• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,214 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Pinkie Party Date

"I am losing patience with YOU, Strife!" An ominous voice growled, coupled together with a pair of blazing eyes.

"Oh, you see my lord," The being known as Strife began, whimpering. "We were outnumbered. The charge of it all was not my idea. Hehe, at least we looked good when we were getting our butts kick." Strife chuckled sheepishly.

"No. More. EXCUSES!!!" The voice roared, coupled together with a blast of electricity, and explosion.

"Um, in my defense, master," Strife coughed. Before he could talk however, he was quickly silenced, by a single death stare.

"You were saying?" The voice asked, threateningly.

"Uh.....nothing, my merciful one," Strife whimpered, while saying the last part through gritted teeth.

"I think it's time I took a more active approach against the ponies of Equestria," The voice began.

"You have an idea, my lord?"

"Yes," The voice snarled. "A very BIG idea!" With that, a loud, demonic cackle can be heard, echoing from the mountains.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, at a cafe called the Sweet Snacks Café, stylized in the 1950s-theme. Pinkie was having the time of her life, as the facility's carhop.

"Order up!" Pinkie sang, as she skated around the cafe, on her rollerblades, and serving the costumers their orders.

It wasn't long, before Pinkie started breaking out in song.

[Coinky Dink World]

While working, Pinkie couldn't help but noticed two patrons in the cafe, reading the same book, and looking like the perfect match for each other. With that, Pinkie's matchmaker persona quickly kicked in, as she began to come up with several plans for the two destined lovebirds to meet. First, she tried to get them to come out and dance, which they bashfully declined. Then, she tried to get one of them to present the other with flowers, which didn't go so well since one of them happens to be allergic to flowers. And lastly, she tried to make a giant sundae for them, which blew up in her face, literally, when she accidentally sprinkled the ice cream, with her SPRINKLE BOMBS!


"Oh," Groaned the narrator.

"Oops," Pinkie giggled. "I always forget about my sprinkle bomb surprise. Again!" Pinkie looked over, to see the two patrons whom she's been trying to pair up with each other. The boy and girl looked at each other, seeing the state they were in, courtesy of Pinkie Pie's ice cream blast. Nevertheless, the two laughed at each other, as they both exchanged agreements at how the ice creams made them resemble an eccentric scientist they were just reading about. It wasn't long before they started talking, and they both got up to dance.

Pinkie smiled proudly to herself, seeing she's done good. Then, her hair started to twitch uneasily, "Ooh! My pinkie senses are tingling!" Pinkie said.

Spike was, once again, working at Mario's Pizzeria & Pasta, and he just got back, after making his deliveries. He walked over to the bar, where Luigi served him a cup of root beer.

"Thanks, Mr. Luigi," Spike said, as he took a sip of his cup.

"Any-a-thing for one of our-a employee-a," Luigi replied.

"Yo, Spike!" A voice called, to which Spike turned to see the Knights, waving to him.

"Hey guys!" Spike returned the greeting. "So, the usual?"

"You know it," Rumble replied.

With that, Spike took their orders, and went back to the kitchen, where the cooks started working. Though, surprisingly today, Spike got the boys' orders very quickly.

"Um, thanks-BWAH!!" Spike shouted, when he noticed who was serving the pizzas.

"BWAH to you too, Spike!" Pinkie smiled.

"Pinkie Pie?" Spike shouted. "What are you doing here?"

"What's it look like? I work here!" Pinkie Pie smiled.

"Since when?" Spike asked.

"Since now, silly!" Pinkie giggled.

"But I thought you work at the Sweet Snacks Café!" Spike pointed.

"I do," Pinkie smiled. "But I'm on a 5 minute lunch break right now."

"And how did you get here, when Sweet Snacks is a good 10 minutes run between here, and-" Spike stopped midway, remembering who he is talking to. "Y'know, what? Never mind. The guys' orders?" He asked, wanting to change subject.

"Here you go!" Pinkie smiled, handing Spike the pizzas.

The Knights were talking to each other, when Spike brought them their orders, "Whoa! That was quick!" Rumble exclaimed.

"Heh, tell me about it," Spike replied. "Of course, it's just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie."

"Pinkie Pie?" The Knights exclaimed.

"Yes~?" Pinkie asked, popping out of nowhere.

"Whoa, you're unpredictable, y'know that?" Spike asked.

"Eh, it's what I do!" Pinkie smirked. "Besides, you've had your fun bonding moments with Fleur, Fluttershy, and Applejack already! So it's my turn to have some fun with ya!"

