• Published 11th Jan 2017
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Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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A Date With Fleur

It was a dull, grey, cloudy day in New York City. Spike was walking around in Central Park, watching the leaves changing colors, feeling the autumn breeze setting in. Thankfully, he was dressed up for this particular change in the weather.

It's been about three days since Spike had overcome his insecurities, and came clean to his mom, aunt, and Twilight. However, even after the three princesses had reassured him that nothing horrible will ever occur, in which Spike would be held responsible, as well as the love they all have for each other that will never diminish, Spike still wanted to have some time to think to himself.

The young boy looked around him, seeing everyone having a good time with their loved ones. The Dragon Prince smiled, recalling some fond memories he's had with the girls, before he and Scorpan left them, years ago. Even though they're now back together again, things have changed and sadly, Spike and the girls have been finding it hard to find the time to simply hang out, together.

The girls, obviously, became heroines of Equestria, using the magic of friendship to solve numerous friendship problems that calls them. Furthermore, his other girl friends, namely dragons and griffons, still have important affairs to resolve back home. Princess Skystar would've been happy to hang out with Spike, though recently, the young sea pony was less outgoing than she normally was, and everyone have one metahuman to blame.

Furthermore, the guys had some other things to do. Rumble was trying out with the sports team, Button Mash was helping Sweetie Belle with her community services, Tender Taps was rehearsing for another dance recital, Featherweight was out hunting for some scoops, and Pipsqueak was hanging out with Captain Celaeno.

Soon, Spike found a bench, and decided to just kick back on it.

"Ah, bonjour Spike," a familiar voice called out. Spike turned around to see a tall, beautiful girl in a light pink coat, black pants, red shoes, and a magenta beret.

Spike gasped, "Fleur?! Is that you?!"

Fleur giggled, "Oui, mon amour."

"Wow, I almost didn't recognize you," Spike said. "You look great!"

"Merci," Fleur smiled, before she motioned to a spot next to the bench. "May I?"

"Oh, of course," Spike offered, to which Fleur gladly accept. "Such a nice day outside, huh?"

"Indeed," Fleur agreed, before she turned to Spike, "But I can't help it, but noticed you looked rather sad, amour. What's wrong?" She asked, looking concerned at Spike.

Spike looked to the side, taking a deep breath, before he turned to his French best friend, "Do you know what happened, in Ponyville?" He asked.

Fleur nodded, while looking troubled, "Oui. Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle have told me about it, when I got back from Yakyakistan with my parents," She spoke. "I'm sorry I wasn't there, Spike."

"It's okay," Spike replied. "At least you didn't have to go through that whole nightmare ordeal we went through." Spike sighed, remembering the fiasco he went through, because of Fear. "Believe me, I know."

Fleur reached her hand out for Spike's as she gently grasped it, "Spike, believe me," Fleur spoke. "Without you, I would never have found my family. I can't imagine a life, without you, mon amour."

"I know, Flare," Spike replied, as he and Fleur hugged each other. "I know." The two stayed that way, for what felt like hours, before they broke apart.

"So, Spike," Fleur began. "If I may, what are you doing out here?"

"Nothing much," Spike quietly replied. "I'm just looking for something to do. The girls are all busy with some other stuff. Even the guys are occupied."

"Really? Then, why don't you join me?" Fleur smiled. "I was just on my way out for some fun."

"You are?"

"Oui. And I'd like it if you could join me."

"That's nice and all, Flare," Spike looked away. "But I wouldn't want to intrude."

"Nonsense," Fleur grasped his arm, while holding it close to her chest. "I wouldn't mind. Besides, when was the last time we've ever spend some time together?"

Face turning red, mostly at how close Fleur was holding him, as well as some embarrassing reactions of his powers that threatened to show themselves, Spike stuttered to answer, "Well, when you put it that way. Sure, why not?"

"Fantastic!" Fleur smiled, as she pulled Spike up, by the arm, and eagerly lead him away.

Later, the two went to Chinatown, Manhatten, where they had some fried noodles and rice in a Chinese restaurant. While there, they decided to chew the fat.

