• Published 11th Jan 2017
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Dragonfire ๐Ÿฒ Enter The Dragon Hero ๐Ÿฒ - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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The Little Sea Pony Returns To The Sea Part 3: Escape From Klugetown

As Capper, Celaeno, and the Knights wait for Spike to come back with Skystar, the feline began to get restless.

"Where are they?" Capper groaned as he paced back and forth. "I really don't wanna stay in this craphole as long as we need to be."

"Come on Cap, what's the rush?" Button asked. "I mean sure we got chased by a mob because they wanna eat Sky, but I don't see the actual hurry."

Capper glared at the boy, with his pupils shifting into slits, "First off, don't call me Cap. Only one other person has ever called me that and he's dead to me now. Second, this place is run by Verko, one of the biggest crime lords in the magical underworld," This piqued Celaeno's interest as she heard that name before while she was held by the Cerulean Hunters, "I used to work for him before bailing and if he finds out that I'm here, he'll have me for a rug next to his fireplace."

"You know come to think of it, Fleur did mentioned something like that when we first met ya," Tender recalled.

Capper sighed, "Yeah it's true. I did things I ain't proud of. Things I don't like to talk about," He said as he turned away from the others. Just then his ears perked up to a sound. A sound he hoped to never hear again, "Oh no..."He muttered as he goes pale.

Just as Celaeno and the Knights were about to ask what is wrong, they too hear the bloodcurdling sound.

They looked at where it was coming from and sure enough they see one of the hunter's ships, flying no less, in the distance, coming towards Klugetown.

"What. Is. THAT?!" Rumble shouted. Everyone else is just as shocked, with Featherweight taking a picture of the thing.

"It's the Wailing Condor!" Capper explained, "An advanced airship owned by the Cerulean Hunters!"

"Oh that's comforting," Tender replied.

"What concerns me is why they are all the way out here?" Celaeno pondered, "Though I doubt it's because they're looking for us."

Just then, the ship opened fire upon the town. Buildings begin to crumble, courtesy of the explosive shells that rained from the ship, and many of the denizens were running for dear life.

"That answer your question?" Capper asked bluntly.

"And I think that's our cue to run!" Button Mash screamed, as he took off while screaming like a girl.

"Way behind ya Button!" Rumble called as he ran after the nerd, followed by the others.

As a bird was flying by, when a rope appeared and snatched it. Seconds later it was in a cage held by two anthropomorphic warthogs.

"Don't worry little guy, we'll let you go." One of the pig men chuckled

"Yeah to the highest bidder!" Said the other and they both started to laugh. Just then, a Cerulean Vulture lands right in front of them, shocking the two.

The vulture stares at the baffled duo for a good second before it grabs them by the talons and takes them up to the skies, while one of the boars drops the cage that was holding the bird and shatters it freeing the bird in the process .

The vulture flew higher and higher until it stops and drops the screaming pigs to their doom.

The fishmonger from before was regaining consciousness after being knocked out by Spike, "Augh, my head..." He groaned, when all of a sudden, a missile hits the ground, right near him and starts beebing, "Ah cra-" Was all the fishmonger could say before the missile exploded.

A group of large molemen in mafia attire were in a room playing poker, when some of them start to hear noises outside.

"Ey, you fellas hear dat?" One of them asked.

"Ugh, hope it ain't be another riot, dat'll be the third one dis week," Another complained.

"Hope da boss comes back from his business trip on Earth soon. He'd straighten em out," Said another.

Just then the door bursts open and a group of armed men steps in, "Hey!!! Who da-" Was all the moleman could say before he and his comrades were mercilessly gunned down. After that, Shade Stalker steps in. He scans the room for a good minute, approaches a wall, and plants an explosive charge on it. He turned to his men and makes some hand signals to them. They all nodded and each went their separate ways.

As Shade makes his own leave he hears a groan. He turns back to see that one of the molemen had miraculously survived the hail of bullets and is struggling to get up.

As the moleman tries to get on his feet, he sees Shade slowly approaching him until he was a feet away from him. "S-Stay back," The moleman warned stumbling back, clutching one of his wounds. Shade brings out what looks like a hilt, he pushes a button and a blade of dark energy bursts forth. With a swift strike, Shade puts the moleman out of his misery.

Kale watches from the deck of the Wailing Condor, as it continues to fire shell after shell on the buildings, and the vultures picking off the townsfolk like carrion and firing missiles of their own. That's when he hears a voice from the comms.

"Hey Kale, save some for me and my boys will ya?" Said the voice.

Kale just smirks, "Relax Raider, I'm just softening em up for ya. All cannons seize fire!"

"Shade and his boys should be starting to plant their little 'presents' all across the town by now." Raider said.

"Roger that. What's your location?" Kale asked.

"We're just at the town entrance. Too bad Verko ain't here to see his 'precious' little town burn, I would pay to see the look on his face."

"Aye it's a shame. Ah well, I'll get my boys ready & prep and then they'll come join ya."

"Sounds good to me. Over and out." Raider replied, as he signs off.

"Commander Blacksky!" One of the hunters exclaimed, looking through his binocular. "Look! Over there! There's a sea pony with some strange dog creature!"

Curious, Kale Blacksky took out his own binocular to look in the same direction his hunter had pointed. It wasn't long before he spotted Spike and Skystar, "Well I'll be damned!" He exclaimed. "It is a sea pony! But what kind of dog creatures is that?"

"We don't know sir," The hunter replied, while looking through a glossary of all kinds of creatures. "It doesn't appear to be listed in one of our recordings! It could be a newly discovered species of some sort!"

"Interesting," Kale scratched his chin.

"So what now sir?" The hunter asked.

"We stick to the plan," Kale replied, before turning back to see Spike with Skystar. "But this could be a perfect opportunity to find out where her people are hiding. Half of you will join Raider and his squads! You others, hunt down that sea pony! As for that dog....thing. I'd like to have a much closer look at it."

"And if she doesn't talk?" The hunter asked

Kale smiles, "Well, then she'll make a nice victory feast when this is all over won't she?" He chuckled darkly. "You have your orders. Now move out!"

"Yes sir!" The hunters saluted before they left to prepare themselves, donning up a jetpack for each of them, and equipping themselves with a device that's mounted on their wrists.

Testing their devices to make sure they worked, the hunters reached pressed a specific button on their wrists, activating a blade of energies that pulsed from the devices. Satisfied, the hunters deactivated their blades, as they waited for orders from their commander. Waiting with them are Wing Diver the fox and Rotor the husky, both in mech suits of their own.

"All right boys, it's now or never. Give em hell." Kale said via speakers.

Finally the hunters dived from the hanger and with their jetpacks, flew towards Klugetown with some of them carrying rocket launchers.

