• Published 6th Jul 2016
  • 7,856 Views, 151 Comments

Daughter of the Crimson King - The-Black-Knight

When Twilight was born, her parents weren't who she thought they were. After an incident involving a malevolent entity, that wanted her for dark plots, they agreed to disguise her and send her away... Twenty Years Later, the past repeats itself.

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Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven

-Stark Tower-

Twilight slowly opened her eyes, feeling so weak that she couldn’t move any of her limbs. “W-What happened?” She muttered, trying to sit up.

“You used up a lot of magic, which seems to be tied with your wings.” Azhek said, as he walked into her field of vision. “How do you feel?”

“Like I haven’t slept for days.” Twilight said, noticing something heavy next to her stomach. When she looked, the princess saw Peter sleeping next to her bedside…. A blush finding its way on her cheeks.

“You were out most of the day, young Parker has been here since we got back.” Azhek said, chuckling quietly. “At one point, I was tempted to tell him he had homework and to go home… But then I remembered, you might have liked to see this.” The blush became even deeper at his comment.

Twilight sighed, before being able to place a hand, gently, over Peter’s head. “D-Did I miss anything while I was asleep?” She asked, feeling rather awkward right now.

“Not really, everyone is recovering from battle. Deadpool had something to take care of. While Director Fury stayed for a short time, before heading back to this ‘Helicarrier’ of his.” Azhek said, walking over to the two of them. “He wished to interrogate that ‘Doctor Octavious’ about why they wanted to kidnap you.”

Twilight nodded to him. “That would be good to know… Whoever this ‘benefactor’ is, we need to know why he is after me.” She said, slowly able to sit up. Twilight kept a hand on Peter’s back, so not to disturb him while she moved. “Who was that large man with Director Fury?”

“That was an apparent God named ‘Thor’… In this dimension, he is a Thunder God.” Azhek said, shrugging some. “He reminds me of the Space Wolves Legion, just less feral.”

“Looks like I need to add two new names on the list of deities I’ve met.” Twilight said, giving a light sigh. When Peter started to stir, she smiled. “Hello there, sleepy head.” She whispered.

Peter shot up, and nearly fell out of his chair, luckily Azhek caught him. ‘T-Twilight! You’re alright!” He said, his face turning a bit red. “When you collapsed, I-, I mean we, got a bit worried.”

Twilight giggled at Peter’s reaction, nodding at him. “T-Thank you, Peter, for worrying about me. Azhek said you haven’t left my room, since we got back.” She said, making Peter blush even deeper.

“You’re welcome… I-I better go, my boss is probably wondering where I am.” Peter said, before he quickly left the room.

“He likes you.” Azhek said, after Peter had left.

“Do I even want to know?” Twilight asked, smiling at the Astartes.

“His mind is pretty loud, when around you, and I can see why.” Azhek said, Twilight giving him an inquisitive look. “It isn’t my place to tell. Next time, when you feel the time is right… Ask him about someone named ‘Gwen’.”

“D-Do I want to know?” She asked, feeling a bit worried about the answer.

Azhek walked to the door, stopping. “I’ll just say… He considers it one of his two greatest failures.” He said, turning the light out. “Get some more rest. You still need to recover the magic that was used.” Twilight gave a nod, pulling the covers over her body. Azhek, silently, closed the door and headed down the hallway. “I hope I can find a way to get her home… Things are becoming more dangerous.” He, quietly, said to himself.

“I agree… Hence why I had Jarvis scan her for abnormalities after you all returned.” Tony said, catching the Astartes’ attention, while standing with Steve Rogers and Thor. “There seems to be some strange, and volatile, energy around her. Whatever is keeping her here, it is powerful and far too unpredictable.”

“What do you think we should do?” Azhek asked, eyeing the three.

“We can’t let Twilight leave, without security, for sure.” Captain America said, eyeing the Astartes. “The fact Loki is now involved, means they are pulling what they can to capture her.”

Azhek gave a nod. “They brought in two new combatants, after the first fight… Which means, they are learning with each fight.” He said, tapping his chin. “Something tells me, to expect a much bigger threat next time.”

“Then, in the name of my father and Asgard, I will personally help ensure her safety.” Thor said, the Thunder God stepping forward. “If what Director Fury told me, is true… Then Asgard will also give its aid in the situation.”

“Over the top, isn’t he?” Azhek said, making the group laugh a bit.