"So, Fleur," Spike began. "How've things been going on with you and your parents?"

"Oh, simply fantastic, amour," Fleur smiled. "Mother and father were so proud of me, when they learned of the pony I've become," Fleur's smiled slowly disappeared, as she spoke, "Though, father looked somewhat troubled at the thought of me as a warrior, while mother still treated me, as if I'm still a foal."

"I'm with ya there," Spike replied. "Though I don't know anything about daddy issues, my mom still treated me like a kid, even though I'm now grown up. I mean, after the whole fear thing was resolved, she insisted on checking my fingers and toes." Fleur couldn't help but laugh at the thought of the scene. "Though, I guess we can't blame them now, can we? We've been separated from each other for a long time, by the Shadowbolts."

"Oui," Fleur agreed.

After they had their full, the waiter came, in which Spike and Fleur both split the bill, before presenting them some fortune cookies for the two.

Spike cracked his cookie, before he read the content inside, "With dreams, anyone's a winner. With courage there will be miracles. With love, friendship is worth fighting for," he smiled. "Sounds convincing. What about you Fleur?"

Fleur was weeping, while holding the paper before her, "Fleur?" Spike asked. "What's wrong?"

In response, Fleur showed Spike the content of her fortune cookie, which reads: "Friendship is the greatest treasure you could have."

Spike was caught off guard when the girl grabbed him in a loving hug.

"Forgive me Spike," Fleur weeped. "I've always wanted to tell you, that you're the ultimate treasure I could ever ask for."

"Fleur...." Having a second thought, Spike decided not to ruin the moment, as he returns the affection. "You and the girls are my ultimate treasure, too. You're the diamonds in my sky," He said lovingly.

"Aw," The patrons around them sighed.

Later, the two arrived at a photographer shop.

"So, what are we doing here?" Spike asked.

"You mean, I didn't tell you?" Fleur chuckled, while twirling a lock in her hair. "Well, you see. Whenever I'm not being a hero and saving the day. I'd like to make a living as a supermodel."

"Seriously?" Fleur nodded as Spike took the chance to look at her. "Well I'd say, you've definitely got the looks of an angel." Fleur couldn't help but blush and giggle at the boy's comment. "And now that I got a better look, did you do something with your hair? It looks shinier than it normally does!"

"Oh stop it," Fleur smiled, "You're making me blush."

"How can I stop, when you and the girls keep me going?" Spike flirted, before he realized what he was saying, "Whoa, did I just say all that?" Spike shook his head, "I'm sorry, I don't what came over me."

Fleur giggled, before she placed a reassuring hand on Spike's shoulder, "It's okay, mon amour," She said. "It's okay. In fact, I rather like it. It's flattering." Spike gave Fleur a small smile, before they went in.

It wasn't long, before they were greeted by the sudden appearance of an eccentric photographer.

"Ah, Fleur-De-Lis!" The photographer exclaimed in a thick Austrian accent. "You have arrived!"

"Indeed I have, Photo Finish," Fleur said, as she and Photo walked up to each other, and exchanged kisses on the cheeks.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The photographer, now identified Photo Finish, shouted for every kisses.

In appearance, Photo Finish appears to be somewhere in between Fleur and Fluttershy's ages. She has a short white hair, with the bang cut in a straight line. For attires, she wore a black dress, with white stripes at the top, fuchsia ribbon at the waist, the skirt decorated with white-fuschia rings near the hem, and pink sparkling diamonds above, and a fuchsia scarf around her neck. Her most defining feature of all, is a pair of hot pink shades, that she wears over her eyes.

"Spike!" Fleur smiled, as she turned to the boy. "I trust you're already acquainted with Photo Finish?"

Photo's shades nearly flew off, when she sets her eyes on Spike, "Halt that pose!!" With a snap of her finger, two stylist assistants immediately pounced out of nowhere, as they set up a photo shoot. It wasn't long, before at a speed that rivals Rainbow Dash, the assistants all applied make ups on Spike, as well as lightings, while Photo Finish was busy snapping pictures left and right, all the while Spike trying, and failing, to block their combined assaults.