"LET'S RIDE!!" Raider shouted, as he and his men all rode on their hover bikes, hollering wildly.

They began to terrorize the place by running over any poor sob that got in their way or throwing Molotov cocktails in buildings. Anyone who tried to fight back were ruthlessly gunned down and those were magicly adept were struck with MPGs.

Watching from a safe distance, an anthropomorphic naked mole rat, don up in a business suit, with a matching top hat, and goggles was watching chaos taking place, and his town going up in flames.

The mole rat cracked a dirty grin, showing his unkempt yellow teeth, "So, those hunters think they had me beat, do they?" He asked with a chuckle. "We'll see about it." With a tap of his cane, several shadows darted past Verko and into town.

From another safe distance, the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts observed the smokes rising from Klugetown, "Oh no! We're too late!" Sour frowned.

"Gee, what's your first clue?" Sugarcoat asked. "The rising smokes, or the desperate cries of civilians?"

"You saying I'm stupid?" Sour frowned.

"Girls! Not now!" Sunny Flare shouted, getting the two back on track. "We have to get in there! Spike and friends need us!"

"Then let's go already!" Indigo shouted, as she eagerly kicks her own jet bike into action, with the rest of the girls doing the same.

Capper, Celaeno, and the Knights watch in horror as the Cerulean Hunters were tearing the town apart. Capper honestly doesn't know what to feel right now. On one hand, this place and its inhabitants probably had it coming, but on the other, as much of a horrid place Klugetown is, it was the closest thing he had to a home in the last ten years after Chummer abandoned him.

"Heads up!" Rumble yelled, snapping Capper out of his thought, as a missile hits one of the buildings they're near. A chunk comes tumbling down near Pip.

"Look out!" Celaeno yelled as she grabbed Pip and jumped out of the way. Unfortunately, this caused the two to be separated from the others.

"Pip!" Featherweight called out. "Cousin?!"

"Featherweight! Are you guys alright?" Pip called out.

"We're okay," Featherweight replied.

"What about you two?" Capper asked.

"We're okay." Celaeno answered. "More or less..."

Capper looked around. The place was a war zone, but there was one place that seemed untouched... "You two see that windmill over there?"

Both Pip and Celaeno looked over to the said structure, "Aye, that we do." Celaeno answered.

"Go to it! We'll meet you there!" Capper said.

The two look at each other before Celaeno spoke up, "All right. We'll see ya there." She said before she and Pip depart.

Capper turned to the other knights, "All right, hope you boys are ready to make a break for it."

"Don't have much of a choice," Rumble said reluctantly as he and the Knights ponied up, and they made their way to windmill, with their feline friend.

As the hunters rode through town, they failed to notice several red eyes leering at them from the shadows. Then, without warning, several spears with ropes tied at the end all shot up from the ground. Several of them have caught a hunter and knocked him off his bike.

"WHOA!!" He screamed as he fell to the ground, and was pulled down by several strong arms that jutted from the ground. "AAH!!! HELP!!" The hunter screamed, before he disappeared out of sight.

One of his comrades turned and looked, "Uh, Mikey?" He asked, before he was suddenly pounced on by a shadow of a panther. "AAAAHHH!!!" The hunter screamed, as the panther snarled hungrily, and it dines on him.

As the hunters ride through town in their hoverbikes, Diamond Dogs suddenly bursts from the ground, knocking them off their vehicles. And some others have suspended long chains in the air for the hunters to run into and forced them off, by their throats, with Raider being one of them.

He and his hunters got on their feets and stared at the mutts, "You mangy furballs want a fight? Well you got one!" He yelled. With that, Raider and his men got out their machine guns and opened fire on the anthropomorphic dogs.

In retaliations, the dogs conjured huge shields that repelled their bullets, together with their protective armors. Many more of the Diamond Dogs jumped out from the grounds, dragging most of the Cerulean Hunters underground to their doom.

Then, with a loud roar and yowl, a shadow lunged out from a window, tackling one of Raider's man, and ate him alive, biting from the head to ripping and shredding his whole body to pieces.

"WHAT THE DEVIL IS THAT?!!" One of the hunters asked in bewilderment and disgusts.

"Whatever it is, it's roadkill!" Another said as he opened fire on it. However, much to his and his fellow hunters' bewilderments, it did nothing. "What the-"

"LOOK OUT!!" Too late. A shadow of a wolf jumped at a tremendous height and knocked the hunter off his bike, before a whole pack appeared.

"HOLD ON!! I'M COMING!!" Raider shouted, only for more armor clad dogs to appear, cracking their whips in the air, lassoing Raider and held him down, while his comrades were merciless slaughtered like pigs.

Shade Stalker and his men were in a dark warehouse, when they have just finished putting the last charge in place, when they heard a muffle. Looking in the direction of the sound, they were all shocked to see one of their men has gone missing.

Taking out their flashlights, Shade and his men both scanned through the darkness to find any sign of their missing hunters. Without warning, something dropped from the ceiling, and landed before them. The very sight nearly made them lose their lunches, which they were forced to hold in, sans Shade, who remains expressionless. It was their missing comrade, chewed up, and mangled with bloods.

Looking back up, they were met with flocks of strange looking bat-like creatures that flew all over the place, blinding them momentarily and deafening them with their bloodcurdling screeches.

Suddenly, something heavy fell from the ceiling, and clings onto Shade, biting at his shoulder, before it was thrown off by the surprisingly strong man. However, the thing was undeterred as it quickly rolled itself on its feet and charged towards Shade and his men.

Shade brings out his dark energy blade and slashes at the beast. But the creature was undeterred as it makes another vicious lunge.

Meanwhile, some other shadow figures in the room took a quick look at the charge Shade and his men had set up earlier.

Pip and Celaeno

As Pip and Celaeno trek through the war ravaged town, they come a across a seemingly empty building. Deciding to take their chances, they enter said building.

"Gosh, that was close captain," Pip said catching his breath.

"Aye, no argument here." Celaeno said, "Reminds me of the time when me, Mullet, and Boyle got ourselves in the middle of a cross fire between the Storm King's forces, a hive of changlings, and a bicorn warherd called the Ravagers. Barely escaped with our lives."

"I don't get why all this? Why are the hunters attacking the town? Is it because of us?" Pip asked.

"I don't think so. But I have a pretty good hunch," Celaeno answered. "Back when I was a prisoner for those scalleywags, I overheard a couple of them talking about someone stealing their tech as of late and all fingers were pointing at Verko. Granted, they don't know for sure, but evidence says its him."

Pip was trying to wrap his head around all this, "So...they're launching a full on assault on a backwater town just because some gangster was stealing their stuff?" He asked.

"I think It's more than that lad," Celaeno replied. "From what I heard, Verko and their leader have been at each other's throats for sometime now. That, and Capper did say this place was run by the crime lord. I guess this was the straw that broke the camel's back," Another explosion went off, which nearly shook the place apart. "Come on lets see if there's a back door to this place."

