• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 9,896 Views, 198 Comments

Guardians of the Elements of Harmony - mcb893

When a United States Army Ranger arrives in Equestria, the land is plauged by chaos...

  • ...

24. Rangers Lead The Way

Moore looked out on the long road, watching as the Chaos Bringers edged closer, and closer to the city.

"Snipe Team are you in position?" He asked into his radio. A brief silence was his only response for a moment, but Connors did reply.

"Roger Staff Sergeant, I'm up and ready." Moore gave instruction to begin firing on the count of three, when he had a clear shot. Looking back to his side, he sees Barns all set up with his LMG. To his right, Hans is crouched, ready to fire. Breathing slowly, Moore gets down on one knee and points his weapon. These things were here to get the ponies... they weren't gonna touch em.

"Javelin missile waiting on your go." He heard from his radio. Moore didn't alter his vision, he would not stop for an instant. After a few seconds, he hears a loud shot ring out, signaling that Connors has begun to fire.

"Adams, hold your shot, we need to time this right." Moore says as he raises a fist into the air.

"Squad start firing." He says as he clenches his fist. His allies comply and open fire, as does he, which brings down several of the hostiles.

"Daniels! Spring the trap!" He shouts as he begins to reload. Another loud shot rings out. Right after, Connors confirms his kill. Moore slams his clip into his gun and aims back up his sights. Pulling the trigger, he feels the recoil send the weight of his gun into his shoulder.

"Another group just showed up from the west. I count at least twenty inbound. I'll displace to intercept and thin em' out. You're gonna be without sniper support for thirty seconds." Connors says into his radio. He quickly picks up his rifle and slings his backpack over his shoulder.

"Now what?" He hears from his side. Looking down, he sees the orange pony known as Applejack next to him.

"Just shut up and keep up with me." He replies as he takes off to the right. He hears the sound the galloping behind him as he speeds up to reach his spot. Looking up, he spots a large hill, very high, and almost exactly where he spotted the freaks coming in from. He lets out a devilish smile and speeds up. This would prove useful in his operations. He slows as he reaches the hill top. It doesn't feel like there's a breeze, but just to be safe, he licks his finger and sticks it into the air. Sure enough, it is a little colder heading to the east.

"Alright, wind is blowing east, so I'll have to aim to the west slightly for my shots thanks to the distance." He says to the confused pony to his right. Crouching down, he undoes his backpack and places it slightly in front of him as he goes prone. Placing the front of the rifle on top of the pack, he closes one eye and focuses in on the scope.

"I'm out give me some cover!" Barns shouts. Moore takes one of his last two grenades and cooks. With a mighty shout, he tosses it over the barricade. Ducking back down, he motions for Hans to fall back and meet up with Daniels for the ambush. Hans nods and rushes back. Moore quickly pops back up and fires as a Royal Guard runs over a creature and gives it a solid blow to the chin. These ponies had some serious fight in them.

"Staff Sergeant! We are in position! Waiting on your signal!" Moore hears from his radio. There's a clicking noise as he tries to keep shooting. Looking down at his rifle, he pulls out the clip. Empty. He ducks down, and shouts into his radio for the ambush to start. Within a few seconds, the creatures are pushed into a small square, rendering escape to the sides impossible.

"Now! Push forward!" He shouts as he leaps over the barricade. Barns instantly follows suit, hopping over the barricade and hip firing with his weapon, slowly walking forward. Moore still kept his sight up, aiming at each creature, sure to place at least three bullets into each, as he had been trained to do.

"They're retreating! It's time! Adams, take the shot!" Adams closes his eyes and exhales. To his the right, five mare watch with curiosity. Opening one eye, Adams pulls the trigger and watches as the rocket launches high into the sky. From this distance, he can see his allies begin to fall back. He just sits there, watching the rocket launch higher and higher into the air. Suddenly, it dips, and Adams counts backward from three. Upon reaching 0, the rocket lands and blasts a fiery explosion. He smiles, and turns to the mares. The unicorns have their mouths hanging open, and their eyes are stretched to their limit. Fluttershy appears to be frightened, and is breathing heavily. Pinkie is stuck in mid air, gasping, and shaking, as though in shock at the sight. Rainbow has an amazed look.

"That... was... AWESOME!" She shouts as she leaps into the air, replaying the events that had just occurred. Adams chuckled. Pinkie finally falls to the ground and joins Rainbow in her praise, with each babbling on and on about how cool it was.

"Wow... that was... really something..." The one called Twilight says as she continues to stare wide eyed. Fluttershy just smiles nervously. Adams told her not be scared, that it was being used to help them. This seemed to calm her down, and she nodded. Adams smiled.