Spike could hardly believe his ears, "How'd you know about that?" He asked.

"Oh please," Pinkie replied. "Every bronies and pegasisters who've been reading this story this far all know about your dates with those three fillies!" Pinkie answered. "That, and I've been keeping track of your progress!"

Spike, obviously, looked more confused, "Huh?"

"Don't question it, Spike!" Pinkie replied. "Just love me like you do!"


"I'll keep it simple," Pinkie began. "Love me, or I WILL KILL YOU!!" Spike was scared beyond all reasons, together with his posse, and everyone in the restaurant. Pinkie laughed, "Nah! I'm just joking! You silly boy!" She pinched his cheek. "But seriously, love me."

Shaking his head, Spike walked past Pinkie, "Whatever," He said, as he gets back to work.

Pinkie frowned, as he hair began to deflate a little, "Okay, I get it," Pinkie whimpered. "I understand. You don't want to bond with poor little ol' me," She said, feigning heartbreak.

Spike stopped in his track as he turned around to face Pinkie, with puppy eyes working up the tears, "I didn't say anything like that!" He countered.

"No, it's okay," Pinkie sobbed. "I get it. I'm just too crazy, too unpredictable, and too Pinkie Pie, for you to even consider going on a date with."

"That's not true!" Spike spatted. "I mean, yeah you're you and all, but-"

"So it is true!" Pinkie feigned in a dramatic pose, as she fell into a nearby bench, something Rarity would do. "It's so true! You do think I'm a problem!! Just like everybody else!!!" Pinkie blubbered like a baby.

"No, Pinkie, I-" Thinking fast, Spike shouted, "I'll go out with you later afternoon, just as soon as I'm done with my shift!"

And just like that, Pinkie perked up, "Okie-dokie-lokie!" She chirped, while Spike rolled his eyes. "Meet me at Sugarcube Corner, later when you're done!" With a squeal, Pinkie bounced away.


After he was done with his job on Earth, Spike traveled to Equestria, and walked through Ponyville, before he arrived at Sugarcube Corner. There he was greeted by the sweet shop's owners, best known as the Cakes.

In appearance, the cakes are a married Earth Pony couples. Mr. Cake has a coat of light brilliant amber with a light brilliant orange freckle-like pattern on his upper muzzle, framing his moderate pistachio green eyes, beneath his light brilliant orange mane. His attires are a chef hat with the theme of orange and white, a red bowtie with white stripes, and a white apron. His cutie marks are three carrot cakes.

Next, Mrs. Cake has a very light cerulean coat, light crimson mane with pale, light grayish crimson stripes, and brilliant rose eyes. Her cutie marks are three cupcakes, and her attires are a yellow apron with pink frills on the straps, and pink earrings.

"Well, cinnamon on toast!" Mrs. Cake exclaimed. "It's the Dragon Prince!"

"Oh! Greetings, young prince!" The Mr. Bowed stuttered nervously, while bowing his head.

"Mr. and Mrs. Cake," Spike began. "You've had me for months as your normal customer. Just Spike Draco will do."

"Oh but of course, dearie," Mrs. Cake replied.

"We do tend to get carried away," Mr. Cake smiled.

'Of course,' Spike rolled his eyes, as he recalled a similar incident he once witnessed, as a kid, involving his mom and the Cakes.

Deciding to change the topic, he spoke to the cakes, "Anyway, I'm here to see Pinkie Pie. Is she here?"

"She's just upstairs with the twins," Mr. Cake answered, pointing to the stairs.

"Thank you," Spike waved, before he was on his way up, to see Pinkie Pie, wearing a pig's nose, while trying to entertain two crying baby foals.

The foals, named Pound and Pumpkin Cakes by the way, are nothing like their parents. Pound is a light brown pegasus colt, while Pumpkin has pumpkin orange mane and tail, and is a unicorn.

Spike couldn't help but chuckle lightly, while shaking his head, incredulous at Pinkie's antic. Pinkie kept on bouncing, before she tripped, and started flying towards a closet.

"PINKIE!!" Spike screamed, as he suddenly became a blur of purple and green, and caught Pinkie Pie, only to end up falling into the closest with her, resulting in a bag of flour to collapse on top of them, covering them from head-to-toe in flours.

The two baby foals looked at the flour covered teens for a moment, before they burst out laughing.