"Aye-aye, captain," Pip saluted, before he and the parrot begin their search.

As Celaeno search one part of the building, she hears Pip call out from the celler, "Uh, captain you might wanna see this." Curious on what Pip found, she heads over to his location and what she found shocks her.

Laying before the duo were over a dozen dead bodies of molemen and Diamond Dogs. Approaching with caution, Celaeno examines some of the corpses and notice they have multiple sword wounds, "Who ever did this is skilled with a blade." She said grimly.

"You...don't think it's Spike do you?" Pip asked.

Celaeno shook her head, "Nah, even he wouldn't be this brutal," She answered. "No, whoever slaughtered these poor bastards is a born killer." Celaeno said in a grave tone. The anthro parrot sighed, "Come on lets just find a way out of here."

With that, the two buccaneers left the room. But all the same, Pip took a quick look back at the bodies one last time and wonders what kind of monster would do something like this?

Spike and Skystar

"YIKES!!" Spike barked, as he and Skystar quickly ran down the streets, before weaving through the alleys, avoiding the hunters chasing them. In a flash of green fire, Spike sprouted wings, which he used to protect Sky from the bullets that were being fired upon them. "Hold on tight, Sky!" Spike instructed, to which the frightened sea pony was quick to comply, tightening her flippers around the boy-turned-dog's neck, as they flew through the war ridden streets, as a blur of purple and yellow.

"Oh, I really miss being a hippogriff right now," Sky whimpered in fright.

"Don't worry Sky, we'll get out off this," Spike assured her.

Unfortunately, a squad of hunters lands right in front of them.

"Oh great." Spike muttered.

The squad leader approaches the and says, "Okay, here's the deal: you two come with us quietly and there won't be any trouble."

"And if we don't?" Spike asked

The squad leader smirks, "Glad you asked that." He said as he and his fellow hunters fire up they're energy blades.

"Run roh," Spike whimpered.

"Let 'em have it boys!" With that, the hunters leap towards the two friends. Thankfully, with quick reflex, Spike quickly evaded the hunters' blades, jumping from side-to-side, saving himself and Sky, while throwing a few counterattacks at the hunters.

"Wow! Scrappy's got attitudes!" One of the hunters groaned, before he and his comrades resumed their attack.

One hunter tried to sneak up on both Spike and Skystar, but Sky saw him coming and quickly slaps him with her tail fin.

As Spike jumps and dodges the energy blades, he lets out a big burst of flame in the hunters faces, blinding them. Using this to their advantage, Spike rushes to a hiding spot, with Sky still on his back.

When the hunters' visions cleared up, they noticed their targets were nowhere to be found.

"Find them!" The squad leader ordered, "They couldn't have gone far!"

The other hunters saluted and flew off into different directions.

As the hunters were out of sight and earshot, Spike and Skystar came out of their hiding place.

"That was close, Spike," Skystar sighed in relief.

"I know," He said as he shifts into his dragon form. "We should probably find the others. No doubt they're looking for us."

Sky nodded as she and Spike go on their way. Little do they realize, they're being followed.

Pip and Celaeno

As the two buccaneers continue to search the building, they hear the front door burst wide open. They see who it is while staying in hiding and spot a group of Diamond Dogs running inside.

"Search the area!" The leader barked.

The others nodded and did just that.

"What do we do, captain?" Pip asked.

"Stay where we are," Celaeno answered, "Let em search this place. And when they make their leave, so will we."

Capper and the Four Knights

Capper and the knights ran through the war ravaged town

"Can this get any worse?!?" Button cried.

All of a sudden a Diamond Dog came flying their direction, slamming into a wall. The boys turn to see Wing Diver and Rotor tearing some of the burrowing mutts apart.

Wing Diver was slicing them up with a pair of double bladed energy swords. Skillfully and brutally chopping the Diamond Dogs up like they were raw meat. One Diamond Dog bursts from the ground to get the jump on him, only for the the mech suit wearing fox to cut him in two without even looking.

Rotor was savagely beating a Diamond Dog with his shocker gauntlets. A claw reaches out to snatch his foot and tries to drag him down. However, Rotor just grabs the claw and pulls the Diamond Dog up, he then grabs the hapless mutt's head and proceeds to crush his skull. The Diamond Dog cries in pain and flails around until the cries are silent and the Diamond Dog goes limb. Rotor then tosses away the now lifeless body.

"Whoa, brutal..." Tender said, watching the fight from a safe distance.

"Come on, lets go around them," Capper said.

"That's probably a good idea." Featherweight commented as they do just that.

Unfortunately, as they were trying to sneak around, Rotor sniffs the air and immediately spots the group.

"Oh dear!" Capper muttered as the fox and husky comes charging at them

The earring on Celaeno's ear suddenly glowed a golden aura as it vibrates, "Aye!" Celaeno exclaimed.

"What is it captain?" Pip asked.

"The others!" The parrot replied. "They're in trouble!"

The Diamond dogs search the building when one of them calls from the cellar, "Uh, guys I found something."

As most of them went to see what their comrade has found, Celaeno sees them as a perfect opportunity to slip away, "Now's our chance." She said as she and Pip quietly head for the entrance.

Unfortunately, as they were sneaking towards the exit they're suddenly grabbed from behind.

"Hey guys, come up here, we found a couple of stragglers!" The Diamond Dog holding Pip called out.

The others came back from the cellars with the leader having a look of anger on his face.

"Did you killed our comrades?!?" The leader snarlas he approaches the two, pointing towards the cellar.

"We swear they were like that when we found them." Celaeno explained.

"I say we kill em right now, they're probably spies for those Cerulean bastards." One of them yelled.

Rotor went straight for Button mash. "For Sweetie Belle!!!" The nerd boy cries out as he to charged at the husky with his pickaxe. Sadly, with quick reflexes, Rotor hits Button in the face, electrocuting him in the process, and sending him flying.

Featherweight rushes over to check on the nerdy knight, "Button? Button?! Are you ok?!?" He asked frantically.

"The given profit for R(x)=50x-0.5xยฒ and C(x)=4x+10 is $1048!" Was all Button could say before passing out.

Featherweight then notices Rotor approaching him, "Uh oh..." He manages to put up his shield before Rotor takes a swing at him. Growling in frustration, the savage husky then proceeds to beat on the shield relentlessly with poor feather barely holding on.

Seeing Feather in trouble, Capper brings out Lola and shoots at the husky. An angry Rotor spots the ally cat and barrels towards him with Capper jumping out of the way. As Capper continues to allude Rotor, Feather notices that Rotor managed to dent the Shield of Purity, leaving him to wander on how that's even possible.