"Yes! Yes!" Photo exclaimed enthusiastically. "Show us all your skills of the martial arts! Let your forms be the art! Show us all your strength! Your grace! Your determination to fight till the very end!"

"Stop it! Stop it!" Spike coughed, when he accidentally inhaled a bit of makeup powder, while being blinded by the lights.

"Yes! Show us the snake fists! The tiger claws! The praying mantis! And the graceful flying crane kick!" Photo said, before she snapped her fingers. "Enough! We are done!" With that, the photographer and her two assistants left Spike, who took the time to shake the shock away.

"What the hell was that all about?!" Spike panted.

"Oh, dear," Fleur spoke as she went over to Spike's side. "Please, forgive Photo, mon amour. She's always had an eye for whatever strikes her interest."

"It is a gift," Photo declared dramatically. "It is my calling to capture de magiks! Like so!" The girl said, referring to a whole gallery of her photos.

"Whoa!" Spike gasped, as he went over to marvel at the pictures. "Magics is right!"

"Indeed they are. Photo Finish's got quite the talent. That's why I'm proud to have her as my intern this year," A male voice spoke, revealing itself to be a tall man, dressed in a fancy business suit, and dark purple shades. "Hoity Toity. Pleased to meet you," The man greeted, while holding his hand out.

"Spike Draco," Spike returned the handshake. "Nice to meet you, sir."

"So, you're the legendary Spike Draco, Fleur's been going on about," The man spoke.

"Oh, legendary's kind of an exaggerate-wait, what?" Spike did a double take.

"Oh, miss Fleur here had been going on and on about how much of a gentleman you are, and how noble you can be when you want to," Hoity Toity confirmed.

"Really?" Spike asked, turning his attention to Fleur, who was blushing a storm.

"Indeed she does!" Photo Finish spoke, while making a grand entrance that caught both Spike and the man by surprise. "But enough about Spike Draco! It is time for Fleur-De-Lis, to shine like the sun!" Photo Finish exclaimed. "We must begin on capturing de magiks!"

"Oui," Fleur agreed, before she turned to Hoity Toity. "But I hope you don't mind, sir, if having Spike here won't be a bother."

"Not at all," The man replied. "After all, we could use an audience, or two."

"I promise, I won't get in the way with anything," Spike said.

"Then take a seat, and get to work girls," Hoity Toity ordered, to which the teens complied, as they head around back. But who should they meet, but Coco Pommel, herself.

"Coco?!" Spike exclaimed.

"Oh! Hi Spike!" Coco greeted, happy to see Spike. "What brings you here?"

"I did, mon ami," Fleur spoke. "Today, dear Spike is a guest of mine."

"Oh, really?" Coco asked, to which Spike confirmed with a nod. "That's great." Coco smiled.

"What about you, Coco?" Spike asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I work here, actually," Coco blushed. "I'm in charge of all the clothes and dresses the models have to wear during the shootings."

"You made all of these?" Spike asked, looking at all of the dresses being present in the room.

"Oui, she did!" Fleur smiled. "Coco's simply marvelous!"

"Oh, it was nothing," Coco blushed modestly.

"Oh, don't be so modest!" Fleur smiled, while patting Coco on the shoulder.

Soon, Fleur walked into a changing room with Coco, before the french girl came walking out, wearing a long flowing pink strapless dress, while showing off her gorgeous curvaceous frame.

Spike was impressed, enamored, at Fleur's beauty, "Wow," He gasped.

His reaction didn't go unnoticed. And with a flirtatious look, she struck a pose, "What do you think?" She asked.

"I think you look stunning," Spike answered honestly.

"Hold your compliments," Photo spoke, after she got the camera ready. "Let us begin to capture de magiks!" With that, Fleur began to strike several poses she was instructed to do, with the backdrops behind her, and the lightings shining down on her.

"And pose!" Photo shouted randomly. "And pose! Love the camera! Hate the camera!"