Then, Princess Porcina comes in, "Look at me~" The pompous pig sang. "Look at me! Soon the-"

*Disc scratch*

Discord popped in, "An't-cay ou-yay ee-say at-thay is-thay i-say ot-nay out-abay ou-yay? ait-wal our-yay urn-tay!" He shouted in pig latin, before producing a huge card to translate: "Can't you see that this is not about you? Wait your turn!" With a snap of his fingers, Discord and Porcina were gone in a flash.

Afterwards, Pinkie Pie and Spike were getting themselves cleaned up, and the babies were still just as rambunctious as ever. Pound Cake was flying all over the room, with Pumpkin Cake disappearing and reappearing in flashes of lights. She was even seen crawling on top of the ceilings, to which Spike tried to fly up to catch her, only for her to disappear in another flash of light.

Then, Pinkie got an idea, "Spike! Change into a puppy! Quick!" She said.

"What?!" Spike exclaimed.

"Change into a puppy, or those babies will make us pooped out!"

Groaning, Spike glared at Pinkie, "You owe me big for this!" He said, before in a flash of green light, he reluctantly changed into a puppy. "Hey kids! Look at me!"

The two cake twins looked at Spike, and just like that, they were taken by his dog form, "PUPPY!!!" They squealed happily, before they all pounced after Spike.

"Uh oh," Spike whimpered, before he was met with several baby assaults. Pound Cake was jumping on his back, while playing with his tail, and Pumpkin Cake was chewing on his ear. "Ow!" Spike yelped.

"Aw, Spikey-wikey!" Pinkie smiled. "It's like you were meant to be a chew toy, or a gifted baby sitter!"

"I feel more being seated, than being the sitter here," He grumbled. "Now we've got the babies. How do we lull them to sleep?"

"Well lucky for you, Spike," Pinkie smiled. "I happen to know a great lullaby song that rocked my sister Maud to sleep!"


"Well, by all means. Sing it," Spike said, as he continues to be met with more slobbery assaults from the babies.

Pinkie drank a glass cup of water, hums a few tune, before she sang:

"Rock-a-bye, Pinkie~
On the sweet tops~

When the wind blows~
The cradle will-will-cradle will...."

Pinkie collapsed to the floor, and fell straight to sleep.

"Wow, that was only ten seconds," Spike grumbled, as the babies continue to play with him, albeit roughly. "Come on you two, not so rough!" Spike groaned, before he got up, and shook the babies off.

When he turned his head to look at the babies, they looked as if they're on the verge of tears, "Oh no, please don't cry, please!" Spike pleaded, but the babies looked they were about to cry anyway. Thinking fast, Spike barked, "If I tell you both a story, then you won't cry?" As if they understood him, the babies nodded their heads.

"Story! Story! Story!" They babbled.

Clearing his throat, Spike began to narrate a story he once heard, in China. The babies have never heard such a fascinating tale, and were slowly drifting off to sleep, as Spike came to the end of his story, "....And the Monkey King, Pigsy, Sandy, and Tripitaka, all left the village as they rode of into the sunset, continuing their journey to the west. The End."

Spike breathed a sigh of relief, as he looked to see the babies sound asleep. Carefully, and gently as possible, Spike picked the two babies up, before he placed them in their crib, where they all cuddled up together, sleeping happily.

"Aw, how cute!" Pinkie swooned, after she woke up.

"Took you long enough," Spike said to the pink pony, before they all shushed each other, and quietly tip-toed out of the room.

Once they finally reached the main lobby, Spike breathed a sigh of relief, "I am never going to sit babies like that again," He moaned.

"Eh, you say that now," Pinkie began. "Until Baby Flurry Heart gets born."

"Uh, what?" He asked, looking rather confused.

"Don't worry," Pinkie smiled. "She won't be born until Cadence and Shining Armor get married and move to the Crystal Empire, battle King Sombra with the penguins and yaks, and everything."

Spike, once again, looked at Pinkie Pie in confusion, "What are you talking about?" He asked.

"I don't know," Pinkie replied. "But hey! The day's still young! I've got plans that are guaranteed to be super-duper-extravaganca for the two of us! We'll call it a 'Spike and Pinkie Pie Fun Date Party Day!'"

"That's quite a mouthful," Spike commented.

"I know, right?!" Pinkie squeaked.

Rolling his eyes, deciding to just amuse her, Spike asked, "So, what shall we do first?"

Pinkie turned on the radio, as she and Spike were in the kitchen, making cakes together.

[I want candy - Aaron Carter]

Spike couldn't help but bop his head, up and down, to the beats of the song, with Pinkie doing the same, as they decorated the cake they were making together. Once it was done, the two carried the cake out, just in time for a family to come and take the cake for the birthday kid's party. However, upon seeing Spike, the kid was more surprised than the cake.

