• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,215 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Fear Within Part 2: Friendship For Real and Forever?

New York

After his morning exercises were done, Spike went back into his room to change into his casual attires, before he was out to spend the day. His shift at Mario's Pizzeria & Pasta doesn't begin until later, so he's got time to spend half the day, however he wants to.

Walking outside, breathing in the morning air, Spike sighed, "Looks like another day for me, as an ordinary human," Spike said to himself, as he begins strolling around the city.

His first stop was at the Westfield Trade Center, where he walked around, looking at the facility, while reminiscing how he had his first date with the Element Bearers, and at the same time, survived the terrorist attack that took place, and a possessed tatzlewurm, together with Lyra and Bon Bon.

As he thought about that day, Spike couldn't help but recall some fond memories he's had with the girls.

When they went to Barnse & Nobles

Twilight was looking at a book that showed her pictures of the fantastic landscapes around the world, from the Grand Canyon to Stonehenge, when Spike came to see what she's reading, along with a huge pile of books she was hoping to purchase.

"I see you're quite the bookworm," Spike said amusingly.

Twilight smiled sheepishly, "I know books aren't all that interesting to you and everyone, but-"

"Oh don't get me wrong Twilight," Spike interrupted. "I think it's great that you have a passion for books. It shows how smart you are, and how dedicated you are to your studies."

"Thanks Spike," Twilight smiled, while blushing a light shade of red. "But I really wouldn't have been able to learn everything around me, if it hadn't been for you."

"Huh?" he inquired. "What did I do?"

Twilight sighed nostalgically, "Let's just say you showed me a whole new world." With that, Twilight gave Spike a playful wink, before she went up to the counter and made her purchase.

Then they went to Central Park Zoo

"Good-bye Mr. Snowy," Fluttershy said to the leopard. "I'll be back next week to come and visit you."

The leopard let out a light roar as it watches the kindhearted girl leave with her friends.

"Wow, Fluttershy!" Spike exclaimed. "That was incredible with what you did back there! Where'd you learn that?"

Fluttershy blushed a bright shade of red, as she answered, "Well, I have traveled to a lot of places, rescuing poor animals who can't help themselves. And, I guess I may have learned to speak with them along the way. Y'know, to let them know I wasn't going to hurt them."

"Sounds like to me you're a hero to the whole animal kingdom," Spike smiled, patting the shy girl on the shoulder.

Fluttershy hid her face behind her hair, as she blushed, "I guess I am," she smiled.

Then, he and RD had a soccer game together, which Dash won

"That's game," Dash smirked.

"Wow!" Spike panted breathlessly. "For being human, you've got some mad skills."

"You ain't bad yourself Spike," Dash smiled as she helped the boy up. "I'm impressed that you can at least keep up with me. Of course, you've always been able to keep up when we were kids."

Spike's looked at the girl curiously, "Really?"

"Yeah!" Dash confirmed. "I mean, when we first met, you were the only boy who was impressed and respected my talents and skills. Most other boys just acted like they're all better and that I should try to be more like a girl."

"That's not nice. They shouldn't tell you that!"

"I know! But then you came, and ya told them off and otherwise. Since then, you've got my respect. And in turn, I've got you for an awesome pal." Dash pulled the boy in a headlock, before she gave him a noogie.

"Hey!" Spike groaned, as he manages to slip through the girl's grip and fixes his hair. "I'm all that much to you?"

"Yeah," Dash replied as she embraced the boy. "And you're always going to be awesome to me buddy. I wish you could remember that."

"I'll try," Spike returned the embrace.

Later, when they arrived at the mall, both he and Rarity went to some fashion stores to try on some new clothes

"Wow!" Spike gasped. "And I thought you were already beautiful!"

"I'd certainly say the same to you," Rarity smiled, twirling around in her dress, until she accidentally stepped on it, and started to trip over.

"Rarity!" Spike shouted, catching the girl, resulting the both of them to fall on the floor.

Rarity looked up, blushing, and smiling, finding herself lost in the boy's blazing green eyes. Spike in turn finds himself lost in the girl's dazzling sapphire eyes.

"Rarity?" Spike asked. "Are you alright?"

"I am now darling," Rarity sighed lovingly. "Even more so, since I'm now seeing those beautiful eyes of yours again."

