• Published 28th Mar 2019
  • 670 Views, 18 Comments

A Raven’s Quest - Chemtest

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”Onto the field of red,
Where the live fall and the dead rise.
Your mortality you shall shed,
And rage shall fill your eyes.”

We land on a field approaching the Crystal city. I continue to sing.

”So come along all who would.
Join the fight that you should.
The endless hordes of the Sparrow,
Shall turn this field into a barrow,
Shall drink from their marrow,
Shall strike like an arrow!”

The thousands of Jack’s shout out in joy.

”Now we reach the time
To unveil Unity Prime!
Manning the guns is Mass Offense!
And lasers by Loo, for air defense!”

The giant robot drops to the ground with it’s two gun pilots in their seats.

”Oh and the races of Drayden come together once more!
With Men, Elves, and Dwarves galore!
Come to help us in our greatest war!
And to bathe deeply in their enemies gore!”

The huge army belonging to the three races all cheer out as one. A rousing cry upon sight of the hundred foot robot.

”Oh and the clouds shall part from the sky!
Hail to the Empire of the glorious Pegasi!
Here to bathe us within the night,
So we may fight until we see the sun’s light!”

The ponies of the Wasteland all cheer as the sky opens itself for the first time in two hundred years. Pegasi pour out of the new wound in the cloud covering, their bodies encased within powerful armor, and their sides outfitted with all sorts of shiny crystal laser weapons.

”Smile upon your faces for all the blood
A pool of your enemy and of you shall flood!
Under a blood red moon
Painted by the guts we’ve strewn!”

I look up to the moon in the sky, and see it actually turn blood red. A beam of red light shines down onto the ground, where a tall pony appears. Wearing dark armor, with a blue glowing glaive at her side and a bow in her magical grasp. Her mane flows as she looks at me, “You call upon the Moon, and she shall answer! A time for blood to be shed is a time for the night to reign!”

I laugh madly as I continue my next verse.

”Oh the cracking of bones set such a beautiful tone!
The slicing of stomachs to be the bloodiest thing ever known!
For both our armies are quite large!
I order you all now, charge!”


I take a deep drink from a glass of wine, allowing it to fall through my bones and hit the ground below. Monstra walks into my room, “Beast, they’ve arrived.”

I let the glass fall to the ground from my magical grasp, “Then you are to kill them.”

He salutes me, “Gladly!”

He rushes out the door, and my army of bone rises to march out of the city. The Legion as well march to their death against Raven. Not like it matters, they will be brought back as my thralls.

I slowly float on over to the window, and look out of it. I see the outside casted in red, and a giant robot in the distance. I smile.

”The black wave raised against my fire,
His death shall be to slow, no matter how rushed.
Brought blind by his strong ire,
Doesn’t he know the destiny of all is to be crushed?”

I turn around.

”How blind is the bird to crash?
Yet he still thinks me the one to blame?
So his life shall be stolen in a flash,
Within the ignition of Ending’s Flame.”

I pick the glass up from the floor.

”A world destroyed by ignorant life.
A world of blood painted red.
The living cause so much strife,
The world will only find peace when it all is dead!”

I throw the glass on the floor, and stomp on it.

”No matter how hard you might try,
No matter how many it counts with it’s feather,
A crashed bird can never fly!
And a crashed bird he shall be as I force this world together!”

I spin around as the torches in my room light up, lighting my bones in a new red light.

”So they will burn in my deathly flame!
They dared to make me a pariah!
So I shall rip and maim!
And when they are back, I shall be their messiah!”

I spin all around, the fires all around me uniting into a sword of bone. I slam it into the ground, causing the palace of Crystal to erupt with the same blood red.

”Kill and slaughter, my children of bone!
The Raven who flies is doomed to fall!
Tear them down from their throne!
All are destined to become my thrall!”

I look out the window once more, and scream upon the sight of the races.

”It doesn’t matter who goes against me!
Man, Elf, Dwarf, or Pony!
Glorious death and flame, an empty world I see!
All shall turn and bend their knee!”

I collapse on the balcony, and stare out. I manage to see Raven among the crowd.

”It just doesn’t make sense.
Why does he care when we were attacked without ever having sinned?
I don’t care, it’s time for my revenge to be commenced!
It’s time for Edis’s words to be true, it’s time for the End!”


The Crystal Palace lights itself on fire as the legions of the enemy charge towards us.

I draw my scythe, growing into my death form.

I look around me to see all my friends and leaders watching their own troops with worry. But Unity Prime seems to be a force to inspire them.

I look at my neck as I see a green glow come from it. My Element pulls itself off my neck, and into the air. It’s glow become brighter and brighter until it seems to explode.

Energy fills me. Physical, mana, every type of energy. My empty eyes now seem to glow as well.

I raise my scythe into the air, green fire burning around it, “It is time for Unity!” I fly towards the enemy forces, “For Tel’la De Rus, for Tamriel, for Equestria!”

The ponies, men, dwarves, and elves beneath me charge faster, “For Equestria!”

Unity Primes head opens, and the horn within it sounds. Two voices shout into it, “For Equestria!”