• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 9,892 Views, 198 Comments

Guardians of the Elements of Harmony - mcb893

When a United States Army Ranger arrives in Equestria, the land is plauged by chaos...

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36. Task Force

Mareami... The Next Day...

Rainbow looked out to the large city, where ponies were being whipped and beaten by Chaos Bringers. She shook her head. This was disgusting. How could something be that cruel? These things needed to be destroyed. She placed her SRTF helmet and gave it a quick pat. Unlike the Guard helmets, these ones covered every feature of the face except for the eyes. John said that they looked like knights. Whatever those were, they sounded cool.


Moore kneeled down and looked through his binoculars, seeing the city. The Chaos Bringers were being remarkably crueler than last time, then again, they had gone berserk. Still, they needed to be stopped, and Moore would make sure that happened.

"SRTF, radio check. All teams report in." Moore said into his radio. Looking back, he looks up onto a hilltop, where Adams waits with his Javelin missile, ready to fire when told to. Looking back out, the teams report in, and he sees Rainbow's squad begin to move out. There was a small enemy patrol in front of them, and Moore contacted Connors and Delta.

"Teams Snipe and Delta, Bravo has a enemy patrol directly in front of them, take em' out."

"Roger, I have a shot. Let's do this Delta." Moore hears. Turning his attention back to the Chaos Bringers, he sees one of them drop, and another is pulled into nearby foliage by Hans. The other two panic for a moment until picked off by another two RSTF members.

"All clear." Someone says. Moore nods and gives Bravo the signal to move on. Moore turns his attention to a group of ponies getting tortured by another group. Moore clenches his teeth and growls.

"Charlie, move in, hostages are under attack."

"Roger, moving in." He hears Barns say.


Barns places his back against the wall and peaks around the corner. The hostiles aren't paying attention to them. Turning back to the Task Force members behind him, and brings two fingers to his eyes. He points outward, towards the hostiles, then brings his hand back in a "five" position. The ponies nod and back away slightly. Barns moves closer slightly and checks out the area again. There was definitely five enemies, one stood around darting it's head around while the other four clawed at the hostages. He pulls away and looks back to the ponies. He moves his hand forward in a somewhat chopping like motion, and clenches his fist. The ponies nod and move along the side of the building until they get to a small alley way. Barns brings out his knife and sneaks up on the darting one. Slowly, he brings the knife up, and brings it down on the creature's neck. It lets out a screech, and the others turn. Barns backs away as they begin to advance, but then the Task Force soldiers ambush them.


"Good take down Charlie, plant the claymore and get out of there." Moore says as he adjusts the binoculars. Looking back over, he sees Rainbow's squad in position, priming their claymore at the same time. Moore had detailed how to prepare a claymore, but he still wanted to watch them do it, just to be safe. Rainbow checks around a corner and pulls her head back.


Rainbow held out her hoof, signaling them to halt. She placed her back against the wall, trying to avoid being spotted.

"What's wrong Sergeant?" A stallion asked. Poked her head out again, and even with the helmet limiting her view slightly, she could see the hostage line. Chaos Bringers were in a line, escorting them. Rainbow turned back to her squad and held out a hoof, pointing over to the hostages. Her troops nodded, and moved in closer.

"John, it's Bravo, there's a hostage line coming our way... Can we take em?" She asked into her radio. There was only static for a few seconds, but John replied soon enough.

"Copy Bravo, secure the hostages and finish priming that claymore." Rainbow gave a short hoof pump and pointed to the hostages, then moved her hoof to a halting position. She places her back against the wall, waiting for the enemies to come by. She panted lightly, trying to control her breathing. Battle was a lot more stressful than she thought it would be. Then again, maybe that was just what came with being a leader of a squad. If this was how she was feeling how the heck did John feel? She had to push these thoughts out of her head, the Chaos Bringers were directly in front of them now. Rainbow turned to her group and nodded, charging out. She shot out, slamming her front hooves into the head of a Chaos Bringer, crushing it like a grape. Her squad mates also pounced, eliminating several more enemies. Turning, she drove her right hoof into the face of another Chaos Bringer, and used her wings to gain some elevation. She then slammed her back hooves into it's head. Looking back over to her troops, she sees them finish off the hostiles and begin freeing the hostiles.


"This is Bravo, rescue was successful, finishing the claymore now." Moore heard into his radio. Moore pumped his fist at his side. Rainbow had done a good job, this was better than he could have hoped for. Just then, Moore also receives reports the both Charlie and Delta have finished placing their claymores. All hostages that would have been in danger of the blast have also been evacuated. It was time.

"It's time, all teams, fall back and wait for the Strike Team to move in, after that, it's hit and run time." He says as he holds the switch in his hands. Using his binoculars, he watches as the teams pull out, and extract any remaining hostages, mostly children. Moore looks up to Adams, and gives a thumbs up. He nods and aims. Moore anxiously waits, and keeps his finger on the switch. He hears the rocket launch, as well as panic from the hostiles. He presses down on the switch, and the claymores blow, causing even more confusion. Only moments later, the rocket lands, and Moore gives the signal to charge as the explosion decimates the Chaos Bringers. He lets out his war cry and charges as he signals the teams to begin by firing his Berretta into the air.

"This is Bravo, moving in!"

"Delta coming in hot!"

"Charlie, moving in!" Moore preps a grenade created by Twilight's magic and throws , diving behind cover instantly afterward. Several of his men charge forward and take down hostiles. When he hears the explosion go off, he pops up and fires his rifle. In the distance, he sees a rainbow pick off Chaos Bringers, and he knows that Rainbow is it's source. He dives over to another piece of cover and ducks. Reloading, he tosses Adams a grenade, which he preps. Moore uses his arms to propel himself over the barricade, and Jack throws the grenade. He aims down his sights and fires, signaling the rest of his men to move in. The Chaos Bringers try to run, but Barns and his team cut them off. Rainbow and her team dash along the sides again, picking off more of the hostiles. Moore catches a Chaos Bringer trying to escape and brings out his Berretta, firing at it's head. When he looks back, the gunfire has quieted, and the ponies check the buildings. Within minutes, the town is back under control.

"So that's what it's like to survive a battle?" Moore hears. Turning behind him, he sees Rainbow taking off her helmet, revealing sweat pouring from her forehead. She's panting heavily, but she's smiling. Moore chuckles.

"You did good today Sergeant. You really did." Rainbow smiles and thanks him. Just then, a white flash goes off, coming with a strong wind.

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" Moore shouts. Barns tackles Rainbow down and covers her head as the flash gets brighter, and for some reason, Moore can hear jet engines. He reaches for his sunglasses, hoping he still had them handy.

"Staff Sergeant what are you doing? Stay down!" He hears Hans shout. Regardless, he grabs his glasses and places them on his eyes, looking up. What he sees shocks, and astounds him. An A-10 fighter jet, spiraling out of control, just east of the city.