"Gosh, I think your eyes are beautiful too," Spike smiled.

"Oh flatterer," Rarity giggled, before she pulled the boy into a loving embrace, "Always the charming, courageous, and noble prince you are."

"Well you're one to talk," Spike grinned. "You're talking like I'm Prince Charming or something."

Rarity giggled, "Well, prince or no prince, you'll always be my hero."

Lastly, to put an end to their dates, Spike and the girls all shared some dances together

"Uh huh," Pinkie sang. "Show me what you got now, come on make it worth my while."

"No need to worry sugarcube," she said sweetly, before she spins Spike. "Honestly,you're making me want to dancewith you even more."

"Oh it's absolutely marvelous darling," Rarity sighed lovingly. "It's just as I've always dreamed of for ten years."

Spike smiled, "Well, I'm glad I could make your dream a reality."

"Oh darling," Rarity smiled as she pulled Spike into a hug, whispering in his ear, "You'remydream, Spikey- Wikey." She shed a small tear of joy when she said it.

Rainbow started showing off some breakdance, as she did the windmill, a headspin, a baby spin, and the jackhammer. She got up and pointed her fingers to Spike, beckoning the boy to show off his moves. Complying to the girl's command, Spike got down and did the baby spin, the windmill, a hand hop, and some flares.

"Let's tango," she said.

Getting the message, Spike and the formerly shy girl both begin their dance, linking their hands together and did a few tap steps. Spike spins Fluttershy around, before the girl got behind the boy, and took his hand when she got to the other side. Spike spun Fluttershy around for a while, before doing a dip. Fluttershy stood up and both she and Spike spun each other around, before they ended their dance with another dip.

"Having fun, chiquita?" Spike joked.

Fluttershy giggled, "Definitely."

Rainbow clapped her hands as she walked over to the two, until the three looked to see Twilight, on all fours, kicking and thrusting her arms and legs out. Spike looked at the two girls, who could only shrug in response. Looking around to see the stares Twilight was receiving from the bystanders, Spike couldn't let Twilight have the kind of attentions alone. Without a second thought, Spike got on all four as he joined in with Twilight, followed by Rainbow and Fluttershy. Twilight looked and smiled to see her three closest friends dancing to her pony dance. Twilight looked to her side, seeing Spike, awkwardly kicking and punching his arms and legs out. The sight of this brought back some memories as the girl envisioned a younger Spike, dancing with her at a party once.

Later, after that, the terrorists attacked and put an end to it all. Nevertheless, Spike was glad he and the girls got out alive.

'Too bad for those terror-rats, they messed with the wrong dragon,' Spike thought. '...The....wrong....dragon. Huh, maybe it's good that I was blessed with the Dragonfire.'

Spike was too caught up in his memories, that he didn't look to see he was walking into a Victoria Secret store.

"WHOA!!" Spike yelped.


Spike makes a hasty retreat, after he accidentally bumped into one of the fashion mannequin, "Sorry! I'll pay for the damage later! Thank you!" He said, panicking, and bumped into someone, or two.

"Sorry!" Spike groaned, getting up to see that he had bumped into Snips and Snails. "Oh, hey guys."

"Hey Spike," Snips groaned, as he and Snails got up, shaking their dazes off. "Watch where you're going next time!"

"Yeah, and again, I'm sorry," Spike apologized again.

"Though, where's the fire?" Snails asked. "You looked like you were running for your life, or something."

Spike chuckled, while pulling his collar, "I, uh, may have zoned out, and had a crash course field test, with Victoria over there," He sweated, while pointing the said store.

"Oh," The boys said together. "Guess that explains why our show just got canceled too soon," Snips grumbled.

"I know, I-Wait, what was that?!" Spike demanded, looking at the boys, suspiciously.

"We had planted remote control car in their, with a built-in camera, to get an inside look at all the smoking hot babes in there, when you came and crushed it!" Snips answered, while Spike pieced together on how he slipped and crashed into the mannequin in the first place. "Do you know how much money we paid for that thing?!"

Spike, shaking his head, looked at the two boys with a disapproving glare, "Do you guys know it's not nice to peep on girls like that?" He berated. "Show some respect for them! There's a thing called privacy, y'know!"

"Hey, we live in a free country," Snips retorted. "We should be free to do whatever we want."

