• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,215 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Beautiful Fairy Tales in Canterlot

It was another sunny day in Canterlot, courtesy of Princess Celestia, as usual. The sun princess finally found a time to retire to her quarters, where she slumped down in her bed.

"Phew," Celestia breathed a sigh of relief. "Honestly, it's like the yaks and griffons get angrier with each other, every year. At least I was able to resolve their problems together before things get uglier than before." Suddenly, the sun princess felt a magical occurrence in the air. Celestia smiled, "It seems my baby's back for another visit."

Outside of Canterlot

"Time to go undercover," Spike said to himself, as he shifted himself into a kirin - Asian mythical creature with a dragon's head, horse's body, and cloven hooves of an ox, or deer.

In appearance, Spike's kirin form is covered from head to hooves with purple scales, with green eyes with thick matching eyelashes, manes that always flow upward and a goatee, "Not exactly a pony, but close enough." The prince in disguise took a deep breath, before he said, "Well, here goes."

Spike walked calm and casual, as he takes his first step into Canterlot. Many of the pony elites and aristocrats caught sight of him, and shot him suspicious glances.

Spike quickly cleared his throat, "Ni hao," He greeted in Mandarin Chinese, which the ponies all turned to each other and gossiped. "That means hello," He clarified.

"Oh," The ponies nodded. "Hello," They returned the greeting, as they all went back to doing what they were doing.

'That was close,' Spike resumed walking, when a voice called out.

"Hi there!" Spike turns his head, and sees a group of unicorn mares he's most familiar with.

“Um, hello,” Spike greeted, in a deep voice, as his attempt to get into character. “Lovely day, isn’t it?”

“Sure is!” Minuette chirped. “And how do you do?”

"Oh, I'm doing just great," Spike replied. "And you?"

"We were just passing by when we saw you," Lemon Heart answered. "You new in town?"

Spike paused for a moment, before he answered, "You could say that. I haven't been in Canterlot for a few years or so, and I'd like to see what's new since I was gone."

"Well, by all means!" Minuette chirped. "Why don't you come with us? We'd love to show you around!"

Spike tried to get away, "That's kind of you ladies, but I don't want to impose."

"Nonsense!" Twinkleshine defied. "We insist!"

"Yeah. Our friend Twilight would've wanted it," Minuette smiled.

Spike feigned a gasp, "You girls know Princess Twilight?" He asked. Spike feels rather silly asking these girls a question like that, but right now it's all needed to put on an act.

"Know her?" Minuette asked, in shock. "We're practically friends with her! Since foal hood!"


"You better believe it," Moondancer vouched. "She even taught me the Haycart technique, during one of our study sessions."

"So about our offer," Minuette repeated, getting back on topic. "Wanna come?"

Spike looked at the girls, his whiskers waving calmly, sensing good feelings from them.

"Well, if you ladies insist," Spike shrugged.

"GREAT!!" Minuette chirped, as she tugged Spike along. "By the way, I don't think we've introduced ourselves. I'm Minuette! And that's Lemon Heart! Twinkleshine! And Moondancer!"

"I'm...." Spike hesitated, trying to think of a cover name for himself. "I'm.....uh.....Jet!" He finally answered.

"Uh-Jet?" Moondancer asked suspiciously.

Clearing his voice, Spike answered, "Just Jet of Kirin Grove."

"Well, welcome to Canterlot, Jet," Twinkleshine greeted.

"Anyway, are ya hungry Jet?" Minuette asked eagerly. "We're just on our way to meet a friend of ours for lunch, at the Tasty Treats."

"Tasty Treats, huh?" 'Jet' asked, sounding interested. 'Haven't been there in a long time,' Spike thought nostalgically.

Soon the girls and boy arrived at the said restaurant. Upon walking inside, Jet was welcomed by the interior decorations of the facility, giving off its South-Asian vibes he had missed so many years ago.

"Wow," Jet gasped, feeling the rush of memories overwhelming as he recalls the first time he and Rarity met, and when he took her out on their first dinner date.

"Hey, you okay there Jet?" Moondancer asked. "You looked zoned out for a moment there."

Shaking the feeling off, Jet answered, "I'm okay. Just kinda tired. That and it's been awhile since I've seen so many colors at once. And I love it!"

"Well, it's great to hear someone having a taste for our exquisite art design of our homeland," A gruff voice spoke up, to which Jet turned to see the Tasty Treat's host.