Fleur poses, as the photographer captures her looks. During some parts of the photo shooting, Fleur was given a new dress to model in, which she took with her to the changing room, to change in. Each one, is more captivating than the last.

Meanwhile, Spike watched from the sideline, seeing how much Fleur was enjoying getting her picture taken, while posing in different dresses.

It didn't take long, before he suddenly had a flash of memories, in which he finds himself, with a younger Rarity, who was busy making dresses for a school play, during his visit in Ponyville. Rarity looked as if she was on the verge to cry her eyes out, "Maybe I'm not cut out to be a fashionista, after all!" Rarity sighed.

"Don't give up too quick, Rarity!" Spike said. "I'm sure we'll think of something! If anyone can make a school play a dazzling spectacular? Then it's you!"

"Oh, thank you darling," Rarity replied.

"Spike! Spike!" Fleur said, snapping Spike out of his daze.

"Huh?! What? What is it?" Spike asked, taken completely by surprise.

"Join me in some pictures Spike," the girl smiled, dragging the boy.


"Ooh! Got room for one more?" Coco smiled, as she jumped and held Spike on the other side.

"WHAT?!" Spike exclaimed even louder. "B-B-But, I'm not even dressed properly for anything photogenic! I'll end up clashing your dress!"

"I can handle that," Coco said, pulling out a rack of clothes, before she pulled out a tuxedo, and a dress for herself.

Soon, Spike came out wearing the tux, while Coco stood wearing a white sparkling dress, with a blue laced ribbon on the front.

Before long, the two girls and Spike all did random poses together, from casuals to dance poses, even several random goofy ones.

"Yes, yes!" Photo ranted, while snapping the pictures of the trio. "That's it! Show us the love! Show us DE MAGIKS!"

Spike was doing a shaolin stance of the dragon style, when suddenly, Fleur and Coco caught him on both side, and the two girls kissed him on the cheeks, causing his face to go red with mixed embarrassment, and arousal.

Soon, Photo Finish hung up another picture of Fleur-De-Lis, on the gallery wall of models they've done photo shooting over the year.

"Wow," Spike marveled, after both he and Fleur got dressed back into their casual attires. "I can't tell what's more photogenic. The models, or the expertise of you, Photo Finish."

"Ack, what can I say?" Photo asked rhetorically. "I know my stuff."

With a smile, Spike looked back at the gallery, before something confused him, "Um, what the heck is that supposed to be?" He asked. "Is that a model, or a model of something?"

Photo finished took her glasses off, revealing her eyes to be colored dark indigo, "Ze photo is upside-down!" She said, before it was corrected.

"Oh, that's better," Spike answered, before he took another look at it. In appearance, the model was posing, while dressed in a costume of a disco ball, "Um, that's quite a unique look," He answered honestly, the best he can, while trying not to sound too offensive.

Soon, Spike and Fleur left, hands in hands, while bidding Hoity Toity, Photo, and Coco good-bye.

"I say, that Spike is quite the delightful chap, isn't he ladies?" Hoity Toity asked.

"Mmm-hmm," Coco smiled. "I'm glad to see he's got the glow of his again."

"Ah yes," Photo said dramatically. "He certainly has that spark! The spark of magiks!"

Central Park

Soon, Spike and Fleur were once more, walking through Central Park, where the simply enjoyed each other's company. The two looked up, seeing the sky turning dark, and the stars were about to come out.

"Wow, it's going to be over soon," Spike noted.

"Time flies fast when you're having fun," Fleur said. "But I do know how we can end it."

"How so?" Spike asked, before he finds himself getting pulled into the trees of Central Park, with Fleur, before they arrived in a secluded spot in the park. Concentrating into her magic, Fleur-De-Lis's cutie mark appeared on her forehead, as her eyes glowed white, and sparkles of magic came flying out of her hands.

Spike looked around him, but was more surprised to see what's above him. As if the city was turning its light off, the light pollutions were gone, banishing the glares, and clearing the night sky, allowing the two of them to see the stars, so clearly.

