• Published 6th Jul 2016
  • 7,851 Views, 151 Comments

Daughter of the Crimson King - The-Black-Knight

When Twilight was born, her parents weren't who she thought they were. After an incident involving a malevolent entity, that wanted her for dark plots, they agreed to disguise her and send her away... Twenty Years Later, the past repeats itself.

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Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

-Stark Tower Penthouse, after the Press Conference-

The four were in the lobby, talking about what had occurred at the Press Conference. “Oh man, the look on Jameson’s face! I wish I could have gotten a photo of that!” Peter said, laughing at the memory. “He seriously thought you were going to obliterate him!”

Azhek chuckled a bit and looked at Peter, who was sitting with Twilight on the couch. “Please, I’m not so brash, as to publically execute someone on a world I just arrived to. Not to mention, it would have been a waste of energy.” He said, Peter giving a nod.

“Yeah, and thanks again, Azhek, for stepping in.” Twilight said, smiling up at the Astartes. “He kept bombarding me with those questions, and statements, not letting me get a word in.”

“Think nothing of it, Twilight. I was doing what I thought was right, and my duty to you.” He said, before adding a thought in. “And as your older brother.” Mentally.

“I know it was a matter of time before someone taught Jameson a lesson.” Tony said, smirking a bit. “Wish I could have, but our laws prevent me from doing anything of the sort.”

“Yes, and your speech did more than you think.” The four turned, to see Fury walking into the penthouse. “More good, than bad.”

“What do you mean, Director Fury?” Twilight asked, with a raised brow.

“Jarvis, channel seven, please.” Fury asked, the T.V. turning on.

With pleasure, Director Fury. I have been tracking this story, since it first aired.” Jarvis said, strangely, happily before the T.V. turned to channel seven.

In later news, old time editor and chief of the Daily Bugle, James Jameson, was fired shortly after the Press Conference with the mysterious ‘Princess’ and her body guard, Lord Scarab. He was fired on grounds of nearly causing an inter-dimensional incident with two other worlds.” The news anchor said, all but Fury and Azhek going slack jawed. “The United Nations also wish to give their most sincere apologies to the Princess, for Mr. Jameson’s actions, and hopes she could forgive them for allowing it to happen.” The coverage then went to a scene at the Daily Bugle, where police officers were escorting Jameson from the building, the older man causing quite a fuss over it all and flailing about.

“It seems, after Captain Ahriman mentioned how powerful both worlds were compared to ours, the United Nations wanted to prevent any form of tension between us.” Fury said, after the T.V. turned off. “The first being to remove the person who caused any possible tension in the first place.”

“I don’t think Celestia would have allowed such a thing, Director Fury.” Twilight said, looking back at Fury. “She’s a kind hearted ruler, who only acts violently when protecting her subjects from a great threat.”

“That may be true, but the United Nations didn’t want to risk it.” Fury said, before he realized something. “Princess? Have you figured out a way to contact your home?”

Twilight shook her head. “My magic won’t let me cross, and I don’t have a way to-. Wait!” She suddenly said, remembering an incident with Sunset Shimmer and the other world. “Oh, please, please, tell me I packed it.” The young princess repeated, going through her backpack.

“Twilight? What are you looking for-?” Peter said, before leaping back.

“Found it!” Twilight yelled, before pulling out a purple journal, which had her cutie mark on it. “Does anyone have a pen?”

Fury pulled one out of his pocket, and handed it over to her. “What are you planning to do, Princess?” He asked, watching her open the journal.

“This is my personal journal, given to me by Princess Celestia. Whatever I write in it, will appear in a book within her personal library.” Twilight explained, writing a letter to the Sun Princess within the journal. “I discovered that it has its own magic, possibly from Princess Celestia herself, one that can travel to other worlds, thanks to my friend Sunset Shimmer… During an incident with three Sirens.”

“Yikes, doubt that was a pleasant experience to have…” Peter cringed, remembering the myth on Sirens.

“It wasn’t… We barely beat them and saved that world.” Twilight said, finishing the letter and closed the journal. “Finished! I hope it gets to her…”

-Canterlot Castle, Celestia’s Chambers-

The Sun Princess had not left her chambers since she received the news. Her heart was broken, shattered, and only blamed herself for what happened. She has gone so far as to have Luna take over her royal duties. The guards had told her that Luna’s explanation for her sister’s disappearance from the throne, was that she has fallen ill and is unable to leave her room.

It wasn’t far from the truth, she actually looked sick. Many within the castle tried to cheer her up, including Luna, the Mane Six, even Discord but the spirit left after he realized how futile it was. But nothing worked, Celestia continued to blame herself for what happened. “How could I have been so stupid...?” She whispered, pushing her faze deeper into a pillow. “Was it my grief for her to meet him, from another world, that blinded me?”

