• Published 11th Jan 2017
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Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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A Weekend to Remember Part 3: The Gauntlet

Spike, still in dog form, was running through the mall, with a group of angry terrorists running close behind.

The men were firing their guns at the dog, who narrowly dodged the bullets, before he noticed a puddle of water. Grabbing a discarded food tray, Spike jumped on the board, using it as a makeshift skateboard, sliding across the puddles, while the terrorists slipped on the floor, and one of them fell, headfirst, into a custodian's bucket of soap and water.

"You hoodlum!" The custodian grumbled, whacking the terrorist on the head with a mop, while Spike got away.

A madman jumped out and caught the boy in a big brown bag. But Spike breathed fire, burned his way out, revealing himself in his dragon form, growing angrily at the man. The terrorist let out a girlish scream as he tries to run, but crashed into a building structure and knocked himself out.

"Ah! A monster!" a woman screamed, followed by some other people who were sent in a blind panic.

"Wait! Calm down!" Spike began. "I'm not going to eat you!" The people failed to hear his words over their screams, forcing Spike to change into his dog form and escaped unnoticed.

Meanwhile, the girls were looking for Spike, when they ran into one of the terrorist. The man tried to open fire on them, but Pinkie jump scared the man, giving him such a fright that he dropped his gun, and the party girl tackled him to the ground.

"Get off of me!" the man grunted.

"You ain't going anywhere buster!" Pinkie spatted, exerting more weight on the man.

In his attempt to get the girl off, the bad guy's hand accidentally landed on the girl's breast, causing the girl to stop, as well as getting gasps from the rest of the girls.

"You touched my melon?!" Pinkie began, glaring at the man darkly. "You just made a big mistake there mister!" Pinkie said, in a demonic tone. "Nobody touches my melons and gets away with it!" At the last words, the man broke out into a sweat.

"Poor guy!" Dash whimpered, while holding Fluttershy close.

"He knows not what he's gone and done!" Fluttershy whimpered frighteningly.

In a fit of blind rage, Pinkie flew at the terrorists, screaming and scratching his face repeatedly, "She used Fury Swipes Attack!" Dash whimpered.

"Emphasis on 'fury,'" Fluttershy added in equal whimper.

Pinkie delivered the final blow, with a flying kick to the terrorist, in the gut, sending him into a pillar, while screaming, "KNOW YOUR PLACE!!"

"She used an unstoppable High Kick!!" Dash whimpered.

"And highly effective!" Fluttershy added.

The terrorist was down for the count, before Pinkie walked over to pick him up by the collar of his robe,"Come here you!" Pinkie growled. "I'm gonna make you a cupcake!"

"WAIT!!" the girls called.

"Let the authorities take it from here!" Twilight shouted. "We have to save Spike!!"

"Spike?" Pinkie asked, before her happy demeanor returns. "Oh yeah! Let's go save Spikey!" She shifted a threatening glance at the terrorist, who looked as if he was about to soil himself. "You stay right here! Or else!!"

"Yes ma'm," he whimpered. "Cross my heart and hope to....die."

More terrorists were firing their guns at innocent people, from overhead, when Spike came and stopped them. He punched one of the gunman, disarming him of his gun with a roundhouse kick, while the other gunman aimed his gun at the boy.

"No!" the disarmed gunman shouted, flailing his arm around. "Don't shoot!" Doing a flip, Spike grabbed the other gunman's gun, and did a sidekick to the gunman's face, all the while disarming him of his weapon. Without their guns, the two madmen were forced to charge after the boy, flailing their fists, all which Spike was able to block, before grabbing them by their hands, and forced them to crash into each other.

Just then, a big, hulking man, wearing a hockey mask, carrying a rusty machete, jumped out at Spike, screaming. Luckily, Spike heard him coming as he quickly changes into a dog and slipped between the man's legs, changes back into a human and kicked the man in the rear.

The man grunted as he swung his machete at the boy, who quickly took several steps back, before he grabbed a chair nearby, holding the object by its leg and using it as a melee weapon against the machete. Throwing the chair at the man, Spike jumped behind a table and kicked it towards the terrorist, before grabbing another chair from behind and throws it. The terrorist was able to deflect the chair with his machete, while kicking the table back, as he spins his arm, swinging his machete at the boy. Luckily, Spike ducked down in time as he grabbed another chair, spinning it in the air, spins around and landed a blow to the man's shoulder, dropping the blade. The man tried to pick it up, but Spike kicked it away, forcing the man to punch the boy, who quickly blocked and grabbed both his hands, as his eyes suddenly turned blazing green and reptilic, two sharp fangs extending and sharping, striking fear into the man. Before he knew it, Spike let out a concussive roar, blasting the man away and into a pillar, knocking him out.