While this was going on, Rumble was clashing blades with Wing Diver. Rumble can only go on the defensive here as he has trouble keeping up with the fox.

Tender sneaks up behind the fox to get the jump on him. However Wing Diver hears him coming and nearly slashes him. Seeing this as an opening, Rumble grabs one of Wing Divers blades with his sword and manages to disarm him. However Wing still had the other blade and nearly slices the knight with it.

"Oh no you don't!" Featherweight shouted, jumping in at the last minute, saving Rumble from the fox's blade.

At the same time, Tender had pulled a spare pirate sword that Celaeno had given to him, and slashed it at the fox's mech suit.

Meanwhile, Button Mash just woke up from his shocking coma. Shaking his head, Button looked to see the scuffle going on between his fellow Knights, Capper, and mech suits driven by Wing Diver the fox and Rotor the husky. Though appeared to be somewhat dazed, Button observed the fights, while taking mental notes at his current surroundings. Looking down on his right, Button sets his sight on a dead octopus. Picking up the deceased cephalopod, Button runs into the fray where he jumped in front of Rotor, holding the octopus in front of the husky.

The dog looked puzzled at first, until with a firm squeeze, Button squirted a large gush of dark inks onto the windshield of the dog's mech suit, blinding him.

Rotor struggled to wipe the inks off, "Well I'll be," Capper smiled, looking impressed.

Looking at his radar within the mech suit, Rotor locked target onto both Button Mash and Capper, before activating a pair of shock gauntlets, and charged after the two.

"YIPE!!" Button screamed as he and Capper both took off running with an angry mech-driven-husky giving chase.

"I'm surprised he's still hot on our tails, blinded and all," Capper commented.

"He must have some kind of radar or something," Button replied. "Hey! Let's use that to our advantage!" Button suggested, as he and Capper both ran up to Wing Diver, who quickly slashed his blades at the two boys, who jumped out of the way, just as Rotor pounced, and electrocuted Wing instead.

"YES!! It worked!!" Button cheered, as he, the Knights, and Capper watched the two mech driving canines fried each other with their electric based weapons.

"Well, ain't that a shock?" Capper asked.

It wasn't long before Wing Diver and Rotor recovered from their shocks. And after Wing Diver quickly wiped the inks off of Rotor's vizor, the two mech driving canines set their sights on their preys. Suddenly, a shadow of a huge lion appeared between the boys and dogs. Then, the shadow figures of a tiger and a bear appeared.

"Oh my!" Button exclaimed.

With a loud roar, the lion lunged towards Wing Diver, with the tiger and bear both making a lunge towards Rotor. The two dogs didn't hesitate to fight back with their mech suits, with the three colossal predators tearing them apart, ripping some mechanical parts off their suits. Rotor tried to punch the lights out of the tiger and bear, but the two mighty predators simply shrugged it off like it was nothing, and they quickly clamped their jaws on the husky's electric gauntlets. Meanwhile, Wing Diver was slashing his energy blades at the lion. But as if it was the Nemean Lion, the fox's blades bounced off the lion's thick hides as it continues its vicious assault.

The four Knights watched from the sidelines as both dogs struggle against the three mighty predators, "Er hem!" Capper cleared his throat. "We were escaping?"

"Oh right," With that, the cat and the boys quietly snuck away.

It wasn't long before the boys bumped into a group of Cerulean Hunters, "Hey! Watch where you going!" One of the Cerulean Hunters scowled, before he realized who he was talking to. "Hey! Who are you boys? What are you doing here?"

"Uh....we were just passing through..." Button smiled sheepishly, while the rest of the boys gave him odd looks.

The Cerulean Hunters looked and their eyes widened when they set their sights on Capper, "HEY!! That's him!" One of them shouted. "THAT'S THE CAT WHO STOLE MY GUN!!!"

Capper quickly sweated, "Who? Me?" He asked in defense. "You must've had me confused for another charming young cat."

Of course, the hunters weren't buying it, "Not this time kitty! GET HIM!!"

Back with Pip and Celaeno

Pip and Celaeno were clashing blades and claws with the Diamond Dogs in the room, when a sudden molotov burst into a window, followed by another one and many more. Soon a couple of Cerulean hunters appeared at the open entrance of the door.

"Burn you mother hubbers!!!" One of them yelled out as he and his comrade threw one more molotov on the floor before slamming the entrance of the door, baracading it from the outside.

Using this to her advantage, Celaeno head butted the squad leader of the Diamond Dogs, grabbed Pip, and makes a run for it.

"Get them!!!" The leader roared.

The duo ran upstairs while being chased by the Diamond Dogs with the flames following close behind.

One Diamond Dog makes a jump for them, only for the parrot pirate to kick him away, knocking him into the flame.

As Wing Diver and Rotor continues to struggle against the predators, the fox realizes that this is a fight they can't win, so he pulls out a smoke grenade and tosses it to the ground. The device goes off, letting out thick black smoke, and messing with the predator's senses.

Wing grabs his husky counterpart and makes a break for it.

Spike and Skystar

"What the hell is going on out there?" Spike asked, as he and Skystar hid behind the wall, in an empty building, looking at the battle taking place. "It's like a war zone!"

"What do we do?" Skystar whimpered.

Before Spike can answer, his nose twitched the stench of blood, and his ears perked to the sound of low, grumbling snarls. With a quick glance up, Spike's eyes widened to see the silhouette of a huge leopard, staring hungrily at both him and Skystar, with piercing red eyes. With a loud roar, the leopard pounced from its perch, with Spike picking Skystar back up in his arms, and sprinted away from the ferocious big cat.

With a huge leap, the leopard slashed its claws after Spike, but missed and ripped a curtain instead with Spike making a sharp turn around a wooden pole. Undeterred, the leopard continues its pursuit, making another quick jump after Spike and Skystar, both ducking behind a dustcover over a chandelier, causing the leopard to lunge at the fabric and ripped off a good chunk of fabrics. Spike and Skystar were backed up against a window as the leopard makes another tremendous pounce in a fast blur of darkness. This time its aim was true.

With an earsplitting shatter, the window broke into several pieces as Spike and Skystar were falling towards the ground, followed by the leopard. Both Spike and Skystar crashed through the tent roof over a merchant's stand, or what's left of it.

The leopard landed on its back before it quickly rolled back up on feet and jumped after Spike and Skystar, only to be kicked away by Spike when the boy went full dragon. The leopard rolled a good distance away, before it quickly picked itself back up, hissing angrily and defiantly at Spike.

Spike quickly showed off a few kung-fu moves, coupled with several loud roars and cries. But the leopard refused to yield, as it continues to snarl. Then, with a loud roar, and at the speed of lightning that rivals Rainbow Dash, the leopard lunged in a zig-zag maneuver before it made a lung at Skystar, only to be ensnared by Spike's tail, who quickly tossed it away.

