• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,214 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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A Cousin Consultant

A dark cloud looms over New York. Several weeks have passed, and still no sign of Fear Haunter, or his brother, Bone Cruncher.

Spike was on the rooftop of his apartment, having recovered from his recent battle with an Abyssinian thug, who attacked him on his recent outing, with Lyra and Bon Bon.

The young dragon was feeding Peewee a handful of chocolate chips, who was happily munching on them, while enjoying a loving stroke from the boy. Then, with a thrust of his arm, Spike hurled Peewee into the air, where the fiery bird flaps his wings and took flight, disappearing into the sky, just as the first shower of snow fell from the sky.

Walking over to a wall, he slumps down against it, Spike takes out a piece of paper and reads to himself what he had written:

Dear Uncle Scorpan,

I need to do something, and I don't know if I can do it. I'm scared. I feel like I'm letting everybody down. I need some advice. I know you told me to trust in my friends, but I'm always coming back to you for guidance. I just wish you were here right now.

Your nephew,
Spike Draco

Just as he was about to breathe his fire and work his magic, the young dragon's ears perked up to the sound of wingbeats, beckoning him to turn around to see that it is a familiar pink alicorn, with mane and tail of moderate rose, violet, and pale gold streaks, and wings that have purple tips.

"Hello Spike," The alicorn greeted, before she was bathed in cornflower blue light and stood before him in human form.

"Principal Cadence?" Spike exclaimed. "What are–"

"Now is that anyway to greet a cousin?" Cadence asked, with a bemused grin on her face. "There's no need for formalities, Spike. We're family, after all."

β€œI.....Sorry, Principal Cadence,” Spike apologized, before stammering, "I mean, Princess Cadence. I mean, Cadence," With a blush and a groan, the young boy pinched his temple. "It’s still gonna take some getting use to. Like the fact that you’re, well, my cousin...by adoption?”

Cadence could only chuckle in amusement, as she walked up to where Spike was sitting, "Mind if I sit here?" She asked, gesturing to a spot next to him.

"Not at all," Spike replied, beckoning her to sit down.

The two cousins both cast their gaze across the scenery of New York, watching the sun set over the horizon, illuminating the sky in a hue of pink and blue, while reflecting its lights off the snowflakes' crystal sparkles.

"You must really like to come up here and watch the sunset, don't you?" Cadence asked. "I'd often catch you on the rooftops to watch the sun go down."

"Really?" Spike asked. "I haven't noticed."

The young woman couldn't help but giggle, "Old habits die hard, don't they?" She asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Before you and General Scorpan had to retreat to New York City, often times, me and Auntie Celestia would find you at the top of the biggest mountains you can find, watching as the sun goes down," Cadence smiled in nostalgia. "And once auntie lowers the sun completely out of sight, that's when you dragon up and you fly the night away – without any wings and all. You were such a sight to behold!" The young woman giggled, while Spike scratched his chin and pondered.

"Hmm, how time flies," He mused, just for a moment, before he resumes his brooding.

Picking up on his uneasiness, Cadence frowned in concern, "Hey, Spike?" She began. "You feeling alright? Lyra and Bon Bon have told us about what happened, and..."

"I'm okay," Spike replied. "I mean, still feel a little sore, here and there, but I'm okay," The boy replied, while giving his arm a few punching gestures for emphasis.

Cadence puts a hand over her chest and lets out a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness," She smiled, before looking sternly at Spike. "But still, you need to be more careful Spike. You shouldn't take your powers too lightly, and never underestimate your opponents."

"I know, I know," The young prince nodded in reply. "Uncle was always telling me the same thing when I was little, growing up." At the mention of the wise and caring gargoyle, Spike looked down at his letter again and frowned, "Wonder what his trip was that's so important? I'm kind of needing his advice right now."

Scooting herself closer, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder, Cadence said, "Spike. I don't know where General Scorpan could be, or what business he has. But you know, you can always tell to me what's been bothering you. After all, we're family, aren't we?"

Spike turned his attention to Cadence, looking at her comforting smile of reassurance. And for a brief moment, he experienced a sudden flashback as he sees Cadence, as a young alicorn filly, with a light blue bow that tied her mane into a ponytail, smiling at him. Though the memory was faint, a familiar heartwarming feeling reignited within him.

"What's the matter?" Spike snapped out of his daze, when Cadence called him back to reality. "You looked a little....lost. Like you've seen a ghost."

"Uh, sorry." Spike shook his head. "I was....I was just remembering....about how you were so....nice." Looking back up at the woman, Spike waved his head, stammering, "Don't get me wrong, Cadence. You're still nice right now. I mean, you were still nice, I mean...what I meant was-"

The young boy was interrupted by the silvery peals of laughter from Cadence, "It's alright, Spike. I know what you mean." She chuckled.

"Eh hehe. Still, that's all I could remember," He frowned. "You were just so nice, so caring, and most of all, beautiful. Though, I mostly remembered how close you were with Twilight. Which shouldn't be a surprise, since Twilight's been going on and on about how you were her favorite foalsitter."

Cadence couldn't help but giggle, "Well, she's my favorite little foal to sit." The woman chuckled, before looking down at Spike, "But you know Spike. I have done some sittings with you, just as much as I did with Twilight."


"Sure. Whenever auntie Celestia was too busy to look after you, or teach you some more about your powers, or even when General Scorpan had to tend his duties with the royal army than to train you, you and I would often play some games together, or even pull some of pranks on Vlad Blueblood. Remember the hedgehog?" Cadence burst out laughing at the memory.

"What hedgehog?" Spike asked.

After Cadence relayed the whole story, "Did I do that?" Spike asked, while failing to hold his laugh in.

"I'd say the hedgehog did the whole thing," Cadence laughed. "You could even say it had quite an attitude." The two adopted cousins both shared laughs with each other for awhile, before Cadence sighed, "Just look at us. We're both a pair of sentimental individuals, aren't we?"

"Well at this point, I'm not surprised," The young dragon smiled, before it turned sad. "I'm sorry with how things were when I left Equestria." He apologized. "I'm also sorry with how much responsibilities was passed onto Twilight and the girls. I'm sorry I couldn't have just remembered sooner."

"We're not blaming you for anything, Spike," Cadence began. "I know it's hard for you to take all of this in," The young woman then wraps her arms around his shoulders, pulling him close to her chest for a loving hug as she continues, "Don't forget, we're all in this together, no matter what. You don't even have to be afraid to ask us for help. We're with you all the way."

Feeling the love and warmth from his cousin washing over him, Spike held his hand over Cadence, and held it tightly, β€œThanks cousin,” Spike smiled, hugging his favorite adopted cousin.

β€œAnytime Spike,” Cadence smiled, returning the gesture.

"So Cadence. Cousin to cousin," Spike smiled mischievously. "When are you and Shining Armor going to tie the knot?"

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