• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,214 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Spike and the Crystal Prep Shadows - Indigo Zap

Author's Note:

This chapter is made in honor of my grandfather. He was a wise and kind man who was willing to do everything he can to give my family and I the care we need, to be happy, together with grandma. His life may be over, but the love we have for him goes on and on.

When one story ends, another begins.

It was another busy day at Mario’s Pizzeria & Pastas. Spike was running to and fro, taking the customers orders, before delivering them to their tables.

“Mamma Mia, Mr.-a Draco,” Mario commented, noting how busy the boy is. “You keep-a this up, and we’re-a going to have-a to pay you over-a-time!”

“What? You mean I don’t get recognized for employee of the month?” Spike asked.

Mario simply laughed, “I’m just-a kidding, Spike. You keep up the good-a work.” With that, Mario went off to continue hosting some guests, when the door flung open, ringing the bell, and Indigo walked in.

“Hey Indigo,” Spike greeted the Shadowbolt athlete, before his eyes widened like plates. "Indigo?!"

“Yo Spike!” Indigo greeted, walking up to the green haired boy. “Got a table left for me? Just got back from a pretty intense game.”

“Uh, you’re in luck. A table just opened up for you,” With that, Spike directed the girl over to the said table, before he quickly handed her a menu to look over for the day’s specials. "So, what will it be today, Indigo?"

Indigo quickly skimmed through the menu before she answered, "I think I'll have the pepperoni pizza. But go easy on the mozzarella cheese, will ya? And I'd like to have it come with the butter filled crust, if you'll please."

After writing down every last detail of Indigo's order, Spike replied, "Coming right up!" With that, the boy was already gone, straight towards the kitchen window where he gave the orders to the cooks, "One pepperoni pizza with little mozzarella cheese and butter filled crusts!" He announced.

"You got it!" The cooks answered as they begin working on the new pizza.

In the meantime, Spike leaned against the wall, while looking at Indigo Zap, seeing her in a new light. The girl was smiling with a look of content, relax, and proud of herself.

The boy couldn't help but crack a smile, 'Feels like it was just yesterday we were at each other's throat,' He mused himself, mentally recalling their first meeting, upon which Indigo, along with her fellow Shadowbolts had tried numerous time to kill him, and the battles they've had. 'Indigo's tough, I'll give her that,' He continued in his thoughts. 'But not as tough as Rainbow Dash.'


The sound of the bell snapped the boy back to reality, just in time for him to pick up Indigo's pizza and delivered it to the girl, "Dinner is served," He said, carefully placing the pizza on the girl's table. "Enjoy."

"Thanks Spike," Indigo gave him a thumbs up, before she picked up a slice and happily dines in. "Mmmm-mmmm!!"

Spike walked away to check on the other costumers to take their orders and delivering them. But all the same, he couldn't help but feel the strong love that comes from all the families who have come together for a good time in the pizzeria.

"I'm glad I got to be with you today grandpa!" A little boy smiled at a happy elderly man beside him.

"I love you mommy!" A young girl smiled, hugging the woman beside her in delight.

"Well done son!" A man said as he wraps an arm around a younger man beside him, who looked like a well dressed business man. "You deserved this pizza as your reward! I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks dad!" The younger man smiled. "I love you!"

Spike turned his attention to his employers, Mario and Luigi, both sharing a drink of cocktails, "Ah, it's-a good-a day for business, eh Luigi?" Mario asked.

"Oh yeah," Luigi answered, while sighing sadly.

"Eh, what's the matter, Weegee?"

"I'm-a just thinking about-a mama and papa," Luigi replied despondently. "We were-a so-a young, we hardly-a remember their-a faces. You think they're still-a proud of us?"

"Absolutely, Luigi," Mario replied, hugging his brother close. "Uncle always-a did say that we're-a so much-a like-a them, more ways-a than-a one. And that we're-a all that's-a left of keeping their-a memories alive, by remembering and-a knowing the kind of people they-a are."

"But still, I just-a wished we had-a chance to know them."

"I know Luigi. I know."

Hearing and feeling all these talks of family bonding got to Spike as a sudden jolt shot through his heart, as if it had been struck by an arrow, followed by a crack of lightning that echoed through his head. Time seemed to have slow down all around the young dragon boy, as he fell toward the floor, panting heavily, while clutching his hands over his head.

