• Published 6th Jul 2016
  • 7,856 Views, 151 Comments

Daughter of the Crimson King - The-Black-Knight

When Twilight was born, her parents weren't who she thought they were. After an incident involving a malevolent entity, that wanted her for dark plots, they agreed to disguise her and send her away... Twenty Years Later, the past repeats itself.

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Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen

Standing within his sights, and staring at both Twilight and Celestia, was Dr. Doom. However, there were warped spikes protruding out from his body. Those that tried to advance on him, were sent flying away by mist-like blue energy. “I-Is that… Dr. Doom?” Twilight asked, sensing the massive amounts of energy coming from the man… It was terrifying.

“S-Sort of… I mean, his super powered now. Even gained some freaky spike things.” Spider-Man said, standing in front of Twilight.

“So long as we stay within the barrier, we should be-!” Shining Armor became dumbfounded, when Dr. Doom simply waved his hand and the barrier shattered! “How did he do that!?”

“Everyone! Get Twilight away from him, now!” Azhek ordered, panic in his voice. “He’s corrupted!” No one questioned the Astartes, his panic being enough, while they started to fall back.

“Azhek! With me, quickly!” Celestia ordered, opening her wings and flew straight for the empowered Dr. Doom, spear ready.

“Yes, Princess!” He replied, drawing the bolt pistol and firing it. However, the rounds kept hitting an invisible barrier and did no harm towards him.

“Foolish… Kraven, bring me the girl.” Dr. Doom said, his voice echoing with power, as Kraven rushed past him. The Hunter being ignored by Celestia and Azhek, the two going after a greater threat. Unfortunately, the two had no idea what they were about to face.

While Kraven advanced towards Twilight, the Royal Guards charged him. The Hunter, experienced against far more dangerous foes, dispatched them quickly. He slammed Star Shine face first into the ground, before smashing Heavy Hoof in the skull with the hilt of his machete. Spider-Man and Shining Armor prepared to fight him, but another suddenly stood in his way by firing several rounds in the Hunter’s path.

“Hiiiiiiiiii Kravy!!!” Deadpool yelled, landing in front of the Hunter, already with his katanas drawn. “Missed me? Oh, I know you did!”

“Deadpool… Should I ask why you’re helping them?” Kraven asked, drawing his other machete.

“She’s Spidey’s girl, Spidey is like my little brother… I think you get the picture? Plus, I haven’t had a chance to speak in this story for a while. (FOR A REASON DEADPOOL!) Oh be quiet you, I know you love me.” Deadpool suddenly leapt into the air, aiming straight for Kraven. “Dynamic Entry!!!!”

Despite his strange antics, Twilight was glad that Deadpool stopped Kraven. From what she remembered, the Hunter was deadly and the immortal mercenary was probably the best choice. Using her magic, she brought the unconscious Royal Guards over to them, and out of harm’s way. Now, all were left was her, Shining Armor, and Spider-Man; while Azhek and Celestia fought Dr. Doom.

To her horror, however, another blue explosion sent both beings flying towards them. Reacting quickly, both she and Shining Armor used their magic to slow them down, and come to a halt. Celestia’s armor was broken and burned, blood staining her frame. Azhek, however, had blood seeping from his armor… Even his helmet was gone, exposing the wounds on his face.

“H-He’s too… Powerful.” Celestia said, weakly. “We barely…. Stood a chance.”

Azhek tried to sit up, every nerve in his body screaming in pain. “Whatever corrupted him, is powerful.” He added, wincing at the pain. “He far exceeds what any of us can possibly do.”

That is why you should surrender, now, Princess.” Dr. Doom shouted, slowly approaching the small group.

When energy started to crack around him, Shining Armor drew his sword and stood in the corrupted mutate’s path. “Spider-Man! With me! We cannot let him near her!”

Spider-Man nodded, readying himself for battle. “I won’t let him harm a hair on her head!” He yelled, staring Dr. Doom down.

When Shining Armor charged forward, Spider-Man shot webbing at Dr. Doom. However, they were instantly incinerated by the aura around him. Dr. Doom made a quick hand motion towards Shining Armor, the Knight was sent flying and crashed far away from them. The young hero then raced towards the super powered villain, using his own power.

Dr. Doom tilted his head, watching Spider-Man running straight for him. “How cute, he thinks there is a chance.” He said, firing a bolt of lightning at him.

Spider-Man quickly dodged the attack, using his webbing to throw two nearby Doombots at Dr. Doom. When he moved to destroy the robots, Spider-Man suddenly appeared in the smoke and landed a punch against Dr. Doom’s helmet, forcing him to step back. Though, Spider-Man didn’t waste any time and started to land more hits against the villain. “Is that all you got, Doom? Not so tough with someone so close, now are you!” He taunted, throwing another punch.