"Hello," Spike waved to the kid, only for him to faint on the spot.

Before Spike knew it, he and Pinkie were at the kid's birthday party, entertaining the birthday colt and his friends, with some tricks he learned from a Chinese Circus Troupe, together with Pinkie Pie.

Spike was throwing some Chinese plates up in the air, before Pinkie caught them, and spun them on her hooves. Then, Spike got out three long sticks, which he later used to balance some bowls at the top of the sticks, and spun the around to keep them from falling off. Later, he and Pinkie lined up several more plates, along the table and spun them all in a beautiful formation.

The foals all clapped their hooves together, applauding for Spike and Pinkie's performance.

"We're a hit, Pinkie!" Spike said.

"I know!" Pinkie cheered. "Isn't it great?!"

"I thought I'd catching ya when I spotted flying dishes in the air," Called a familiar voice, as Applejack came over, carrying some apple pies, on her head, and back.

"Hey AJ!" Spike greeted. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to deliver some apple pies for someone's birthday party here," Applejack answered. "Never thought I'd get a free show of you doing more of your amazing plate spinning tricks there Spike." She added, giving him a half-lidded glance.

"Oh, it was nothing," Spike replied. "Besides, Pinkie did an amazing job with the plates too."

"Only because I learned them from the best!" Pinkie chirped, appearing from under Spike's jacket, before she bounced out of it.

"Wow! The Dragon Prince!" The foals exclaimed, as they crowded around Spike. "You're our hero!"

"Me? No way," Spike waved off. "If anything, AJ and Pinkie here are the heroes."

"Shoot, Spike. No need to be so modest," Applejack nudged. "You've done lots of good deeds!"

"Well compared to you girls, I'm just a student," Spike replied. "You girls have been heroes in my absence for ten years! All I ever did was rescue animals, save Fillydelphia's dragons, and then got shot in the head by a lightning bolt."

"But then you helped us defeat the Shadowbolts, and rescue Princess Luna!" Applejack added. "And helped us defeat Fear and his plague. We couldn't have done it all, without yer help!"

Spike thought about what Applejack said, but shook it off, "I guess."

"Someday, I want to be just like you!" One of the foals exclaimed.

"Me too!" Another exclaimed.

"I want to fight, just like you did!" One of the foals shouted, before she struggled to stand up on her hind legs, while throwing out punches, and kicks, before falling back down on her four hooves.

Spike couldn't help but chuckle, "I'm sure you will," He said, ruffling her mane.

"Well, if it isn't Pinkie Pie!" A gruff voice called, to which the friends and foals looked up to see three mares walking over.

All three have coats that are colored dull, grey, and slightly rocky. Each of them have different hairstyles, and only one appeared to be wearing a frock.

The one who is wearing a dark bluish gray frock, with a black belt worn at the waist, has a grayish blue violet mane and tail, both done up in hime style, matching eyeshadows over her light turquoise eyes, and displays a rather deadpan expression, in contrast to Pinkie Pie's. To further the bleak expression of her appearance, her coat is colored persian bluish gray.

The second has piercing light apple green eyes, opals grey mane and tail, with the back of her mane don up in a fanned-out style, while the rest on the front all draped like a curtain, on the right side of her face. Her coat is colored bluish gray with her cutie mark being a lime over two pebbles.

The third has a long mane and tail, colored dark cyanish gray with spring-greenish gray streaks, with the mane draping over one of her gentle grayish violet eyes, that gave her the near-like appearance of Fluttershy. Her coat is a turquoise gray with three purple marbles as her cutie mark.

"Hey sis!" Pinkie greeted, as she dashed over to greet the three mares, much to Spike's surprise.

"Those are her sisters?" Spike asked, Applejack.

"Eeyup," Applejack replied. "Big surprise for me too!"

"Hey Maud!" Pinkie greeted, hugging the deadpan mare.

"Hi Pinkie," The mare greeted in a monotone voice. "It's so good to see you today. I'm sorry if we were late, or anything."

"Not at all, Maud!" Pinkie smiled. "You came just in time! There's someone I want you to meet!" Turning to Spike, Pinkie shouted, "Hey Spike! Come here and meet my sisters!"

Spike complied, as he walked up, while getting some strange vibes from the three mares, "Um, hello," He greeted, sheepishly.

The three mares all looked at Spike, shooting different expressions his way, going from a glare, deadpan, and shy expressions.

Finally, the deadpan mare spoke up, "Wow, the Dragon Prince," She said. "Glad to finally meet you in pony."

