• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 9,896 Views, 198 Comments

Guardians of the Elements of Harmony - mcb893

When a United States Army Ranger arrives in Equestria, the land is plauged by chaos...

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35. War Efforts

One Week After Private Daniels' Death...

Town Library...

Moore drove his knife into the map, trying desperately to devise a plan to turn the tide of battle. The Rangers were now losing the war. Chaos Bringers had gone berserk five days ago, and had recaptured Mareami. There were still civilians in the town when they took over... He needed a plan. But he had no way of getting information on the enemy plans, and it wasn't like he had a scout anymore. He scoffed. He sounded so heartless. Was that another side effect of war? Turning you into some cold, emotionless machine? No... He still cared. That was why he was fighting. But it was so hard... How did generals deal with this much stress? Knowing millions if not more lives counted on the decisions they made?

"John?" He hears from behind. Looking back, he sees Twilight walking over to him with a glass of water. She sets it down beside him and steps back.

"Thanks." Moore lifts the cup to his lips and drinks. Twilight frowns and walks away. Moore took the knife from the table and observed where it had cut. Right between Seaddle and Mareami. He brings his hand to his chin in thought. Looking over the map, he looks over to Baltimare, which was forming a task force to try assisting in the war effort. Barns was over there training them now. Come to think of it, he and Adams were the only ones in town. Hans was helping build armored carriers for the guards in Fillydelphia, and Connors was gathering up local militias to be trained in Baltimare's task force. The loss of Mareami had proven that, while strong, the Rangers and Guards did need help. They were the expected in the fight. What they needed was a quick hit and run team. Hit and run... Moore slammed his fist into the table and gave a victorious shout. A hit and run! That's exactly what they needed!

"Storm Base" Shadow Runner Task Force Training Area... Baltimare...

"Keep going! Don't you quit on me! Don't quit! Keep going!" Barns shouts to the stallion. He pants and gives a groan of exhaustion and determination as he pushes forward. Carrying 140 pounds worth of dumbbells across the field while staying in the air had to be tiring, but the stallion had it in him. Barns was not going to let him quit. The stallion lets out a groan of pain as he slows down slightly.

"IT BURNS!" He shouted.

"THEN LET IT BURN!" Barns shouts back as he gets on his hands and knees. He sidesteps with his hands and keeps in pace with the stallion as the other members of his squad watch in amazement.

"I'm about out of strength!"

"Then you negotiate with your body and you draw out more strength, you are not giving up you hear me? You are finishing this! You can do this! It's all heart from here!" He shouts. Barns shouts for him to keep going as he slams his fist into the ground for effect. Barns looks over to the left, seeing only ten more feet needed to cross the line. He was close.

"Ten more feet! Come on! It's all you! Don't quit!" He shouts again. The stallion shouts in pain, but he continues. Five more feet. Barns shouts loudly and tells him to keep going, the stallion looks like he's giving more than his body can handle, but he isn't stopping. One more. The stallion crosses the line and collapses, while two other stallions remove the weights in the "saddle" bag, the militia man breathes heavily and tries to collect his breath. Barns gives him a quick pat on the back and smiles.

"Told you. You got the heart of a warrior." The stallion chuckled, but instantly gave out a hacking noise once he stopped. Barns laughed and stood. These stallions would make good soldiers.

Fluttershy's Cottage...

Adams walked outside, and sat down by the small pond in front of Fluttershy's house. He listened to the birds and the soft waves created by the pond, along with the whistling of the wind. He smiled and gave a satisfactory sigh. Things were looking up. The task force was being built, the Princess had approved a funeral for those that died in Seaddle, and Fluttershy had her wings back. She was still a little uncomfortable with flying, but that could be expected. He watched as the wind blew a leaf through the air, bringing it to his face. He chuckled and blew it away. The wind took it as is swirled through the currents, eventually landing on the water.

"Hey Jack." He heard from behind. Looking behind him, he sees Fluttershy walking towards him, a smile on her face. He smiles as well, inviting her over. She takes a seat and watches the waves recede.

"So how are the wings?" Adams asks. Fluttershy shrugs.

"They're okay. Still a little sore from where they were reattached, but it's good to have them back." She says as she opens them lightly. Adams smiled and gave her a quick pat on the back. Looking back out to the water, the two just sit there for a while, until Fluttershy breaks the silence with a question.

"Do you know how Rainbow is?"

"Yeah. She was a little shaken for the first few days, but Twilight and John helped her through it. She's off training to be in the task force now." Fluttershy gasped. Adams put his hand on her hoof.

"Don't worry, Connors is keeping an eye on her." This seemed to calm her down and she nodded. Adams could understand why she cared for Dash so much. After all, she was like a sister to her. Especially according to their past stories. He stood and looked around. Fluttershy asked if something was wrong, but he shook his head. Nothing was wrong. Well, except for the fact there was a war going on, but still.

"Storm Base" SRTF Training Area...

"That's good hustle Dash." Connors said as he watched the mare slam her hooves into another dummy. She had been training nonstop for three hours, and while she sounded like she was tired, she still showed strong resolve. Her being an athlete definitely helped with determination and persistence, and even helped with accuracy in her blows. The only thing that it hurt was the stealth. Athletes never had to be stealthy in their games, but a Task Force soldier would. They would have to work on that.

"So... How's my time?" The mare asked as she removed her helmet, revealing a soaking wet mane. Connors looked at the stopwatch in his hand, and nodded.

"Faster than last time. 15.7 seconds. A new record." He says. Rainbow pumped her hoof in the air and gave a quick shout in victory. Connors smiled. It was good to see someone so positive. Despite being a newcomer in battle, she was instantly given the rank of Sergeant. Connors chuckled. Sergeant Rainbow Dash. He didn't know why... But it fit. It was strange, but it seemed like it was meant for Rainbow to carry that title.

"Come on. We need to work on your stealth. From what you've told me, you've had experience with that in the past." Dash nodded and followed him through the hallway. Maybe this wouldn't need that much work after all.

Canterlot... Royal Palace...

The Princesses observed the plans, while Celestia seemed unsure, Luna was smiling. Moore held his hands together, waiting patiently for their response. Celestia lowered the map and looked at him. There was a frown on her face. But it quickly changed into a smile. Moore smiled as well.

"I think you have a sure fire way to rescue Mareami again Staff Sergeant." She said with satisfaction. Moore nodded as she placed the map into a dossier and tossed it over to him. Luna nodded and gave her words of agreement.

"Ten militias rising up in ten different towns, the task force striking at the sides of Mareami while Moore and the Guards pushed the front lines. This plan was sure to work. Moore got to work on writing the letters and looked over to Twilight. She was smiling as well, and Moore gave her head a quick rub. The tide of the war was about to turn again.