"You want her?" Spike roared. "You gotta go through me first!" With another angry snarl, the leopard lunged at Spike, "Repulse the monkey!" Spike shouted, as he manages to catch the leopard and tossed it away. Undeterred, the leopard quickly got back up and lunged after Spike again, only for the dragon to breath a blast of green fireball that exploded upon impact, knocking the leopard into a group of Cerulean Hunters.

The leopard scrambled to its feet, before it noticed the hunters. Having a change of thought, the leopard clamped its jaws on one of the hunter's neck, breaking it with quick, strong forceful turn of its head. The other hunters fired several nerve bullets, taser bullets, and normal bullets on the wildcat. Unfortunately, the leopard is sturdier than it appeared, as it shrugged off the hunters' attacks like they were nothing. It wasn't long before with a series of slashes and jaw bites, the hunters all met the same fate as their unfortunate comrade and were hacked into bloodied pieces of meat for the cat to eat.

"Yeesh, what a fight!" Spike grimaced.

"Can we go now?" Sky moaned. "I'm feeling sick watching this."

"Right, sorry Sky," With that, Spike picked Skystar up, before a loud roar caught their attention, and they looked to see the leopard licking the blood off its chops, with the slaughtered hunters at its feet, each with large gash bite marks in the head where the brains used to be. The leopard stood, glaring even more hungrily at the two. "YIKES!! Sabor's hungry for more!" Spike screamed, as he quickly flapped his wings, with the leopard lunging after him and Sky, snapping its jaws in futile.

The leopard arched its head up, letting out a roar that went on for miles. Spike and Sky looked to see shadows of wolves, flooding through the streets of Klugetown, and running across the rooftops and they all lunged after Spike and Sky, snapping their jaws persistently.

Pip and Celaeno

Pip and Celaeno continue to run through the burning structures of the building they were trapped in, with the Diamond Dogs following close behind.

Celaeno turns her head around to fire her musket a the pursuing dog monsters. Looking around, seeing the fires catching up and burning some of the building's supports, Celaeno aimed her gun at one of these weakening supports, causing the ceilings to collapse between her, Pip, and the Diamond Dogs.

"Take that you mangy mutts!" Just then, the floorboard beneath her gave away, and her jade foot got stuck, "Curse this foot!!!" She yelled, as Pip screeched to a stop. "Lad I'm stuck! Yer gonna have to go on without me!"

"I'm not leaving you!" He said as he rushed back to his captain's side.

Grabbing tightly to her peg leg, Pip quickly went to work, helping Celaeno pull her leg out, when the anthro parrot notices a Diamond Dog charging in their direction, "Pip, look out!" She yelled as she brings out her musket and shoots the Diamond Dog, right in the eye.

The Diamond Dog flails around in agony, until he trips and falls into the rising flame.

With a final grunt, Pip manages to get Celaeno's peg leg out and the two continue to run until they find a really big window.

"That looks like our ticket!" Holding onto the short teenage boy's hand, Celaeno turned and asked, "Ya ready lad?"

"More as I'll ever be captain!" Pip replied as the two made a jump for the window.

With a burst of a million glass shards, Celaeno and Pip flew out of the burning building as it was about to collapse. Holding Pip's hand in one claw, Celaeno reached her other claw out and grabbed onto a sheet of blanket hanging on a clothesline, which she used as a makeshift zip-line, to zip both herself and Pip into the next building, before coming out through another window and landed on top of another building.

Pip and Celaeno quickly evaded another bomb explosion as they slid down an alley to catch their breath, "Ya alright there lad?" Celaeno asked.

"Uh huh, I'm fine," Pip replied. "Excited, but fine."

Celaeno nodded in acknowledgement, "That's the thrill of adventure for ya, lad," Adjusting her hat, Celaeno took a peek around the wall and spotted the windmill Capper had told them to meet up, earlier, "We're not too far now," She replied, while putting two of her fingers to her glowing earring.

Meanwhile, back with Capper and the rest of the Knights

The Cerulean Hunters had chased both Capper and the Knights to the windmill where they expected to rendezvous with Captain Celaeno and Pip. Upon arriving at the top from the inside of the building, the boys could see that Pip and Celaeno have yet to arrive.

The worse has yet to pass, when the Knights struggled to make their final stand with the hunters. Unfortunately, it didn't work out so well in the Knights' favors. Rumble was dragged into a cage, kicking and screaming. Feather tried to help him, but gets hit by a taser bullet, while Tender was caught in an iron net.

Capper and Button find themselves cornered by a group of hunters, "All right you two," One of the hunters said, "Come with us quietly and we might leave your brains in your skulls."

Capper chuckled nervously, "Hey come on fellas, we ain't fans of Verko-" He said before he was interrupted.

"Can it, Stimpy! We know exactly who you are!" The hunter barked, "Our boss, Big Daddy, have some questions for you."

Button Mash and Capper were holding each other close, while chatting their teeth together, completely scared of what cruel fate would befall on the both of them.

"It's been nice knowing you, Button Mash," Capper shivered.

'I can't believe this is how it ends for me!' Button Mash moaned. 'And no extra lives too! This is really game over!' Button Mash looked, before he spotted a window. Then, as if he too got struck by a lightning bolt, Button felt something funny going on in his head, as his Helmet of Wisdom was glowing in a gold aura. For some reason, which is hard to explain, Button Mash was running some figures in his heads, before he mentally shouted, 'Brain blast!'

Capper took notice of Button Mash's sudden change of expression, "Uh, do I dare ask, but what's with that smile?" The cat asked.

"I've got an idea!" Button replied. "But do you trust me?"

"To be honest......no."

"Well you're gonna have to!" With a flash of golden digital cubes, Button Mash morphed into his pony form, and he picked up Capper on his back. "COWABUNGA!!!" The boy screamed, charging out of the window, with a screaming cat on his back.

"Uh....what just happened?" One of the Cerulean Hunters asked, dumbfounded.

Button Mash and Capper were falling from the air, before bouncing on a market stall roof, before coming back down and crashed, startling a cow, wearing a red bandana.

"MOOOO!!!" The cow bellowed, before she kicked both Button Mash and Capper away, into a windmill's propellors, launching them back up into the tower, and literally kicked the Cerulean Hunters out.



The hunters poked their heads out of the mud, fuming in humiliation.

Meanwhile, Button Mash and Capper were both rolling down the stairs, before colliding into the cages that held the rest of their friends, freeing them, and dragging them down the stairs, before they all crash through the front door, where Pip and Celaeno had just arrived.

Button Mash dizzily stood up, "Did anyone else saw that?" He asked. "Because I will not be doing it again," With that, Button Mash fainted.

"What happened you guys?" Pip asked, before looking around. "And where's Spike and Sky?"