"....Um, likewise," Spike replied uneasily.

Then, the scowling mare stepped forward, "Gaze into the eyes of Limestone Pie!" She introduced herself, while giving Spike the stink eye. "You may be some big shot hero, or celebrity. But don't think that gives the right to mess with me or one of my sisters! You hurt a single hair, and you'll answer to me!" She snarled.

"Limestone! Not in front of the kids!" Pinkie berated, pulling her sister back by the tail. "Don't forget, this isn't rated E for everyone."

Shaking off the frightening experience from Limestone, Spike turned to see the last of the trio, who was hiding her face behind her mane, similar to what Fluttershy would do when meeting newcomers.

"Uh, hi," Spike greeted, while cautiously walking up to the timid mare. In response, the mare backed away a little. "Hey, it's okay. I won't bite. I just want to ask, who are you?"

Before the mare could even respond, Pinkie Pie jumped in between her and Spike, "This is Marble Pie!" Pinkie smiled, while holding her sister close. "My baby sister who's only a few minutes younger than me! But she'll always be a baby to me. Isn't that right?" Pinkie pulled Marble close for a hug, before she cupped her cheek, causing her to make a somewhat duck face. "She's excited to meet you, Spikey!" Pinkie smiled, before releasing her grip on Marble.

Marble quickly rubbed her sore cheeks, before she was nudged in the shoulder by Pinkie Pie, "Mmm-hmm," Marble answered meekly.

Applejack walked up to Spike, and whispered, "Pinkie always did the talking for her."

Spike couldn't help but chuckle, "Really?"

"So, what brings y'all to Ponyville?" Applejack asked.

"Pinkie Pie invited us to come over," Limestone answered, calmly.

"She wanted us to meet, Prince Spike," Maud Pie added. "For the first time."

"Mmm-hmm," Marble confirmed.

Pinkie giggled, as she bounced over and hugged Spike close, "What I tell you girls?" She smiled. "Ain't he cute?"

Limestone and Marble exchanged looks, while Maud bluntly spoke, "The cutest. He rocks my world."

"Mmm-hmm," Marble agreed.

Limestone rolled her eyes, "He's cute alright," She muttered. "If he's really as strong and fast as you say, when you talked oh so highly of him!"

"Of course he is!" Pinkie said. Without warning, Pinkie quickly turned around a fired an apple from her mane, "Think fast, Spike!" She shouted.

And just like that, Spike quickly conjured a small kunai blade of fire, in his hand, slicing the apple. Before long, a blast of confetti and a huge watermelon was flying at Spike, to which the young dragon quickly reacted with a quick slash of his fire katana, followed by some more fruity projectiles that were being launched at him, unexpectedly, and unlikely.

The foals, Applejack, and the sisters, all watched as Spike continues to defend himself from Pinkie's fruity surprise attacks. While Spike was protecting himself, liking a true martial artist student, Pinkie was able to salvage all the fruits he had sliced and diced, before she skillfully puts together a pony sculpture, made of fruits.

Then, when Spike sliced the last coconut, Pinkie shouted, "Ta-da!!!!" The foals all cheered, as they gathered around the fruit sculpture, while exchanging admirations at Spike's skills.

Limestone and Marble were left, jaws agape, while Maud Pie continues to remain emotionless. At least, until a small smile appeared on the deadpan pony's face, "He's got the power."

"Mmm-hmm," Marble blushed.

Limestone said nothing.

Back at the party, the foals continue to cheer, "Wow! You're so amazing!" The birthday colt cheered. "Even more when Pinkie Pie defeated the giant storm monster!"

Upon hearing that last part, Spike was aghast, "Um, say what?"

"You mean, she's never told you?" Applejack asked, receiving a confused look from Spike. "Oh, well by all means then, Sugarcube. Sit down, and I'll-"

"Hey!" Pinkie shouted, shoving Applejack out of the chapter. "One side there cousin! This is my bonding chapter with Spike! I'll tell him the story!"


It was during the Wonderbolts' Air Show, for the Summerfell Festival, in Ponyville, in which Rainbow Dash was expected to perform the stunt she was best known for since her first race with Spike and Gilda, against Dumb Bell and his gang - the Sonic Rainboom.

Rainbow was just on the verge of breaking the sound barrier, when a giant storm cloud appeared, and stopped her in her tracks.

Every pony in the audience were all in shock, watching as their beloved, friendly neighbor, Rainbow Dash, disappears within the darkness of the cloud. Not were more horrified, than Pinkie Pie.