"BWAH!!" Jet exclaimed, falling off his hooves, and rapidly beat his chest.

"Oh dear," Coriander exclaimed. "I'm so sorry. I don't mean to startle you. I'm Coriander Cumin. I'm the host of the Tasty Treats."

Keeping his act up, Jet replied, "Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, sir," The two gentlemen shook hooves, just as Saffron Masala arrived.

"Oh, hello ladies!" Saffron greeted with a smile to the four girls. "What can I get you this afternoon?" Saffron then turned her attention to Jet, and was taken by his appearance. "Oh, I see you've brought a guest."

"Sure did!" Minuette chirped. "This is Jet! He's a kirin from Kirin Grove! And he's here to visit Canterlot!"

"Is he now?" Saffron smiled. "Then let me say it's a pleasure to welcome you to the Tasty Treats."

"Saffron! That's my line!" Coriander berated.

"I'm just being polite, father," Saffron said in defense. However, in the back of her head, Saffron thought, 'Though, there's something familiar about him.'

After awhile, both Jet and the girls got their orders and were enjoying their meal. While dining, Minuette decided to struck up conversation.

"So Jet," She began. "What do you think of the food?"

Jet was enjoying his hot curry rice before he replied, "Delicious. They don't call these the Tasty Treats for nothing, that's for sure."

"Glad you think that way," Lemon Heart smiled, while taking a bit out of her oat cake. "Mmm, we must've been fools to not come here a long time ago."

"How so?" Jet asked.

"Well, back then," Twinkle began. "Tasty Treats and some of the other restaurants here on Restaurant Row were all facing reviews by a food critic named Zesty Gourmand."

"She's also referred to as the 'Queen of Cuisine,'" Moondancer added. "Though, if you ask me, that title is a blatant misnomer."

"I'll say," Lemon agreed. "Any food she tastes is hardly a cuisine at all! All she does is just look at a restaurant's decor, and if it's not the same as the one she prefers, then she wouldn't even give the cuisines a chance for a taste!"

"Oh, don't get me started on the foods she forced many of the restaurants to make," Twinkle moaned. "They're hardly foods at all. Who would want to eat those?"

"Apparently, Zesty does," Lemon mumbled.

Jet couldn't help but shake his head in disapproval, "So who cares if there's a food critic who doesn't even know good food when she tastes it?" He asked.

"You don't understand Jet," Moon replied. "Back then, Zesty was very strict, and she had the power over all restaurants in her reviews. Her rule was absolute. Any restaurants that didn't pass her review and meet her approval, then they don't receive any ratings with three hooves. No three hooves, then no customers."

"Are you kidding me?!" Jet asked in outrage. "That's absurd!"

"Don't have to tell me twice," Minuette frowned, before she cheered up, "But thankfully, Rarity and Pinkie Pie came and saved the day!"

Jet hardly believed his ears, "What?! Rarity and Pinkie saved the...." Realizing he was breaking out of character, Jet quickly composed himself, clearing his throat, "I mean, Rarity and Pinkie Pie saved the day?" He asked in his deep voice persona. "Who are they? And how did they do it?"

"Oh! Rarity's a famous fashionista!" Minuette chirped. "And Pinkie Pie, she's a lot of fun! In fact, they didn't make her the party pony of all party pony for nothing! Except maybe Cheese Sandwich, but who am I to judge?"

Just then, Saffron Masala came, "Are you girls telling him the story?" She asked.

"We sure are!" Minuette smiled.

"Well, allow us," Coriander began. "It all started on another slow day for my daughter and I. Business wasn't doing so well, no pony ever wanted to come to our restaurant to have a taste of our foods...."

"And father was in such a bad mood, I swear his negative attitude was driving the customers away, than bringing them in," Saffron added.

"Pffft! Oh that's ridiculous!" Coriander chuckled embarrassingly. "Anyways, we were facing some rough times, until Rarity and Pinkie Pie came to help out."

"Really?" Jet asked. "Did you like send a call for help, or something?"

"Ha, believe me. If I had known they would be of some help, then I would've called them," Coriander replied.

"They simply came to us, because the map sent them here to solve our friendship problem," Saffron answered. "And they certainly were a big help for us."


