptian armor, came out of nowhere! He was using some sort of power that actually took Venom out with one blow. Even without my tech scanning him, for a threat level, I could tell we were no match by the likes of him.” Doc Ock looked at the other two again, before finishing. “Even if the three of us took him on, all at once.”

Dr. Doom gave a nod. “If this stranger took out Venom, easily as you said, then I would have to agree.” He looked at the symbiote, whose condition confirmed the story. “I will be merciful this time around. But next time, your failure will not be greeted so kindly. Now, leave, I must figure out another plan to capture this girl.” The three nodded, taking their leave of the place, and away from a possibly angry Dr. Doom.

Once they were gone, the shadow snake slowly appeared, next to Dr. Doom. “By the way they described him, I would say the giant was an Astartes. Which means that power was psykic might.” He looked at Dr. Doom. “That confirms the girl’s father has sent one of his Thousand Sons Astartes to protect her.

“Anything you suggest, on how to deal with him, Tzeentch?” Dr. Doom asked, not looking at the creature.

“If it is a normal Legionnaire, a well versed Sorcerer could hold their own against him, but…” Doom looked at the entity. “If it is a Captain, or a member of the Scarab Occult, which more than likely is, nothing short of a Master will stand a chance against him.”

Dr. Doom began to laugh, he knew exactly who to use. “Then it is a good thing I know the perfect candidate, whose ego against his brother will be enough convincing.” He looked at Tzeentch again. “But we need to prevent the girl from going home… Think you can handle that? While freeing our soon to be ally? Where he’s imprisoned, I cannot go.”

“Victor, you speak as if I am some weak mortal.” The two began to laugh, before the snake vanished.

-Stark Tower-

After two hours of waiting, Tony Stark came back down with a smile on his face. Both Twilight and Deadpool were relieved when he told them “Peter” will be fine and just needed rest. However, the Mercenary had to leave, since he actually had a job offering, and waited until he got word on Peter’s condition. Which only left one thing left to do.

“So, tell me about yourselves? Jarvis scanned the two of you, and concluded that there were readings of energies associated with inter-dimensional travel.” Tony said, leading them on to a service elevator, due to Azhek’s size and armor weight. The lift started to go up, after they got on.

Azhek placed a hand to Twilight’s shoulder, signaling for her to go first. “W-Well, I am Princess Twilight Sparkle… Equestira’s Princess of Friendship. Believe it or not, in my world, I am what is called an alicorn. It is a mixture of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies. Those three being the dominate race of my world, and only four known alicorns ruling over Equestria… I am included in that four.” She explained, Tony not seeming very surprised. “I am also a member of the group known as the ‘Elements of Harmony’. My element being magic.”

Tony gave a nod. “I am guessing magic is a rather big thing in your world? Replacing our world’s science?” He asked, seemingly taking mental notes.

“Yes, that is correct. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t study it. I, for one, actually enjoy learning about such things.” Twilight said, raising an eyebrow. “You don’t seem too surprised… When I went to a world, where it was an exact copy of ours, except they were humans instead of ponies… They freaked out a little, when I told them.”

“To be perfectly honest, when your best drinking buddy is a mythical Thunder God, wielding an enchanted hammer and can fly… Things stop surprising you.” He shrugged, now looking back to Azhek. “How about you, big guy? What’s your story? From what I can tell, you’re some sort of high tech super soldier.” Tony asked.

“You’re actually very close.” Azhek said, with a nod. “I am what is called an Astartes, or Space Marine. A genetically enhanced warrior, designed to fight the Imperium of Man’s enemies. I am one from the Thousand Sons Legion, genetically altered sons of the Primarch Magnus the Red… Who is one of the eighteen known sons of the Emperor of Man, out of twenty.” He explained, allowing Tony to take his mental notes, before continuing. “My Legion specializes in psykic warfare, or magic in Twilight’s case, with technological warfare.”

“Hm, based on that, I am to assume your dimension is several hundred years more advance?” Tony asked.

“Try thousands, but yes.” Azhek confirmed.

“Alright, so what ties you two together? I doubt your dimensions are allies.” Tony asked.

“I was sent here to protect Twilight, by my lord’s order. I am Azhek Ahriman, by the way. Captain of the Thousand Sons First Fellowship, and leader of the elite Scarab Occult.” Azhek added, eyeing the elevator dials. “He has taken quite the interest in her, and her abilities with magic.”

“And I was just testing some theories on inter-dimensional travelling spells, left by a pony named ‘Crimson King’.” Twilight added, smiling up at Tony. “One moment I was testing a spell, the next… I had three lunatics attacking me. Spider-Man and Deadpool fighting them off, then Captain Ahriman arriving, just in time to save Spider-Man from that bigger, black, version of him.”

