• Published 28th Mar 2019
  • 670 Views, 18 Comments

A Raven’s Quest - Chemtest

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Dovahkin pours me a mug of mead, Ghorbash sent further into the castle. He takes his own mug, and downs a bit of it, “Ah, it’s been too long since I’ve wetted my tongue with mead. I may have a preposition towards grog, but mead is always pretty good.”

I smile, “I’ve always been more of a whiskey guy, myself.”

He looks over at me with a raised eyebrow, “Whiskey? Can’t say I’ve heard of it.” He takes another drag, “Now, onto the business at hand.”

I nod, “Yes, I suppose that would be the best course of action.”

Ghorbash comes back in, carrying something under his arm. He places it down on the table, revealing a large, purple book. It’s face is unscratched, and I can immediately feel the power of Edis on it. Dovahkin leans forward, “We have something you want, and you have something we want.”

I nod, and take Wuuthrad from inside my pocket dimension. I smile, “Your axe, I presume?”

He nods, “Give me Wuuthrad, and I will give you the book.”

I hand him his axe, and he slides the book over to me. I put it into a pocket dimension.

He takes his axe with a huge smile, and puts it on his back oncemore, “I suppose this will be goodbye, Raven.”

I tilt my head a bit, “What will you be doing from now on? Where will you go?”

They look to each other, and nod, “This isn’t our world, Raven. We’ve built a portal, and we plan to turn it on and return to Tamriel. We’ll take our Orcs with us, and never return. Nirn calls for our return, and we listen.”

I smile, “Then I bid you good luck on your journey back. However, if I may, can I get a favor?”

He turns back to look at me, “Yes?”

I nod, “Well, I remember you talking about Imperials, thus meaning there’s an Empire. Might I be able to hold talks with the Emperor?”

Dovahkin thinks for a bit, “It’s up to the Emperor, but I can try. We always need allies.”

I smile, “Very well then. I bid thee two the best farewell I can. You’ve served the Union with blood and sweat, and I appreciate your service. Speed of the Gods with you, Dovahkin. Keep on training, Ghorbash, you were very good.”

Ghorbash smiles a bit, “Goodbye, Lord Raven.”

Dovahkin smiles some more, “Perhaps you will stay for some food before we both depart?”

I shake my head, “No, sadly. I must be getting back to my ship.”

He nods in understanding, and breaks open the window for me. I spread my wings, and give the two of them a salute. They both return it, and I fly out of the window.

I speed up to my ship, and come in for a landing on the deck. As I land, the ship speeds off towards the east. I move up to the wheel, where Captain Jack is. I shout over the rushing winds, “Where are we going?!”

He points out into the distance, ”Trouble if I were to take a guess!”

I look in the distance, and see a flare flying through the air. Sombra, he must be in some deep shit. I shout at the Captain, “Full speed!”

He shouts on back, “Already at it, mate!”

As we rush towards the flare, I can hear two shouts from below.

”Nahl Dal Vus!”


We both walk down the cobbled path, the familiar stones giving us a rush of nostalgia. I turn to look at Ghorbash as he shivers, “You grow unaccustomed to Skyrim?”

His teeth click a bit more, and he looks on over, “You’ll have to forgive me, I’ve been living in a damned desert for two centuries, cold is now something old. Besides, it’s Evening Star! Even most Nords have the sense to stay inside during this horrid month.”

I smile at the cold, “Oh, come on, it hardens your skin.”

He smiles, “I have armor to do that for me.”

We walk up to the gates of Solitude, where the two guards at the gate open it up for us, “Dragonborn, it’s been a while since anyone’s seen you. Hadvar should certainly be happy.”

I smile at the guard as we enter, “Glad to be back.”

He smiles on back, and nods, “Just remember sir: no lollygagging.”

I nod, “I’ll make sure to not steal any sweetrolls either.”

We make it into Solitude, and walk through the snow filled streets. The only soul other than us on the road is the homeless man outside the tavern. He smiles as we walk past, “Welcome back. May the ground shake as you walk upon it.”

I nod on back to the Nord, and continue on to the Keep. I push open the doors to the tower, and Hadvar waits inside.

He smiles as I approach, “Dovahkin, Ghorbash, it’s been months! What do you need?”

I smile, “We wish to speak to the Emperor.”

Hadvar nods, “Well, your in luck then. He’s just arrived for the wedding.”

I nod, “Thanks, Hadvar.”