"DAAAASHIEEEEEEE!!!" Pinkie screamed dramatically, holding her hoof out.

No sooner was Rainbow Dash swallowed by the cloud, when a clap of thunder sounded, and the cloud suddenly morphed itself into a giant cloud monster, sprouting a larger pair of wings, bulky arms, and piercing eyes that pulsed with lightning auras.

"I've got to get in there, and save Dashie!" Pinkie declared, donning up a helmet, and got herself inside a huge cannon. "A strand of her mane was able to light up a match, which she gave to her pet alligator, Gummy. "Light me!" Pinkie ordered, to which Gummy complied, blankly.

Upon lighting up the cannon, Pinkie was launched, straight into the cloud monster, just as Rainbow Dash finally fought her way out.

Inside the cloud monster, Pinkie can see that it was made up of little cloud monsters, all held together by a brain-like cloud monster named Strife, and two red, winged cloud gremlins, standing at his sides. One appeared to be small, while don up in purple aviator attires, while the other appeared bulkier and taller, and is don up in a purple hoodie.

Knowing what to do, Pinkie began to work her magic, "Hello, all you ladies and gentle clouds!" She smiled. "It's so nice to see so many familiar cloudy faces," Though slightly confused, the cloud monsters began to grow rather fond of Pinkie Pie. "Anyone here from Las Pegasus? What's that? Arabus Castle In The Sky! Wheee! Never heard of it."

"Why have we stopped?" Strife asked, before he and the Cloud Gremlins overheard Pinkie's conversations with his cloud monsters.

"So, what's with those guy?" Pinkie asked about Strife and the Gremlins. "The little guy was more like, eep-eep-eep," She imitated the sound of a monkey. "But the big guy? He's more like, ooh-ooh-ooh!" She imitated the low grunt of a gorilla, much to the amusement of the cloud monsters as they began to laugh. "What's that about?"

The cloud monsters couldn't help, but laugh themselves crazy, as their sides literally split.

"Stop laughing!" Strife ordered in vain. "I don't care how funny you think she is! And I can tell better jokes!" But it was no use. The giant cloud monster literally cracked itself up, as it falls apart, making way for the sun to shine through, just as Rainbow Dash did her final Sonic Rainboom.

Pinkie landed safely on the ground, courtesy of using her tail as a parachute, "You've all been a great audience!" Pinkie said. "Good-night!"


"And that's how Equestria was made!" Pinkie declared.

"Huh?" Spike asked, looking confused.

"I mean saved!" Pinkie smiled. "Slip of my tongue," She giggled. "Or is it?" She asked the readers.

"Hi every pony!" A familiar voice greeted, to which the two friends and foals looked, to their surprise, Rara arriving.

"Wow! Rara!" The foals all crowded around the pop star singer, who smiled, as she greeted the children.

"Hello, little ponies," Rara smiled. "Now which one of you is the birthday colt?"

"I am!" The colt shouted excitedly, jumping up and down.

"Then let me say, happy birthday to you," Rara smiled, causing the colt to faint.

Soon, Pinkie Pie bounced over, "Thanks again for doing this, Rara!" Pinkie smiled. "I knew having you over would make his birthday extra special, and make him and his friends even more happy, than on an average scale!"

Rara smiled, "Anything for one of AJ's friends," The pop star looked up, and blushed at the sight of Spike. "Oh, h-h-hi Spike."

"Hey Rara," Spike greeted. "How have you been?"

"I'm doing well, thank you!" Rara said happily. "Better than well. I've actually been enjoying myself! I mean, with Svengallop out of the picture for me, I'm kind of allowed to make my own times, I'm free to do whatever I want for fun, and just being me!"

"Sounds like you've been having the time of your life," Spike smiled.

Rara smiled, before Pinkie Pie jumped in, "As much as I like to see the two of you exchange smiles. How about we get this show on the road?" She asked the pop star.

With a light chuckle, Rara walked up on stage, together with Pinkie Pie, just as DJ-Pon 3, and MC W1SH both appeared, and started up the music.

Make A Wish

As the two ponies sang on stage, the birthday colt and his friends all laughed as they danced together, having a good time. Spike couldn't help but join in the fun. He also couldn't help but notice the little foals were copying his dance moves.

Amused, Spike started to do some simple moves that some of the foals were able to mimic, and while exchanging some compliments, and advice for each other.

Even while singing, Pinkie and Rara couldn't help but smile at the scene of Spike entertaining the little party ponies.

'He's a lot of fun!' They both thought in admiration of him.

