• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 9,896 Views, 198 Comments

Guardians of the Elements of Harmony - mcb893

When a United States Army Ranger arrives in Equestria, the land is plauged by chaos...

  • ...

42. Siege

Ponyville, 3 Days Later

Moore watched as Newell hopped into the newly recreated A-10. Thanks to a bucket load of magic, and what felt like hours of the whole team working on it, it was finally fixed. In addition, Hans had prepared two more UGVs, in addition to three more carriers. He looked to his right, seeing the SRTF running into the carriers, as guards mounted into the weather balloons. He took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to calm himself down before the big fight. All across Equestria, rebels were going to rise up against the Chaos Bringers that had enslaved them, and would fight to the death if need be. All the while, the Rangers and the Task Force were allied with the Royal Guards, throwing a massive attack on Las Pegasus. Looking to his left, Moore sees Rainbow placing her helmet on, and entering the carrier that was designed for them only.

"Hey John." He heard. Turning behind him, he sees Twilight, walking towards him with a smile on her face. He smiles back and kneels down placing his rifle onto his shoulder. In the past few weeks, this unicorn had really become like a daughter to him. He definitely cared about her enough, and he was carrying a pedant made by her into battle. Their bond was very strong.

"Yeah Twilight?" He asked. Twilight brought out a pendant, this one red. Moore recognized it instantly... Hank's pendant. Moore took it in his hands and rotated it between his fingers, observing the colorful stone, that shone in the daylight. He carefully examined it, making sure to take detail of it.

"I figured it could give Rainbow some inspiration out there. Remind her of somepony to fight for." Twilight said. Moore smiled, closing the pendant in his hands. He looked up to the smiling mare and gave her head a quick rub, to which she chuckled.

"Thanks Twilight. This is sure to help." He said. Twilight nodded and gave him a quick hug, which he returned.

"Be careful out there." She said. Moore nodded and pulled away, rubbing her mane one last time. Looking around, he saw his men saying goodbye to the mares that they had come to know and love like family. Fluttershy and Jack hugged, and Fluttershy had tears in her eyes as Jack slowly rubbed her back to calm her down. A little farther up. Pinkie was talking to Jacob, who was laughing at what seemed to be jokes. Moore smiled. Finally, Pinkie held out her hoof, to which Jacob nodded, taking his fist and giving it a solid hit. Connors was giving AJ a quick hug, while Applebloom gave him a large one to his leg. Big Macintosh just gave him a high five. Finally, Frank was rubbing Sweetie Belle's mane, while Rarity seemed to be talking to him about something. Moore smiled, said goodbye to Twilight one last time, and walked into the carrier.

"Took you long enough." Rainbow said jokingly. Moore gave a short chuckle. She asked him what had taken him so long, and he brought out the pendant. Even with the helmet on, Moore could see Rainbow's eyes widen, and grow to an enormous size. She slowly reached her hoof out, and Moore placed the pendant in her hoof. She brought it back to her and observed it.

"Twilight figured it would help." Moore said as he began placing an iron wrist plate on, all while the door to the carrier began to close. Rainbow looked over to him, and while he couldn't actually see it, he knew she was smiling.

Las Pegasus...

He awoke because of disturbed chatter among his subjects. His minions appeared to be frightened and hysterical. Why, he could not be sure, but it was probably something irreverent. Shrugging it off, Mercuito fell back laid his head against the pillow, trying to fall back asleep. Still, his minions would not be silent. He groaned and threw his covers off of his body, and was about to scream at them, until he looked out his window. His month was ajar and his fist clenched. He grit his teeth and growled as he tried to plan on his next actions. The ponies had arrived. Surely due those blasted humans. He should have killed that John fellow when he had the chance. He had seen his capabilities in his world, why hadn't he killed him? What was the name of that Private that died? Damian? It was something like that, not that he really cared. Soon enough, these humans would learn not to mess with him. Even if all five of them had to suffer Damian's fate.


Moore looked back down to his armor, a complete body armor of iron, that would protect him from all attacks. His mobility was now restrained, but he would only need to fire from the hip and use his knife, so it wasn't that big of a problem. If that weren't enough, the tips of his hand iron gloves could come off, revealing razor sharp claw like weapons. Gauntlets, he remembered them being called. Looking over to his right, he saw his M4, locked and loaded. He picked it up and pulled back the release cartridge, bringing the first bullet into the chamber. Looking over to Rainbow, he noticed her duck her head as a large thump rocked the carrier.

"They know we're here." She said through her armor. Moore observed his rifle, which was still in good shape. It had been reliable up to this point, hopefully it would hold out for just a little while longer. Moore looked over to his helmet, which was basically a larger version of Rainbow's. He took it in his hands and observed it, rotating it to see each feature. Another thud rocked the carrier, and Moore placed the helmet onto his head. His vision was restricted slightly, but not by much. A knight with a gun. He thought to himself.

"Staff Sergeant Moore, Sergeant Dash, you're up." Moore heard through his radio. With that, he stood, standing in front of the door of the carrier. Rainbow did the same. Moore looked over to her, and she nodded. He let his fingers move on and off of the gun, he was anxious. The carrier came to a stop, and Moore looked over to Rainbow one last time. She nodded, as did he. Looking back over to the door, he prepared himself.

"This is for Hank." He said as he kicked open the doors.