• Published 28th Mar 2019
  • 670 Views, 18 Comments

A Raven’s Quest - Chemtest

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—(Three days later)—

I step off the ramp of the ship landed in Romus Crete. Scootaloo follows beside me in her full power armor, and Louis on the other side, his diplomat robes on. There are no Orcs in the streets anymore, leaving a straight path to the palace.

We move through the doors, and move to the throne room. I nod at my two friends, “Alright, if I forget anything, remind me. Two days of studying isn’t a lot with so much to go though.” They both nod back, and we move through the large doors.

In the room a table is set up. Sitting in one chair is a man in purple robes with fur accents. Behind him is Dovahkin and a man in armor with red highlights.

I nod my head as I enter, and throw my hood off my head, “Emperor Mede, a pleasure. I am Lord Ravens Breath, although by your standards it would be Emperor Raven. I am so glad you could take the time to meet with me.”

He smiles, “It is a pleasure to meet you as well. It’s not everyday, or any day for that matter, that we hear of an empire in a different dimension. Please, call me Titus, and I shall call you Raven.”

I walk up to the table, and take a seat, “I’d be glad to call you that, Titus.”

He nods, “I must admit, your approach is quite unorthodox. Not usually does one bring their own guard when they visit with me.”

I smile, “Well, I heard you were a people that respected strength in arms. I figured bringing along our best doctor and our best flyer would make a good impression. Not to mention it means I have friends to back me up in case anyone decides to interrupt us.”

He motions to me, “I’d been informed by Dovahkin that you were a Necromancer, but I didn’t expect you to dress the part.”

I shrug, “It was a gift. I trust Dovahkin has filled you in about me?”

He nods, “Oh yes, he did. I might not wholly trust a Necromancer, but I trust Dovahkin. My life might’ve been made shorter by the Brotherhood if not for him and Maro. Our entire world would have been devoured if not for him.”

I lean forward a bit, “Speaking of world destruction, that brings up why I asked you here today. Before, I only wanted to express goodwill and possibly have a powerful ally. However, things have changed rapidly, and now the threat has become much greater than before. Even now our enemy slaughters entire towns singlehandedly and brings them back to follow him. His army grows with every day, adding creatures of all types to his army. Griffons, Minotaurs, Dragons, Changelings, Ponies. We predict that within a month, the last will fall, and all will be killed and brought back to serve him.”

He nods, and strokes his beard, “It sounds like a precarious situation. But how does this effect my Empire?”

I smile, “Dovahkin’s portal to your world. He will funnel his troops in and do the same to Tamriel. Just like the, what was it, Oblivion Crisis that almost ended your world?”

He silently nods, “We need proof that you will be able to pull your weight if we ally with you.”

I turn to Louis as he hands me a briefcase. I open it, and take out the schematics inside. I hand it to him, “This should prove it.”

He looks at it, and his jaw drops, “You can make something like this? It’s taller than ten giants!”

I nod and smile, “He is Unity Prime, the masterpiece of our best inventors.”

His eyes seem to dart to outside the window, and his demeanor changes quickly. He stuffs the schematics back, and slams the briefcase, “We will need time to think.”

I rise out of my chair as he gets up, “Wait, Titus! We have an army big and advanced enough to defeat the Aldmeri Dominion with you!”

He turns around, “We need time to think. Farewell, Emperor Raven.”

I can only stare defeated as he walks away.


I turn around to face the Emperor as soon as we step through the portal. I immediately begin to yell at him, “What the Oblivion was that!? ‘We need time to think’ my ass!”

He holds up a hand to stop me, “Did you not feel it, Dovahkin? Must not be practiced in the art of Restoration. There was a dark presence, surely the enemy we talked about. I had to hide the schematics for their machine and act like I wasn’t interested to fool him.”

My eyes widen, “What are you saying?”

He smiles, “We will help Emperor Raven against his enemy. Dovahkin, prepare for war. Call all the Guilds you can. Mages, Companions, Thieves, Boethiah, Strongholds, Jarls, Bards, Dawnguard, Solstheim, every warrior and every friend you have made. Force the Blades and Paarthurnax to work together. Call the Dragons and the Greybeards, the Soul Carrin, Rieklings. Prepare them to march as soon as the Imperial Army gets here.”