• Published 11th Jan 2017
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Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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The Little Sea Pony Returns To The Sea Part 2: Sea Pony For Supper

The waves of the oceans crashed against the rocks on shores, as the heroes swam up, and pulled themselves up.

"Is everybody alright?" Spike coughed, while gently laying Skystar on the beach.

"Sure," Button replied, taking his helmet off to dump waters out. "If you define 'alright' as 'too much consumptions of sea water.'"

Celaeno was carrying Pipsqueak in her arms, before she gently laid him down on a rock, "Are ya alright Pip?" She asked, looking him over with concerns. "Are ya alright? Anything broken?"

"Yeah, I'm alright," Pip confirmed.

Lastly, Capper broke the surface, while carrying Featherweight, Tender Taps, and Rumbles in his arms, and on his back, "Oh man," Capper groaned, as he dropped the boys, and proceeded to squeeze the waters out of his furs, and coat. "I'm one for keeping myself well groomed. But a dip in water is out of the question."

"Come on," Spike coughed. "We have to keep going."

"No way man," Rumble said in defiantly. "I ain't going back out to sea. Not with those crazy hunters out there!"

Capper took out the map from his pocket, and groaned as it shredded itself into two, "And the map's ruined! We're totally lost without it!"

"So how are we going to find the way to Mt. Aris, if we don't even know where we are?" Button asked.

"Whoa. Good question," Rumble commented.

"Huh, I must be getting the hang of this wisdom thing," Button replied, touching his helmet.

"That still doesn't help Button Mash!" Spike frowned, before he looked to see the Cerulean Hunters' ships moving closer. "Besides, I think we should leave now!" With that, using his dragon strength, Spike picked Skystar up and the heroes quickly hurried off.

The Cerulean Commander watches as the heroes reach the shores. in appearance the commander has light grey hair with turquise highlights, a short beard and green eyes. For attires he wore a blue trench coat with turquise outlines, dark grey jeans, and red shoes. on one side of him is a red fox and the other side a husky. This was Kale Blacksky.

"Commander Blacksky!" One of his men shouted as he runs up to him. "The targets have reached ashore. Should we unleash the vultures?"

Kale thinks about it for a minute and says, "Nah, let em go. This should teach them to enter our waters."

"But...sir, they're getting away with a sea pony.

Kale just shrugs, "So? They're probably gonna have her for dinner or something. Besides, that's just one of them, when there's a whole herd of them, around here, somewhere," Just then his phone goes off. He pulls it out to see who it is and it reads: Big D, "I need to take this," He said as he answers his phone.

The hunter watches as his commander speaks with the big boss himself, "Uh huh. Yes. Really? Well alright then, me and my men will be there." He replied as he hangs up, "Bout damn time."

"Uh sir, was that who I think that it was?" The hunter asked

"Ya bet yer ass lad. Alert the men. We're going to war!" Kale replied.

With that, many of the ships departed with the fishes they've captured, via teleporters. However, only one stays behind. The one which Kale is in command of.

"Fire up the Condor!" Blacks ordered.

One of the hunters runs up to a red button and presses it. With that, the ship begins to change. Jet propellers came out from the sides of the ship, two on each. The ship then lifts from the water and takes to the sky,all the while making a bone-chilling noise.

Inside the now transformed airship, the hunters equipped themselves with state of the art jetpacks. Meanwhile the fox and the husky enter mech suits of their own. The fox's suit is blue with turquise outline and is equipped with a jetpack more advanced than the hunters, while the husky's suit is different as it's colors are reverse and has propellers on each shoulder. Down in the hanger the engineers begin to charge up the Cerulean Vultures they're about to unleash.

Back on the bridge the hunter next to Kale asked, "So what exactly is the plan sir?"

"We're going to Klugetown. Finally gonna show that oversized rodent, Verko, what happens if you try to screw with the Cerulean Hunters!" Kale answered.

"Is he there?" The hunter asked.

"Sadly no, he's back on earth. But still, Klugetown is his biggest outpost. We take it down, we break the rodent's back. It'll be a blow he won't be recovering from for a good while." The commander stated.

"Is it just gonna be us?"

"No, two other divisions will be joining us on this, D. Caste Raider's and Shade Stalker's." Kale answered.

