• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 9,896 Views, 198 Comments

Guardians of the Elements of Harmony - mcb893

When a United States Army Ranger arrives in Equestria, the land is plauged by chaos...

  • ...

25. Living Quarters

Two hours later…

Moore looked upon his fellow comrades, and to the mares. They had just agreed that each would be able to take shelter with them. Now it was just a matter of who would go with who.

"Let's answer the golden question, who's willing to go with Rarity?" Rainbow asked. The soldiers either scratched their head, or pretended to be occupied by something else. Rarity looked away in disgust, seeming to be insulted no one wanted to willingly stay with her. Not that Moore was surprised.

"I guess I'll go with her." Barns eventually said, to which Rarity turned excitedly. Before she could say anything, Barns said that he didn't want to be a living mannequin. Despite a little bit of disappointment, Rarity agreed. The next pony on the list was Fluttershy, but it was already decided that she would be the one deciding who would live with her, not any of the soldiers. She looked around a little, studying each soldier with what looked like a keen eye. She backed away and smiled.

"Do you want to stay with me Jack?" She asked to the Specialist. He appeared a bit nervous, but he nodded.

"Have a frog in your throat?" Moore asked jokingly. Adams shook his head, and walked over to the pegasus. The next mare was Rainbow, and Daniels instantly asked for permission from her. Rainbow had a devilish grin when she said yes. Moore noticed this and asked about it.

"This guy's the fastest right? I wanna see what he's got." She said as she rose into the air, flapping her wings quickly. Daniels chuckled and challenged her to a race in a location of her choosing, and she accepted. Moore rolled his eyes. From what he'd seen, Rainbow was really irresponsible, and he knew from experience that Daniels was a bit of a showoff. This would probably result in a few problems. He shook it off and decided to move on to Applejack.

"I guess I'll head with her. She does have the largest area, and I'll need that for target practice." Connors says as he walks over to the mare. AJ tips her hat and smiles. Connors nods and smiles back. Moore looks over to Pinkie and Hans.

"Guess that just leaves you two." He says. Pinkie leaps with excitement and claps her hooves. Hans doesn't seem as excited. He looks to Moore and asks him for a private conversation.

"You sure it's a good idea for anyone to go with her? Don't get me wrong, she seems nice enough, but a bit crazy too." He whispers. Moore nods and looks back at the pink pony, who is still bouncing around in excitement, and talking about how much fun she and Jacob would have.

"You really want to spoil that attitude of hers?" Moore asks as he turns back to him. Hans looks behind him and sighs. "Fine… I'll go with her." He says with a hint of hesitation in his voice. Moore pats him on the back and tells him things will be fine.

Rarity's Fashion Shop

"Come along now Frank! I just know you'll enjoy it here!" Rarity shouts as she opens the door to her home. Barns sighed, had he really just agreed to live with a fashion freak? His sister had always been one, and she annoyed him to death. How different would living with a pony be? As he stepped inside, he instantly saw what he expected. Several fabrics and ribbons littering the area, as well as several sewing machines.

"I'm sorry it's such a mess in here, my sister and her friends are staying here for the whole week! They've made a huge mess out of my home." Rarity said. Barns shrugged as if it couldn't possibly matter. Truth is, it didn't. He was used to babysitting, having four little sisters did that to you. Exhaling, Barns sat down in a chair, and looked at a portrait of what looked like her family. It contained two larger ponies, one mare and stallion, a smaller unicorn, and her.

"Is this your family?" He asked. Rarity turned to the picture and nodded. She began to explain to him what each member was like. Her mom was a cook, although she couldn't teach Sweetie Bell how to do it. Her father was just a farmer, so how she got interested in fashion was a mystery to him. There was no way he would ask, but he still didn't get it.

Fluttershy's Cottage

Adams smiled as the bird landed on his finger. He rose it to his face, getting a better look at the creature. He had always loved animals, but his mother and father refused to let him have any pets. Not because they were allergic, just because they didn't want him to. He gave a short whistle, and the bird repeated it to him. He chuckled and sent it into the air.

"You're really good with animals." He heard. Behind him, Fluttershy had several birds all across her body, and rabbits at her hooves. Adams chuckled.

"Not as good as you seem to be." He said as a bunny clawed at his foot. He smiled and picked it up, petting it gently. It gently tucked itself into his arm, causing him to chuckle. Fluttershy smiled and invited him inside. Adams nodded and set the bunny down, watching as it hopped over to another group of rabbits.