"Yeah, so stop putting the rain on our parades, eh?" Snails added. "You’re not our dads!"

Not bothering wasting anymore times with the two jokers, Spike rolled his eyes and was on his way.

Just then, a girl carrying some heavy shoppings came passing by, when she suddenly tripped, screaming as she fell to the floor.

Reacting fast, Spike became a blur of purple and green, as he quickly caught her in time, as well as some of her shopping bags.

"Whoa, are you okay there?" He asked the girl.

"I am now," The girl looked up, revealing herself to be Coco Pommel, who was just as surprised as Spike. "Oh, hi Spike!"

"Hey Coco," Spike returned the greeting, as he hands the girl her bags back. "Here."

"Thanks," The girl smiled gratefully.

Snips and Snails, meanwhile, where aghast, as well as envy at what they just saw, "You saw that?!" Snips asked.

"How's that possible?" Snails asked. "Nobody can run that fast! Can they?" Snips shrugged, as they watch Spike conversing with Coco.

"Here, let me take half of these loads off for you," Spike suggested, as he took some bags off of Coco, making it easier for the girl to carry.

"Thanks, Spike," Coco smiled. "You know, you're really such a nice guy." She complimented, as they walked away.

"And proud of it," Spike added, resulting the two to laugh, as they were on their way.

Just then, Snips and Snails came in front, stopping the two, "Hey! We're nice guys too!" Snips smiled. "We can help with your loads!" With that, both boys quickly made a grab for some of Coco's bags, to which Coco pulled back, while hiding behind Spike for protection.

"Um, no thank you," Coco frowned uneasily at the two boys, before she noticed something. "Hey, wait a minute! Do I know you boys?"

Snips and Snails both broke out into sweats, while scratching the back of their heads, "Um, have we met?" Snails smiled, sheepishly.

"Can't say we have," Coco replied. "Though you boys do look like a couple of peeping toms who once peeped in on me and my classmates at Crystal Prep."

'A Crystal Prep girl?!' The two jokers thought in panic. 'Uh oh!'

Wanting to get out of the awkward situation, Spike quickly spoke up, "Oh, hi Professor Flintheart!"

"AAAAHH!!!" With that, Snips and Snails all went in a blind panic, and they, cartoonishly, jumped into a trashcan for cover.

Spike and Coco couldn't help but laugh at the scene, before they were on their way, having a friendly conversation while they're at it.


At the Friendship Castle, Twilight was in the library, reading a book in content, a little. All the same, she couldn't help but feel rather lonesome, and longing for Spike's company.

"Give him time, Twilight," She said to herself. "Spike needs his space. After all, it's not like you've never done it before." Twilight recalled the last ten years she and the girls have had, without Spike. "Then again, it's not that we've ever enjoyed those moments without him."

As she said that, Twilight remembered a time when she and her girl friends went to Canterlot, to celebrate Twilight's birthday. They went there, mostly because Rarity was there, and they didn't want their fashionista friend to miss out on it. During the party, Twilight remembered how happy she was when she was swept away in the festivity, before she saw a portrait of Spike in the ballroom, causing her happy demeanor to come to an immediate cease.

"Oh Spike," Twilight sighed, as a small tear trickled from her eyes. "If only you had been there, everything would be so different," Twilight slumped into her furniture, when all of a sudden, a knock broke the silence. "Spike?!" Twilight asked, with a newfound hope, as she races to the door, and opens it up.

However, much to her disappointment, it was only Rainbow Dash and Applejack, "Hey Twilight!" Rainbow greeted, as she and Applejack galloped to the Map Room.

"Map called us," Applejack answered to Twilight. "So, where to?"

Twilight looked at the map, seeing Rainbow and Applejack's cutie marks, floating above a specific spot on the map, "Looks like it's in Appleloosa!" Twilight deduced.

The two chosen mares looked at each other, "Ya think there's another problem between my family and the buffalos again?" Applejack asked.

"We'll see when we get there," Rainbow replied. "Besides, it'd be great to see Little Strongheart again."

"Yeah, sure, do that," Twilight sighed.

Both Rainbow and Applejack looked to each other, before Applejack was the first to ask, "Are you okay there, Sugarcube? You look a little, down in the mouth."