Raider looks on as his men are getting ripped apart one by one. He feels an anger building up inside him until it finally bursts. Surprising his Diamond Dog captors, he manages snap free from his bondage. One Diamond Dog runs up to him, only for Raider to bring his pistol and shoot him point blank in the face. Noticing the gaps in the armors, Raider shoots in them with taser bullets and electrocutes the Diamond Dogs, frying them in the process.

He hears a growl behind him and sees a silhouette of a huge bear. Before Raider could do anything, the bear bites his left shoulder.

"GYAAAA!!!" Raider screamed, "LET GO OF ME POOH!!!!" He yelled as he raises his revolver and shoots the bear point blank in the eye.

"GYAAAA!!!" Raider screamed, "LET GO OF ME POOH!!!!" He yelled as he brings out his revolver and shoots the bear point blank in the eye.

The bear roared in pain as it lets go of Raider. Regaining it's composer despite losing an eye the bear charges at him but Raider, despite having a bad shoulder right now, manages to take out the other eye with a well placed shot.

As the bear flails around Raider made his escape. "For those ain't dead come with me!" He shouted.

The bear was pawing over its bloodied eyes momentarily, before it looked up, revealing they've been restored, angrier than ever. The bear took notice at one of the fleeing hunters. With quick reflexes it grabbed one of the hunter and takes a bite out of the poor sap, at the head.

Spike and Skystar

As the battle in Klugetown rages on, billows of smokes filled the air as the fires raged on for miles.

Spike and Skystar had lost most of the hunters and predators that were chasing them, and took shelter inside a building. That is, until the fire caught up to them and trapped them both inside the crumbling facility. Spike may be a dragon, but even dragons like him don't survive long from a suffocating puff of black smokes. Skystar on the other hand, was coughing up a storm, despite the cover provided with the Cape of Compassion.

"Spike! We're trapped!" Skystar coughed hoarsely, with tears running from her eyes, stung from the strong and burning embers the flew through the air. Spike held his wings over the frightened sea pony, and pulled his cape even tighter around Sky, as burning debris all collapsed and exploded around them. "Spike!! I'm scared!" Skystar sobbed frightfully.

"It's okay Sky," Spike hissed. "I've got you. This is our only chance!" Holding tightly, Spike charged through an open window, bursting out in a shatter of glasses and embers, as he landed in a roll on top of another building, with Sky safely tucked in his arms.

Spike got up as he gentle sets Sky to the ground as she continues to cough more forcefully, "Water...." She coughed. "Need....water...."

"Here," Reaching into his cape, Spike pulled out a small bottle of water, pouring the refreshing liquid into the poor sea pony's mouth for nourishment.

Just then, Spike's whiskers started to vibrate intently in the wind as he turns to his left to see a huge, bulky dog with rough, bumpy, craggily skins that gives it the appearance that it's literally made of stone. The dog monster has black sclera with yellow piercing pupils. To add the ferocity of its appearance, the dog has a large spiky collar around his neck.

The dog growled as it slowly advanced itself upon Spike and Skystar, "You be a magic dragon," The dog snarled in a deep rumbling voice. "Or the legendary Dragon Prince of whom all Equestrians speak of."

"Who wants to know, Fido?" Spike growled, as he spread his wings and arms out, protectively over Sky.

The giant dog, however, remains undeterred and unfazed as it growls even more menacingly at the two, "I be Crunch the Rock Dog. And you two will become my meal!" Then, with a quick lunge, Crunch lurched forward, snapping its jaws at Spike, only for the dragon to quickly jump in the air before he rolls forward and lands an axe kick on the dog's head. Spike winced from the damage recoiled to his foot. Crunch really lives up to his name as the Rock Dog.

"OW!!" Spike groaned, rubbing his sore foot. Next thing he knew, Crunch grabbed him by the tail, with his jaws, and thrashed him about.

"Spike!" Sky cried, frantically watching helplessly as the young dragon was thrashed about like a ragged doll. Concentrating the best he could, Spike conjured a fire shuriken and hurled it at the dog, exploding upon impact to his face. Crunch released his grip on Spike, as the dragon flew out from the dog's mouth, landed on his hands and did a cartwheel to get himself back on his feet, assuming a fighting stance.

"Are you okay, Spike?" Sky asked.

"I'm fine," Spike replied. "LOOK OUT!!!" He shouted, as he projected his fire katanas and continues to par with the dog monster. "Take cover Sky!"

Skystar complied as she flopped behind some crates for cover. Once there, Skystar poked her head behind the boxes to see the fight between Spike and Crunch.

Crunch thrusted one of his arms out in a punch, which Spike ducked his head to dodge the attack, before the dragon retaliated with a quick whip of his tail to the dog's knee, followed by a tornado kick to his head. Wincing slightly from the recoiled damage, Spike continues his fight as he slashes his fire katanas at the Rock Dog. However, the fire blades did little damage to the stone monstrosity, because all they did was bouncing off of the dog's stoney hides, while chipping a few pebbles off.

In retaliation, the dog continues snapping its big jaws at Spike and slashed its claws relentlessly at him. With a loud growl of frustration, the dog slammed both its fist into the ground, creating a shockwave that jutted pillars of rocks from the grounds, while launching Spike in the air. Spike spreads his wings as he gently floated back down. The young dragon landed on one of the pillars, before he flipped himself to another as the dog throws a fist at the dragon.

Remembering his magic sparring sessions with Applejack, Spike landed a distance from the dog, fire katanas dispersing from his hands as he assumes another fighting stance, "Bring it!" He beckoned the dog to come over.

Snorting viciously, the dog accepted the invitation as he charges towards Spike and pounced the young dragon. However, this is exactly what the Dragon Prince was anticipating. Catching the dog by surprise, Spike rolled on his back, kicking his legs out, flipped the dog off of him and into a huge crate of fishes.

Watching from a safe distance, is the silent Cerulean Hunter Commando, Shade Stalker. Shade Stalker had escaped with a few of his men, after their recent ordeal with some dangerous, never before seen foe of a creature. While most of his men had retreated for shelter, Shade stayed behind when he caught sight of a battle between Spike and the dog. The silent commando observed the fight between the two mighty fighters. The dog relied heavily on brute strength, while the dragon was shown to have enhanced agilities, quick reflexes, equipped with powerful fire powers in a display of martial arts to duel his opponent.

Shade scratched his chin, intrigued by this display of combat. His thoughts soon drifted elsewhere when he quickly caught sight of Skystar, hiding behind the crates.

With that, the hunter silently slipped away, concealed by the cloaks of the shadows, unnoticed. Or so he thought.