Her sorrow grasped the shattered remains of her heart, like that of a dragon grabbing his prized crystal. Celestia had lost her only daughter to a daemon, no less! It was all her fault, her only real treasure was gone, forever. The thoughts became darker, her white coat slowly turning to a dark gray, until….

A buzzing sound, and flashes of light, caught the Sun Princess’ attention. She looked over to a nearby podium, where an exact copy of Twilight’s Journal sat. It was flashing with a lavender glow, buzzing like it did when Twilight wrote a new entry. “But, how?” Celestia said, to no one, as she got up and walked over to the podium. Using her magic, the princess opened the book up to read the new entry. “Dear Princess, I will start off by saying I am safe and sound, thanks to a group of heroes from this world.”

When she read this out loud, Celestia felt a wave of relief, and joy, wash over her body. Her precious daughter was safe, and not within the hands of that monster. Within seconds, her coat returned to its pure white color, her body slowly becoming healthier.

Celestia continued to read the letter. “I was rescued by a young human hero, called ‘Spider-Man’, who has spider-like powers. With his mercenary friend, Deadpool, they fought off three dangerous humans trying to kidnap me.” Her anger suddenly flared, making a note to find out who these three are and teach them a lesson. “Though, they were being overpowered and things seemed bad… A new hero appeared, and saved us. You should have seen him, Princess! He sent one flying, the others running away in fear.” A smile appeared on her face, her daughter was safe in a world filled with heroes. “He is a powerful sorcerer, standing at eight feet tall and wore red armor. When he defeated them, he told us he too was from another world, sent to protect me.” Celestia raised an eyebrow, continuing to read. “He told me his name was…”

Her eyes widened, shocked to see the name and affiliation. Her heart felt like it skipped a beat. It had been around twenty years since she had seen these names. A look of pure joy found its way on her face.

“… Azhek Ahriman, Captain of the Thousand Sons’ First Fellowship, leader of the Scarab Occult and favored son of Magnus the Red! His lord had sent him here, the moment I arrived, to ensure I go back home safely.” Celestia had to wipe away a tear from her eyes. “Oh, beloved… While you couldn’t visit her, you still found a way to watch over her.” She said, tears of joys flowing down her cheeks. “And you sent young Azhek to protect his beloved baby sister… I must let the others know, quickly!” Celestia used her magic to pick the book up, and opened her chambers doors, before rushing off towards the throne room.

-Canterlot Castle Throne Room-

“So, how is Princess Celestia holding up?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking up at Luna.

“Yeah… She looked worse than an apple orchard aftah a fruit bat attack.” Applejack said, frowning.

“Our sister has… Taken the news rather hard.” Luna said, trying to word it right, without causing any suspicion. “Young Twilight Sparkle was very important to her… Her condition, however, hasn’t changed.”

“The poor dear, I do hope Twilight is alright.” Rarity said, looking at everyone, keeping a hoof around a heart broken Spike, who missed his older sibling.

“As do we all, Rarity… This is most unfortunate.” Luna said, the news of who Twilight really is still piecing together within her mind. “I just hope that-!” The throne room doors flung open, Celestia rushing in with a book next to her. “Sister! Shouldn’t you be resting!?”

The six ponies then noticed a look of pure joy on Celestia’s face, while she was panting. “Luna… She’s safe! W-What’s better… Her father sent one of his warriors!” Celestia said, not caring if the six others heard her. “Twilight is safe!”

“What do you mean, Sister? How do you know?” Luna asked, walking over to her older sister.

“Here! See, Twilight was able to write us a letter.” Celestia had the book float over to Luna, who had the six behind her now, and began to read what was written.

“I-I can’t believe it!” Luna said, shocked to see what was written. “Oh, most joyous of news!” The Moon Princess nuzzled her sister.

The group looked up at the book, then to the two sisters. “Um… Excuse me, uh, Princess?” Fluttershy spoke up, making the two look at her. “But… Uh… About what you said? I don’t see Night Light’s name… B-But you said he sent someone.” Celestia blushed, her excitement had gotten the better of her.

“So, you girls heard that too!? I thought I was the only one who did!” Pinkie Pie said, bouncing up and down.

“Oh, uh… Well, girls… You see…” Celestia actually stuttered, her embarrassed blush not fading.

“Sister, you already spilled it.” Luna said, with an annoyed sigh. “Might as well tell them.”

“Alright… Girls, Night Light and Twilight Velvet aren’t her real parents.” Celestia used her magic to pull out the photo of her and Crimson King. “This is a photo of me and her father, when I was pregnant.” The group gasped at the photo, all five mares blushing, suddenly, at the alicorn stallion. “The stallion’s name, in our world, was Crimson King… Who wrote the book I sent Twilight.”