In a vast open desert, over a dozen portals open and trucks drove out of them. As the back of the trucks opened up, hunters who look like modern day cowboys speed out in what look like hoverbikes along with their commander, Raider.

In Raider's appearance, he has orange hair, green eyes, and a little plump. For attire, He wears a blue jacket with orange outlines, a brown shirt, brown jeans with a gold belt buckle, and cowboy boots.

"Raider and his boys will be attacking on the ground while we attack from above."

On another part of the desert, a young man, who looks like he hasn't reached twenty yet, prepares for his mission. He looks back and sees a squad of his men, who look like black op troops, readying their weapons and putting explosive charges in each of their sacks. The men turn to their commander and nods, he nods back and they begin to head to their destination.

In appearance, the young man has black medium hair and dark eyes. for attire he wears a a black trench coat with blue outlines, along with black pants and shoes.

"Meanwhile Shade and a small taskforce will sneak in and plant charges on that God forsaken spit of land."

"Got it now laddie?" Kale asked.

"Crystal sir." The hunter replied.

"Good, now get ready. We should be arriving to that craphole of a town in a few hours." The hunter saluted as he makes his leave. Little did the heroes know, they're about to be in a middle of a war.

"Oh, not this place again," Capper moaned, looking around in disgust at the run-down atmosphere this place gave off.

"No choice," Spike replied. "It's the best place we can hide out at the moment," Spike then felt a tap, and he looked to see Skystar, gasping for air. Her magic bubble was destroyed, along with their ship, when they were attacked by the Cerulean Hunters, "Besides, Sky's a little dried up at the moment. Gotta find some waters and fast."

Capper scratched his chin, and shrugged, "Well, alright. But after we get some waters, then we're out of here," Capper replied, sensing the dirty looks he was receiving from the inhabitants. "Follow me. Fountain's this way," Capper said, as he led the two.

Elsewhere in Klugetown, Celaeno is with the Knights, looking at some stands that sells foods of bizarre and exotic tastes.

"Um, have you had it before Celaeno?" Pipsqueak asked, looking rather repulsed by the foods that were serving.

"Aye, can't say I have," Celaeno replied, while picking one that looked like a dead octopus on a mushroom. "But that's the best thing about adventures mate. When ya travel the world as long as I have, ya get a taste from each land's unique taste, or two," With that, Celaeno downs the food she picked, and her face turned green, and she lost her lunch, into a bucket nearby. "And of course, ya learn what's not good for ya, through the hard way." She groaned.

"I'll give ya ten bits for that fancy helmet on your head!" Pipsqueak and Celaeno looked to see Button Mash and Rumble, in the middle of a squabble with a huge anthropomorphic alligator turtle.

"Again! The helmet is not for sale! It's mine!" Button spatted, while holding onto his helmet tightly.

"Yeah! So just turn around and walk away!" Rumble barked.

"I ain't leaving until I have that helmet!" The turtle reached out for Button Mash, only for a gunshot to ring the air, as Celaeno got in between, holding a pistol out, and point threateningly at the turtle.

"You lay a single claw on one of my boys, and I will see this through yer head," She threatened. Getting the message, the turtle took his leave, before Celaeno turned to the rest of the boys. "Ye fellas alright?"

"Yeah!" Button gasped breathlessly.

"You are a badass!" Rumble commented.

"Bloody brilliant!" Featherweight added, with Tender Taps joining with a nod.

Celaeno breathed a sigh of relief, before she reached into a handbag she had been carrying, "Here lads. I want ye to have these," She said, as she puts on a bracelet, one for each of the boys' wrists.

"What for?" Rumble asked, looking closely at the bracelet on his wrist.

"These ain't year typical jewelry lads," Celaeno answered. "These be magic bracelets, so that any one of ye young scalawags are in danger, then I'll know." She emphasized the last part, with a tap to the ear ring on her left ear.

The Knights all looked to each other, before they all shrugged, "Aye-aye, captain," Button was the first to spoke up.

Meanwhile, back with Spike, Capper, and Skystar, the three were at a fountain, where Sky was engorging herself to her content.

"Ah~" She sighed in relief. "Much better."

"Now can we please get this show on the road?" Capper asked, looking ready to blow the joint.

"Relax Capper, we'll get going as soon as Skystar's got her fill," Spike replied. Suddenly, Spike felt a tingling sensation on his skin, at the back of his neck. Getting the feeling they're being watched, Spike looked around to see the inhabitants are looking at them, strangely. Mainly at Skystar.

