• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 9,892 Views, 198 Comments

Guardians of the Elements of Harmony - mcb893

When a United States Army Ranger arrives in Equestria, the land is plauged by chaos...

  • ...

29. Liberation

Baltimare... Approximately 15 Hours Later...

"Snipers in position." Moore looks through his binoculars observantly, watching as Chaos Bringers whip, maim, and torture the ponies in town. He couldn't stand this.

"Attention all units, radio check." Moore says as he increases the power of the binoculars. A father is defending a child, and from the looks of it, he isn't holding out too well.

"Bravo-2 Reporting in."

"Alpha-1 Checking in"

"Delta-4 Ready to go."

Moore places his hand to his ear, activating his radio com to the Princess.

"Come in Mother Bird, this is Strike Team, all units have reported in and are ready, waiting on your go."

"Staff Sergeant this is Mother Bird, you're free and clear."

Moore returns his sights to the binoculars and zooms in a group of ponies near what looks like farming fields.

"All units, Operation Equestrian Liberty is a go, now in progress." Looking back to the field, he gives the signal for Alpha to move in.

"Snipe Team, provide cover and overwatch at Alpha's Location."

"Roger, I have a visual. No sight on hostiles yet." Moore looks over to Specialist Adams, who is standing next to him, ready to attack. With Daniels leading Delta, Barns leading Bravo, and Hans leading Alpha, he was left to assist the Strike Team. He appears nervous, but still determined.

"This is Alpha, escorting civies now." He hears.

"Good work Alpha, Delta you're up."

"Hooah." Moore adjusts his sights slightly and tries to spot Delta, but is unable to. After a few seconds of searching, he does manage to find them. In front of them, about forty meters, a group of Chaos Bringers is clawing at the dead body of a pony, slurping it's blood. Moore resists the urge to vomit and warns Delta.

"Snipe Team, do you have a visual?"

"Aye, I can see em'. It's gonna take a minute to get the shot lined up correctly." Moore checks over to the side, Daniels has a halting sign in front of the Royal Guards, and they freeze. Looking back to the Chaos Bringers, Moore checks on the condition of the pony. As if by chance, the pony still shows weak signs of life, eliminating Moore's first thought of thinking he was dead.

"That one's alive! Hurry before they kill him!"

"Say goodnight you monsters..." Within a fraction of a second, Moore sees all three targets drop, and the remaining one is picked off by Daniels. The stallion looks up as a group of guards grab him and pull him to cover. The Chaos Bringers fade away as the Delta proceeds.

"Bravo, this is Strike Team, enter through the back door."

"Roger, en route." Looking back over to Delta, they have reached the target building, and Daniels opens the door rifle first. As he walks in, Moore once again adjusts his sights, now looking upon Bravo, who are sneaking up on a group of hostiles. They take them out silently, and Moore looks away.

"Alpha, move in, plant the explosives."

"How long till' you kick in the front door?"

"That will commence once you get those civies out of there, they are our top priority right now." Looking back through the binoculars, he sees Bravo eliminate a few more hostiles before moving into another farm field. Stealth wasn't an option, but pacing themselves was. He lowers his binoculars and looks over to Adams, and the several guards behind them.

"Just a little longer gentlemen, we have em' right where we want em'." He says. Adams seems impatient, but he nods. Looking back to the town, Moore sees a patrol of Chaos Bringers moving in on Delta's position, who are busy freeing tied up ponies.

"Delta hold your position! I count 15+ enemy foot mobiles near your location, I'll try to contact other teams to help you out." Moore says as he contacts Alpha and Snipe Team.

"Uh... Negative Staff Sergeant, I don't have enough time to take em' all out by myself. "

"With our help you can. Let's get this over with." Moore counts backward from three, and tells them to start shooting. The combined fire from Delta, Alpha, and the Snipe Team overwhelms the hostiles, and they fall.

"Delta you are clear to proceed, nice work teams."

"Strike Team this is Bravo, civies have been successfully lead to the extraction zone, weather balloons are en route to our position."

"Copy that, get to your marked locations, Strike Team is moving in, let's break em' down." Moore puts away his binoculars and brings his rifle to his front. Looking to Adams, he nods. The Specialist smiles and pulls out a remote, which will activate Alpha's explosives. Adams counts backward from three, and Moore tells the Guards to be ready. Upon reaching zero, Adams presses down on the remote.

The shock wave from the explosions shake the foundations of buildings, as well as causing Chaos Bringers to evaporate into the air. Moore gives a vicious shout and charges forward, Guards and Adams right behind him. The Chaos Bringers charge forward, ready to fight. Moore opens fire while still sprinting, as does Adams.

"Now! Bravo, hit em' from behind!" Moore shouts as he drops an empty clip from his gun. Gunfire and battle cries can be heard from behind as the Chaos Bringers erupt into chaos. Moore couldn't help but chuckle at the irony.

"Alpha, move in!" He shouts as he dives behind an overturned wagon. He sees Barns rush out, firing like a mad man. The Guards have equal fighting spirit, as they pounce on creature after creature.

"Delta, hit em' hard!" Moore shouts as he pops back up, firing on the enemy forces. Instantly, Daniels shows up from nowhere, opening fire from the side. Moore rushes forward to him, releasing another empty clip. As he reaches them, he ducks down and tosses his last grenade. It eliminates several hostiles before he moves back to his rifle.

"All squads this is Snipe Team, we got several hostiles retreating to a nearby forest, recommend you send someone in to take care of em'."

"Delta, you can move the most quickly, get it done." Moore says as he fires one final clip into the retreating hostiles. Breathing a sigh of relief, Moore looks around, only a few guards have been injured, and not severely. He smiles as he places his hand to his ear.

"Come in Mother Bird, this is Strike Team."

"Go ahead."

"Baltimare is secure, send in the recreation team to help re-build."

"Well done Staff Sergeant, I knew you could do it. Weather balloons are ten minutes out, be ready for evacuation for the injured. You did good work today. Thank you." Moore smiles as he checks on the civies, one in particular glares at him.

"Something wrong?"

"Yeah, I have a problem with you..." Moore backs away slightly and raises an eyebrow.

"I just set you free, you're..."

"Set us free? If you even cared you wouldn't have let us get captured in the first place! This just shows how much those stupid princesses care!" A stallion next to him places a hoof on the first one's shoulder, and he shakes him away.

"Never trust a creature with two legs... That I learned from minotaurs." He says as he angrily walks away. Moore sighs. Guess some ponies just weren't on his side.