• Published 11th Jan 2017
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Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Smoothies, Zap Apples, and Pears

It was a Friday afternoon at a mall, on Earth, Applejack was working at a smoothie joint, all the while feeling bored out of her mind. Applejack was singing herself a song, trying to brighten the mood, when she started to get an idea. Before long, Applejack was doing fancy juggling tricks with the fruits and cups, impressing and attracting costumers to her stand.

"Whoa, Applejack!" A voice exclaimed in astonishment. Applejack turned to see Spike, gazing at her in awe.

"Oh, howdy Spike!" Applejack blushed. "Didn't see ya there."

"That's okay," Spike replied. "I'm more into the show you just put on there."

"What? You mean the whole juggle routine, the spins I do with my cups?" Applejack asked rhetorically. "It was nothing."

"NOTHING?!!" A blonde boy wearing white framed glasses exclaimed, as he shoved Spike to the side, and got in close to Applejack's face. "That was far from nothing! That was something!"

Spike was miffed at being pushed around, while Applejack was more surprised, albeit more uncomfortable, "Um, thanks?" She said, uneasily.

Realizing he wasn't making a good impression of himself, the boy quickly cleared his throat, as he introduced himself, "Name's Trenderhoof. I'm a student journalist, from Crystal Prep Academy. I'm also an intern for the New York Times."

Though it doesn't change the awkward atmosphere, Applejack nonetheless answered, "Name's Applejack." Turning to Spike, she scowled. "And that there's Spike. The boy you just happened to push, out of the way?"

"Huh?" Trenderhoof looked, to see Spike dusting himself off. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there! I didn't mean to!" He quickly apologized.

Spike darted his eyes, sensing some goodness in Trender, "Well, apology accepted," Spike replied. "But let's try to avoid repeating that mistake again, okay?"

"Yeah, of course," Trender replied, as both he and Spike shook hands in agreement. Getting back on topic, Trender took out a notepad and a pencil, as he got ready, "So tell me, Applejack. Where did you learn those fancy tricks you just displayed? Do you do them at work often? Or do you mostly do them at home?"

"Well," Applejack scratched the back of her neck, trying to think the words. "To be honest, I kinda learned it all from Spike," She pointed to the said boy.

"What?" Spike inquired.

"Interesting," Trender noted, before he turns to Spike. "So tell me, my friend. Where'd you learn all of those sweet tricks, and how did you pass them on to her?"

"Uh...." Spike was clearly at a loss for words, since he doesn't even remember doing tricks with cups, let alone pass them onto Applejack. Thankfully, the country girl was able to clear up the confusion.

"Actually, what I meant to say was, Spike inspired me to doing these tricks," Applejack clarified. "I was over at his place, just the other day with most of our friends, when he started doing these fancy tricks, with the dishes and utensils, for entertainment. Said he learned them all from China."

Spike nodded; something he actually remembers.

"Fascinating," Trender wrote on his notepad. "And pray tell, how exactly do these tricks of his have anything to do with you, doing those tricks of yours?"

"I don't know," Applejack shrugged, while blushing a storm. "I was just inspired by Spike, that I guess I just do it how I feel."

"Why hello there," A woman greeted. In appearance, the woman has curly hairs of two different shades of moderate crimsons, a beauty mark on her left cheek, sparkling light pistachio eyes, with pale, light grayish crimson eyeshadows. For attires, she wore a light yellow dress with a white apron, and a pink neckerchief. "You must be Spike Draco," She said, once she took notice of Spike.

"How'd you know?" Spike asked.

"Why from Applejack, of course," The woman replied with a smile. "She's been going on and on about ya."

"Has she now?" Spike glanced over, seeing Applejack blushing brighter than an apple.

"Indeed," Cherry replied. "First day I hired her, she's been saying a lot of good things about ya. Saying how you've been one tough firecracker, and the apple of her eyes with fiery green hair."

"Really?" Spike smirked, as he turned his head to see Applejack blushing even brighter. Deciding that Applejack's embarrassed, Spike turned to the woman, "Enough about me. Who are you? Her boss, or something?"

"That's right," The woman answered. "Name's Cherry Jubilee. And I'm the manager of this establishment."

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Jubilee," Spike said, as he and the woman shook hands with each other.

"Oh, now there's no need to be so formal," Cherry smiled. "Just Cherry will do. A friend of Applejack's a friend of mine."

"If you say so, Cherry," Spike replied.

"And who am I?" Trender spoke up, apparently having been forgotten. "Chopped liver?"