The girls, along with some of the terrorists, have heard the roar and ran in the direction of the source.

Spike took a moment to catch his breath, "What just happened?" he asked, turning to look at his reflection in the window, startled at the sight of his blazing eyes and his sharp fangs. After a moment of inspecting his reflection, a scream was heard.

Spike looked to see a little girl, being held at gunpoint, to the head, by one of the terrorists. The mother desperately pleaded for the man to not shoot her daughter, but the terrorist doesn't appear to be fazed. Before Spike knew it, he was a blur of purple and green, punching the man away from the girl. The man was caught by surprise, and the force from the punch was so strong, that the man was sent flying, ten yards away from the spot.

"Run!" Spike ordered, as the mother and child took their leave, just as more terrorists arrived and they quickly opened fire on the boy, who escaped.

"Spike?" Twilight called. "Spike! Where are you!"

"He's over there!" Rainbow pointed to show Spike, running down an escalator, with some terrorists running after him.

"Why them no good for nothing varmints!" Applejack picked up a nearby basketball ball, threw it with such force that the ball went flying like a flaming cannon ball, striking at one of the gunmen. Before the terrorists could look up, Pinkie Pie had dumped several ice buckets on their heads.

"Take this!" She got out a small bag of sprinkles, throwing it at the terrorists, exploding upon impact.

Rainbow looked and saw more terrorists coming in their direction, "Reinforcements are coming!" she alerted.

"Split up!" Twilight exclaimed. "They won't catch all of us and we'll find Spike much quicker that way!"

"Okay!" Pinkie replied, getting out a bag of flour.

"Ready?" Rainbow began

"BREAK!!" With that, Pinkie threw down the bag, exploding into a cloud of dust, giving covers as the girls ran in separate directions, each being chased by the madmen.

'Wow!' Spike thought, still running with super speed, while knocking out some madmen on the way. 'This is amazing!' Jumping on an upcoming building structure, Spike kicked off, flying back to the terrorists who were after him, curling up into a ball and landed a kick on one of them, at the head. The others turned and pulled their triggers, only for Spike to take off, running behind a pillar, changing into a dog. The madmen stopped, looking at each other in bewilderment.

"Did that just happened?" the only answer he got was a shrug from his comrade, before they both got jumped on by Spike, who pulled them by the end of their heads, forcing them in a collision of headbutts, knocking themselves out.

Spike turned at the last terrorist, who dropped his weapons, ran away in fear, and got himself arrested.

"Leave her alone!" Spike turned his head to see a girl fighting off some terrorists, while protecting another behind her. Not wasting a second, Spike sped up to the thugs and forced them off the girls. After landing several punches, chops, and kicks, the beaten terrorists retreated. "Thank you," the girl gasped in shock, as soon as she got a good look at his face. "Prince Spike?!"

"Huh?" Spike looked at the girl in confusion, until a gunshot sounded off. "Take cover!" He quickly flipped a wooden table over, shielding himself and the girls.

"Omigosh! I can't believe I'm really talking to you after all this time!" the girl squealed.

The girl has moderate cyan eyes, a moderate cobalt blue hair with light fuchsia stripes that ends in curls at the top and bottom. For attire, the girl wears a white frilly dress with yellow stripes and blue ribbons, a belt at the waist with a ribbon in the shape of a wrapped candy, long white knee-high socks, and light blue slippers.

Her companion has brilliant gold eyes, scruffy pale, light grayish opal hair, with a red headband, decorated with a beautiful rose. For attire, she wears a gold necklace, with a bling in the shape of a heartstring, a magenta sleeveless top, frilly aqua blue short, orange socks, and rosy boots.

A tall muscular man broke through the table, towering over the three teens. He picked up a piece of the broken table and snapped it in half with his knee.

"Boards don't hit back!" Spike spatted, standing his ground.

In response, the man yelled as he threw several punches at the boy, who dodged and blocked them with his hands, before he lunges in for a punch, stopping midway to psych his opponent out, before he kicked the man in the tenders. To make the man more even with his height, Spike quickly kicked his legs, forcing him to bend his knees, before he punched the man in the face, got on a table, spins on his hands and landed a kick to the head, sending the thug flying and tumbling down a set of stairs.