It's Gonna Work


While Spike wouldn't mind hearing ponies breaking out into songs all of a sudden, which had been growing on him, Jet decided it was time to ask, "Do you ponies always sing whenever there's a problem or something? Not that I'm okay with it or anything, just thought I'd ask."

Minuette giggled, "We can't help it," She replied. "It's kind of in our blood. Y'know, it's our way of expressing our heartfelt thoughts and deepest feelings. Besides, whenever we're inspired, we have to unleash it, or else we'll explode!"


"I'm just kidding!" Minuette laughed. "But it kinda does feel like we'll explode if we don't sing."

"Uh huh," Jet turned back to Saffron and Coriander. "Getting back on topic. So how did it go? Did it actually work, like they said?"

"Well, it's a yes and no," Coriander replied. "Yes, because Pinkie was able to bring in some costumers, and Rarity was able to bring Zesty to come over. But no, because Pinkie Pie only managed to bring in two costumers, while Rarity only succeeded in making the Tasty Treats to be just like Zesty's favorite restaurants. Clearly, they didn't know what the other was doing."

"But it worked out just fine in the end," Saffron spoke. "Because Pinkie and Rarity later got their acts straight, with Rarity bringing in the costumers and Pinkie restoring the Tasty Treats to the way it was before."

"And since then, the Tasty Treat has become one of our favorite hangouts, ever!" Minuette cheered, together with the girls.

"And what about this Zesty?" Jet asked. "What happened to her?"

"Well, after words got out to her that the Tasty Treat was becoming popular, despite not having her three hooves rating, she came to the restaurant to confront us," Coriander answered.

"But Rarity and Pinkie told her off!" Saffron added. "They said that 'just because she like her food a certain way, there is no reason to tell any ponies that they need to do the same!'"

"It didn't take long for the rest of the ponies of Restaurant Row to join in, and spoke up against her," Coriander added. "It was such a magnificent day."

The five unicorn girls all nodded their heads in agreement, with Jet looking shocked, "Since then, Zesty just left Canterlot," Saffron added. "We haven't seen or heard from her in a long time."

"Well, good riddance with her, I say," Coriander spatted.

Suddenly, from another table, a young foal had tipped a tray, sending several cups flying in the air, straight towards Jet and the girls.

"Hit the deck!" Lemon Heart shouted, as she, the girls, and Coriander both ducked their heads.

Reacting fast, Jet quickly caught two cups, tucked them under his arms, before he caught another and tucked it under his chin, before he caught the other two cups, in his cloven hooves. Everyone in the facility were amazed.

Wet, and slightly burned from the tea that spilled out, Jet took the cups and placed them down on the table, "Is every pony alright?" He asked.

In response, the ponies all stomped their hooves in applause at Jet's performance.

"Wow!" Moondancer gasped. "That was so awesome! Where'd you learned that?"

Jet let his voice sounded natural, as he answered, "Oh, just something I learned in one of my travels."

Then, it dawned on Minuette, "Wait a minute!" Minuette exclaimed. "Purple. Green. Awesome trick. Stiff, humorless, edgy voice. SPIKE IS THAT YOU?!!"

Spike gawked at Minuette, appalled, and at the same time, shocked, "How could you say that?!" He asked. "Uh, I mean, why do you ask?"

"Nothing!" Minuette giggled. "Just a hunch!" Minuette then pulled Jet's ear close, as she whispered, "Don't worry Spike. I still know it's you. And I won't blow your cover."

However, while many of the patrons resumed their meals, Moondancer, Lemon, Twinkle, even Saffron, don't seemed fool.

After they were done with their meals, the girls and boy split the bill, and were on their way out, when Saffron stopped them, "Wait!" She shouted. "If it's okay with you girls, I was hoping I could maybe join you."

"Of course!" Minuette smiled. "The more the merrier, I always say!"

"That is, if your dad is alright with it," Lemon spoke up, as they all looked to the stallion, who nodded in approval.

"Just be back in time for dinner, Saffron," Coriander replied.

"Okay father, I will!" Saffron replied, before she took her leave and joined the friends.

Later, both Jet and the girls were out walking in Canterlot, though Moondancer got closer to the kirin, "So be honest," She began. "Is it really you Spike?"

Knowing better than trying to lie to Moondancer, considering her level of intellect being on par with Twilight's, Spike nodded his head.

"So," Lemon began. "What really brings you to Canterlot?"

