• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 9,892 Views, 198 Comments

Guardians of the Elements of Harmony - mcb893

When a United States Army Ranger arrives in Equestria, the land is plauged by chaos...

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10. Fire Hazard

Royal Guard Headquarters, Canterlot

"This tactic is called the "Feigned Retreat". It tricks the enemy into thinking you're falling back, but in reality, you're leading them into a slaughter." Moore said as he pointed at the battle maps. The guards nodded as they observed the paper. "How exactly does this strategy work?" One asked. Moore took a quill and drew a large rectangle. "Say these are enemy forces. What you do, is you take a small amount of men, and charge to engage them." Drawing a smaller rectangle and arrows show them charging and meeting. "Now, once things get to look bad, you fall back and rush to a set location." He drew an X and surrounded them with long, narrow rectangles. "Once the hostiles get here..." Pointing to the red X, as well as drawing an arrow to it. "You have two friendly groups charge forward, and hit them from the sides. Once that is complete, another unit sneaks around the back, and boxes them in." "Making escape impossible..." A guard says, finishing his sentence. Moore nods. "Precisely."

Just then, a bright white light appears in the middle of the room. Moore covers his eyes, standing up from his chair. He puts on his sunglasses, and investigates the light. "What is that?" He asks. "I don't know, this has never occurred before." A guard says. The light bursts, and Twilight appears, panicked and breathing heavily. Moore put his sunglasses away, and shook his head. This unicorn magic was just freaky, he didn't know how long it would take for him to get used to it. "John! We need your help!" She cried. Her breathing was heavy, and she seemed to be having trouble standing. Moore told her to relax and tell him what was going on slowly, and clearly. "It's Rainbow! She... she went inside the town hall, and the Chaos Bringers showed up!" The guards got up and rushed over. "An attack in the day? That's never happened before!" One shouted. Twilight shook her head. "No, it's not an attack, they set fire to the building, fire fighters are doing the best they can, but it's catching fire too many times, they can't get in!"

"How many ponies are in there?" Moore asked. Twilight began to tear up, her voice growing shaky. "Most got out, but... somepony said that they heard a cry of pain from the third floor. Rainbow didn't come out, I think she's still in there. Please, you have to help!" She shouted, tears strolling down her face. Moore clenched his fist. "Take me there." He said. The unicorn nodded. "We'll discuss more tactics when I get back. Until then, make sure there aren't any Chaos Bringers in this city." He said. The guards nodded and rushed out. "Hold on to me, we have to have physical contact for the transportation to work." She said. Moore took hold of her hoof. A purple glow surrounded him, and the was a tingling sensation. His world briefly faded to white, and he was in front of the town hall. In front of him were several coughing ponies, all with black stains in their fur, as well as firefighters trying to put out the fire.

Applejack turned and saw her friends and rushed over to hug them. "Yah made it!" She shouted. Moore pulled away. "Cut the chatter, what's the situation? Did Rainbow Dash come out while Twilight was getting me?" He asked. AJ shook her head, tears forming in her eyes. Moore grit his teeth and angrily stared at the ablaze building. "I'm going in." He said with fire in his eyes. AJ grabbed hold of him. "It's too dangerous! Even the fire fighters have to stay out because that there smoke is so thick!" "All the more reason to get Rainbow out of there." Moore said shaking off the Earth Pony. He charged through the doors as bystanders shouted if he was crazy.

"Rainbow Dash!" He shouted. The building was illuminated by a red glow, given off by the fire. He moved through, as a crackling noise filled his ears. "Rainbow! Where are you?" He shouted. Nothing. He had to think, Twilight said someone had heard a cry from the third floor, he had to start there. He looked around and saw a quickly crumbling case of stairs. Charging forward, the fragile steps crumbled as he ran up them. Diving, he reached the third floor as the final step fell, shattering into a heap of fiery embers at the bottom of the stairs. "Looks like I'll have to find another way out."

"Rainbow, Where are you?" He shouted again. Instantly he was cut off by a fierce coughing. He hacked and sputtered, throwing saliva and mucus from his throat. He could barely breath. Standing, he held his hand to a wall to support himself, calling out for Rainbow between his coughs. Altogether, he heard a soft weeping. "Rainbow Dash?" He cried before erupting into another fit of coughing. A weak, tearful voice cried out. "Hello?" Moore searched for it's source while trying to maintain his breathing. He hit the ground and crawled below the smoke. "Rainbow! Where are you?" He cried out. All he got in response was more crying. He looked over to a pile of debris, seeing a small piece of cyan fur through the cracks.

He rushed over, and threw the pieces of wood off the cyan pegaus. When the wood was gone, he saw her, bruised, bloodied, and covered in black stains. "Rainbow Dash, look at me!" He shouted. Rainbow managed to turn her head and open her eyes partially. "John..." She whispered. Moore shook her to try and make her more aware of her surroundings. A piece of the ceiling collapsed behind them, cutting off the route he had taken. Rainbow closed her eyes and laid her head down. "Just go... leave me..." She said quietly. Moore growled and shouted; "NO! I'm getting you out of this!" He took the cyan pegasus in his arms, while giving off another frenzy of coughing. Rainbow coughed as well, but it was weak and pathetic. "I can't breath..." She said. He brought her to his chest covering her nose and mouth with a cloth. "Come on stay with me Rainbow!" The Staff Sergeant desperately looked for anything that could be used as an exit.

In the distance, he saw a sign with the words, "Fire Exit". He smiled and shook the pegasus. "Hold on Rainbow Dash, you're gonna make it!" He coughed some more as he kicked in the door. The heat was unbearable, and Moore felt like he was being cooked. He had to get out, now. The fire exit contained two stairways. One had already collapsed, but the other was still intact. "Okay, hold on Rainbow, we're almost there!" Carefully, he walked down the steps as his body poured out sweat. Another coughing storm came, causing him to collapse to his knees. Rainbow coughed softly into his chest, giving off extra, unwanted heat.

He heard a crackling noise, and turned to see the stairs crumbling. "Oh you have got to be kidding me!" He shouts. Rushing to his feet, he runs down the stairs as quickly as he can. Rainbow is still crying very softly, giving Moore the inspiration he needs. Summoning his will power, he sprints as the stairs continue to collapse underneath him. A piece of the ceiling comes crashing down, cutting off access to the rest of the stairs. Moore backs up, now at the mercy of the burning building. He looks off to the side of the stairs, the jump is manageable, but the impact may cause something to come loose and collapse. From his arms, Rainbow whimpers and cringes, as she continues her silent weeping. Moore grits his teeth, angrily glaring downward. This was the last straw.

With haste, he leaps, landing solidly on his feet. Just as he feared though, the impact causes the roof to crumble, sending debris falling their way. Quickly, he runs, kicking open the door, which lead to the main lobby. He coughs up again, almost unable to stop, as does Rainbow Dash in her weakened state. Summoning the last of his adrenaline and strength, he rushed over to the door and kicked it down, where ponies and firefighters stood.

"Medic!" He shouted as he stumbled out of the building, nearly collapsing. Paramedics arrive and take Rainbow from his arms, who is now completely unconscious. "Get her..." Moore is interrupted once more from a coughing fit. Clearing his throat he continues "Get her immediate help... Now, GO!" He shouts. The medics place an oxygen mask on the mare and rush off to get to the hospital. Another group of them run to him and get him an oxygen mask, which he graciously and thankfully accepts.