"Incredible!" the girls clapped their hands.

Suddenly, a grenade was heard flying, before it landed near Spike, exploding upon impact. Spike had jumped out of the way, but the rush he had experience had literally made his life flash before his eyes. Among them where some partial memories of his childhood in Equestria. Spike landed behind a building structure, breathing heavily, trying to process on what had happened.

"Spike!" the girls exclaimed, running over to the traumatized boy. "Are you alright?"

Before Spike could reply, more terrorists arrived, firing their guns at the teens, who quickly ducked down.

"Hold on!" the girl in magenta exclaimed, focusing her magics, conjuring a heartstring symbol on her forehead.

Seeing what her friend was doing, the girl in white quickly brought out a smoke bomb, provided some covers, as a flash of light went off, and the three were gone.

"Find them!" the terrorists scattered, searching for the teens.

Meanwhile, outside the Trade Center

Four figures, cladded in robes, stood on top of a building, just outside the Trade Center as chaos ensues. One of them was Somnambula, while the other three are teenagers about Spike and the girls' age. Two females, and one male. The boy, Decepticolt, has smooth, shoulder-length, black hair with light blue highlights, which framed his face with black eyeliners beneath his piercing amethyst colored eyes. One of the girls, Zappityhoof, has a long, smooth, light blue hair that covers half of her face, on the right, while the left only reveals her having gold colored eyes, and freckles on her face. The second girl, Goldcap, the leader of the trio, has a huge, messy, flaming orange hair, and piercing imperial purple eyes.

"Behold mistress!" Goldcap exclaimed, showing the chaos before the elder witch. "As you can see, our mind controlled slaves have done their work, to separate the boy from Twilight and her friends.

"Excellent work apprentices," Somnambula cackled. "Perhaps the three of you aren't as incompetent as I thought you were."


The Three Magicians, as the trio were called, were lounging in their penthouse, when Somnambula arrived, out of their fireplace.

"Somnambula!," the magicians gasped.

Somnambula scanned around their home, to see nothing but posters, merchandises, and signed autographs of the magicians.

"So," Somnambula began, unamusingly. "This is what the three of you have made of yourselves with your magics."

"Yep," Zappity cheered. "This is our gig. Our name's up in light! We're making a lot of money! And we're-"

Losing her temper, Somnambula blasted some nearby plush dolls, with a tap of her staff, "Did you ever see Nightmare Moon, pull a rabbit out of her hat to rule the world?" she asked angrily

"Hey!" Goldcap began. "Give us a break! Our magics were cut in half moons ago! No thanks to Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

"Yeah!" Decepticolt added. "All we wanted was to become Alicorns, just like her! How were we suppose to know that we were stealing wings right off the back from one of her friends?"

"So we improvised!" Zap added. "We moved here in the human world and made a living with the magics we still have."

"Well the time for improvisation is over," Somnambula replied. "Because apprentices, we are going to hunt something far stronger than the power of an alicorn. The Dragonfire!"

The magicians gasped, "You've found it?" Goldcap asked excitedly, to which Somnambula answered with a nod. "Then what are we sitting around here for? Let's go hunting!"


"You shouldn't have doubted us," Somnambula's neck extended to a great length, as the elderly witch glares angrily, with flaming eyeballs, at a frightened Goldcap. "But of course, you know better."

Somnambula retracted her head, looking back at the Trade Center, "Let's see if your servants can do their works."

Rainbow and Pinkie ran into a sports store with some terrorists running after them. The terrorist ran into the store, turned around, sees Rainbow Dash, and shouted, "Gotcha!" Rainbow quickly threw a baseball at the man, who quickly ducked his head. "You couldn't even hit an elephant in the butt with a bazooka." The man got his words eaten when he got hit in the nose by a tennis ball, fired from a launcher, courtesy of Pinkie Pie. With a golf club in hand, Rainbow hit the man on the head, knocking him out.

Another terrorist grabbed a metal baseball bat, and swung it at Rainbow Dash, "Whoa!" Rainbow dodged the attack, and the terrorist swung the bat again, "Nuh-uh uh," Rainbow taunted, before he swung again, "Three strikes! You're out!" With that, Pinkie fired several tennis balls at the terrorist in the face, leaving him in a daze and toothless, before Rainbow comically blows on him, causing him to fall flat on the floor.

"Nice shot Pinkie," Rainbow shares a high-five with the girl. "Now let's go and find Spike!"

"Okie-Dokie-Loki!" Pinkie replied.