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine," Twilight smiled, trying and failing to lighten the mood. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Both Rainbow and Applejack, were not buying it, "You don't sound like you're fine," Rainbow spoke. "Is there something you want to talk about?"

Twilight shook her head as she made her way to the exit, "I'm just....just...I just want to be alone for now," Twilight said sadly, as she left the room, leaving a concerned Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

New York

"How they cling to you like fleas to a dog," Fear's words echoed in Spike's head.

"Spike?" Coco spoke, breaking Spike out of his trance. "Are you alright? You zoned out for a minute there."

"Uh, I'm fine," Spike replied. "Just a lot on my mind, that's all."

"...If you say so," Coco replied, though she was finding it hard to believe.

After some times walking, Spike and Coco arrived at the girl's apartment, where they unloaded her shopping bags.

"Well, I’m going to Mario’s. Have a nice day, Coco!” Spike called, as he took his leave.

"Wait, Spike!" Coco called, stopping the boy.

"Yes, Coco?"

Coco looked hesitant, before she walked up to Spike, and gave a quick peck on the cheek, β€œThank you,” She smiled, before she closed the door, leaving Spike, eyes radiating a cyan aura, standing in the hall, stunned.

Spike placed his hand, over where Coco had kissed him, and smiled, before he took his leave.

Though, all the same, he couldn’t stop thinking about the times he received a kiss from the girls, on the cheeks, during his first days of dragon training.

Spike smiled, as he thought how the girls each expressed their love for him.

"Let me ask you something 'Dragon Prince.' Have you ever thought what your life would have been like without the Dragonfire?"

Spike paused for a moment, recalling Fear's words. Soon, he had a look of doubts, once more.

'Those kisses,' He asked himself. 'Where they really out of love? Or were they just because of my powers?' Shaking his head, Spike was on his way.

Once back home, he changed into his work uniform. While doing so, Spike couldn’t help but feel some sort of disturbance.

Turning to Peewee, Spike asked, β€œYou ever get that funny feeling someone is calling out to me?”

In response, Peewee squawks, while shrugging his wings.

Shaking the feeling to the side, Spike walked out the door, β€œBye Peewee!” He said, before he closed the door.


Twilight was looking over a long scroll, as she levitates a quill to write some important responses, together with her signature.

After she got the paperworks done, Twilight walked back to her room, and slumped in her bed.

β€˜It sure is kinda quiet here, without Spike,’ She thought sadly.

Suddenly, her ears perked up when she hears the sound of a portal to Earth, being activated in her castle.

Sometimes before, Twilight was able to construct a teleportation device, with a mix of magic and technology, to seize control and create another doorway between Earth and Equestria. That way, any friendly visitors won’t end up at the top of a mountain, upon first entry. Furthermore, as a safety precaution, a spell was cast so that anyone with some forms of clearance can gain acess.

Twilight was racing down to the portal's gate, in the form of a huge mirror, hoping to see Spike coming through. However, much to her disappointment, it was only the Knights.

"Oh, hey boys," Twilight frowned glumly.

"Hey Twilight," Button replied, as he and the boys set down the boxes of books on the floor. "Brought some more books you might like to add to the library."

β€œOh, thanks,” For the first time in her life, Twilight was less cheerful at the sight of new books.

The Knights looked at each other, before Rumble was the first to ask, β€œIs everything okay, Twi?” Rumble asked.

"Oh yeah, everything's fine," Twilight replied, rolling her eyes. "What makes you think everything's not fine?"

"Well for one," Button began. "You're answering us in a grumpy, angry kind of way. Like something's eating you."

"Oh, nothing's eating me, trust me boys!" Twilight grumbled. "In fact, the fact that I'm alone in this big castle, means I'm scarcely being eaten!"

New York City

Spike was at Mario’s, bringing the costumers’ pizzas to their tables, together with some spaghetti, lasagna, and other Italian delicacy.

Just then, Mario came and showed some customers to their table, before he left.

β€œSpike?!” A voice shouted, followed by some others.

Looking up, Spike was greeted by the Crystal Prep Shadows, sitting in a table, β€œOh, hiya girls,” Spike returned the greetings.

β€œWow! You work here?” Lemon asked excitedly. β€œThat is totally rad!”

