• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 9,896 Views, 198 Comments

Guardians of the Elements of Harmony - mcb893

When a United States Army Ranger arrives in Equestria, the land is plauged by chaos...

  • ...

43. Final Attack

Moore leaped out of the carrier, instantly greeted by hundreds of Chaos Bringers. He quickly raised his rifle and began firing in short bursts while Rainbow charged them head on.

"Newell! Suppressing fire to the north! Over!" He shouts as he turns and fires three bullets into a large group.

"Roger Staff Sergeant on route." Moore hears as he reloads and slowly walks forward. He drops an empty clip and instantly brings out a fresh one. He hears the loud roar of jet engines, and slams his clip into his weapon as he hears the guns fire. He brings his head back up to the battle and sees the Chaos Bringers evaporate into the air.

"Run was successful, over." He hears from the radio as he presses his trigger again.


"Lock and load." Frank shouts over the several thuds and thumps that shake the carrier. Adams loads his clip into his rifle and looks over to Jacob, who is nodding. Adams breathes out slowly, and his palms begin to sweat.

"This is Papa Eagle, I have visual on the nest. Mercuito is definitely here." Adams hears from his radio. He exhales, trying to control his breathing. The carrier comes to a stop, and Adams stacks up behind Frank. He looks back and gives him questioning eyes, to which Adams pats him on the back. Frank nods and turns back around. A loud hissing is heard, and the doors open.

"Rangers Lead the Way!" Frank shouts as he sprints out the door, quickly followed by Adams and Hans. Adams runs and raises his rifle, firing his weapon. The recoil beats his shoulder as SRTF members rush past them. A Chaos Bringer tries to attack Frank, but Adams brings out his knife and slits it's throat. A thin wisp of darkness spirals out it's neck before it falls back onto the ground and vanishes in a puff of black smoke. Looking to the right, he pulls the trigger again.


Moore turned and fired, eliminating more hostiles. He sees a rainbow colored dash, knowing that it's Rainbow. He turns back to his front and continues to fire. He looks briefly to the left, and sees a group a Chaos Bringers pouring out of a large, castle like lookout area.

"Hostiles in that tower to the west!" He shouts as he reloads once again.

"Roger I have visual, engaging targets." Newell says. Moore slams his fresh clip into his weapon and fires on the horde as one tries to slash his torso, but the armor protects him. He takes the demon in his arms and places it between his hands, jerking suddenly to the left. He hears a slight crack, and the Chaos Bringer vanishes before it hits the ground.


Mercuito scowled as he pulled away from the window. With anger he slammed his fist into a desk he had found in the room. These blasted humans... Interfering with HIS takeover? This was an abomination... He had checked on the status of all the towns he had taken, and militias had risen up. That no good John must have planned this. Even Seaddle! He growled and threw a vase across the room, trying to make sense of the situation. Suddenly, he grinned. He knew exactly how to rid himself of that pesky human...


Adams threw his grenade and dived out of the way, watching as more and more Guards flew down from the weather balloons, pushing the enemy further and further back. A stallion was knocked down, and a Chaos Bringer leaped on him. Adams slid to a halt and fired at the beast, causing it to become a wisp of air. He looked back to his front, seeing the Chaos Bringers bring down another stallion, this one was wounded. Quickly, he rushed over and knocked one off the stallion. and slashing the other two with his knife. He helped him up and gave him a pat on the back.

"Jack!" He hears from the side. Looking over to Frank, he sees him nod his head, and clench his fist. Adams smiles and kneels down. Jacob sees this and rushes over, making sure to defend him. He places his rifle on the ground and brings out a switch, giving a small beeping noise.

"Roger that Specialist, we're bringing it in." He hears. He smiles and gives his fist a pump, afterwards placing the switch back and picking up his rifle. He aims down his sights and fires, as does Jacob. Turning, he sees the carrier slowly making it's way over to him, and tramples a Chaos Bringer in the process. It reaches him and turns, while a hissing noise erupts. Adams quickly rushes over to the carrier and reaches it just as the door finishes opening. Inside is his Javelin, and he gives a fiendish grin as he grabs it. With haste, he rushes back out and looks over to Frank.

"Far side! North west!" He shouts as in between his reload. Adams nods and crouches down, with Jacob once again rushing over to provide cover. The javelin steadily beeps as it begins to lock on, and Adams keeps his finger ready to pull the trigger. Jacob yells at him to hurry up as he sees him drop an empty clip and place a new one in his gun. Adams hears a long continuous beep as the square in the javelin turns green, and he launches. The weapon pushes back into his shoulder as he watches the rocket sail into the air, and Chaos Bringers begin to panic.