Looking up, Spike was met with the frozen look of surprise from the people all around, staring in his directions. The boy paid no mind; thus, he didn't take notice of the clock hanging on the wall, literally frozen in time. Feeling his whole body tensing up, as if it suddenly became frozen solid from feet to head, Spike crawled up to a nearby wall, panting heavily as if it was the method he has left to desperately warm himself up.

"Spike...." A woman's voice called out to him, beckoning him to look up.

The young green haired boy froze in place, as he gazed at the appearance of two figures, a man and a woman, standing before him. Both shrouded by a cloak of darkness, too thick to be penetrated by the lights of the restaurants, or the remaining sunlights of the sunset outside the facility that flooded through the windows.

"Hello....son...." The man greeted the teenager.

"....Son?..." Spike squinted his eyes for a moment, before he finally found his voice. "....Mom?" The shadowed woman nodded her head, with a smile that faintly penetrated the thickness of her dark cloak. "Dad?" The man repeated the gesture.

"Aw...feeling sentimental, Dragon Prince?" A familiar haunting voice asked, to which Spike tensed to see a shadow taking shape of the psychotic man, carrying a large scythe over his shoulder, "What? Mommy Celestia's love for you isn't enough anymore? Or is it true? Have you two grown so far apart that you don't want anything to do with each other?" Spike simply scowled, as he remained stone face. "Oh come on. What's the point of the tough guy act, huh? Why don't you just accept it already? You're bad luck! It's because of you, your birth parents are no longer here! Don't you see? The Dragonfire has cursed you! It's because you're a dragon that your human parents have abandoned you from the moment you took your first breath! It's because wherever you go, disaster is sure to follow! Why else would the Shadowbolts be after you in the first place? Why else would the Cerulean Hunters have a bounty on your head? Why do you always get your surrogate family and friends involved? You're better off alone! You should never have a family to begin with!"

"Spike!" The said boy snapped out of his trance, when he was shaken back to reality and finds Indigo looking at him with concern, together with her fellow patrons. "Are you okay?"

"Mama-mia, Spike!" Mario joined. "You feeling okay? You don't look so good."

Spike looked at Indigo, then at Mario, unsure on how he would answer their questions.

Later That Night

After his shift at Mario's Pizzeria & Pastas was over, Spike returned to his apartment, where he changed out of his work uniform and into his casual attires, before he stepped out on the balcony, with Peewee perched on his shoulder.

"Maybe some late night parkour should do the trick," Spike said to Peewee, who nodded in agreement.

Turning to a nearby fire escape, Spike climbed up to the rooftop of his building. From there, he did a few leg stretches, followed by some rotations of his arms, shoulders, and waist, before he stood up, meeting the cold autumn winds blowing across his face, sending his blazing green hair fluttering, together with Peewee's fiery scarlet feathers.

With a deep breath to steady his trembling nerves, Spike got himself into a starting position, "Here we go!" Spike shouted, running across the rooftops, before he came to he ledge, where he jumped off and onto the rooftop of the next building, rolling across his back upon landing and kept on running, while Peewee took flight while the boy was doing a front flip in mid-air.

Spike continued to race across the rooftops, doing several jumps and flips he's been taught by Scorpan during their stay in New York, and on most of their travels around the world.

Speaking of which, Spike once again had another sudden flashback as he finds himself free running within Beijing, China.

Beijing was one of the biggest and most populated urban city that Spike has ever known, besides New York City. It's tall buildings and crowded structures have made it an ideal location for practitioners in parkour who were up for the challenge.

Spike smiled in nostalgia as he remembers the intensive teachings he's received from the Shaolin Monks, from carrying a heavy shoulder pole with buckets of water, to doing a handstand for an hour on a stone pillar, and practicing his fighting stances atop a series of wooden pillars.

The hardships the young boy has had to endure was bittersweet. But the results were all worth it, for the skills with which he has attained today, "Oh how I wished mom and dad were there to see it," Spike smile, before the heartache jolted itself again, stopping the boy in his track, causing him to collapse to his knee.

"...Mom...dad...." Spike panted, struggling to catch his breathe, while fighting to suppress the sudden overwhelming feeling of longing that has returned, stronger than ever.