β€œY’know, he’s wearing this restaurant’s staff uniform. So there’s absolutely no need to ask the question in the first place,” Sugarcoat said, bluntly.

A busboy came to give the girls, each a cup of water, when Spike took notice of the state the girls were in, β€œI don’t mean to stare or anything,” He began. β€œBut you girls looked as if you’ve just got back from a battle, or something.” He referred, to the amount of dirt, smudges, and bruises, on their sports uniforms.

β€œHeh, you could say that,” Indigo smirked proudly. β€œSoccer game with your team: the Wondercolts! We totally dominated those losers!”

β€œIndigo!” Sunny Flare berated. β€œWatch your tongue! Don’t forget who the Wondercolts represent!” She gestured to an unamused Spike.

β€œAnyways,” Spike began, taking his notepad out. β€œWhat can I get you girls today?”

β€œWe’d like to have a pizza, half-meat and half-vegetable, please,” Sour ordered. β€œBut if it’s alright, can you add some more sauce for the meat half? And less cheese on the vegetable half?”

Spike wrote down the order, before he spoke, β€œComing right up.” With that, Spike left for the kitchen, while leaving the Crystal Prep girls to discuss.

β€œWow, who’d a thunk?” Lemon asked. β€œSpike works here, of all place?”

β€œIt shouldn’t be a surprise since we did once had a princess in disguise attending at our school, and worked part-time at a technician’s store,” Sugarcoat said, bluntly.

β€œWe get that!” Sour grumbled. β€œWe’re not that stupid!” She muttered.

β€œStill, it’s nice that we got to see him today,” Sunny added. β€œThough, I wonder if he’s doing anything later tonight?”

The other girls looked at Sunny suspiciously, β€œAnd just why do you ask?” Sour asked, giving Sunny the stink eye.

β€œWhy, dearie,” Sunny frowned, appalled at Sour’s question, as well as her attitude. β€œI’m simply expressing my interest on having an outing with Prince Spike. Is that so wrong?”

β€œNo, nothing’s wrong with that,” Sour answered calmly. β€œExcept that we still have community service,” She added, sadly.

The girls all exchanged solemn agreement, β€œWe still have to clean up the messes we’ve made,” Indigo sighed. β€œAnd our crimes against Spike and the girls.”

β€œAnd Twilight,” Sunny added.

Meanwhile, while waiting for some of his other orders to be done, Spike finds himself in his thoughts on the Crystal Prep girls.

'Y'know,' He thought to himself. 'When they're not trying to kill me, or any of my friends, these girls are alright,' Looking to the side, while recalling Fear's question, Spike thought, 'Though, if I never had the Dragonfire, then odds are they won't have any reasons to hunt me, or anything.' As if he can sense their emotions, Spike easily picked up on their regrets and sadness, 'Wether they're sorry or not, it still doesn't change anything. Maybe when they're done with their community services, then I guess we can hang.'

At last, the cooks in the kitchen have finished making the costumers' orders, in which Spike didn't hesitate to deliver.

"Enjoy your meal," Spike said, as he delivered the Crystal Prep girls their pizza.

"Thanks, Spike," The girls said together.

Spike was about to return to the kitchen, when Sour stopped him, "Hey, Spike?"

"Yes?" Spike asked, turning back to see Sour holding out a five dollar bill. "Uh, Sour?"

"I just thought I should give you a tip, Spike," Sour explained. "Y'know, as a way to say thank you for your service, and many more," She said quietly at the last part.

Spike waved his hand, modestly dismissing the tip the girl was offering him, "No, Sour ya don't have to."

"But I insist," Sour replied.

"Really, that's kinda too much of a tip."

"Take it, or I'll take your life!" Sour threatened, before she covered her mouth, realizing what she just said.

"You do realize we're in public, right?" Sugar asked rhetorically, while Sour covered her face, feeling ashamed of herself.

Sunny then spoke up, on Sour's behalf, "But please, dearie. Take it as a token of appreciation from all of us."

"You sure?" Spike asked.

"Totally," Lemon replied.

"Though, if it pleases you, then we'll all give you our own five dollar tips to go with Sour's," Indigo said, as she and the others all presented their own money tips.

Seeing as how the girls are serious about it, and that there's no talking them out of it, Spike reluctantly accepted the money.