Dr. Doom then caught the punch, and looked at him. “If you think your attacks actually hurt, you’re only fooling yourself.” With that, he hit Spider-Man with a bolt of energy.

The web-slinger was sent, screaming in agony, flying back to Twilight. “Peter!” She yelled, her wings suddenly appearing and allowed her to fly up, catching Spider-Man. But the force behind his flight caused her to crash into the ground, losing her breath. “P-Peter! Come on, speak to me!” Twilight, frantically, said.

“Come on, Aunt May, just let me sleep a little longer…” He slurred, before passing out.

Dr. Doom slowly approached the two, shaking his head. “Let us end this farce, Princess. Surrender now, and their end will be-?” A blast of lavender energy slammed into his face, actually sending Dr. Doom flying back.

When he stood back up, Twilight’s hands were glowing with magic. “I will not let you harm a single one of them anymore!” She growled, firing another bolt of energy at Doom. “Nor will I ever surrender myself to the likes of you!” Somewhere, her words caused another to smirk.

During her frenzied attacks, Dr. Doom was simply deflecting them and not allowing them to hit him again. After the seventh shot, he quickly fired a blast at Twilight, who tried to shield herself but the attack was too strong. She ended up crashing next to Spider-Man, her costume ripped and the hood completely torn off. When she sat back up, Doom was preparing to attack again. “Let’s see how you feel, after this!”

A blast of lightning energy shot out, heading straight for her. The moment Twilight held her arms up, she was suddenly shielded by scarlet and gold ceramite armor. Her eyes went wide, at the sight of who just took the attack for her. “Azhek!!!” She screamed.

His entire body coursed with lightning, even his large skeletal structure appeared every few jolts. All the Astartes could do, was roar out in pain. He tried to fight it, but each small movement sent more painful jolts throughout his body. The display had many eyes on it, even Celestia recovered enough to see what had happened. Shining Armor, barely able to see what occurred, saw the Captain’s sudden interference.

The moment Dr. Doom ended the attack, Azhek’s armor had smoke coming out of every joint. His frame slowly falling back, crashing against the ground. “Foolish…” The villain grumbled.

“Azhek!” Twilight rushed over to the fallen Astartes’ side. “Oh, no, oh no, no, no; Azhek! I-I’m so sorry! I-I-!” She was cut off when he reached up, weakly, and placed a hand on her cheek.

“T-Twilight… Don’t be s-sorry.” He said, rough and pained, smiling up at her. “I finally got to… See my baby sister, and physically touch her, for once. I was there for her, when she needed me. That, alone, made my time here worth it.”

“W-What are you talking about, Azhek? You’ve only been spending your time with me…” She said, confused by his statement.

Azhek couldn’t help but laugh at her question. “Oh, Twlight… Y-You’re smart, but the obvious e-escapes you so easily.” He said, holding his smile, as his eyes soften on her. “You’ve grown into such a beautiful woman, and mare… Father is so proud of y-you… I-I’m lucky to be the older brother… To such a s-special person.” He weakly sat up, a placed a kiss on her forehead. “My… Dearest sister… T-T-Twilight.” The Astartes fell back, limply.

Everything he just said, suddenly clicked in Twilight’s mind. Every bit of information pieced together. The book, the watchful presence, the over protective guardian watching over only her, her unbelievable magical abilities, for even an alicorn. Her eyes started to tear up, even Celestia couldn’t fight back the tears. Dr. Doom just shook his head. “Pathetic sentiment.” He said, smirking behind his mask. “Could have been avoided, if that fool hadn’t-!”

“Shut up!” Twilight growled, glaring at him, her magic causing the ground to break. “Don’t. Insult. My. BROTHER!” She unlashed the most powerful attack possible for her, the massive amounts of energy obliterating everything in its path, causing Celestia’s jaw to go slack. Dr. Doom was even engulfed within the beam of light.

Twilight breathed heavily, her entire body shaking violently, and fell to her knees. “I-I can’t believe what I just saw.” Celestia muttered, smiling at her daughter. “Did she always have that much power?”

“I-I did it!” Twilight said, smiling. “I actually beat Doom!”

“Did you now?” The voice froze Twilight’s blood, the smoke starting to clear. Standing at the very end of the burnt trail, was Dr. Doom… Unharmed. “Are you sure about that?”

“Impossible… I-I put my all in that spell.” Twilight said, too weak to stand.

“It seems you’re all, wasn’t enough.” Dr. Doom held his hand up, a ball of energy appearing within his palm. “I will no longer waste my time… I do hope he doesn’t mind you, without your body.” He fired the energy, it was stronger than that Twilight threw at him.

“Twilight!” Celestia screamed, unable to move, in order to save her daughter.