Rarity was running with Applejack, into a music store. The terrorists walked in, but were met with a strong kick from each of the girls. They accidentally hit a music box, switching the song to a Mariachi song.

[Spongebob Squarepants Movie-Mariachi]

The girls and terrorists found themselves moving to the music. Shrugging their shoulders, Applejack and Rarity went into the groove with the music, as they fought off the bad guys.

Rarity pulled out some castanets, before doing a quick spin change and stood wearing a mariachi dress, the top being white and frilly, the skirt being black with the traditional white, red, and green stripes, and a red ribbon tied at the waist.

"Really?" Applejack muttered. "Ya had to make a quick change in clothing?"

"Applejack," Rarity scoffed. "You really need to learn how to fight with style." Showing her example, Rarity clapped the castanets in her hands as she dances around in the room, throwing out punches and kicks to the terrorists who were distracted by her beautiful dance. She even stole the belt off of one bad guy, revealing his red boxers with white polka dots.

"Nice boxers," a random dude laughed, at the embarrassed terrorist, who's not so terrifying at the moment.

Impressed, Applejack tries to dance to the music, stumbling around as she does so, before Rarity grabbed her hand and the girls danced around; fighting the terrorists off as they did so.

"Watch out!" The girls shouted, pointing to the terrorists behind their backs, before they spun each other around and fought off the said terrorists. "Olé!" they concluded.

One of the beaten terrorist stood up, only to be kicked away by Applejack, sending him flying at the music box and switched songs.

[Fighting is Magic-Rarity's Theme]

"Ooh, I love this song," Rarity exclaimed, as before she does another quick change of costume, returning into her casual wear, pulling out a pink ribbon and did a graceful dance.

The terrorists tried to grab the girl, but everytime they try to, the girl would grab their fists with her ribbon, and made them punch each other and themselves.

"Sorry!" the terrorists would say to each other, until at last, there was only one, whom Applejack knocked out with a pair of cymbals.

"Ladies do not start fights," Rarity said proudly. "But we can finish them."

"C'mon!" Applejack exclaimed. "We gotta find Spike and the others!"

Twilight and Fluttershy quickly ran into a book store, with a terrorist following close behind.

"Twilight! What'll we do?" Fluttershy whimpered.

Reaching into her bag, Twilight pulled out her doll, Smartypants, "I have an idea," she said. "Close your eyes." Fluttershy complied, while Twilight, focusing her magic, projecting a glowing star on her forehead, Twilight hexed the doll with a certain spell. Poking her head from behind a shelf, Twilight blew a whistle, before she threw Smartypants at the man.

Upon looking at the doll, the man, along with all the bystanders within the vicinity fell head over heels for the doll, "MIIIIIIIINNEEEE!!!" they shouted, tearing each other apart for the doll, which vanished mysteriously, along with the spell. Everyone looked to see the beaten terrorist, completely stripped of his weapons, "GET HIM!!" someone yelled, and they all piled on the guy, while Twilight and Fluttershy teleported, unnoticed, with Smarty Pants, unhexed.

"Nice work with the Want It Need It Spell Twilight," Fluttershy whispered.

"What can I say? Works every time," Twilight said proudly. "Now let's meet up with the others!"


Meanwhile, in an antique store, Spike and the girls were hiding behind a counter, while getting themselves acquainted.

"I think we're safe for the moment," the girl in magenta said.

"I hope so," Spike panted heavily. "So who might you girls be?" the boy asked. "Friends of Twilight and the girls?"

"Yep," the girl in white answered. "Name's Sweetie Drops. But my friends call me Bon Bon."

"Nice meeting you Bon Bon," Spike shook the girl's hands.

"And I'm Lyra Heartstrings," the girl in pink greeted, eagerly taking his hands. "And I must say, your hands are even more beautiful than ever before!"

"Um, thanks?" Spike replied hesitantly, before he shushed the girls, "Someone's coming!" The girls stood defensively over the boy.

"Don't worry Spike," Bon Bon assured. "We'll protect you."

The two girls hid behind some structures, as the footsteps grew louder.

"1,2," Bon Bon counted, and on "3" the two girls piled on the figure.

"Easy girls!" Applejack exclaimed. "It's only me!"

"Applejack?" Lyra and Bon Bon exclaimed in unison as they helped the country girl up.

Rarity soon came in, "Spike! Are you al-" the girl looked to see he wasn't alone. "Oh! I see you've met Lyra and Bon Bon."