'Wow, those girls are persistent,' Spike thought, before he recalls how Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were the same, when they were younger.

Just then, Mario and Luigi both came out, playing an accordion and mandolin respectively, singing a lovely song as entertainment for all the patrons in the restaurant.

Bella Notte - Ladys and the Tramp

As Mario and Luigi sang the song, Spike looked around the room, to see all the loving couples, enjoying their dinner, by the cacdlights. He couldn’t help but think fondly of the girls, back in Equestria, as well as a few, on Earth, with him.

From their table, the Crystal Prep Girls all saw the look on Spike's face, "He's got that look," Sunny spoke.

"So? He's a boy," Sugarcoat said bluntly. "All boys are bound to have that look, whenever it's a girl they're thinking about. Unless they're gay, then it's the other way around."

Sunny looked at Sugar, slightly annoyed, "Thank you for that long winded analysis of yours, Sugar. But still dearies, I just can't help but wish it could've been us whom he's thinking about."

"Oh yeah, right," Indigo rolled her eyes. "I can just say his mind. The girls he knew since childhood, before he lost his memories, including Twilight. And the other girls, namely us, who tried to kill him one time too many."

"We only tried to kill him twice," Sugarcoat pointed. "Once in Times Square, and the other in Battery Park."

"Whatever," Indigo sighed.

"Besides, I don't blame him if he doesn't want anything to do with us," Sour said quietly, stroking her hair, as a tear escaped her eye, still regretting for the way she acted towards Spike.


Later that night, in Ponyville, Twilight was in the reading room, sitting on the couch, while looking through a photo album of her times with Spike, in Canterlot, when they were just kids.

Twilight smiled as she looked at a clip of the Canterlot Gazette newspaper, with a picture of herself and Spike, covered in pink slimes, with the article reading: "Science Lab Accident Results in Pink Yummy Slime Explosion - Caused by Twilight Sparkle and Prince Spike Draco."

Twilight smiled fondly, remembering how both she and Spike had to spend about a week to clean their mess up.

She turned the next page, to show a picture of the two, pulling a fun prank on Prince Blueblood, which involves the typical snake in a jar, courtesy of Pinkie Pie. Another was a photo of herself and Spike, playing with Princess Cadence, at the playground, building sand castles, playing balls, and other fun stuff as children.

However, upon turning the next page, Twilight's smile instantly disappeared. It was a picture of Spike, lying in bed, unconscious, with his head wrapped in bandages, with a few more wrappings on certain places on his arms. In the next photo, was a picture of Spike being carried off to Earth, with Scorpan, through a portal.

Another photo showed Twilight and her fellow Element Bearers, plus Sunset Shimmer, and her friends in Canterlot, having a birthday party for Twilight, few months after Spike's departure to Earth. Twilight felt a mixture of joy and sadness, upon looking at the photo. Mainly, because she and everyone were having a good time, but at the same time, saddened that Spike wasn't included.

Twilight even teared up more, as she recalls receiving the present that Spike was going to give her, in person. It was a new copy of the "Astronomical Astronomer's Almanac to All Things Astronomy" book. Prior to the tragedy, Spike had accidentally sneezed real fire which burned the book up, and Twilight was greatly disappointed. Following that incident, Spike had gone through some troubles to find another copy of the book for her next birthday.

Twilight rubbed her eyes with her hoof, as she turned a few more pages, depicting photos of herself and her friends, with Spike missing.

"Oh, Spike," Twilight sobbed, wishing she had her number one assistant, with her right now for comfort.

"Who," A voice spoke up, startling Twilight.

Twilight turned her head, to see it was her pet owl, Owlowiscious, "Oh, hi Owlowiscious," Twilight sobbed, while trying to wipe her tears away.

Seeing how sad the alicorn is, the kind owl leapt off from his perch, and hopped over to Twilight, and nuzzled his cheek close to Twilight's, which Twilight accepted.

"Thank you," Twilight said. "Hey Owlowisicious? Mind if I vent for a moment?"

"Who," The owl hooted, as if to say, "I'm all ears."

Taking a deep breath, Twilight began, "I know I've said it many times before, but I just can't help it. I really like Spike. Even more as a brother. I mean, it's kinda crazy, how back when we were kids, I looked at him as if he was a little brother I've never had before. But now, I've got this feeling that's just driving me crazy! I just can't make up my mind! And now, with him on Earth, it's like he's going away again, for a really long time!"