"Oh, pardon me young man," Cherry spoke. "I didn't quite see you there. Who might you be?" With that, Trender stated his name, as well as his occupant to the woman, "Well, howdy there, Trenderhoof. It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise, ma'm," Trender replied. "Anyway, your employee Applejack's captured my full attention, and I would like to do a report on her, so I'd like to ask you a few questions."

"Well, I don't see why not," Cherry replied, as she and Trender began to chew the fats together.

Meanwhile, Applejack turned to Spike, "So, what can I get for ya, Spike?" Applejack asked.

Spike took his time to look at the menu, before he settled on his choice, "The Apple and Strawberry Punch looks good," He answered.

"Coming right up," With that, Applejack went around back to collect the needed ingredients. Before long, she was once again, doing some more juggling tricks with the recipe, and cups.

Spike watched in awe at her act, smiling in admiration and respect. Eventually, Applejack came to the end of her trick, and gave Spike his drink.

Spike took a sip, "Deeeeeelicious!" He said in satisfaction.

Applejack blushed a storm, before she asked, "Say Spike? If you're not too busy. Can I see you later this afternoon, at Sweet Apple Acres?"

“Sure," Spike quickly answered. “Need help with the apple harvest, or something?”

“Well, yes,” Applejack blushed. “That, and more," She whispered at the last part.

Later That Afternoon

After arriving through the gate between Equestria and Earth, Spike was on his way to Sweet Apple Acres, as promised. Upon arriving, the young dragon took a whiff, breathing in the sweet apple aroma of the land.

"No matter how old this place gets, I'm never getting tired of coming here," Spike said to himself in nostalgia. Then, a loud bark was heard, and Spike was tackled with an assault of slobbery licks. "Hey Winona," Spike greeted, as the dog continues to shower him with affections, literally. "Okay, okay, girl. I'm glad to see you too!" Before Spike knew it, his whole form was engulfed in a flash of green fire, and he became a dog.

Using his small size to his advantage, Spike dived through Winona's legs, trying to escape from the affectionate dog. But the dog wouldn't let up, as she continues to run after Spike, and the two dogs were both rolling around, nipping affectionately with each other, and tails wagging.

Just then, Applejack was heard whistling, "Winona! Here girl!" In response, Winona got up, before she excitedly runs over to the sound of her owner's voice.

Spike rolled back on his feet, as he changed back to see Applejack walking over, with Winona at her side, "Howdy, Spike!" Applejack smiled. "Glad you could make it."

"I told you I was coming, didn't I?" Spike replied. "So, what can I do for ya today?"

Spike was later in the orchard, picking some apples with Applejack bucking the trees, causing the bushels of fruits to fall in some buckets that were strategically placed around the trees. The boy was in dragon form, as he flies around the tree, slithered through the air, and with hands at the speed of lightning, he quickly picked the apples off their branches, before he flies down and placed them in the buckets.

"Whoo wee," Applejack said, wiping a sweat off her brow. "Thanks again for coming, Sugarcube. At this rate, we'll have the whole orchard clean of apples."

"Hey, you know me, AJ," Spike replied. "Who am I to turn down help for a friend?" Suddenly, the winds started to blow hard, and storm clouds began to roll in, overhead. "What the heck?! What's going on?" Spike asked, bewildered at the sudden change of weather.

"Oh! It's time!" Applejack exclaimed, as she galloped through the orchard, with Spike following.

"What is it, AJ?" He asked. "What's going on?"

But rather than answering, Applejack pointed off to the distance, to show a forest of trees, with apples colored gray. The two watched, as it started to rain, followed by cracks of thunder, just as the rest of the Apple family on the farm arrived. Several bolts of lightning struck the trees, but much to Spike's surprise, none of them caught on fire. Then, as quickly as they appeared, the storm clouds disappeared, and a rainbow shines over them.

"Wow," Spike marvels at the sight. "It's beautiful."

"That's not the end of it, Sugarcube," Applejack pointed, as she ushered the boy to keep on watching.

The trees started to teem with electrical spark, before the gray apples suddenly turned rainbow-streaked, and rainbow beams fire across the orchard from the apples. An aurora-like rainbow shines behind the apple trees and the apples change shape from small round apples to larger, more elongated and squarish.

"Whoa!" Spike gasped, taken away by the dazzling display.

"Yee-haw!" Applejack hollered. "The Zap Apple Harvest has begun!"

"Yay!" The apples cheered.