It was nothing like the heartaches he's had before, when he has longed for Princess Celestia, after his first reunion with the Elements of Harmony after ten years. Spike sat down on the rooftop of the building he was on, curling his knees up, while looking up at the night sky that wasn't the work of his adopted aunt Luna.

For the first time in forever, Spike truly felt himself alone. Isolating himself from the memories of his adopted mother, his mythical friends from Equestria, his gargoyle uncle, and his pals in New York, Spike struggled to recover the memory that has eluded him since his very beginning. The one memory that wasn't destroyed by Somnambula's lightning, but was kept hidden from him in the deepest darkness of his mind. The faces of his birth parents.

Spike closed his eyes, as he struggled to catch a glimpse of his parents' faces in the earliest memory he could master. An image was shown, but it was too hazy for a definite glance. Soon, the image faded away, with the Dragon Prince desperate to recover it, but to no avail, finding himself back into reality.

"It's no use," Spike said to himself, clutching his frustrated head in his hands.

The words spoken from Mario and Luigi earlier echoed in his head.

"You think they're still-a proud of us?" Luigi asked.

"Absolutely, Luigi," Mario replied, hugging his brother close. "Uncle always-a did say that we're-a so much-a like-a them, more ways-a than-a one. And that we're-a all that's-a left of keeping their-a memories alive, by remembering and-a knowing the kind of people they-a are."

"Knowing the kind of people they are, huh?" Spike asked himself. "Then what were my parents like? Why didn't they want me then? Would they still be proud of me if they could see what I've grown into?"

"Yo, Spike!" A voice greeted, which the young dragon turned to see it was only Indigo, leaning her shoulder against a door.

"Oh, hey Indigo," Spike greeted nonchalantly.

"I see you've been keeping up with your parkour training," The athletic girl beamed enthusiastically with a light punch to the boy's shoulder. "So, ya up for some parkour race?"

"Not now Indigo."

"Wrong answer bud! Come on, get up!" Indigo grunted, struggling to pull the boy up by the arm, only for him to brush her off.

"I said not now! Go away!" He frowned with a glint of annoyance in his tone.

As if finally taking note of his negative attitude, Indigo started to ask, "Gee, what's your problem, Spike?"

"None of your business."

"What? What do you mean? I thought we're friends now."

"Yeah, well I'm still trying to get used to the fact that we were once enemies, and how determined you were to try and kill me."

"Well, what about all those times we've helped you and your friends out?" Indigo countered. "And that was even before you guys defeated Nightmare Moon and restored Princess Luna! I thought we're tight about that now."

"Whatever," Spike fumed. "It doesn't change the fact that I'm cursed with all of this."

"Cursed? What do you mean?"

"Just go home, Indigo! I don't need to have you or anyone else involved."

Indigo frowned. She wasn't going to give up so easily, "You think I haven't been involved enough already? With all the fiasco's we've had to dealt between here and Equestria, you think that's not getting involved enough? And here you are ranting about being cursed?!"

"The reason you're involved with the problems of Equestria is because of me!" Spike frowned. "Admit it, Indigo! You joined the Shadowbolts because you were promised of some fame and power, if your were successful enough to kill me! That's how cursed I am! That's how you and everyone else were involved to begin with! And I never asked for us to be enemies! Did I?"

Indigo was silent as a look of guilt washed over her, "S-Spike....I'm sorry..."

"Don't say it like that," Spike frowned. "I never asked to be the vessel of the Dragonfire. I never asked to be hunted down by some power hungry lunatics. And I never wanted to endanger the lives of both Earth and the Magical World. It's because of this power, I could never have a normal life. And how I never got to know who my real parents were. I can't even remember their faces."

Indigo could hardly believe her ears, "Whoa," She gasped, sniffing a sudden drop of tear that formed. "I'm sorry Spike...I....I..." The once tough athletic girl sniffed as she struggled to hold back her tears, "I never...I didn't....I wish...." Unable to find the right words to express her feelings, Indigo just tackled the boy as she pulled him close in a tightening embrace.

Taken aback by surprise, Spike struggled to break free, "What are you doing?!" He asked, ready to go full dragon.

