• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 9,896 Views, 198 Comments

Guardians of the Elements of Harmony - mcb893

When a United States Army Ranger arrives in Equestria, the land is plauged by chaos...

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38. Garage

Garage... 2 Miles from Sugarcube Corner...

Moore didn't know what to think. This was the first time a female was going to be shown to the princesses. He didn't really expect a greatly different response, but there would defiantly be a few questions. He wasn't able to be present, so Connors was taking his place for the time being. He was needed in the garage that Hans had set up shop in. The Corporal had called him down to the garage to check on several of the vehicles that he had been working on. Moore didn't get why he needed to check on them, but being the commander of the liberation movement sometimes had it's cons. In the garage, several ponies who had marks with something to do with electrics or engineering were working on vehicles, each with detailed blueprints. They needed to be detailed, they had never seen anything like what they were creating.

"John, good to see you." He hears. Turning, he sees Hans with some sort of goggles on. He takes off his goggles and gives a pony a pat on the back. He wipes his hands with a cloth and walks over to Moore. Moore couldn't see how Hans dealt with this heat all the time.

"What is it Hans?"

"Had a few projects we've been working on for a while, wanted you to check them out." Hans said as he finished wiping his hands. He tossed the rag onto a table with several tools laid out. Moore nodded and looked around again. The ponies were hard at work, not yielding for a second.

"You got some dedicated workers here."

"You have no idea, some of these guys have been up for days." Hans says. Moore nods. Hans motions for him to follow and the two get going. They come to a large doorway, to which Hans knocked on. A pony opened the door and let them in. Inside the room was a gigantic carrier, metal lined the outside, creating a claw proof surface, exactly what was needed against the Chaos Bringers. Moore walked over to the carrier and gave it a knock with the back of his hand. He was surprised when a latch opened revealing three ponies working on the inside. After a brief exchange, Moore let them get back to work.

"So this is the carrier?"

"Yep. First one. It's been a pain to make, but it was worth it. It's powered by unicorn magic from the inside, so getting unicorns for this device is essential." Hans explained as he checked one of the wheels. Moore nodded and looked over to a group of ponies who were checking on the armor plating. Slashing and stabbing it with blades to make sure it blocked every blow. Hans led Moore outside and down a few hallways.

"So, how things looking with the pilot?" Hans asked. Moore looked over to him. Hans typically wasn't one to ask about others unless it was a civilian. Something was going on here...

"Fine. She made a full recovery. Right now Connors is escorting her to the Princesses to be admitted into the war effort. Speaking of which, how's the plane coming?"

"Not to great. It'll take a lot of magic and raw labor to get it working again." Hans said as he shook his head. Moore noticed that there was genuine sadness in his voice. He never got that way over a project. What the heck was going on? As time passed, Hans had shown Moore another carrier, two airborne recon drones (powered by cells that turned unicorn magic to electricity), and one unknown item that he had been working on with only the best of engineers. Hans seemed to be pretty excited about this one, so Moore just let him blab on and on about how it was going to change the tide of war. When they reached the hangar that contained it, Hans walked ahead and entered a combination on a lock. This must have been either very serious or very dangerous if Hans was keeping on such high lockdown. Maybe even both. The lock gave a metallic clink as it hit the ground, and Hans opened the door.

"Meet the UGV 7.62 Caliber rounds with 3 cm armor plating, AND grenade launcher." Hans said with pride in his voice. Moore was wide eyed. Before him was a four foot tall tank like vehicle. It contained a turret, much like one you would see on a minigun. Underneath it was another tube, this one was a bit smaller, but clearly fired something special. Moore felt a tap on his shoulder, and he turned to Hans, who was holding out what looked like a RC remote control. In the center was a small screen.

"Built in screen, let's you see where you're controlling it." Hans said. Moore smiled.

"You're definitely getting creative Corporal. Well done." With this tech, they were sure to win the war.