"Tomorrow we'll be making Zap Apple Jams!" Granny Smith cheered.

With that, the Apples all got to work, while Spike just stood frozen in place, still taken by surprise at what he had just seen.

Applejack looked, and couldn't help but laugh, finding his surprised expression adorable, "Well, don't just stand there, like a deer in the headlight, Sugarcube," Applejack said. "Come join us! Every hooves and hands count!"

Spike finally shook the shock away, "Uh, right," He said, as he joined the family, and started to harvest the Zap Apples. "Hmm, Zap Apples....." Spike said, observing the apples up close.

"The fruits of labor to the Apple Family, here and beyond!" Granny Smith explained. "And the starting foundation of Ponyville, if ya know your history. Now quick yer yapping, and get to working! These Zap Apples don't have all day, y'know!"

"On it Granny Smith!" Applejack replied. "Come on, Sugarcube. Like Granny says, these things disappear faster than they appear if you don't pick 'em fast!"

"Right!" Spike replied, as he and the Apples harvested the magic apples as fast as they could.

The sun was just setting over the horizon, when the Zap Apples suddenly vanished in flash of lightning. By then, Spike and Apples were able to harvest enough Zap Apples, which Granny Smith believed will last them all winter, or longer.

"Phew, that's it," Applejack breathed a sigh of relief. "Zap Apple Harvest is over."

"Zap Apples," Spike said to himself, before it struck him. "Oh! Zap Apples! Like in the Zap Apple Jams, and that Zap Apple Pie you baked for me!"

"Uh, right," Applejack replied. "What did ya think they were?"

"I just thought the 'zap' in the name was just to describe how tasty they are," Spike replied. "Y'know, to make them sound snappy. I didn't know they're actually named after some magical apples."

Applejack couldn't help but chuckle, "Well, they're magical alright," She said. "And if ya think harvesting them is magic, wait till ya see the steps in brewing jams out of them." With that, Applejack took Spike into the house, to show the room was painted in pink polka dots, Granny Smith talking to some glass jars like military officer to soldiers, Big Mac carrying buckets of honeys from the bees, while Apple Bloom was stirring a big vat of colorful liquid.

"Um, what is all this?" Spike asked.

"It's part of making the Zap Apple Jams, Sugarcube," Applejack answered. "Granny Smith's always saying how making Zap Apple jams has its rules, aside from harvesting. Like how ya got to be extra friendly with the bees, so their honeys would taste sweeter, how glass jars needed talking to, or how Zap Apples like pink polka dots."

"Huh, who'd a thunk it?" Spike asked.

"Strange, I know," Applejack replied. "But like Granny Smith says, 'magic is, as magic does.'"

"Hey, that sounded kinda like another quote, from the Forrest Gump!" Spike exclaimed. "Except this one is more 'magical' than the other."

Applejack chuckled, "I know, Sugarcube. I know." Taking his claw, Applejack lead Spike out of the house, "C'mon, Sugarcube. Let's go for a walk, just for the fun of it."

"Lead the way partner," Spike replied, to which Applejack responded with a playful roll of her eyes.

The two were walking through the orchards, looking at the apple trees around them, and seeing how some of the leaves began to change colors, showing fall was just around the corner. Though, Spike was more taken at the familiar aura he had been sensing from the trees, and waves of memories once more, hit him as fast as lightning.

"Amazing," Spike said out loud.

"What is, Spike?" Applejack asked.

"It's crazy," Spike began. "I mean, before I used to think these trees were so tall, they could reach the sky. But now, it's like I can just touch the tops, even when I'm walking on four," He showed his example, before he resumed walking up on his two legs.

"Kinda scary, but at the same time, breathtaking, huh?" Applejack asked.

"Took the words right out of my mouth," Spike replied, resulting in a short laugh between the two. Applejack sighed, as her happy demeanor started to disappear, "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Well, it's just....I-um," Hesitant at first, Applejack decided to speak up. "I know how ya feel, Spike. Because that's just the same with me, with Zap Apples."

"How come?"

Taking a deep breath, Applejack answered, "Ever since we first saw first hoof of you taking that lightning blast to the head, sacrificing yourself to save Princess Celestia. I'll be honest, that's just the most daring and noblest act of heroism I've ever seen!" Applejack frowned, "But at the same time, frightening. Nopony, or dragon, would ever jump in and take a blast of lightning like that. And I guess....I just...got scared thunder and lightning since then."