"I'm sorry!" Indigo sobbed. "I just....I'm really sorry for making your life so harder than it has to be!"

"And what do you know?" Spike growled.

"Because I lost my dad, just as much as you lost your parents!"

Spike ceased his struggles, before he looked at the girl with skepticism, while raising an eyebrow, "You lost your dad?"

Releasing her grip to wipe some tears away, Indigo began, "He was killed one night, when I was just a baby. A robber broke into the house. My mom went to my room to save me before the robber could get to me. The robber saw her and was about to shoot her, but dad jumped at them and fought hard to keep me and my mom safe. And during the fight....the robber pulled a knife and....dad didn't make it." Indigo sighed, wiping a tear away, while Spike's gaze began to soften.

He can sense the sincerity in her story, and the griefs that she was showing was absolute.

"I didn't do this, just because I wanted to be famous or be a powerful warrior," Indigo sniffed. "I did it for my dad. I wanted to carry on his legacy, because to me....he's my hero. He was a hero. I wanted him to look down and see that I'm just as strong as he is...but now, I realized....what I did was wrong. I was so focused on trying to prove I am the best, that I was blinded to realize how wrong it was for me to try and...." The girl burst out crying even louder as she pulled Spike close for a hug, "I'm sorry, Spike!" Indigo cried as she pulled the Dragon Prince close. "I didn't...I mean...I'm sorry for making your role as a Dragonfire vessel harder than it needs to be....I really am!" She whispered, as she continued to cry.

No words can clearly describe what Spike was feeling at the moment. For a moment, he felt himself being thrown in a turmoil, struggling to process the feelings he has now. Earlier he was solely thinking about himself. How difficult his life was, how much he had to endure when he was born, how many pain and sufferings he's witnessed and forced to watch through his eyes, and sometimes, through the eyes of others.

And that's just it....the eyes of others! It's not just about him. Everyone all play an important role in the world, big or small. Each of their actions are based on the decisions they make. And though fate can have different plans for him and everyone else, the least they can do is choose whether or not to embrace it, and to help others cope with it.

Looking back down at the saddened athletic girl, Spike felt unsure of himself at first. However, he has helped Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare cope with some of their past demons before, so who's to say he can't do it again with Indigo and the others?

Acting out on instincts, Spike wrapped his hands to pull Indigo close in a comforting embrace. The girl's sobbing started to slow down as she suddenly felt a warm, soothing aura washing over her body, easing her breathing and tensions in a heartbeat, literally.

"Just forget it, Indigo," Spike whispered. "The past is the past. We've moved on from it now."

Indigo sniffed as she melts into the embrace, "Maybe....but I don't know if dad will ever forgive me for my crimes towards you and your friends."

"....Well, it's not too late to mend your ways," Spike replied. "Though, you still have a long way to go before you're completely forgiven. The least I can say is....I wish you luck."

Indigo nodded her head in understanding, "Fair enough," She accepted.

Spike soon pulled away from Indigo and walked away, before he stopped and turned back, "Well, you coming?" He asked.

Indigo looked up in confusion, "Huh?" She asked, to which Spike repeated the question. "Where to?"

"Getting a burger," Spike answered. "Would you like to join me for some? My treat."

"Really?" Indigo smiled hopefully.

"If you're fast enough," Spike smirked challengingly.

"Hey! Are you saying that I'm slow?!" Indigo frowned.

"Loser has to buy at McDonald on 1560 Broadway. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6-" Spike counted, walking down a fire escape, quickly increasing his count when he sees Indigo lunging towards him. "54321! GO!"

"Come back here you!" Before long, Indigo Zap was chasing after Spike as they climbed down the fire escape and took their little chase through a series of alleys. They were running towards a steel fence, when at the last minute, Spike managed to jump up towards a wall, kicking his foot upon impact, launching himself over the fence, while Indigo climbed over the same fence as fast as she could. Spike looked back and slowed down to give the girl a chance to catch up.

Just as Indigo was closing in on him, Spike immediately took off running with the athletic girl following close behind. They both cut through Central Park where they started doing a series of flips, backflips, and all somersaults with the park's trees, bridges, and structures.

"Huh, you still got some skills Indigo," Spike complimented. "Have you been working out?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing," Indigo replied.