Twilight was frozen, her body still weakened, eyes wide. “I-I’ve failed…”

Don’t sell yourself short, Twilight.” A powerful, yet calm, voice echoed.

The Thousand Son’s insignia appeared in front of her, before a crimson barrier surrounded Twilight. When the blast struck the barrier, causing it to ripple for a mere second. Everyone, including Dr. Doom, watched as the blast was sent skyward! “H-How in Equestria did-!” A powerful magical presence appeared, threatening to crush her small frame, but soon turned into a loving one… Twilight then felt rejuvenated.

Twilight slowly turned around, her eyes couldn’t get any wider. Right there, with seven bulky Astartes clad in Thousand Sons Terminator armor, was a nine foot man. His skin was crimson red, armor shining gold, tusks coming out of the chest and back, and only had one eye. His gaze locked on Twilight, a soft smile on his face. “Hello, Twilight… It has been a very long time, my dearest.”

Twilight just looked at him, as the giant walked up to her. “W-Who are you?” She asked, the Terminators following him.

Her question caused him to give a soft chuckle. “Your question, and shock, is to be expected.” He placed a hand on to her shoulder. “I am Magnus the Red." The young princess soon found herself in a tight embrace from him, lifted straight off the ground. “Your father, my dearest daughter.”

“F-Father?” Twilight repeated, feeling a comforting aura from the Primarch. She hesitantly lifted her arm up, and returned the embrace. “You’re my father?” She asked, looking up at him.

“I am.” Magnus said, pulling away from her, his gaze going to the surprised Dr. Doom. “Now, stay with the Scarab Occult Terminators, it seems I have business with an arrogant doctor.”

Twilight just nodded, moving out of the Primarch’s way, five Terminators surrounding her while the other two went to assist Celestia. Dr. Doom just laughed, as he watched Magnus approach. “Well then, what can you do against me?” He asked, holding out both arms. “Against one who has already proven themselves to be a god!”

His laugh was cut short, the moment Magnus appeared right in front of him, his one eye blazing red. “You? A God?” Dr. Doom was sent flying, nothing actually touching him, and crashed against the wall of his fortress! Magnus appearing in front of him again. “You know how funny that actually sounds?” He asked, the mortal starting to panic.

Dr. Doom quickly used his power to teleport away, and into the bulk of his Doombot Army. “Powerful, or not! You’ve brought so few to face me, and I still have an army to overwhelm you!” He yelled, the Doombots preparing to fight Magnus and the Scarab Occult Terminators. “And I have my own carriers!”

Pressing a button on his wrist, three areas opened up around Dr. Doom’s Fortress. The roars of engines soon blared, as three smaller versions of the Helicarrier began to float up. Like the Doombots, the aircraft began to aim their weapons at the Primarch, who stood unimpressed.

“An overcompensation display, Doctor… However, if you believe I came with only a small contingent… Then you do not know the family bond, which dwells within the Thousand Sons Legion.” Magnus said, Dr. Doom becoming confused but grew nervous at the god-like figure’s strange grin. “After all, you just threatened to kill their only baby sister, and mortally wounded one of their brothers.” The air suddenly became charged with enormous energy, the sky becoming cloudy. “My sons, like myself, are not the forgiving sort.”

Twilight’s jaw dropped, as portals began to open behind her. They slowly widened, until connecting with one another to form one massive portal. Figures began to appear within the portal, before several thousand voices yelled out. “For the Emperor! For our lord! And for our Sister!” The battleground was swarmed with Thousand Sons Legionnaires, their weapons cracking to life and obliterating Doombots. Some even took to the skies, crashing down on to any Doombots that didn’t react to their decent.

“W-What!?” Dr. Doom yelled, watching his robotic army being decimated by the army of super soldiers. “All carriers, focus fire on their ground forces! Push them back!” At his command, the aircraft began to shift their weapons to the advancing Legionnaires. Just as they were about to fire, the lead one was suddenly being riddled with las-cannon fire! Causing it to explode, and fall down on to Dr. Doom’s Fortress.

Doom’s gaze was forced up, seeing a massive warship slowly emerge from a portal of its own! Discharge from the warship’s entry spread across the haul, but the appearance was enough to stop Doom’s aircraft from carrying out their orders. “Photep, this is Magnus.” The Primarch said, into a vox-emitter. “Destroy those two remaining carriers. The large one, behind you, and its aircraft are allies… Cleanse anything else from the skies.”

The Photep began to aim its forward cannons towards the remaining aircraft, as they tried to blast through the warship’s shields. When everything was ready, the Photep lit the skies up with streams of las-fire and missiles! Doom’s carriers, not built to face off with an Astartes Flagship, were quickly shot out of the sky, following their own flag ship to a blazing demise. Once they were taken care of, the warship began to open-fire on any airborne Doombots, assisting the SHIELD fighter jets.