"Whenever I hear a crack of thunder, I would always paralyze in fear, at the thought of a lightning bolt taking away one of my own family members, just as Somnambula's lighting spell took away your memory, and you were taken away from us, Sugarcube."


"I don't mean to sound weak, and pathetic, Sugarcube. But it's the honest truth. Whenever there's a storm, I'm frightened out of my mind at the thought of losing another one of my family," Applejack pulled a hat over her face, to hide a tear. "Just as we lost Ma and Pa."

Spike look sadly at Applejack. In his thought, he can hear himself saying, 'C'mon, Spike. You gotta do something. Cheer her up,' Deciding to take his chances, Spike pulled the girl's hat up, to see her beautiful green eyes, stained with tears, while at the same time, allowing her to have a better look at the caring human he is.

"Spike?" AJ asked, as the boy wiped the tear away from her eyes.

"Hey, I don't think you're weak, or pathetic," Spike spoke. "I know you can smell a lie, so you can be sure not to smell any from me when I say, I think you're the strongest, and the bravest, girl I've ever known. The way I saw you back there, during that whole thunder and lightning show, and that juggling act you were putting on, back at the mall, on Earth, I see a girl who was not afraid to put on an act, or to work through a loud storm to harvest apple."

"That was different, Spike," Applejack replied. "During the Zap Apple Harvest, I only got through it because you were right there."

"But what about that whole juggling act, during the smoothie run?" Spike asked. "You were doing just fine, and I wasn't there, until later."

"Well, I was just thinking about you, Spike," Applejack said. "I was thinking about how you were so talented the other day, when you were hosting dinner for us, and how ya entertained us all with your tricks. It just gave me encouragement, just thinking about it."

"Exactly," Spike replied. "Even if I'm not really next to you, I know you'll always do awesome things, when you put your mind to it."

Applejack blushed, looking away, "Silly ain't it?" Applejack asked. "Would ya listen to me, letting my feeling get me down."

"It's okay, AJ. We all have days like this. And they do not make us weak," Spike paused for a moment, as he recalled some words of wisdom from his mom. "If anything, talking to them with someone you can trust, just makes you stronger."

Applejack smiled, as she morphs back into her human form, and embraced Spike, "Aw, Sugarcube!” She said. “Thank ya!” Applejack affectionately tightens her grip on Spike, absentmindedly forgetting her super-strength.

"AJ!" Spike groaned. “Too tight! Too tight!”

After what felt like hours of succumbing to Applejack’s death grip embrace, the country girl took him by the hand.

“C’mon, Sugarcube,” Applejack insisted. “There’s something else I wanted to show ya.”

With that, Applejack took Spike, further into the orchards, before they arrived at a clearing, where a large winding tree was resting.

“Holy guacamole!” Spike said in surprise, even more when he took a closer look at the fruits that were growing in the tree branches. “Apples and pears? Together?”

“Yup,” Applejack replied. “It’s a big surprise for me, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom when we first saw it. Heck, we didn’t even know it was here, until Grand Pear came back to Ponyville.”

“What is it?” Spike asked, still marveling at the tree in front of him.

"This is what ma and pa left behind for us," Applejack smiled, tearfully. "This is what unites us togethers, apples and pears."

“Oh yeah, I remember,” Spike replied, as it finally dawned on him. “You Apples and Pears had this family feud, long ago. But then it got mended, after your father, Bright Mac, married your mom, Pear Butter.”

Applejack nodded in agreement, “Yup.”

Spike looked back up at the tree, “They way you talked about them, AJ. I would’ve loved to meet them both.”

"Same here, Spike," Applejack smiled, as she walked over and held him close. "And I know, they'll like you too." Spike blushed, as he returns the embrace. After awhile, both he and Applejack broke apart, as the farm girl walked up to the tree, and picked up a guitar that was resting idly on its side.

"AJ?" Spike asked.

"You may not know it, Spike," Applejack began. "But ma and Mrs. Cake were real close friends, back when Mrs. Cake was simply Chiffon Swirl. And from what she told us about ma, she had the most beautiful voice ya ever heard. And it just goes well with her talent on the guitar."

"And if I'm not mistaken, I'd say she passed them onto you," Spike said, to which Applejack blushed at his compliment.

"Anyway, this is the song she wrote for pa," Applejack smiled. "And now, I'd like to play it for ya."

Spike got comfortable, "I'm listening," He smiled eagerly, as Applejack began to play.

You're In My Head Like A Catchy Song

As Applejack continues to sing the song, while playing her mother's old guitar, Spike couldn't help but feel enchanted.