-SHIELD Helicarrier-

Doc Ock was sitting in his cell, the villain’s entire body being sealed in several locks and cuffs. Fury wasn’t taking any chances with the genius villain. Across from Doc Ock, Fury was sitting in a chair, both arms crossed.

“So, Doctor Octavious… Are we going to do this the easy way, or the hard way?” Fury asked, leaning forward in the chair. “Because I would like to avoid the headache, and we could even work out a deal for you.”

Doc Ock scoffed at the suggestion. “Please, Director Fury. I’m no simpleton.” He said, grinning at the Director. “How do I know you’ll keep your end of the deal? How do I know you won’t just lock me away, somewhere, for the rest of my days?”

“You have a point, I don’t have anything to prove I will keep my end of the deal.” He said, smirking. “But, what I have is better than the alternative.”

“Oh? And what might the alternative be?” He asked, not believing him.

“Without your robotic arms, you’re nothing more than a human being with a high intellect.” Fury leaned further. “If you don’t tell me, I will just throw you at the mercy of Lord Scarab… After he’s finished ripping the information from your mind, he’ll probably do one of two things.”

“T-Those being?” Doc Ock asked, fearing what that armored giant would do to him.

“Either destroy your mind, or obliterate your entire being.” Fury answered, sitting back. “He told me a secret, which has me convinced he’ll go with the latter… After putting you through the worst pain imaginable.”

Doc Ock started to sweat, Fury’s tone was serious. “A-Alright… I-I’ll tell.” He said, nodding. “Under the condition you make sure that giant doesn’t come after me.”

Fury smirked. “Oh, I’m sure we can work something out.”

-Terra, the Imperial Palace-

The Emperor of Mankind stood upon a balcony, overlooking the city just below his Palace. His people were happy, their control over the galaxy was slowly growing stronger with all of his remaining sons leading the charge. However, he recalled sixteen of his seventeen remaining sons to meet with him, having Magnus continue his research.

“Father?” An angelic voice called out, causing the Emperor to turn and see Sanguinus, with his brothers. “Why have you called us, but not Magnus? Has something happened to him?” The angel asked.

“If our brother is in danger, then we must go to his aid.” Leman Russ growled, the Wolf King’s unbreakable loyalty to his estranged family evident.

“Magnus is indeed in danger, but not like you believe.” The Emperor said, making his sons look at one another. “He thought I didn’t know what occurred centuries years ago… I allowed this feign ignorance to remain, until now.”

“Father? What do you mean?” Fulgrim asked, stepping forward before a hand from Ferrus Manus stopped him.

“It is time, I tell all of you…” The group stared at the god-like being, before he gave a gentle, and warm, smile. “About your lovely niece.” The Primarchs all gave him a dumbfounded look, caught off guard by the announcement. “Her name is Twilight Sparkle, and she will soon need our aid.”

-A few days later, Central Park-

Twilight and Peter were walking down the park itself, side by side. “So, Twilight, what did you want to talk about?” Peter asked, as the princess sat down on a park bench, the young hero joining her.

“Peter… Um I wanted to ask if…” She started to blush, losing her confidence quickly. “I-If you like me?” Twilight fiddled her hands together, not noticing the red Peter.

“W-Well… I-I… U-Um…” Peter stuttered, unable to actually respond to her… This answered Twilight’s question.

She suddenly placed a kiss on Peter’s cheek. “Thank you, Peter.” Twilight whispered, trying to hide her own blush. “One other question…” Peter gave a nod to her. “W-Who is Gwen?”

Peter instantly locked up, the memories of what happened that night. He could feel the wind rushing pass his face, as he swung to save her. He could hear the Green Goblin’s maniacal laugh. Then, the very worst part of it all, that loud SNAP and the limp body weight at the end of his web.

“Peter!” Twilight yelled, snapping him from the memory.

“S-Sorry… W-What did you say? I zoned out.” Peter asked, rubbing his eyes.

“I-I asked who ‘Gwen’ was, then it looked like your mind went somewhere else but your body stayed.” Twilight said, placing a hand on to his shoulder. “If it’s too painful, you don’t have to tell me.”

“N-No, it’s alright. Before I say who she is, how did you come by her name?” He asked.

“W-Well, Azhek said that I should ask at the right moment… And I thought, after I found out you do like me, I should ask.” Twilight said, Peter knew Azhek probably found out through that telepathy ability of his.