"I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to see the town," Spike answered. "I mean, a lot has changed since I was away, so I just thought it would be nice to finally check the place out. And I would like to do it, when I'm not constantly mobbed by a lot of ponies, and such."

"Oh, right," Twinkle and the girls nodded, understanding the situations. "Of course."

"But if it makes you feel better," Spike began. "I don't mind the company. Honestly, it's nice to check the place out with some old friends, y'know? Kinda like old time."

The girls all blushed in agreement, "Yeah," Moondancer smiled. "Just like old time."

"So ladies," Spike began. "Where do we go from here? The day's still young."

The girls looked to each other, before they smiled in agreement.

"So this is Rarity's Canterlot Carousel," Jet marveled at the building from the outside. "Wow, I guess Rarity wasn't kidding when she said she's opened up a boutique here, beside the one in Ponyville."

"And not just here!" Minuette smiled. "She's also opened up another in Manehattan!"

"I know. She told me, herself," Jet reminded, before he and the girls walked into the boutique, to see a light cerulean unicorn mare, galloping frantically around the boutique, levitating a clipboard and a quill.

"Oh, I have to... Oh! I can't believe the summer-to-fall transition is almost here!" The mare panted.

"Hey Sassy!" Minuette greeted.

"I'm sorry girls!" Sassy replied. "But I'm afraid the boutique's closed for today! I've got so much to do, so much reorganization, so little time!"

"Well here. Let us help," Twinkleshine offered.

"Sorry! No time!" Sassy climbed up a ladder, and kicked off from a wall, rolling across the shelves, before reaching a certain section. After checking what she was looking for, the mare checked it off in her clipboard, before she levitated some nearby dresses and put them on display on some mannequins. She didn't look where she was going, and tripped on some ribbons, "AAAHH!!!" Sassy screamed, as she landed in a box of folded fabrics.

Jet and the girls all trotted over, "Are you alright?" Jet asked, while helping the mare up.

"Oh, tearing holes in fabrics," Sassy groaned. "I'm never going to get all my works done at this rate."

"Not if we have anything to say about it," Minuette said in defiant, as she and her fellow unicorn girls helped with cleaning the boutique, while being instructed by Sassy Saddles.

“Hey Sassy!” Jet called from the upper deck. “Where do you want these baby blue diamonds?”

“Just put them on the top shelf with the other jewels, thank you,” She replied, before she turned to Moondancer, "I say, but who is that kirin? There’s something rather familiar about him."

"He should be," Moondancer whispered. "But that's Spike in disguise.”

“Spike? Spike, Spike....” Sassy repeated, before it dawned on her. “You mean...”

“That’s right!” Minuette chirped. “Surprised?”

“BUST MY BUTTONS!!” Sassy Saddles quickly galloped up the stairs before she pounced on Spike, tackling him in a hug. “PRINCE SPIKE YOU FINALLY CAME AT LAST!!”

Spike groaned from the death grip embrace he was receiving from the mare.

“Can’t breathe,” He wheezed, to which Sassy quickly eased her tight grip on him.

“Oh dear, silk fabrics, I’m so sorry,” She blushed. “It’s just been so long since we last met!”

“Yeah, I get that a lot....” Spike trailed, when he took a closer look at Sassy Saddles.

Gazing into her golden eyes, Spike quickly recalled her being the same filly he and Flare have once saved from Beezen, all those years ago.

He looked to see she has grown and stood before him, don up in a leathery dress, adorned with jewels along the collar, and the skirt.

“Oh, I remember you!!” Spike exclaimed in realization. “It’s you! Sassy Saddles!”

Sassy chuckled, “Took you long enough, Dragon Prince.”

After what felt like minutes or so, all the works in the boutique were done.

"Bobbins and bobkins, that's everything," Sassy breathed a sigh of relief. "I think the boutique is finally on schedule. I cannot thank you girls enough. Especially you, Prince Spike," Sassy bowed her head to the Dragon Prince in kirin form.

"Oh, it was nothing," Spike waved. "Rarity would've wanted us to do this for her."

"So Sassy," Minuette began cheerfully. "Now that you're all done with work, ya free to join us?"

Sassy took a look at her clipboard, seeing she's gotten everything done for today, and shrugged, "Oh, why not?" Putting the board to the side, the unicorn mare joined her fellow unicorns and they walked outside to spend the day, with their kirin friend.