"And even if, the world tells us it's wrong," Applejack sang her mother's words. "You're in my head like a catchy song~."

"Wow," Spike gasped. "That's just beautiful."

"Do ya like it?" Applejack asked. "Please be honest."

"Are you kidding me?" Spike asked. "I love it! It's beautiful!"

With a smile, Applejack continues to play the guitar, and sang the rest of her mother's song.

At last, Applejack came to the end, when she finished it with, "And you should not, blame me too, if I can't help falling in love with you~"

Both Applejack and Spike's eyes widened at what Applejack just said.

"Wow, bold move from your mom there," Spike smirked. "Or by chance, did you make that last part up to express your feelings for me?"

"Oh, you goof!" Applejack replied, giving Spike a playful shove.

"What? It's a compliment," Spike replied. "Honestly, if your mom can write a song, and sing that good, then you can too, y'know?"

Applejack smirked, "Y'know, I do have this song of mine that I've been meaning to share for ya."

"Well by all means, let's hear it," Spike replied, as Applejack strummed a few strings on her mother's guitar.

Hey Ocean - Big Blue Wave (acoustic)

Just like he was when he listened to Pear Butter's song, Spike couldn't help but feel himself enchanted. Then, as if he was put in a trance, Spike absentmindedly started to sing with Applejack.

"Sing until you have no voice. Whoo-whoo~" They sang. "Sing because you have no choice. Whoo-whoo~. Sing until you float away. Whoo-hoo~. Our love is like a big blue wave~"

As Applejack came to the end of her song, both she and Applejack looked up, and felt a spark, upon locking gaze with each other. The world around them began to blur out, and slowed down, as the two felt that it was just the two of them in existence. Spike and Applejack slowly moved their heads up to each other, until at last, their lips made contact, and they closed their eyes, feeling themselves melting in each other's warmth, and presence.

Spike held his arms around Applejack's head, as he deepens the kiss with her, with the country girl doing the same when she wrapped her arms around his waist, bringing him close.

As Spike made out with one of his forgotten childhood friends, it didn't came as a surprise for him to taste the pleasant juice of apples from her lips. In all honesty, it aroused him further, as he can feel his powers increasing with every moment of his make out session with Applejack. His tongue was wrestling for dominance with AJ's, when he suddenly felt it growing longer and slithering about in the girl's mouth. His dragon wings suddenly sprouted from his back, as they flapped rapidly.

Applejack opened her eyes up, half-liddedly, to see the state Spike was in. She's only catch him like this, on a few rare occasions, but that doesn't come as a surprise for her, when it comes to him and the other girls, vying for his affection. In truth, she was flattered to see she was able to at least receive this kind of reaction from him, evidence to her that he was enjoying it. She closed her eyes, as she deepens the kiss, wanting to enjoy every moment of it.

At last, the two broke apart, and like his make outs with Fleur and Fluttershy, Spike was slightly disoriented, before he caught himself, by a tree.

"Whoa," He panted. "That was so....breathtaking."

"You were awesome yourself, Sugarcube," Applejack replied, while she herself was also out breath. "Of course, I've never kissed any other boys before, let alone a dragon."

"Obviously," Spike replied. "Besides, can't I help it if you taste like....like...well, the sweetest apple I've ever tasted?"

"Aw, thanks, Sugarcube," Applejack smiled, before she received a peck on the nose.

"Well, I'll see ya around," Spike replied, before he spreads his wings, and was about to take flight, only for Applejack to stop him.

"Hold it, Sugarcube," Applejack said. "How about just one more, before we hit the sack?"

Spike thought, and shrugged, "I don't see why not?" He replied, and they passionately made out once more.

Later that night, Spike was back home in New York, in bed, while thinking about his recent make out with AJ.

'Applejack,' He thought fondly. 'You're definitely the apple of my eyes,' His thoughts then went to the girls, 'I wonder if I'll get the chance to do the same with the other girls?' It wasn't long before his rational side kicked in, as he thought, 'I dear. What am I going to do? I have to be more careful. One wrong move, and I could ruin our friendship together. I love them all, but I can't risk hurting any feelings.' His sympathy side took over, as he thought, 'Then again, this isn't hurting any feelings, or betrayal. This is just making up all those years of my absence. Still, I have to be careful.'

Meanwhile, back in Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was happily sleeping away, while snuggling up to a large huge pillow, as she thought fondly, 'Oh, Spike. If only ya knew what ya did to me.'

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