Meanwhile, Limestone, Marble, and Maud, all who've been standing on the sideline for quite awhile, finally snapped out of their shocks, watching the party going on.

The three sisters all remembered the first party their sister had thrown for them and their family, following a certain event that involved a cyan pegasus, griffon, dragon, and a Sonic Rainboom that secured their victory.

Limestone couldn't help but let a small smile form on her face, "Y'know, he's actually not half bad," She said, looking at Spike.

"He's adorable," Maud joined.

"Mmm-hmm," Marble agreed.

It was nighttime, by the time they left the birthday party. Pinkie Pie took Spike out to a meadow, with the moon shining down on the field, and the night flowers in the field, sparkling in the light.

"Wow," Spike smiled. "This is a sight to behold."

"Glad you thought of it that way, Spikey!" Pinkie smiled. "Because this was our favorite hangout, whenever you and Twilight come to town!"

"No kidding," Spike looked down from the hill they were sitting on, admiring the flowers, while breathing in the night air. "No wonder I felt a lot of nostalgia washing over me."

"Same here," Pinkie smiled, while vibrating vigorously in place. "It's making my Pinkie Senses going on berserk!"

Spike couldn't help but chuckle at his eccentric pony friend. Turning to face, Pinkie Pie, he said, "Thanks, Pinkie."

"For what?" She asked.

"Oh, you know. Having me over, playing with Pound and Pumpkin, making cakes, entertaining another birthday kid's party. All in all, just having a good time. So, thanks," He answered.

"What can I say? I'm Pinkie Pie! It's what I do," Pinkie Pie squeaked.

"No kidding," Spike replied, before he sighed deeply.

Pinkie caught onto his troubled expression, and out of concern, asked, “Something wrong, Spikey?”

“No, nothing’s wrong, Pinkie,” Spike replied. “It’s just....I haven’t felt this way in a long time.”

“In a good way?” Pinkie asked nervously.

Much to her relief, Spike’s answer was, “Yes,” Spike laid down on his back, while looking up the stars. “In a relaxing kind of way. It’s just moments like this, is exactly I really need to take a break from all that fighting, adventuring, and stuff.”

“Uh-Huh!” Pinkie agreed. “And for us to get together, hangout with our friends, and throw parties together!”

Spike nodded, “And for that, I’m really happy to have you and the girls as my friends. And why I’d do anything to protect you all.”

“Aw shucks, Spike!” Pinkie grinned. “We’re all glad to have you as our friend too! Besides, we would do the same for you, if it means you won’t get hit in the head with another dark lightning bolt, or the memory stone, and lose all your memories, and then you would be forced to leave us for another long, grey, sad, boring ten years, again.”

Pinkie took the moment to catch her breath, before she grabbed Spike by the collar, and pulled him close, “But hey! I’m begging you!” She began dramatically. “DON’T. LEAVE. US. AGAIN!!!”

“Calm down, Pinkie,” Spike gently ushered, pushing the pink pony away. “I would never leave you girls. At least, not forever,” Quickly adapting a solemn look, he quietly spoke, “Not after seeing how much we mean to each other. And not after what we’ve been through recently,” Putting his finger under Pinkie’s chin, directing her head up to look at him, Spike spoke, “Pinkie, I just want you to know that no matter what happens, and no matter where we go, we’ll always be together. And that we’ll never be alone. Can you promise not to forget that?”

Moved by his words, Pinkie’s eyes welled up with tears, beforehand she nodded, “I promise, Spike,” She cried. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

Spike smiled, as he hugged the pony, “That’s why I love you, Pinkie,” He said.

Pinkie gasped, “You love me?!”

Thinking he confused her, Spike tried to clarify, “Yeah! I mean, y’know, I love you like the way I love the other girls.” A long awkward moment passed, before Spike broke the silence. “Um, Pinkie?”

“You love me!!” Pinkie smiled. “You really love me!” She smiled, while batting her eyelashes together.

“Well, what’s not there to love about you?” Spike asked. “You’re fun! You’re energetic! And kinda unpredictable, but you’re always so happy and upbeat!”

“And that’s why I love you!!!!” Pinkie squealed, before she tackled Spike, “NOW KISS ME MY DRAGON PRINCE!!!” She roared, before claiming Spike’s lips.

Surprised at first, Spike felt himself melting into Pinkie’s strong, firm, sweet lip-lick.

To Spike, it felt like he was eating the most sweetest combo of all kinds of sweets imaginable. Candies, cakes, donuts, pies, cookies, etc. none of those sweets can compare to the sugar rush he’s having with Pinkie Pie.