Sassy decided to chew the fat, "So Prince Spike...." She was quickly shushed by Spike and the girls. "What?"

"Please, no need to be formal," Jet whispered. "And I also don't want to attract any unwanted attentions. Just call me Jet."

"Um, okay..." Sassy accepted, hesitantly. "So Jet. If I may, what brings you to Canterlot?"

"Oh y'know, finally got the time to chill and relax," Jet answered. "Thought it'd be nice to come here and see the town. See what's new since I've left, ten years ago."

"Ah yes," Sassy nodded in acknowledgement. "Well, I do hope the Canterlot Carousal you've witnessed back there didn't leave a bad impression on you. I just had so many things to do, and so much scheduling, and orders to-"

"It's okay," Jet interrupted. "I understand. Believe me, I've seen Rarity having bigger problems when she worked in her Carousal Boutique, back in Ponyville. So, it's nice to help out once in awhile."

"Indeed it is," Sassy smiled, taken by his gentleman charismatic.

“So how long have you been working with Rarity?” Spike asked.

"Oh, I've been working for her since she first opened her boutique here in Canterlot, about a few years back," Sassy answered, before she grimaced. "Though, admittedly, I may have gotten a bit carried away with the success of the store that I....uh-" Sassy stopped, rubbing her hoof, feeling ashamed to continue.

"You what?" Jet asked. "What happened? C'mon, you can tell us."


"She kinda went overboard and took control of the store, advertising only one dress, and turning the boutique into a factory," Moondancer said bluntly.

Sassy blushed, "I didn't know any better than, and I didn't quite fully understand the 'Rules of Rarity,' when it comes to working for her."

"Rules of Rarity?" Jet asked. "What are they?"

"Well, it goes like this," Sassy replied, before she and the girls started singing Rarity's song.

Rules of Rarity

Spike nodded, when the girls got the end of the song, "I get it," He said. "Rarity wanted each dresses to be unique and special to a certain pony. Because if everyone's wearing the same dress over and over, then it just gets kinda bland, and there's nothing unique about it at all."

"Indeed," Sassy frowned. "Too bad I didn't realize that soon enough. Because then, Rarity's whole world turned bleak, and it's all my fault."

Rules of Rarity - Reprise 1

'Wow, even in depression, ponies are still inspired to sing, huh?' Spike thought.

"Aw, it's okay Sassy," Minuette comforted, together with the girls. "Everything worked out okay in the end."

"That's right!" Saffron added. "Just like how Rarity taught everyone a valuable lesson in accepting the unique tastes of different foods from different cultures, she did taught you the true meaning, by selling those other dresses, besides the Princess Dress."

Sassy smiled, as she agreed, "That she did."

Rules of Rarity - Reprise 2

Jet sat down on his haunches, and clapped his hooves together, "Bravo," He said. "Bravo. Not only did you and Rarity learn a very important lesson in life, but you also remembered it in songs."

Sassy blushed, while scratching her mane.

"Well, enough about the past," Minuette chirped. "Let's get on with the present! The day's still young!" The cerulean unicorn laughed, as she galloped away, with the others following.

Later, Spike and the girls were out on a balcony, watching the sun set before them, while looking down on Equestria beneath them.

"Wow," Spike marveled, enjoying the view. "This has been a beautiful day."

"Sure is!" Minuette agreed. "We're so happy you could join us Spike!"

"Yeah, it's been awhile since we've ever hung out together," Moondancer added. "In fact, I don't think we've ever gotten the chance to spend a whole day with you before. Even though we go to the same school together, on Earth."

"Yeah, sorry about that girls," Spike apologized.

"Oh no, it's fine," Twinkleshine replied. "I mean, we understand. We've got schoolworks to do, we've got jobs, and sometimes, you and Twilight have to go on peril adventures with the other Element Bearers. It's kinda stressful."

"But at least now you've got today to relax, right?" Lemon Heart asked.

"Right," Spike chuckled. "Hey! This calls for a picture!" The girls quickly agreed, as Spike magically conjures up his cape, reaches into one of the inner pockets, and pulled out his phone. With it, Spike sets it on a nearby structure where he sets the timer, then runs back to the girls, takes a position in the center, just as the timer went off.

Soon, both Spike and the girls looked at the picture, "Now there's a keeper," Spike said.