"Hey Rarity," Lyra greeted with a smile. "Glad to see you and Applejack!"

"I'll say!" Bon Bon added. "When Spike came to our rescue, running at the speed of light and everything, we just know you girls had something to do with him getting his magic back."

"I'll say," Applejack's smiled quickly turned serious as she said, "C'mon, y'all! Let's get back with the others."

"On it," Rarity replied, making a call with the rest of the girls.

"Oh no!" Decepticolt exclaimed, looking through a pair of binoculars. "The girls have found the Dragon Prince!"

"Then it's time for Plan B!" Gold commanded. "Summon the beast!"

"You got it!" Zap replied, with a tap of her wand and the ground started to rumble.

"What's happening?" Spike asked, feeling the tremor. Then, bursting out of the ground, is a giant worm-like creature covered in purple scales, with red scarlet plumes around its pink face, which has black eyes with red lightning shaped stripes running behind them. When it roared, it let out a blooding curdling shriek, opening its tripartite jaw to reveal numerous rows of sharp teeth and black tentacles.

"What the?" Rainbow asked in shock, turning to Fluttershy. "Is that?"

Fluttershy quickly whips out a book, skims through some pages before she answered, "Afraid so. It's a tatzlewurm!" The tatzlewurm soon looms Spike and the four girls he was with. "Look out!" Fluttershy screamed quietly.

Spike heard Fluttershy's quiet cry, turns around to see the worm before him, shoving the girls out of the way, just as the worm lunged its head, clamped Spike's in its jaws and proceeds to chew him.

"No!" Goldcap exclaimed telepathically. "You can't eat him! We need him alive!"

There was a green flash from the worm's mouth, as Spike changes into his dragon form, breathed fire, causing the tatzlewurm to spit him out, "Ick," the young dragon groaned in disgust, quickly jumping away, as the tatzlewurm gave chase.

"Girls!" Twilight began. "We need to get these people to safety! We can't risk losing any lives!" In a flash of light, Twilight changed full pony, casting a spell into the air, which exploded into countless sparkles, raining down on the civilians. "And we can't risk the exposure of magics!" She turned to the girls and ordered, "You girls Fluttershy! Pinkie Pie! You two go and help Spike with the tatzlewurm! Rainbow! Applejack! Round up the criminals! Lyra! Bon Bon! You girls get the people out! And me and Rarity will fix the damages around here!"

The girls all exchanged agreements, before they went and did their given tasks.

"Here wormy wormy wormy!" Pinkie called out, only to be swatted away by the tatzlewurm's tail. Luckily, Fluttershy quickly opened her backpack, and a bear jumped out, catching the girl. "Good catch there Harry!" Pinkie smiled, earning a bear hug from the said bear.

The tatzlewurm, meanwhile, opened its mouth, whipping its black tentacles at Spike. Spike jumped out of the way, breathing fire as he kept the tentacles at bay, before the tatzlewurm angrily lunges forward, snapping its jaws, narrowly missing him. Spike did several flips, before he kicked off from a building structure, launching himself towards the worm, rolling into a ball, and landed a powerful kick to the head, knocking the worm back with such force, it stumbled and crashed into a store.

"Easy sugarcube!" Applejack cried out. "We're trying to stop that thing from wrecking the place, not cause more damage with it."

"Sorry," Spike apologized, before he was tackled by the tatzlewurm.

Fluttershy looked, before she spotted some of the discarded grenades, left behind by the terrorists. An idea formed in her head as she whispered her plan with Pinkie Pie. Spike was still sparring with the tatzlewurm, until he heard Pinkie shout, "Spike! Get out of the way!" With that, Spike jumped back, just as a bomb went off, scaring the worm.

While Pinkie kept on throwing bombs and sprinkles at the tatzlewurm, Fluttershy got out her backpack and shouted, "Spike!" Spike turned his head, looking at Fluttershy who threw her backpack to him. "Catch him with my backpack!"

"Catch him?" Spike asked incredioulesly. "With this?"

"Just trust me!" With that, Spike complied, as he unzipped the backpack and holds it out to the frightened tatzlewurm. As he did so, a vortex was magically projected from the backpack, sucking the worm in, shrinking it down to size. While this was happening, Spike felt another rush of adrenaline, as his experienced a series of rushing flashbacks from his forgotten past.