"Whoa," Spike gasped, feeling like he's outer space, observing the beauty of the universe. "Beautiful!"

"Oui," Fleur smiled, laying down on the grass. "It's très magnifique!" Spike soon lied down beside Fleur, watching the sky with her.

"This beats light pollution by a long shot!" Spike smiled. "I wonder if this is all Aunt Luna's work, but it's been obscured by our human light technologies?"

Fleur chuckled, "Oh, if this is Princess Luna's night, then I'm sure she'll be very displeased with the pollutions your lights have made," Spike smiled, nervously at the thought of his aunt turning Nightmare Moon, again. "But y'know, Spike? It's been said that this isn't the first time we Equestrians have crossed over Earth. Even before you were born, there've been links between our world, and yours."

"Have there now?" Spike asked. "Pray tell, these links. Have there been any problems with them?"

"Oui," Fleur nodded. "It's been said before, that we the ponies, and magical creatures have came to Earth before, hoping to build a relationship with the humans. They've succeeded in making some friends with the humans, but at the same time, they've found enemies as well. Many horrible humans have hunted down many of us, and nearly brought us all to the point of extinctions. Since then, many bridges to both our worlds were destroyed, or hidden, so as to keep us safe from any cruel humans, who would dare to hunt us down, for their own selfish gains."

"Damn, that's horrible!" Spike said in disgust, before he covered his mouth. “Um, pardon my language.”

"It’s okay," Fleur replied solemnly. "But in times, we were forgotten through the years, and we became nothing more than stuffs of legends and fairy tales. Though, there are still some humans, who still believe we exist. Unfortunately, not all of them were good."

'No kidding,' Spike thought grimly, as the Cerulean Hunters and Fear Haunter were the first unfriendly humans who fit Fleur's descriptions.

Spike was suddenly brought out of his thought, when Fleur pulled him close, nuzzling her cheek with his, "Fleur?" Spike thought.

"I'm grateful to at least, have a kindhearted human like you, for a friend," Fleur smiled, as she continues to snuggle him up close. "Or maybe more, mon amour," With that, Fleur claimed Spike's lips with her mouth, and she pushed him down on the ground.

Taken by surprise, Spike slowly succumbed to the feeling, as he and Fleur started to make out. The two kissed passionately, with their tongues battling for dominance, within their mouths, while Spike held Fleur closer, feeling her breasts pressed into his chest, further arousing him, and causing both him and Fleur to moan through their kiss.

Soon, the two parted, to catch their breath, "Whoa," Spike panted. "What just came over me?"

"That was, tres magnifique," Fleur panted.

"I know I can remember again," Spike said, while stumbling up to a tree. "But, I certainly don't recall being that passionate before."

Fleur smiled, as she looked lovingly at Spike, "I guess I brought out best of you, Spike," She said.

Spike looked at Fleur, with his mind flashing memories of her, and the girls, "Or maybe, it's the other way around," Spike said. "Maybe I brought out the best of you, and the girls," Fleur shrugged, as Spike continued. "Guess we just brought out the best of each other."

Fleur smiled in agreement, "Oui."

Spike smiled, “Well, I think we’ve had enough fun for tonight,” He said, reluctantly. “Let’s get home before we worry our folks any further.”

“Wait, Spike,” Fleur stopped the boy. “We don’t have to end the night so soon. I’m ready for another,” She said, sending a loving glance his way.

Initially, wanting to head back, one look at Fleur’s beautiful eyes that dazzled with the night sky, and Spike was under her spell.

“Eh, why not?” Spike asked rhetorically, before the two made out, once again.

This time, the two took things up a notch, as they let instincts take over, all the while having some forms of restraints, so as to not get too carried away.

“I love you!” Their voices whispered.

Author's Note:

It would seem that the writers and I have the same idea about forgotten friendships and friendships worth fighting for. The only difference is that in my story, the main protagonist is the amnesiac, while the writer's is the other way around.

Now without further ado, it is time for Sunset Shimmer's time to shine, as she helps her friends regain their lost memories!

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