• Published 28th Mar 2019
  • 670 Views, 18 Comments

A Raven’s Quest - Chemtest

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New Life

We walk into the town’s center building, presumably the town hall. I’m led into a room with a lot of chairs set up, and Brass motions for me to sit. He and his friends do the same, but Mass Offense prefers to stand in the corner of the room. The skeleton starts it off, “I apologize for our hostility and paranoia, we’ve had a rough time. Defending attacks from the Enclave, hunting down the new raiders in the west, and now Celestia’s Legion declaring war on us. It’s caused us to grow worried.”

I nod, “I can understand perfectly. There’ve been many days where I’ve been more paranoid and hostile for less of a reason.”

The skeleton smiles, “We’ve yet to introduce ourselves, aren't we? Let me make that up. I am Rattle, pleasure to meet you.”

The pony with the revolver reaches over to shake my hoof, “My name’s Hunter, sorry for our lack of hospitality. But, you can never be too cautious in this forsaken land.”

The mare smiles, “I’m sure you already know who I and my brother are.”

I nod, “Shield and Shot of the family Sure, right?”

They both nod. Brass turns his frown into a more neutral look, “My name used to be Hard Brass. Call me Brass, please.”

The name rings a bell, “Brass? Like Sturdy Brass?”

The name peaks his interest, “Yes, that is my great grandfather’s name. I know he was an Overstallion of our old Stable. What of him?”

I smile, “How odd that is, to meet the descendent of the judge who ruled in my favor. In a nuclear wasteland no less. Your great grandfather was the judge overlooking our case against Celestia.”

He smirks, “Really? How odd indeed. But, introductions still.”

Hail nods, “I am Paladin Bullet Hail. I may no longer be a Ranger, but if Elder Offense trusts you, I do as well.”

The jittery stallion smiles slightly, “Long Fuse.”

I turn to face the final member, the pegasus stallion. He looks at me dead in the eye, “I question weather you are who you say you are. Tell me, what do you think of Democracy?”

I smile, “I remember that idea. Sombra and Pinkie thought up the government that would cause the most joy for our people. They came up with the idea that ponies could elect a King and their Council to represent the ideals of the common pony instead of the higher nobles. If there was anywhere it could work, it would be the Union. A House of the Hives, a House of the Three, a House of Crystal, and the Supreme Ministry of the Elements all of which would come together to elect a King or Queen of common interest. It is an idea I would wish to test out, but never could due to the war and the need for a strong leader in Luna’s absense. It would be an idea I would wish to test, but it would require a stable country and a sense of unity. The only way to get that nowadays is to unite the land under a strong leader. My current feudal leadership is just a stepping stone to achieve the foundation required for Democracy. It can be seen by the turn of history that monarchies have failed and a new idea must take their place.”

The pegasus nods, “Very well then. Your knowledge of Democracy and your support for it is enough for me to trust you are who you say you are. My name is Light Beam, previous citizen of the Enclave until my support for Democracy got me kicked out and a bounty on my head.” He nods over to Fuse, “Just like him over there. He was a slave for Celestia’s Legion, And was hunted down after he escaped.”

Rattle takes over, “Yes, I suppose we should tell him of the events that have recently transpired. Emundans Victor Terra of Celestia’s Legion hunted us down in pursuit of Fuse. General Autismo of the Enclave also hunted us down for Beam. It all culminated with a fight between all three parties soon after freeing you, where we all died. But, we were brought back by some monstrosity, which Brass promptly dissolved. We arrived back to the town, and it’s been a month since that all happened. But, just yesterday, the new Princeps Saeva of Celestia’s Legion, named Monstra Saeva declared war on us. It’s been a tense day because of that.”

I smile, “Well then, I have a solution for you. A deal.”

Brass speaks up now, “Do not think you can make us trade away our freedom for anything.”

I shake my head, “No, I ask of you to only trade out the flags on your walls. Join the Confederation of Harmony. We seek to reunite the lands of Equestria and bring back the glory of our old Union. Already we have Elder Mass Offense and the Rangers joined in, along with Officer Loo and the Enclave, Captain Jack Sparrow and his clones, Peral and the Boomers, I and the Elements. I would be honored if we could add New Life to that list. So that we may bring about a golden age never before seen, and rise out of the dust of the Wasteland! A step closer to Democracy and Unity from such utter destruction! You would get our protections and have to follow our laws, but your town will still be largely independent. You may call upon us at any time, and we will call upon you.”

Brass leans back in thought, “And what’s the catch?”

I smile and lean back similarly, “The only thing I ask for is your piece of the Totem of Purity.”

He slightly nods, “Alright then, we accept the deal. Only problem is, I have no idea what your Totem looks like.”

Shot speaks up from her side of the table, “Well, there is that statue we found. It might be what he’s looking for.”

Brass scratches his chin on the spikes of his knuckle, “I suppose it’s worth a try. Follow me, it’s in the next room over.”

We both stand, and walk into the next room. Hail comes with Brass, and Mass Offense trails behind me. Brass opens the door, letting us all in. Then, he turns on the light, revealing a large stone statue in the middle of the room.

My eyes instantly recognize his form. He stands as tall as I would be in Reaper form, much taller than even Mass Offense, his bipedal stance natural. His robes flow much more naturally than any statue should be able to capture. His eyes are looking down at his right hand, a smile of smug satisfaction on his face like always. His hair that usually goes down to his shoulders now flows in the wind behind him. His left hand is clasped around a chalice that is no longer there. And the magic inside the statue is natural and organic, still holding the power he once held.

His smile seems to be towards me, like he knew it’d be here when I saw him. It’s the face of someone who’s won a long fought argument, smug and very satisfied. I stare right back into his eyes, “Edis, God of Endings. Of corse you followe me here. You told me what would happen to Tel’la De Rus. You were right in the end.”