"Sure is!" Minuette agreed.

"Mind if we get a copy of the images as well?" Lemon asked.

"Of course!" Spike replied, as he texted the images to their phones. Once the task was done, Spike and the girls went back to see the sun was still setting over the horizon. "Wow, it ended so fast, huh?"

"It sure was a lot of fun!" Moondancer smiled. "All thanks to you Spike."

"Indeed," Sassy agreed.

"So much fun!" Saffron added.

"I hope we can do this again, sometimes," said Lemon Heart.

"I'd like that," Spike replied, before he sensed some positive vibes from the girls, and looked seeing they were looking at him, lovingly.

"Hey Spike?" Minuette began.

"Yes?" Before he knew it, he received a double cheek kiss by Minuette and Twinkleshine. The show didn't stop there, because next he received another double cheek kiss from Lemon Heart and Moondancer, before Saffron and Sassy finished it together. Spike's face was completely red, and he felt himself on fire, but still kept himself in control.

"That was for being a special friend to us," Moondancer smiled, before she and the girls all crowded around Spike, and hugged him.

Spike melted into their tender embrace, while feeling something rushing inside of him. Without warning, Spike broke out dancing.

The girls looked at Spike in bewilderment, while Minuette giggled and asked, "Jet? What are you doing?"

"I don't know," Spike answered. "I'm feeling....inspired! I'm going with the flow!" The girls shrugged, before they decided to follow his movements, and they too started to feel inspired.

All of their worries and self-consciousness instantly died, as the girls danced with Spike, feeling happy, enjoying themselves, before Spike broke out singing, in Chinese. Luckily, Moondancer was able to cast a spell, allowing herself and the girls to understand the song, and the sang it together with him.

Kung Fu Yoga - Beautiful Fairy Tales

Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and her children, the reformed Shadowbolts, Flare Heart, and many other ponies too joined in the festivity the Dragon Prince and the girls were putting on.

English Lyrics

Someone in my dream, familiar faces,
Your gentleness, I'm waiting for it,

(musical beats)

Forever fairy tale (2x),

Trust me, the unchangeable fairy tale,
Thousand years of waiting my promise,

No matter how long the cold winter is,
I won't let go~

Let the love become the flower which blooms in your heart forever,
Never surrender to time a dream which never lets go,

Let the love become the flower which blooms in your heart forever,
Only your true love is following me, traveling through the entire journey~

(musical beats)

Every night with a broken heart,
Never stop missing you,

I get used to the loneliness,
I face it with a smile,

Let the love become the flower which blooms in your heart forever,
Never surrender to time a dream which never lets go,

Generation in pains, only love is the forever fairy tale,
Never regret in any circumstances to meet true love,

Let the love become the flower which blooms in your heart forever,
Never surrender to time a dream which never lets go,

Countless pain entangled, struggling every night,
Past experience of loneliness makes you and me never split apart again,

Let the love become the flower which blooms in your heart forever,
Never surrender to time a dream which never lets go,

Countless pain entangled, struggling every night,
Past experience of loneliness makes you and me never split apart again,

Author's Note:

The lecture about singing out of impulse was from Shaolin Soccer.

And the cup catching technique came from the stunt Jackie Chan did in The Lego Ninjago Movie.

Still, does anyone know how to speak Sassy Saddle's clothing-related alliterations?

The Harem Scoreboard

1. Twilight Sparkle: 1
2. Rainbow Dash: 4
3. Applejack: 2
4. Rarity: 10
5. Fluttershy: 2
6. Pinkie Pie: 2
7. Sunset Shimmer: 1
8. Fleur-De-Lis: 5
9. Lyra Heartstrings: 0
10. Bon-Bon: 0
11. Starlight Glimmer: 0
12. Trixie Lulamoon: 0
13. Dragon Lord Ember: 2
14. Mina: 0
15. Gilda: 0
16. Gabby: 1
17. Princess Skystar: 0
18. Queen Neira: 1
19. Sunny Flare: 0
20. Indigo Zap: 0
21. Sugarcoat: 0
22. Sour Sweet: 0
23. Lemon Zest: 0
24. Rara: 0
25. Coco Pommel: 0

New Additions

26. Moondancer: 0
27. Lemon Heart: 0
28. Twinkleshine: 0
29. Minuette: 0
30. Saffron Masala: 0
31. Sassy Saddles: 0

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