"Who, who."

Twilight sighed, "I know, I know. He's not really going away again for another ten years. He needs some time to himself. But still, it just feels like he's gone again. I don't mean to sound selfish, but I just wanted him to stay here in Equestria, always, and never leave for Earth again."

"Who, who." Owlowiscious flapped his wings, as he guided Twilight to the mirror. Twilight looked as the owl nudged his head toward the glass, as if ushering Twilight to go to him.

"Oh no," Twilight replied. "I couldn't, I mean, I don't want to intrude on him, or anything," Looking back up, Twilight could see the owl was still insisting on Twilight to go. "Well, I guess I can go and pay him a little visit," She said, earning a hoot of agreement, from the owl. "Sure, what are friends for?" With that, Twilight galloped into the portal, and finds herself falling through a long wormhole of multicolors.

New York || Central Park

After making his last pizza deliveries for the day, Spike's shift came to an end, and he was allowed to have the rest of the evening to himself. The boy finds a lone bench, where he slumped down, still feeling troubled.

"Face it 'Dragon Prince.' The worlds are better off without dragons, without the Dragonfire, and without you."

Spike sighed, "And yet, here I am," He muttered. "Chosen to wield the Dragonfire, abandoned by my birth parents, and taken away to a world of magics where I got struck by lightning that nearly killed me." Spike looked around him, seeing a few people enjoying the evening, with their loved ones, 'I wonder what would happen if I never had the Dragonfire?' He thought.

"Psst!" A voice called. "Hey! Psst!"

Spike looked around, "Who said that?"

"Me! Over here!" The voice spoke, from the bush. Spike got up from the bench, as he carefully walked over to the bush to investigate. Before long, he was greeted by a familiar pair of bug eyes, "Hey Spike! Haven't forgotten about me, have ya?" Thorax greeted, while revealing his face, partially.

"Oh, hey Thorax," Spike greeted.

"What's up man?" Thor asked. "Ya looked kinda sad."

"It's nothing," Spike replied.

"Well, if it bothers you, then it's clearly something," Thorax countered. "C'mon, Spike. Ya can tell me. What's bugging ya?...Uh, no pun intended." Thorax said sheepishly.

Hesitant at first, Spike was about to explain, "Well....."

"Um, Spike?" A quiet voice spoke, which startled Spike.

"BWAH!!" He yelped, before he got a good look at the source. "Oh, Coco. It's you," He breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry," Coco apologized. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"Hey Coco!" Thorax greeted.

"Oh, hi Thorax," Coco returned the greeting. "I didn't see you there."

"Yeah, I get that a lot," the Changeling replied.

"You two know each other?" Spike asked.

"Yup!" Thorax replied. "During your fight with the Diamond Dogs, we both got the chance to know each other, before I had to deliver your pizza," He explained. "Since then, we've been sharing teas together. She's quite the host you know," Thorax smiled.

"And for a changeling, you're welcome to be my guest," Coco smiled.

"Even more hospitable than moi?" Another voice asked. β€œThe Great and Powerful Trixie!!” The magician girl exclaimed, before she appeared in a burst of fireworks.

Spike and Coco both fell on each other, as they were taken by surprise. Even Thorax, who was so frightened, he quickly changed out of his bush disguise.

"Trixie?!" The friends exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

With a smug grin, Trixie pulled out her wand, as she changed an apple into a teacup, "I often seek the privacy of the secluded parts of Central Park, to practice new feats of amazement. Also, I wanted to get away from Discord," She grumbled at the last part.

"Lemme guess," Thorax began. "Another cotton candy blast?"

"No. Worse than that!" Trixie fumed.


Discord had kidnapped Trixie, and strapped her on a wheel, and made a sparta remix out of it.

"I'm stuck in a chimney!" Some random dude shouted.


"The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't trust wheels!" Trixie pouted.

"Anyway, what troubles you, Spike?" Thorax asked, wanting to get back on topic.

"It's kinda a long story," Spike warned.

"That's okay," Trixie said. "The Great and Powerful Trixie's got all the time in the world."

"What she said," Coco added.