Moore threw a Chaos Bringer over his shoulder and stomped on it's head. He looked back to his right, seeing another one charging him. He takes out his knife and holds it out, and the demon runs right into it. He pulls it away as the beast fades away, and places it back where it was. He raises his rifle once again, and pulls the trigger, sending the metal flying into his enemies. Rainbow picks off even more hostiles, and Moore tells her to clear out. She complies and flies high into the sky, she knew what he was planning. He reaches into a pouch along side his waist, and pulls out a metal cylinder. He pulls it's pin, which causes it to emit a blue smoke. Tossing it as hard as he can, he begins to back away from the area as well.

"Copy, I have visual, sending the heat." Newell says. Moore gets a little further away, then throws his arm in front of his face as he hears jet engines. He closes his eyes and braces himself. In the darkness of his closed eyes, he sees an orange light invade it, as well as the sound of explosions. He pulls his head away even further as Newell continues to unleash her missiles onto the Chaos Bringers. When it ends, Moore raises his head and opens his eyes, and smiles. The Chaos Bringers have been wiped out. Grabbing his weapon, he jogs over to the building and reaches to his ear.

"All Units be advised, Tanks have secured the south entrance, what's your status over?" Moore asks as he slips an empty clip out of his weapon. Rainbow flies down to meet him, and nods.

"Tanks be advised, we are facing heavy resistance, but have pushed them back to the main entrance! Over!" He hears Frank say through the radio.

"Roger that, Newell! Provide air support for the front team! Connors, tell those unicorns up there to activate the UGVs, Rainbow and I are moving in!' He shouts as he breaks down the door with a solid kick.


Mercuito stood by the door, arms folded, waiting for the Staff Sergeant. The trap door was ready, and so was he. He would defeat the human and crush their morale, then push them back. Without their precious leader, the ponies would fall into glorious chaos, which would of course give him more strength. He could imagine it now, giant versions of his children. It would be glorious. The door slammed open and the Staff Sergeant appeared, along with that rainbow colored pegasus. He smiled and pulled the lever next to him, causing the floor beneath the human to vanish, while the pegasus reacted exactly how he wanted it to. In shock. He grabbed it and choked it until it became unconscious, then threw it across the room. He would deal with her later, now he had a human infestation to eliminate.


Moore hit the ground with a thud. The iron armor he wore grinded against his body, and the tips of his iron battle gloves came off, revealing the gauntlets. He groaned and rubbed his head as he tried to take to his feet. His rifle had broken during the fall, so it must have been a long drop. He placed one hand on the ground and heard a soft squish. Horrified, he looked down, seeing exactly what he was afraid would be there. A dead body. He gave a quick shout and leaped backwards, stumbling as he almost tripped over something. Looking back, he saw another dead body, and felt his hand begin to shake.

"How does it feel Moore?" He heard. Jumping, he saw Mercuito. Growling, he tried to attack, but an image of Johnson dying flashed in his mind, and he stumbled. This allowed Mercuito to strike. He slammed his fist into his jaw, causing Moore to bleed from his lip. Moore saw more dead bodies, and more images flashed in his mind as he began to shake at his arms now. He breathed heavily as Mercuito slammed his fist into his gut. Moore coughed up a little bit of blood and shoved his right gauntlet into Mercuito's gut. The demon screamed and pulled back. Moore wiped his mouth, his limbs still shaking, and groaned.

"You're not beating me that easily." Moore said as another image flashed in his mind, this one of his Sergeant being shot. He groaned as he tried to push these images out of his mind. Mercuito growled, and launched at him. Moore evaded this strike and slashed him across the face. Mercuito pulled back, screaming in pain. Another image flashed in Moore's head, the one of the RPG explosion. He dropped to his knees, gasping for breath as his vision swirled out of control. He coughed more blood on the ground and pushed himself up. This was a psychological battle now. He had to remain sane long enough to beat this monster.

"I can feel you weakening." Mercuito said with a smug grin. Moore knew what he needed to do. Let him think he won. He stepped forward, then gave a whimper as he collapsed to his knees once more. He breathed heavily as more blood fell from his lip, and he heard Mercuito laugh.

"I knew my plan would work. Now those ponies are as good as mine." He said. Moore carefully pulled out his knife, making sure not to move too quickly. Looking up, he saw Mercuito raising his claws for one final strike.

"Not today..." Moore said as he drove his knife into the demon's abdomen. Mercuito gasped for breath and grasped the knife, trying to pull the knife out of him. Moore's vision was blurred greatly now, and he could barely make out Mercuito's figure. With what felt like every ounce of his energy, Moore grabbed his pistol, and pointed it. The sights slurred together in a mess of sloppy vision as he tried to aim for the villain's head. He growled as he focused all his power into his eyesight, allowing it to clear somewhat for a moment.

"And not ever!" He growled as he pulled the trigger. Moore smiled and let his PTSD take control as he was watching Mercuito drop. He breathed heavily, and the gun swayed in front of him. Moore groaned in sickness as more images flashed in his mind. His grip on the gun loosened, and slipped out of his hand. He collapsed falling onto the ground. He shook and breathed heavily as he desperately tried to control himself. The last thing he remembered before blacking out was hearing someone call his name.