• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 9,896 Views, 198 Comments

Guardians of the Elements of Harmony - mcb893

When a United States Army Ranger arrives in Equestria, the land is plauged by chaos...

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2. Awakenings


"Twilight... wake up." Twilight turned in her sleep, and moaned. "Come on now sugarcube, it's daylight. We need to get moving." Applejack said. Twilight just rolled over and shook her friend off. She had stayed up all night, she needed sleep. With so much to do, she had volunteered to stay up to take care of the refugees who were staying in the library. It took five hours to get them all settled down enough to sleep. "Next time you have to deal with ten different fillies asking for hundreds of different things, then you can talk to me about getting up." She said with an annoyed tone.

Applejack sighed and left her friend alone. She was the one who volunteered. There was a knock on the door, which made AJ chuckle. Twilight always hated it when ponies knocked on the library door. It was kind of funny to listen to here rant about libraries being "public places" but nopony seemed to care. AJ took the doorknob and twisted it. Instantly, she was overwhelmed with joy, and ran forward to hug her family.

"Applejack, you're ok!" Applebloom shouted as she cried into her big sister's chest. Big Macintosh smiled and held his two sisters close. They had been worried sick about her all night, and had been asking all around if anyone had seen her. The siblings held each other close, with the only noise penetrating the silence being their sobbing. "I was so worried about y'all..." Applejack said with a shaky voice. "So were we. Big Macintosh couldn't sleep without knowin' if you were alright." Her little sister said as the group disbanded. AJ looked up to her big brother and smiled.

"Sorry Applejack, I was a little..." Twilight began as she came out from her room. She paused once she saw the rest of the Apple family. She smiled and walked over. "You're all okay?" She asked as she invited them all in. Big Macintosh nodded and gave out his famous; "Eeyup." The others chuckled and the group sat down in the kitchen. There was a pan containing eggs on the stove, as well as some juice. "I'm preparing breakfast for all the ponies who are staying here, I could use a little help." Twilight said as she took a few daisies from a vase and placed them between two slices of bread. Applejack nodded and helped pour glasses for the ponies, while Big Macintosh and Applebloom got plates.

"I know y'all just got here, but, where's Granny Smith?" AJ asked as she poured another glass. "She's back at the acres, said somepony had to make sure the chores got done." Applebloom said after placing a plate on the table. "I still think she should have let one of the others handle it." She added. Twilight nearly dropped the pan of eggs. The Apples looked at her with concern. "Others?" She asked as he turned around. Applebloom nodded. "Yeah, Rainbow and the others are staying there. Everyone but you and AJ that is." She said. Twilight smiled and began to laugh. "They're okay..." She whispered to herself. This was great news, all her friends had survived! They were still here!

Just then, a bright flash of light shone through the window. The ponies covered their eyes and got down. Big Macintosh instantly brought his younger sisters close to him, and wrapped his protective forelegs around them. "What's goin' on?" Applebloom shouted in panic. "Just stay down!" AJ shouted back. A strong wind began to blow, and the building began to shake. The rumbling knocked over several plates and plants, causing them to shatter. Slowly, the light faded to the point the ponies could get up again. "Everypony alright?" Big Macintosh asked. "Ah'm okay." AJ said. "Me too. But what was that?" She asked again. Twilight went to her window and watched as the light slowly faded back into the Everfree forest.


Moore groaned in pain as he awoke. He knew for sure he was in some sort of alien holding cell. Only time would tell what despicable things the aliens would do to him. He brought his hand to his head. A splitting headache was preventing him from focusing. This was probably another affect of the ray, and no doubt prevent him from putting up a good fight to get out. "Probably the reason no one ever got out..." He thought to himself.

He opened his eyes and was surprised to find himself in a forest. "What the heck?" He thought to himself. Slowly, he stood and checked his surroundings. This was so strange, where was he? He looked down and saw his M4 dangling from it's chord. It was devoid of a clip. "My supplies, better check on what I have." He quickly took off all of his gear and placed it on the ground, unpacking everything. Before him was a radio, a Berretta with 8 clips, his M4 with 19, a bottle of water, 2 M67 fragmentation grenades, a claymore, one pack of food, and his combat knife.

Moore smiled, his supplies were in good shape. for just one man, this would be very easy to live by. The Staff Sergeant began to pack up all of his gear, and placed it back on him. He slid a fresh clip into his assault rifle and hit his helmet. That was also still in good shape. The transportation didn't seem to have damaged his combat attire and Kevlar. He looked back down at the radio that he had placed to his side. There was no need for him to be lost any longer than he needed to be, so he took the radio and began to speak.

"Anyone, this is Staff Sergeant John Moore of the 1st Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment, can anyone hear me?" He took his finger off the transmit button and waited for a response. Nothing. Moore tired again. "Is anyone there? This is Staff Sergeant John Moore, does anyone copy?" He waited for a reply, but he still didn't get one. Behind him, he heard a long growling noise. Startled, he dropped his radio and aimed his rifle. "Hello? Who's there?" He asked with his finger on the trigger.

All there was the sound of twigs snapping, and Moore turned to the direction of the sound. "Who are you? What do you want?" He said with a calm voice. He was a bit nervous, but there was no way he would let this thing know. It was alone, and maybe if the creature thought he had backup, it would leave. While still aiming his rifle at the direction of the sound, he bent over to pick up his radio. He placed it back at his side and carefully brought his hand back to the front grip on his rifle.

"Stand down, identify yourself." He said with a growl in his voice. Whatever this thing was, it would learn not to attack a Ranger. The growling grew louder, and the twig snapping was getting closer. Moore prepared himself, and the trigger on his weapon was just barely not firing. The slightest change in the force he exerted would send bullets flying into this thing. "Stand down! Or I will fire on you!" He shouted, his voice full of fury. That was when the creature attacked. it leaped out at him, a giant lion with the tale of a scorpion and dragon like wings...