“G-Gwen was the love of my life, no matter what, she accepted me for who I was… Except, she didn’t know I was Spider-Man.” Peter said, the memory and paint starting to resurface. “She hated Spider-Man, because she thought he killed her father but it was really one of the villains I fought.”

“W-What happened to her?” Twilight asked, seeing the pain in Peter’s eyes.

“To make a long story short… A psychopath by the name of ‘Green Goblin’ found out who I really was, and who Gwen was to me.” Peter reached up, and wiped a few tears away. “He kidnapped her, and had me come after them. They were on top of a bridge, where she couldn’t escape. The moment I got close, he threw her off… Instead of going after him, I went after Gwen.” He couldn’t fight the tears, Twilight trying to comfort him. “I shot one of my webs to save her, b-but I don’t know what happened! I-I think it was too quick of a stop. A-And that snap… It has been haunting me ever since.”

Twilight quickly shushed him, he didn’t have to explain any further. “It’s alright…” She cooed, gently embracing him. “Just let it all out.” There was nothing else she could say about it, and comforting Peter was the best option at the moment.

-On the Helicarrier-

“Any movement detected from Von Doom’s Fortress?” Fury asked, SHIELD Agents working on their terminals.

“Negative, Director. No movement, as of yet.” An agent answered, his eyes glued to the screen.

“Good. Now that we’ve located it, I will inform the others.” Fury said, before issuing an order. “If a fly so much as leaves that fortress, or lands on it, I want to be notified about it!” The echoes of ‘yes, sir!” followed.

“Director! We have a problem!” Another agent yelled, catching Fury’s attention while she pressed a few keys.

“What is it, Agent?” Fury asked, moving closer to hear her better.
“I have an unidentified flying object, moving at a high rate of speed, heading straight for the last known location of the Princess and Spider-Man.” The agent answered.

“How many, and do we have visual?” Fury asked, gripping the railing of his command platform.

“One, sir, and we do. A traffic camera was able to catch an image.” She answered, typing a few keys. “Putting it up on the main monitor now.” Fury nodded, looking to the screen as the image came up.

“My… God…” He couldn’t believe what he saw, and knew today’s events will be a living nightmare. “Alert Level Red! All hands, on deck! Assemble all Avengers! Prep all transports, and Quick Reaction Teams! NOW!” The agents wasted no time carrying out their orders, the terminals lighting up brightly. “And someone get me in contact with Stark!”

“Yes, sir!” The agents yelled.

-Stark Tower-

The penthouse was suddenly blaring with beeps causing Steve, Tony, Azhek, and Thor; to look around. “These are the Avengers alert comms…” Steve said, putting his drink down and pulling out a small, black, box. “And the red alert ones.”

Mr. Stark?” Jarvis suddenly said, making the four turn to his nearest panel. “There is a call from Director Fury… He said it is an emergency.

“Put him through, Jarvis… This probably has something to do with Doctor Octavious’ confession.” Tony said, as the screen turned on, revealing Fury aboard the Helicarrier. “Director, any-?”

“No time, Stark! You three need to suit up, and head straight to Central Park again. Especially you, Azhek.” Fury said, taking the four by surprise.

“What is going on, Director?” Steve asked, Azhek starting to become concerned… Twilight told him she and Peter were going there.

“It’s the Green Goblin! He’s heading straight for the Princess and Spider-Man!” Fury said, the three Avengers going wide eyed.

“That lunatic is after Peter, again!?” Tony yelled, pressing a few buttons on a wrist mounted keyboard. “We need to get there, before Osborne destroys all of Central Park!”

“I’m sure our young companions are prepared, and brought their equipment, to do battle with Green Goblin, until we arrive.” Thor said, Azhek’s grp tightening around his staff.
“T-They didn’t…” Azhek said, making the group look at the Astartes, who looked back at them. “Twilight wanted to talk to young Peter, casually, and nothing was going on today… Their suits are in her room.”

“We need to move, and get there, fast!” Tony said, the penthouse coming alive to put on his Iron Man suit.

“I already have a transport inbound to pick up Captain Rogers and Azhek. I also have quick reaction teams prepping to fly out.” Fury said, pressing a few keys off screen. “I am not allowing an inter-dimensional incident, because of that lunatic… I’m calling everyone in to deal with this, even Deadpool is enroute.”

“Then there is no time to waste.” Azhek said, placing his helmet on.