Later, however, he found himself experiencing a wave of stillness, and relaxation, through the kiss, as if all his rationality and anxiety were instantly banished.

Without a care in the world, Spike pulled Pinkie close, deepening the kiss, before they pulled apart, to catch their breath.

“Wow,” Spike panted. “That....was....great....”

Pinkie was sweating a storm, as she panted, “You’re not so bad yourself, Spike. You turned me on so high, I had to shed my clothes off.”

“What?” Spike looked confused, before he looked at Pinkie, and his eyes widened. “OMIGOSH!!”

There, basking in the moonlight before him, in her anthro form, was Pinkie Pie, wearing only a baby blue bra and panties, decorated with pink cupcakes.

Aroused, Spike lost control of his powers, as he randomly changes into a wolf, howling and whistling, then a bloated puffer fish, a dragon with his wings stiffened and smokes spewing from his nose like a train whistle, a rabbit with his foot thumping rapidly, and so on.

Pinkie couldn’t help but laugh, “Oh, Spike! You’re so silly!” She giggled. “I loooooove that boy!” Pinkie said to the readers, before she continued to laugh.

“Stop it!” Spike struggled to get ahold of himself. “Stop!” But to no avail.

“Oh Spike,” Pinkie began. “No need to hide it. You liked seeing me like this, don’t you?” She asked, flirtatiously.

Spike stopped in dog form, “Oh yeah,” He barked, before he turned back into a human. “I mean, no! I mean, we’re not having this conversation!” He said, while closing his eyes.

“Aw, c’mon Spike,” Pinkie pried his hands apart with little struggle. “Loosen up! This is our night together! So just have fun! Enjoy it,” She leaned close to his ears, and whispered, “Just pretend I’m in my bikini. I’ll even let you touch my melons~”

Spike’s whiskers quickly stand on end, “Are you teasing me?” He asked.

“Maybe,” Pinkie rolled her eyes, playfully. “But if you want to, I should warn you. I do like to play, rough,” She grinned deviously at the last part, recalling the terrorist whom she pummeled at the World Trade Center. Pinkie then let out a giggle, “I’m just kidding! Like I’d ever hurt that cute little face of yours for being puddy over me!”

Pinkie started to smile flirtatiously, as she started to pose, “Besides, I am giving you an eye candy for tonight,” She said, while doing another pose, before handing him a camera. “Well, what are you waiting for? Take my pictures!”

Reluctant at first, Spike complied, as he started to get the camera working and started taking pictures of the pink party pony, giving him an eyeful of her sexy human bod.

‘If Sunset, mom, auntie, uncle, or any of the girls find out about this. Then I’m never going to hear the end of this,’ Spike thought. ‘Until then, I’m so naughty to enjoy this,’ He smirked.

While she was posing for Spike, Pinkie secretly pulled out a small scoreboard, and gave herself a score mark.

Pinkie cupped her breasts, as she thought seductively, ‘Maybe not today, Spike. But you can’t resist my feminine appeal for long.’

"Strife," The voice began. "Explain yourself!"

"Thank you my lord. I will." Strife replied. "But first, have you ever heard about a giant storm monster, and-"

A blast of lightning sounded, before the voice laughed, "Now that's funny!~"

Author's Note:

3 down (4 if you count Fleur). And 3 more to go.

143 Up-votes > 18 Down-votes with 6,347 views, prior to the story's rates going higher.

Oh, and Pinkie Pie's battle with Strife, the Cloud Gremlins, and Cloud Monsters is inspired from an old episode of Skunk Fu: The Art of Leaving Them Laughing.

Pinkie's Scoreboard

1. Twilight Sparkle: 0
2. Rainbow Dash: 0
3. Applejack: 2
4. Rarity: 0
5. Fluttershy: 2
6. Pinkie Pie: 2
7. Sunset Shimmer: 1
8. Fleur-De-Lis: 5
9. Lyra Heartstrings: 0
10. Bon-Bon: 0
11. Starlight Glimmer: 0
12. Trixie Lulamoon: 0
13. Dragon Lord Ember: 2
14. Mina: 0
15. Gilda: 0
16. Gabby: 1
17. Princess Skystar: 0
18. Queen Neira: 1
19. Sunny Flare: 0
20. Indigo Zap: 0
21. Sugarcoat: 0
22. Sour Sweet: 0
23. Lemon Zest: 0
24. Rara: 0
25. Coco Pommel: 0

Did I miss anyone?

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