Back in the fight, Spike was still at it with the rock dog who continues to bark viciously as he savagely bites after the dragon, "Stay down, will you?" Spike grumbled, growing more irritated with the dog's persistence. "Didn't anybody ever taught you how to sit, or something?" In response, Crunch thrusted his arms into the ground, digging up the dirts as he burrows his way into the ground. Spike stood calm as he closed his eyes, got down on his hands, to feel the vibrations of the Rock Dog's movements underground. Then at the last minute, Spike leapt up in the air, before he does a front flip and lands an axe kick, just as Crunch jumped out of the ground.

Skystar was watching the battle behind the crates, when a hand reached out from behind and pulled her from her perch.

"MMmmmf!!" Skystar screamed, muffled by a muzzle that was strapped around her mouth.

Skystar struggled to break free, but it was no use. Her captor was obviously strong, and he's got a firm grip on her as he held her down to the ground, nearly crushing the life out of poor Sky. However, fate once more was smiling down on our heroes, when from the shadows, a kunai blade was thrown and it scratched the shoulder padding on Spike's armor, enough to grab his attention.

"Hey, what the-" Spike's eyes widened to see Shade attempting to make off with Sky. "HEY YOU!!" Spike shouted, hurling a fire javelin at Shade. However, the silent hunter quickly rolled to the side, before he pulled out some state-of-the-art pistols equipped with silencers and pulled the triggers on Spike.

Thankfully, courtesy of his magic lessons with Twilight, Spike conjured a fire shield around his arm, repelling most of the bullets, while his armor protected him from the rest. In the meantime, Crunch quickly pounced from behind, pinning Spike to the ground, "Get off of me!" Spike struggled, kicking the rock dog off before he ran over to save Sky.

However, Shade quickly jumped in between the two, projecting a pair of long dark energy blades from his wrists, slashing at Spike, cutting off a bit of his whiskers, "That's what I call a close shave," Spike muttered, before he conjured his fire katanas as he parried with Shade's dark energy blades.

Spike quickly sweeps his tail across the ground, only for Shade to anticipate this by doing a quick backflip, evading the attack before he held a wrist out and fired a mini-rocket at the young dragon. Reacting fast, Spike slashed his katana at the rocket, cutting it in half, resulting an explosion of smokes. Using this to his advantage, Shade quickly charged towards Spike and slashed his blade at Spike. Spike struggled to block every slash of dark energies from the hunters, but a few fast slashes were able to pass Spike's blocks, striking to specific areas on the young dragon's armor.

Luckily, thanks to his armor, Spike was well protected. But not for long as cracks started to form. Just as Shade was about to thrust his blades at some exposed areas of Spike's body, Crunch pounced from the ground, catching the two fighters off guard.

"Consider yourself buried!" Crunch growled, as he thrashed both Spike and Shade all over the place. Thinking fast, Shade quickly slashed one of his blades at Crunch, slicing through the rock dog's arm. "AAARRRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!" Crunch roared in pain, dropping both of them, while clutching the stump on his right arm.

Spike and Shade watched as the dog quickly regenerated his severed arm, before he angrily locks onto Shade and charged at the silent hunter who quickly retreated into the shadows, from where he continues his assaults on the angry rock dog.

While the two continued to duke it out, Spike quickly ran back to fetch Sky, cutting her free.

"I hate to run away from a fight, Sky," Spike began. "But I don't want to see you getting captured by those Cerulean Creeps!"

Skystar moaned as the gruesome images of the kitchen she witnessed flashed through her head, "Not getting served as dinner would be nice," She groaned.

However, before the two could go anywhere, who should appear in front of them, than Shade himself, who narrowly cuts the two friend down to size, had Spike not sensed his present and jumped back at a safe distance.

"Hey leave us alone, will you?" Spike frowned, growing annoyed. "I'm trying to get my friend back to the sea, so why not make like a tree and leave?" In a defiant response, Shade raised his blade up, only for a kunai with chain to lasso his arms.

"COWABUNGA!!!" A voice shouted, and Shade was met with a surprise kick to the face. The newcomer revealed herself to be none other but Lemon Zest.

"Lemon Zest?!" Spike exclaimed.

"Yo, Spike!" Lemon greeted. "Long time no see!"

"We just met him three weeks ago at Mario's Pizzeria & Pastas," Sugarcoat reminded bluntly, as she and the rest of the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts made themselves known.

"What are you girls doing here?" Spike asked.

"We're here to help!" Sour Sweet quickly answered, before firing an ice and explosive arrow at Shade, who quickly activated a mini-rocket and a flamethrower from his wrist, countering the arrows as they exploded in the air.

Before long, a loud screech pierced the air, causing Shade to look up, blinded by a dazzling display of light, before he was hit by a pair of strong claws that knocked him off his feet.

"Peewee!" Spike exclaimed, as the phoenix makes a quick turn and perched on the dragon's arm.

"Hold on tight!" Lemon began, as she and her fellow Shadowbolts each took out a small white ball. "We're outta here!"

With that, the Shadowbolts all threw down some smoke bombs, covering their escape with Spike and Sky, just as Shade got up on his feet. The silent hunter clenched his fist in frustration before he took his leave.

Everywhere else in Klugetown, the Diamond Dogs and their savage comrades were all evenly matched with the Cerulean Hunters. The whole town was literally painted red, as the hunters would often hack down any creatures who gets in their way, though the majority of them have suffered fatal casualties at the claws and teeth of the shadow creatures that mauled them mercilessly, and eating the hunters, alive. It wasn't long before the hunters were forced to retreat.

Onboard the Wailing Condor

"Is everyone alright?" Blacksky asked. "Status report!"

"Yes sir!" One of the injured hunters began. "We've lost a lot of our men. Some of us have lost some parts too. These are all that's left of us during that entire conflict." As proof, the hunter showed a whole pile of bloodied weapons and tattered headgears as the remnants of what's left of their deceased comrades.

"What were those things?" Another frightened hunter asked with a huge bite mark on chest.

"Who cares? I'm more interested on getting out alive." Another shouted.

Kale looks around notices something missing, "Where are Wing Diver and Rotor?" He asked.

As if on cue, the duo arrived at the hanger. The two mech wearing dogs were hauling a large iron net containing a few molemen, a couple Diamond Dogs, and an anthropomorphic rhino.

"I see you two brought back some souvenirs," Kale noted.

One of the hunters grabs a rifle and points at the goons, "I say we kill these freaks right here, right now!!!" He yelled with his comrades agreeing with him, but Kale manages to calm them down.

"Easy boys, I have a better idea," He said as he approaches the prisoners. "You lot are gonna tell us everything we want to know about those creatures."

"I like to see you try you damn dirty human!" The anthro rhino sneered in defiance, "You'll never make us talk!" His cohorts nodded in agreement.

Keeping his cool, Kale just shrugs and says, "Maybe not, but I know someone who might. Take em to the brig!" He ordered.