"Um, Sky?" Spike whispered. "Feeling any better yet?"

"Yeah, I'm good for now," Sky breathed in content.

"Then let's get going," Spike carefully picked up the sea pony from the fountain as he, Sky, and Capper were on their way to regroup the others.

They hadn't gone very far, when a huge anthropomorphic shark-like creature stepped out in front of them, "Hey! Are you going to eat her?" The shark asked, drooling hungrily.

Out of fright, Skystar hugged Spike closer, "She's not for dinner," Spike replied. "Now if you'll excuse us, we should be-"

"Give her to me then!" Another denizen who resembles a piranha shouted. "We'd love to have her for dinner!"

"Hey punk!" The shark snarled, as he picked up the piranha. "Get your own sea pony! She's mine! I saw her first!"

"Well we saw her first!" The piranha bared his teeth, before he snapped his fingers and summoned a whole school of piranhas just like him.

The shark, however, appeared less intimidated, "Then I'll save her for desert and have all of you then!" With that, the two anthropomorphic fishes started to duke it out with each other, while Spike, Sky, and Capper silently walked away.

"Is Klugetown always like this?" Spike asked.

"Not always," Capper replied in discomfort. "I guess first time seeing a sea pony kinda riled them up a bit."

"Including them?" Skystar pointed to show a whole mob of Klugetown's inhabitants, staring at Skystar, with the looks of hunger in their eyes.

"Shall we run now?" Capper asked.

"Oh yes, lets," Spike replied, as the three took off running for dear life from the hungry inhabitants.

Spike and Capper both saw a fork in the road ahead. With that, both the cat and Dragon Prince split up, going left and right respectively. Spike was still carrying Skystar, before they both dived behind a stand selling iced fishes. The two hid themselves among the fishes as the mob passed them. Spike poked his head out, relieved to see the coast was clear. He then turned to Skystar, and was horrified to see she was on a cutting board with the fishmonger raising his knife up for the kill.

Reacting fast, Spike cleverly and skillfully switched the knife with another fish, just as the fishmonger brought it down on Sky's neck. The fishmonger looked bewildered, looking at the fish he got in his hand, before he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he was met with a sucker punch from Spike, knocking him out cold.

Suddenly, the mobs returned, and upon seeing Spike, the Dragon Prince picked up Skystar and made another run for dear life - specifically, Skystar's.

"Wheee!" Skystar cheered, finding all of this excitement rather thrilling and enjoyable.

"Wheee?" Spike asked in bewilderment, before he looked ahead. "WHEELBARROW!!" Unable to stop in time, Spike tripped and dropped Sky into the cart. Looking behind them to see the mob was catching up, Spike quickly grabbed the handles as he pushed Skystar down the streets as fast as he can run. "Wings of the dragon!" Spike concentrated, and his dragon wings sprouted.

With a flap, Spike and Skystar zipped through the streets, before Capper stepped out in front of them.

"Capper! Get out of the way!" Spike shouted.

"AAAAHHH!!" Capper screamed, as he runs away, making it look as if he's being chased by Spike and Skystar, who are all being chased by the mobs.

It didn't take long for their chase to take them down an alley, where they somehow defied some logical physics, as they randomly appeared out of various alleyways. Eventually, the mobs got confused and lost track of the heroes.


"Hey guys," Button greeted. "What took you so long?"

Spike and Capper were panting heavily, before Capper replied, "Long story short. We just had a moment of cheating death back there," With that, the exhausted cat collapsed.

"Though, on the bright side, Sky's safe and sound with us," Spike answered, looking behind him. "Right Sky?" However, much to his shock and horror, Sky was nowhere to be seen. "SKY!!! Where'd she go?!"

"You lost her?!" Capper exclaimed. "Oh dear, this is not good."

Spike's ears suddenly perked up to the sound of Skystar screaming, "SPIIIIIKE!! HELP MEEEEEE!!!"

Turning to the group, Spike said, "I have to go and save her!" Spike replied, as he runs back to rescue Skystar.

Inside the Kitchen

Skystar was wriggling aggressively, trying to break free from the ropes that bind her, with her scream muffled by the band that was tied around her muzzle.