Some Random Field

Daniels slid to a halt and looked above him. The pegasus was still on his tail, so he took off. His breathing increased as he pumped his legs faster and faster.

"That all you got?" He shouts. The pegasus shoots back a remark about just getting started, and instantly he can hear a whoosh of air. He trips and falls to the ground, rolling as he comes to a slow stop. Ahead of him, Rainbow Dash continues to rush forward, now only on her feet. Daniels chuckles and takes off once more. He felt his heart beat against his chest, and channeled his adrenaline into his efforts. His legs were longer that the mare's and he had been running since he was in high school, if he played his cards right, he could win this.

He managed to come up right next to her, the tree marking the end of the race just ahead of them. Summoning his strength, he gave himself a push to win. But so did she, and they passed the tree at the same time.

"I won!" Rainbow shouts. Daniels knew it was a tie, but he just decided to let her think that she did win.

"By less than a hair, we were neck and neck the whole time." He said as he brought his hands to his knees and panted. He was out of breath, and exhausted. The rainbow colored mare was faring no better, as she panted and breathed heavily as well. She stuck out a hoof and congratulated him, saying he was pretty good for something with only two legs. Daniels chuckled and offered a rematch tomorrow. Rainbow graciously accepted.

Sweet Apple Acres

Connors picked an apple from a tree and bit into it, instantly surprised by how much flavor it had. Especially for an apple. Applejack noticed and chuckled, explaining that her family grew apples in a very special way, which resulted in some of the best apples in all of the land.

"You can say that again, this is the best apple I've ever eaten." He said. He quickly took another bite and lifted his rifle to his shoulder. It had been a while since he had gotten to eat any actual fruit, usually it was just packaged, or dried. That was fine and all, but nothing beat a fresh fruit. AJ introduced her family, saying that her little sister, named Applebloom, was hanging out with her friends. Connors couldn't help but chuckle at all of the puns with apples.

"This is where you'll be stayin'. Nothin' fancy, but it's cozy." Applejack said as she led him to an upstairs room. Inside was a bed, which was strangely human sized, a desk, a few chairs, and a closet for anything he needed. Connors walked in and set his sniper on the desk, and looked around the room. He reached down in his pocket, and took out a picture of a sun set that had been sent to him by his mother a year earlier. Smiling, he placed it by the rifle, and placed his backpack in the closet.

Sugar Cube Corner

Hans walked up stairs, groaning as he held his stomach. That was the most nauseating experience he had ever had. All those cupcakes couldn't be healthy. For the third time in a few hours, he felt like he would vomit.

"Feeling any better?" Pinkie asked as she walked up to him casually. A rare occurrence with her. She handed him some medicine, and he gladly accepted. He brought the tablet to his mouth and drank some water. Letting the tablet fall down his throat, he shook his head and gave a quick groan.

"Remind me to never try so much crap at once." He said as he got up and held his head. Pinkie giggled and snorted, causing Hans to look at her with a confused look. He hadn't met many people who snorted when they laughed, but he always thought it was mixture of cute and strange. She leapt over to him and said he was funny, although Hans wasn't trying to be. He sighed and sat down as the pink pony began another one of her rants. He was ignoring her until she mentioned something about creating things.

"What kind of stuff do you mean? Like, machinery?"

"Oh yeah! I love building stuff! It's super fun!"

Hans smiled, maybe he would find a way to bond with this mare after all.

Town Library

Moore continued to read his book, studying up on the history of the land. This land had a very unique and interesting history, he never seen something quite like it. He flipped the page as he finished reading about the ancient search for an artifact by several adventurers, which now stood in the museum in Canterlot.

"Having fun there?" He heard. Turning to his right, he saw Twilight, levitating a pitcher of water with her magic. He smiled and nodded. Twilight tilted the pitcher and re-filled his cup, which he had finished a few minutes ago.

"Thanks." He said as he rose the cup to his lips. Setting it back down, he began reading about the history behind the events of Hearts Warming Eve.

"So, how do you think the others are doing?" Twilight asked as she grabbed her own book and began to read. Moore shrugged. HE place his hand to his chin in thought, wondering why the ponies had been living in a time of hatred for so long before getting over themselves.

"I guess they're bonding, trying to find things that interest them." He said as he flipped a page. Twilight nodded and looked out her window.

"They really are good guys, aren't they?" She asked as she turned to him. Moore looked to his right, and saw her. She was smiling, and was lying down on a mat she had laid out, no doubt trying to get comfortable. Moore smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, they are."

"You guys really are heroes."

"So you've said. I believe you." Moore smiled. This world really did feel like a second home.