"So come on man, tell us," Thorax insisted.

With that, Spike recalled the fear plague, courtesy of Fear Haunter, and the things Fear had said that continued to haunt him.

"So that's what's been going on," Spike concluded. His friends all looked at him with shock.

"You don't believe all that, do you?" Thorax asked.

"I don't want to," Spike replied. "But sometimes, I wonder if he actually meant it. What if everyone really do think of me that way?"

"That's absurd!" Trixie frowned. "That Fear Haunter is absurd!"

"Agreed!" Coco added. "Why would we have any reason to be afraid of you? After all you've done for us?"

"That's just it," Spike replied. "That was before. But what happens later? What happens when I become too powerful? When I start to lose control of my powers? It's a common fact, isn't it? How dragons are known for their fiery tempers?" Spike sighed, as he slumps back into his seat. "Sometimes, I think it's better for everyone that I'm left alone, or gone for good."

The friends were shocked to hear what Spike just said, "But we don't want you to go away!" Coco said. "We need you! We loved you!"

"She's right, Spike," Thorax added. "Equestria needs its heroes. And its heroes needed the Dragon Prince."

"And the Dragon Prince, needs us to support him, every steps of the way!" Trixie spoke, with the others exchanging agreements.

"But what happens if something bad happens? And it's all my fault?" Spike asked.

"That will never happen," Coco replied.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because we know you, Spike. And we know you would never let anything happen to us." Coco smiled, with the others nodding in agreement. β€œAnd it’s not the Dragonfire that makes you special, Spike.” Coco explained. β€œIt’s you.”

"Agreed!" Trixie smiled. "Dragonfire, or not. It doesn't change a thing about you, Spike! You're a really good boy! From what Twilight and the others have talked about you, you've done lots of good deeds for every pony and creatures back in Equestria!"

"And in doing so, you've gained a lot of love, because you're a friend to every pony and creatures!" Thorax said. "Any changelings would be willing to go out their days, being in your shoes, just to have a taste for all that love!" The other girls all voiced their agreements with the changeling.

Spike looked to his friends, before he asked, β€œStill, why did mom and dad left me? My actual parents? Do you have any answers for that?” In response, the three friends were all left speechless, unsure on how they can answer that question. "Just what I thought," Spike sighed, as he got up, and took his leave.

"Wait a minute!" Thorax exclaimed, getting in front of Spike. "Look, Spike! I don't know why your parents left you, or why they didn't want you. But that doesn't matter. Because now you've got an actual family! You've got a loving mother, don't you?! And an uncle, and...brothers!"

"Brothers?" Spike asked.

"Yeah! Brothers! You know, the guys? Button Mash, Rumble, Tenders, Pip, and Feathers? Oh, and what about me and Discord? We're brothers, aren't we?"

Spike thought on what Thorax had said, "Yeah, I guess," He replied.

"You guessed?" Thorax repeated.

"Don't get me wrong, Thor. I like you, and everyone else. You're right. You guys are like family. But still, I just got to know my actual family. Who am I? Where did I come from?" Spike said, as he took his leave, while leaving his saddened friends behind.

New York || Celestial High School

"Oh! Princess Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed. "Princess Luna! What a surprise!"

"Indeed it is, Twilight," Princess Luna replied.

In appearance, both Princess Celestia and Luna have taken the form as full grown women. Celestia's long hair appears the same, except that it's no longer flowing as it is, when she's in her true form. Luna's hair, continues to remain a short light blue. For attires, they are both dressed in long dresses, of white and black, respectively.

"I presume you're here for the same reason as we are?" Celestia asked.

Knowing what her mentor was getting at, Twilight looked up, "How'd you know?"

"I'm a mother, I know everything," Celestia looked up in the night sky, while searching for the building where her son resides. "Especially when something troubles my boy."

"I can sense it, within him," Luna spoke. "Even though the battle is yours, the scars that Fear had inflicted upon dear nephew continues to fester and poison inside him. If we don't act soon, it could-" Luna stopped mid sentence, as she felt a burning sensation in her mind, and her cutie mark started to glow, on her forehead.

"Princess Luna?" Twilight asked, before the same thing began to occur, with Princess Celestia.

"It's happening again!" Luna groaned.

"Oh no," Twilight muttered, looking concerned.

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