Couple of hunters grab somestun batonsthat cackle with dark energy and release the goons from the net. They then take the goons to their cells, more roughly then necessary.

Kale then hears his communicator going off and answers it, "Yeah?"

"Kale you there?" Raider said on the other end.

"Aye, that I am. What's your status Raider?" Kale replied.

"Lost half our guys to those.....things. I just ordered a full scale retreat for my boys, you should do the same for yours."

"Way ahead of ya, Raider."

"Any ideas what those things were?" Raider asked.

"Guess is as good mine, old friend. We did capture some stragglers that might know though. Gonna take em to Ajax. He'll get 'em to squeal." Kale explained.

"I think we gave Shade enough time to plant the bombs." Raider said, "If that over sized varmint think he's won, he's got another thing coming."

"Roger that. I'll see ya later, Raider." Kale said

"Right, over and out."

"Commander Blacksky!" A hunter yelled as he ran up to his commander.

"What is it hunter?" Kale asked, curious on what he has to say.

"We've managed to magic scan those creatures and get this, we detect not Equestrian or Earth magic but Fล“num magic."

Kale's eyes widen at this, "You mean to tell me they came from the world of talken' ungulates?" He asked.

"I know it's hard to believe sir but that's what the scans are telling us." the hunter exclaimed.

"Well, that answers one question, but it brings up so many." Kale said as he puts a hand on his chin. He then turns to the hunter, "That'll be all, dismiss." The hunter saluted as he makes his leave, leaving the Cerulean Commander alone with his thoughts.

Meanwhile, back with the heroes

"SPIKE!! SKY!!" The Knights all shouted, joyful to be reunited with their dragon friend.

"We thought you two were goners!" Pipsqueak said.

"We almost were," Spike replied, before he turned to the Shadowbolts. "But thank these girls, we weren't."

"Huh?! What are you doing here?" Rumble scowled, still not trusting the reformed Shadowbolts, together with the rest of the boys.

"Questions later," Sunny replied. "Right now, let's get the heck out of here!"

"There's a nearby shipyard, not too far away," Capper said, as he quickly guided the heroes to the said area.

Upon reaching the yard, they find that there's only one airship left, while the rest were gunned down by the Condor.

"Not quite like the Scarlet Swashbuckler," Celaeno said, "But it'll have to do." With that, the heroes all boarded the remaining ship.

Just then, Pip feels a tap on the shoulder. He turns around and sees a small group of the town denizens.

"Excuse me but do you mind if we could hitch a ride with you? Please?" One of them named Verda asked sheepishly.

The other heroes looked at each other, "Do you promise not to eat our seapony friend?" Spike asked.

They all nod.

"Then welcome aboard. But remember, we're watching you." Indigo warned.

As everyone boards the ship, Capper and Button notices that one of the refugees is the little calf that kicked them earlier. She just gives them both a glare and goes about her business.

Spike then turned to Celaeno and Pipsqueak, "Can you make this ship fly fast enough to escape those hunters?" He asked.

"Don't worry, dearie," Sunny reassured, walking up to the young dragon. "We've slipped a little surprise for them."

Raider and his squadrons have retreated back into their trucks and were driving away from Klugetown.

"Happy birthday, Verko," Raider grinned as he pressed a button on his remote. No sooner did he do that, however, when both he and his men heard some rapid beeping close by. "Oh sh-"

Before the commando had time to finish his sentence, the trucks, hoverbikes, even some of the jetpacks onboard the Wailing Condor exploded.

Kale Blacksky was even more furious, "Jesus Christ!" He grumbled. "How could we have missed that?! Why didn't anyone noticed they've had some charges on their jetpacks?"

The hunters all exchanged their responses when another appeared on deck, "Commander! The prisoners! They're gone!"


Shade watches on as the airship departs, curious on where it's going. He brings out a strange looking cube but with a push of a button transforms into a metallic raven who then turns to it's master, awaiting instructions. Shade points to the airship and the raven nods, it flies towards the airship but not to close to get spotted.

Shade then hears a growl and sees the predators surrounding him. Shade reaches something from his pocket and the beasts tense themselves to see what it is, but as it turns out it was just a flask from which he drinks from.

The predators snorts at this make their leave, with Shade continuing to look on at the airship.

Verko grins seeing the hunters retreating, "Yes, run little humans! This is what you get when you mess with me!" The crooked anthropomorphic naked mole rat cackled, before he was surrounded by packs of shadowy creatures, together with Crunch, Diamond Dogs, some of his remaining mole men, as well as the prisoners who had been rescued.

"Oy, cutting it a little close there, eh boss?" One of the thugs asked, while looking at the shadow creatures who were all eyeing them viciously with hungry eyes and bloodied jaws.

"Not that we don't appreciate the assistance," One of the Diamond Dogs whimpered. "But who exactly are these?"

"Fellas, please welcome your new partners," Verko began. "The Predators."

Meanwhile, with our heroes

After some close calls, and a few desperate flights, Spike, Skystar, their friends, along with the fortunate surviving residents have arrived in a forest, just on the outskirt of the desert, due south of Klugetown.

The Shadowbolts were on look out, while making sure to carefully hide their tracks from the hunters, with Peewee circling above them for further security measures. The Knights, Celaeno, and Capper have made camp, together with the residents who escaped, while Spike took Sky too a nearby river for refreshments.

"That was close," Spike panted, before he took the chance to look at the nerve bullets that he managed to pluck from his armor. "Too close." Spike suddenly heard some short breaths, prompting him to look over, seeing Skystar shivering. โ€œHey, it's okay Sky. You're alright now," He said sincerely trying to comfort the little sea pony.

Much to his surprise, Skystar burst out laughing happily, much to Spikeโ€™s confusion, โ€œSorry! Itโ€™s just that-Well, I feel so alive!โ€ Skystar exclaimed excitedly. โ€œI never thought we'd have such an adventure! Even better than when we battled the Shadowbolts and Nightmare Smooze!โ€

Spike chuckled nervously, "Yeah, an adventure," Spike replied. โ€œIf that's what you called getting chased around town by sea pony eating creatures, getting kidnapped by a cook, and me nearly getting cooked in the pot," Spike quickly recalled what he had witness earlier in the kitchen. "Hey Sky. I was wondering, what happened to you in the kitchen?" He asked. "You looked kinda zoned out back there."

Knowing what he was referring to, Sky looked down, padding her flippers at the softness of the grasses for some reliefs, "That octopus, you see," She began. "It made me think about my dad, and how I lost him."

"Oh," Spike frowned. "What happened to him? That is, y'know if you want to talk about it," He added, trying not to sound too insensitive.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Skystar began to tell the story.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the long wait. This chapter's really long for both me and alphasteel to compile together, but hopefully it's worth the wait.

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