"Too bad I beat you to it then."

Eventually, the two arrived in Times Squares, at the front of a McDonald restaurant, "Looks like I win!" Spike smiled to himself.

"Are you sure?" Indigo sounded, to which Spike turned around to see the athletic girl panting heavily, looking tired, but triumphant.

Spike was flabbergasted, "W-What?! How'd you-"

"I'm awesome! That's what!" The girl smiled confidently.

Still, true to his words, Spike was soon buying both himself and Indigo their meal.

"Hmm, that hits the spot," Spike smiled, as he enjoyed his cheeseburger.

"Same here!" Indigo agreed, while taking a sip of her Coca-Cola.

Deciding to strike up conversation, Spike began, "Say, Indigo. I hope you don't mind me asking. About your dad. What was he like?"

The girl hesitated for a moment, before she answered, "Well, from what mom told me. He was awesome!" The girl smiled fondly. "He's the man. And he's a true hero to! He was an amazing officer at NYPD. He once arrested a whole gang of street thugs who kidnapped my mom. That's how she and dad met. They've been dating since. Mom even scored some tickets to get to some of his basketball games!"

"Your dad's a basketball player and a police officer?" Spike asked with piqued interests.

"Not just a basketball player. But a soccer player, a hockey player, a football player, and a motocross racer!"

"No way!"

"Way! He's the reason why I've dedicated my life to being an athlete at CPA!" Indigo's smile disappeared as she looked down at her food with sadness. "I just wished he was still here. Because maybe, just maybe he would still be proud of me. And maybe he would've talked me out of joining the Shadowbolts."

Spike looked on in sympathy, sighing, "At last you got the chance to know your real father. I hardly even knew mine."

"I know. And that's what I'm most sorry about for you, Spike," Indigo said in sympathy. Deciding to change topic, she began, "But hey, at least you have Scorpan. I mean, he's kinda like a father. Right?"

Taken by surprise at the sudden change of topic, Spike chuckled, "Actually, no. He's more of an uncle than a father. I mean, he and mom are close friends. That and he and Aunt Luna have this thing going."

"Whatever. An uncle is kinda like a father. Right?"

Spike thought back on the last ten years he's had to spend with his gargoyle of a guardian and mentor. The intensive trainings and teachings of the martial arts he's had to learn, while having a few moment of family bonding.

"Yeah. He is," Spike smiled fondly of Scorpan.

Later, after they had their meal, the two friends were later walking back to Indigo's home, "Thanks again for this fun night, Spike!" Indigo smiled. "And thanks again for that race we had earlier. No one's ever given me such an intense race like that before."

"Heh, no problem," Spike replied. "It's not like it wasn't the first time we've ever had a race for our lives before. Was it?"

Indigo laughed lightly, recalling their first meeting, "No, I guess not," Indigo smiled before she looked at Spike passionately, in a new light. "Hey Spike?"


"Thanks again for helping me remember about my dad," Indigo stroked her hair. "I...I really needed that."

"Well, just do something that doesn't involve hunting me down from now on, okay?" Spike suggested. "It will do both your folks proud. You got that?"

"Got it!" Indigo winked, giving Spike a thumbs up, and a playful punch. "See ya around, Dragon Prince!"

"See ya," Spike was about to take his leave, when Indigo grabbed him by the shoulder, pulled him back around, and planted a kiss to his cheek.

"Should've been faster than that, you know," Indigo smiled, before she ran up the stairs and entered her building, disappearing behind the door.

Shaking the shock away, Spike concentrated his powers, 'Wings of the dragon!' He said mentally, sprouting only his dragon wings, before he took off flying into the night.

Back with Indigo, the athletic girl kicked off her shoes and was up in her room, where she walked over to a stand with a picture of a grown man, smiling confidently. Sitting next to the picture was her signature pair of goggles.

"Hi dad," Indigo said to the picture sadly, as she picked it up in its frames to wipe off the dusts it had collected over the years. "Sorry it's been so long. Crazy how life works for us, huh? Then again, you would know that, wouldn't you? We barely knew each other. But at least we're still together. Always...." She sobbed, putting the picture frame back on its resting place, while picking up her goggles, turning the straps over to reveal some letters that spelled: "From dad."

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