Tony nodded, taking Azhek’s strength into account. “I’ll assume that was Venom, who isn’t an easy foe to defeat.” When the elevator stopped, the doors opening, Tony walked into the penthouse suite. “Since you two helped save Peter’s life, who has been like a son to me, and need a place to stay… Me casa es su casa.” He spoke up, the two following him inside. “Please, make yourselves at home.”

“A-Are you sure? I don’t wish to be a burden.” Twilight asked, a bit nervous.

“Nonsense, I have too much money anyways.” Tony shrugged, smiling a bit. “Having two extra people won’t be much of a problem.”

She nodded, looking up at Azhek. “Where ever you go, I’ll go. My duty is to keep you safe, until you’re back home.” He said.

Twilight smiled, looking back at Tony. “Well, Mr. Stark, we accept your generous offer.” She said, bowing her head respectfully.

“Good, if you need anything, just tell Jarvis and he’ll get it for you.” Tony said, pulling out his phone and tapping it a few times.

“Who is Jarvis?” Twilight asked, looking for a servant of some kind.

That would be me, Princess Sparkle.” A monotone voice said, making Twilight squeak in surprise. “I am the A.I. System that personally helps Mr. Stark with his responsibilities.

“An artificial intelligence assistant? Impressive, reminds me of our Machine Spirits and Servitors.” Azhek commented, looking for any possible signs of where Jarvis’ consul could be.

Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Captain Ahriman.” Jarvis said, Azhek gave a nod. “By the way, Mr. Stark, Mr. Rogers will be here soon. Shall I prepare anything?

“No, Steve will not want anything. Though, I’m sure he’ll like to speak with Azhek.” Tony said, smirking a bit. “Cap will probably want to talk about old war stories.”

“I won’t mind speaking of my own experiences, along with hearing another’s.” Azhek commented, chuckling a bit. “Though, I’m sure that Twilight is tired, and I require meditation on some things.”

Tony nodded. “There are two rooms down the hall, on your right. Feel free to use them.” He said, the two nodding back. “Oh, and when Peter wakes up, I’ll tell Jarvis to let you two know.

-Canterlot Castle-

Celestia was frantic, the news of what happened at the Castle of Friendship reached her quickly. When the Sun Princess read the note, from within her personal chambers, the Royal Guards swore they heard her scream from the castle walls. Luna actually blew the door down with her magic. “Tia! What happened!? Your scream woke me up, and I came quickly as I could!” The Moon Princess said, suddenly catching her sister in a state she’s never seen before.

Celestia was on her bed, sobbing uncontrollably, looking as if she was about to rip her mane out. “He took her! I-I can’t believe he took her away!” She yelled, burying her face into a nearby pillow. “I should have known it would be dangerous! He’s been wanting Twilight, since she was a foal! And I am to blame, oh Crimson, what have I done!”

Luna was confused, the moon Princess then saw the new note, levitating it over to her. The words on the parchment were frantic, and written fast. “Trying out Crimson King’s inter-dimensional spell…. Whispering voice said ‘You’ll be mine soon’… Spell went haywire… Twilight has disappeared.” She mentally said, looking over to her sister. “Tia, I’m sure she will be fine… This is Twilight Sparkle we are talking about.” Luna said, trying to comfort her sister.

“You don’t understand, Luna!” Celestia said, looking at the younger sister, eyes filled with tears. “He came for her before, and only my beloved Crimson could fight him off! Twilight stands no chance against that monster!” She reburied her face into the pillow. “And I delivered our poor baby into his twisted claws!”

“Sister, what are you talking about? What you’re saying doesn’t make any-?” When Luna stepped forward, her hoof stepped on a book. Her gaze went down to it, she noticed the picture of Celestia and some crimson alicorn stallion. What made her eyes go wide was her sister’s figure. Celestia was…. Tia was… “Pregnant!?” Her mind screamed.

“Princess Celestia!” A male voice called, two older unicorn stallions rushing in. “The Elements of Harmony are here, claiming some whispering voice took Princess Twilight away!” Heavy Hoof reported.

“Could it be that creature, which attacked twenty years ago, and tried to take her before Crimson King stopped it?” Star Shine asked, the two stallions had truly matured since then, both sporting a whip scar on their necks.

The two didn’t notice Princess Luna, until she gasped at what said. “Princess Luna! Forgive us, we didn’t see you!” They both said, bowing their heads in respect…. Not seeing the shocked expression on the Moon Princess’ face.

A few seconds after, the guards on the walls heard a different mare scream her head off… Both Heavy Hoof and Star Shine having to deal with a fainted Luna.