In the meantime, the cook was singing himself a tune as he rummages through the shelves, before he pulls out a bowl of fishes. With that, he tightens his apron and started to sing about cooking fishes.

Les Poissons - Disney's Little Mermaid

When the cook chopped off the fish's head and pulled out its bone with ease, Skystar was on the verge of losing her lunch. Much to the sea pony's chagrin, her innocence was lost, when the cook slashed open a fish and served its stomach fried, then he pounded a fish's head flat with a mallet, then sliced open another fish's belly to rub some salt in. Overall, Skystar's scarred for life, unable to get the gruesome images out of her head. Feeling squeamish enough, Skystar resumes to struggle herself free before she becomes the main course.

Just then, Spike sneak into the building through an open window, scaled the beams that hang overhead, and dropped down from the ceiling, quietly. Sneaking up, Spike tapped Sky on the shoulder, letting her know he was there.

Sky's eyes widened, "Shhhh," Spike shushed, before he proceeded to cut the the ropes. He was just about to cut the last rope, when the cook returned.

Thinking fast, Spike quickly turned himself into a crab, which unfortunately didn't go unnoticed, "Zut alor! I have missed one!" The cook said, as he picked up the boy-turned-crab, much to the latter's dismay.

"Oh crab," Spike moaned, as the cook resumed singing. Only this time, it's about cooking Spike.

First the cook threw Spike in a huge bowl of sauce, before he added a dab of flour, causing Spike to sneeze, which the cook didn't take notice of, as he would've seen a spark of green fires. Next thing Spike knew, the cook stuffed some bread crumbs and cabbages into Spike's face, much to his discomfort. Lastly, the cook tossed Spike into a pot of boiling water.

"No!" Spike screamed in defiant, hanging onto dear life, at the pot's rim. "I did not came all this way just to become dinner!" Another burst of hot water sent Spike screaming out of the pot.

"Eh?" The cook picked Spike up, with a fork, for a closer look. "What is this?" The cook asked, before Spike quickly changes into a dog and bit the cook on the nose. "OW!" The cook screamed as he dropped Spike.


Spike quickly yipped in fright, as he ran around the room, with an angry cook chasing him with a huge butcher's knife.

"Oh, I'm gonna make dog meat out of you!" The cook growled angrily, as he repeatedly slashed his knife after Spike. Spike quickly ducked beneath a counter, before he manages to climb his way up and knocked over a huge pot of sea urchins on the cook's head.

"RUN!!!" Spike barked, as he ran around the room, with the cook, hot on his tail.

Meanwhile, Skystar manages to break free from her ropes, and pulled herself out and quickly flopped her way to the exit.

Unfortunately, the cook noticed the sea pony escaping, "My beautiful sea pony! Come back here!" He shouted, forgetting the boy-turned-dog and gives chase for Skystar.

Thinking fast, Spike kicked a huge vat of vegetable oils, spilling across the floor, reaching the cook, causing him to slip on his feet.

Skystar continues to flop her way towards the exit, when she looked and spotted a dead red octopus. In a heartbeat, an unpleasant memory flashed before her eyes, and she was frozen, recalling that dreadful day.

Sprouting his dragon wings once again, Spike flapped his way over and picked Skystar up, "Hold on tight, Sky," Spike barked, snapping the sea pony out of her trance.

"Uh, yeah. Let's," Unfortunately, the cook reached out and grabbed the sea pony by the tail, "Ah!" Sky screamed. "Let me go!"

"Let go of my sea pony!" The cook commanded Spike.

"She's not for dinner and she's not your sea pony!" Spike grunted, reaching into his puppy-sized cape and tossed Shelly and Sheldon at the cook, biting him on the nose.

"OW!" The cook screamed, forced to release his grip on Sky, while struggling to get the clams off of him.

"Way to go you two," Spike complimented the clams, before he reeled them back with a fishing rod, and picked Skystar up.

The two friends quickly jumped out the window, only to find utter chaos awaiting them.

The Cerulean Hunters are here.

"Bad day," Spike moaned.

Author's Note:

Oh no! What will become of our heroes? Spike just saved Princess Skystar from becoming a seafood special, but now the Cerulean Hunters have arrived! Can they make it out in one piece?

Find out next time on Dragonfire 🐲 Enter the Dragon Hero 🐲.

And now a word from Courage the Cowardly Dog
This has been a word from Courage the Cowardly Dog
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