In the past, Spike could see a young Fluttershy, as a pegasus filly, tugging on a saddlebag from a gruff looking stallion. Next thing Spike saw was a fire breathing bull with golden horns and hooves, a wolf that appears to be made out of sticks, a giant grayish dinosaur with a long tail, all snapping, slashing, and roaring at him. In one of the flashbacks, Spike could see some armored ponies running by his side, capturing the beasts.

"Prince Spike! Look out!" a deep voice called out, as the next thing Spike saw was a pair of violet eyes.

Bon Bon was seen, chasing after what appears to be a Bugbear, with a giant net.

"I'm doing this for you because I'm your friend," Spike said in the past.

"Thank you, your highness," Fluttershy smiled happily, embracing the boy.

After experiencing the flashback, the tatzlewurm was completely sucked in, and Spike fell to the floor.

"Goodness!" Fluttershy exclaimed, running to the boy. "Are you okay?"

Spike shook his head, composing himself, before he answered hesitantly, "I think so."

After the whole commotion was settled, the police forces arrived to take in the arrested terrorists. The girls knew they had to get out somehow, to which Bon Bon came up with a solution.

"Hey!" the police chief called to the girls and Spike, disguised as police officers and dog. "What've you got down here?"

"Just the same as before chief," Bon Bon replied, in a deep, gruff voice. "Some deranged terrorists running lose, trying to stir up trouble, striking fears in our hearts. Luckily, nothing but scratches and bruises."

"We just got swamped with calls saying there were some magic girls, a dragon, and a giant, rampaging, grab-something, here," the chief replied.

Bon Bon faked a laugh, along with the rest of the teens, before replying, "Between you and me chief, but I think some of these folks still got a few screws loose. You know how fear does to people."

The chief thought for a moment, before he nodded, "Carry on."

With that, the teens took their leave, before they were in the clear to teleport away to safety.

Somnambula was clearly not happy, as she stood before the Three Magicians, and glare angrily at them.

"Um, we'll get him next time?" Goldcap asked frighteningly.

In response, an angry scream was heard, followed by a blast of lightning.

The nine teens were later at Spike and Scorpan's residency.

"Phew," Twilight panted. "I'm glad we could make it out in one piece."

"Yeah," Spike breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought I was a goner with that worm for sure. What was that thing called again?"

"It's a tatzlewurm," Fluttershy explained. "They're subterranean creatures that can cause sizable earthquakes and can navigate their way underground by feeling vibrations on the surface. They're attracted to smaller vibrations, but are easily frightened by larger ones."

"So was that why you girls were throwing bombs at?" Spike inquired, to which Fluttershy and Pinkie replied with a nod. "I'll have to remember that the next time we go up against any of those things again."

"Still, what's a tatzlewurm doing there in the first place?" Twilight asked.

"What are ya getting at Twilight?" Applejack inquired.

"I don't think that tatzlewurm was just there by coincidence," Twilight replied. "Last time I check on this world's records of living creatures, there's no such details of an actual living tatzlewurm. It must've came here from Equestria, somehow."

"Come to think of it," Fluttershy added. "When that thing attacked, it didn't paid any interests with us. It only went after Spike. And that's saying something, since tatzlewurms don't normally come to the surface to attack people. Or dragons."

"So, in the meantime, what're we going to do with it?" Spike asked, pointing to Fluttershy's backpack.

Twilight thought for a moment. Then, with a serious look on her face, the girl answered, "Fluttershy, you keep the tatzlewurm under control, and do some studies on it. It might have some clues for it."

"Oh, okay," Fluttershy said worryingly.

"Bon Bon, Lyra," Twilight looked at the two girls. "Fluttershy might need some assistance. So could you-"

"Say no more Twilight," Lyra smiled. "We'd be happy to help out." Bon Bon joined in with a nod.

"In the meantime, let's get back to your training Spike," Twilight added.

"Yeah," Rainbow agreed, as she playfully punched the boy's shoulder. "The way you took on those madmen and that tatzlewurm, you've clearly got the moves down." Spike smiled sheepishly at the girl's compliment. "But if you're gonna stand another chancing of living in the future, we gotta keep you in shape."

Spike nodded in agreement, "Then what're we waiting for?" he asked. "Let's do it!" With that, the friends, minus Fluttershy, Lyra, and Bon Bon, returned to the Training Dimension to resume the boy's training.

Author's Note:

For defense maneuver against a Tatzlewurm, see MLP FIM Comic Issue #47.

Also, for more informations on the Three Magicians, see MLP FIM Comic Issue #25

Up next, Spike's going to have some catching up to do with the girls, one by one.

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