They looked at the picture, tilting their heads. “He’s quite handsome, even with only one eye…. But, how does he play into this? I mean, he wasn’t mentioned.” Rarity said, eyeing how Crimson’s coat was well taken care of.

“Actually, he was. ‘Crimson King’ is one of his titles, using it as a name for this world. His real name is Magnus the Red, and that missing eye was one of the reasons I fell for him.” Celestia answered, remembering the story while everyone just looked at her with confusion. “Let me explain. Magnus has thousands of genetically enhanced warriors under his command, his own genetic structure used to create them. He sees every last one of them as his sons, and they were in danger of a plague that destroyed their bodies.” The group listened intently, trying to imagine how this ‘Magnus’ could have felt about this. “To save their lives, while using his god-like powers, Magnus sacrificed his right eye… Lifting, and ridding, his sons of that horrible plague.”

“How dreadful, and heroic!” Rarity said, placing a hoof over her muzzle. “He sacrificed half of his own sight, possibly scaring himself, to save them.”

“Talk about puttin’ yer family before yerself.” Applejack said, giving an approving nod.

“Makes me wonder what this Magnus guy looks like.” Rainbow Dash said, the group nodding. “I bet he looked awesome!”

“Well then, I do have a clear memory of what he looks like.” Celestia’s horn suddenly started to glow, and an image of Magnus appeared between them, the giant’s arms crossed and looking as if he was inspecting something. “That is Magnus the Red, King of Prospero and fifteenth son to the Emperor of Mankind… Said to be the strongest Sorcerer of his dimension, his father being the only one stronger than he.”

The group was speechless at the Primarch’s image, his looks alone were that of some benevolent being. The group could only say one statement, which they all said at the same time. “You are so lucky, Princess/Sister.”

“Thank you… Spike, mind taking a letter?” She asked.

The baby dragon, snapping out of his depression after finding out that Twilight was alright, saluted. “Yes, ma’am!” He pulled out a quill and parchment, out of nowhere, earning a few raised brows.

“Once finished, just focus on Twilight before sending it. If she can use her journal to reach us, then your fire should reach her.” Celestia said, the baby dragon nodding. She then looked at the others. “After he sends the letter, I’ll explain why I never revealed the truth until now.” The group nodded.

-Stark Tower, penthouse lobby-

“So, how will we know if she got the letter?” Fury asked.

“Celestia is the most powerful being on our world. If anyone can figure out a way, it’s her.” Twilight said and, as if her mentor heard that, a cloud of smoke with green sparks suddenly slipped through a cracked window! A scroll, with Celestia’s royal seal, appeared.

“Well… Talk about express mail.” Peter said, earning a giggle from Twilight.

“Well, Princess? What does it say?” Fury asked, Twilight unrolling the letter and read it.

“Princess Celestia said she is relieved to hear that I am safe, and wishes to extend her gratitude to those responsible…” Twilight answered, the group nodding. “She also says that she’ll be researching a way to help get me back home… And is confident that Azhek’s lord is doing the same.

Azhek gave a nod. “I share her confidence.” The Astartes noted.

“With that out of the way, here.” Fury pulled out three folders. He gave one to Twilight, Azhek, and Peter. “Twilight, Parker, in yours are schedules for your classes and approved letters. Twilight, yours also has background information and proper paperwork to back it up. I suggest memorizing it.” The two nodded, Fury then looked up at Azhek. “In yours are transfer paperwork for a suitable job opening. I’ve also added background information, proper paperwork, and a few degrees to help. It also has a passport, for you and Twilight.”

“I’ll have it memorized by noon tomorrow.” Azhek said, earning a nod from Fury.

“Alright, your day starts on Monday, two days from now.” Fury looked at Tony. “Mr. Stark will handle your normal attire between now and then.”

Tony shrugged. “Jarvis just needs Azhek’s measurements, and what he’ll be doing. After that, then he’ll have everything he needs by Monday.” He said, Fury taking his leave.

“Then let us go and handle this, I do not wish to be caught unprepared.” Azhek said, holding the folder under his arm, Tony walking up to him.

“Then let’s go and knock this out of the park.” Tony said, the two of them walking to Azhek’s room.

“I’ll see you on Monday, Twilight. I need to head back to my apartment.” Peter said, smiling at the young Princess. “Seven thirty sound alright?”

Twilight gave a nod. “Sounds good to me!” She waved goodbye, Peter returning the wave, while watching the young hero leave. Once he left, Twilight placed a hand over her heart and sighed. “I’ve only been this way around Flash… D-Do I have a crush on Peter?” She thought.

I heard that.” Azhek said, telepathically.

“Azhek! Stay out of my private thoughts!” Twilight yelled, hearing the two men laugh.